Rating:  Summary: Undeniably visually accompished, but morally gruesome Review: You can't deny that the way David Fincher depicts the city in his groundbreaking 1995 film SE7EN is both ingenious and seminal: never before had anyone shone a city that looked quite this rainy, quite this claustrophobic, or quite this dark. The credit sequence, in particular, is a little masterpiece of horror, with the murderer's precise handwriting superimposed over photographs of his murders while loud rock music plays.In terms of storyline, however, the movie is little more than horrorshow straight out of the Grand Guignol. The claims that the depiction of violence in the film are "realistic" are nothing short of absurd: unfrotunately for moviemakers serial killers usually keep to the same means of dispatching their victims, but this film (as with others of its period) suggest instead they strain their imaginations to come up with neato ways of offing their victims. Each murder in succession is presented as outdoing the last in gruesome creativity, as if you're supposed to say after each one, "Oooh, that's a cool way to torture someone to death!" as if you were a particularly bloodyminded teenage boy. There's something really creepy about being maneuvered into this position as a viewer that makes you glad that serial killer films like this one went largely out of fashion after the Nineties.
Rating:  Summary: yeah it's that good Review: when you see a realistic movie you know it's good. i liked this movie to every extent. it's a likeable movie.
Rating:  Summary: a masterpiece!! Review: like most of the films I see there are some that grab my attention and this is one of them. it's number 3 on my top 10 list. Se7en is a well made thriller with gut churning twists and turns that catapoltes you into the mind blowing end. Freeman is superb and Pitt's performance is key here with his character wanting to take this killer down. Paltrow is also good as Pitt's wife. the end with her head in the box is really a stomach twister. and who better to fit the shoes of the killer then the ever so talented Kevin Spacey who delivers again another brillant but short performance. the killings are gruesome and the knots in your stomach will stay. David Fincher creates a masterwork
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Spin on the Seven Deadly Sins Review: Despite being an unnerving, gruesome, and at times, twisted film, Se7en directed by David Fincher takes an accurate look at today's society. Granted, everything has been amplified, but by the end of the movie, you can clearly see a message being put forth to the viewer, and that is, the world that we live in is dark, disturbing, and full of sin. Se7en, which was made in 1995, takes place in a crime-ridden district, where a fresh-face detective by the name of Mills (Brad Pitt) has just arrived and been paired with Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman), who is on the verge of retirement. Although wise-mouthed and impatient, Mills' outlook on things is quite bright, while Somerset's is pessimistic, which quickly leads to a clash in styles. Right off the bat, the duo is assigned to check out a murder where an obese man has apparently been forced to eat himself to death. At first, it seems to be just an unusual murder, but Somerset soon sees a pattern being formed, following the murder of a high-powered lawyer, whose blood was used to write "Greed" on the floor of his office. Somerset catches on that these two murders were based after two of the seven deadly sins, with the obese man's sin being gluttony, and the lawyer's, of course being greed. Murders based on other deadly sins such as sloth and lust soon follow, with each one not being for the faint of heart, even though in each case, the victim is already dead when we finally see them. Somerset concludes that the serial killer is using these murders to preach his sermon, and a small game of cat and mouse between the detectives and the killer ensues. The mood of Se7en is projected nicely through its look; it's dark and gloomy, even indoors, colors with even a hint of brightness in them are used sparingly, and it's usually raining outside. One dynamic that most people are sure to notice is the film's intelligent and unique dialogue, which can be credited to the film's writer, Andrew Kevin Walker, who didn't "dumb down" any of the film's dialogue. The key characters in Se7en were well cast, with Pitt doing a fine job as the well-meaning but at times naïve detective, and Freeman excelling in his role as the "seen it all" detective. Gwyneth Paltrow plays Tracy, Mills' wife and is effective in the role, despite being seen infrequently throughout the film. One of the more unique aspects of Se7en is that the killer makes his first appearance near the end, and provides a thought provoking little speech explaining his motive behind the murders. This is really a strong element, when you take a look at so many other movies that feature a murderer who is killing for no apparent reason (or whose reason for killing is quite lackluster). To some, the ending may seem unsatisfying, but in my eyes, it just sent home the film's message via a cruel twist. Overall, Se7en will have you on the edge of your seat for two hours, but unlike other films that do that; this one will provoke your mind, leaving you full of thoughts at its conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!!! Review: I like this film very much! It shows how evil man is. All the seven deadly sins is showed by a man. This film sets a question: Who is really a crazy person? The actors are superb!!! This is a great story!
Rating:  Summary: not a wannabe, better than silence of the lambs Review: silence of the lambs is a great movie dont get me wrong but this movie is so much better. morgan freeman is always good but i just want to say that brad pitt is an awesome actor. hes good in this movie great in fight club good in all his other stuuff and almost steals true romance wit the small part that he has. stylish and unsettling wit not that much on screeen violence david finchers best.
Rating:  Summary: Dark, Depressing, Amazing Review: This is a terriffic movie. The end was like no end to a movie I have ever seen. I could not wait to see how Kevin Spacy would punish his next "sinner". Mogen Freeman, like all his other movies, was terriffic. Brad Pitt also played one hell of a cop. In short all the actors where great. The dircting was also terriffic.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling Review: Despite and ending which becomes all too apparent from the start, this movie is an excellent example of how good direction can really turn a movie around. Unforgiving and bloody everything in the movie is as down to earth and realistic as it could be, given its setting. There are no unanswered questions like 'Why'd he do it that way?' or 'Is the detective so stupid' an so on that usually plague movies of this genre. Simply put, if you want a feel good movie stay away. Else hop on abroad.
Rating:  Summary: Ooooohhh, this is groundbreaking! Review: This thriller starts intriguingly: two detectives (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) are trying to solve a murder in which they notice the word "gluttony" written on the wall. The day after, another kill, this time with the word "greed" makes them think about the seven deadly sins and five more assassinates to be done. That week will affect these two people in a big way. It develops the connection between them. Pitt's character is younger and more impatient, something not appreciated by the other, who is going to retire after this affair. Gwyneth Paltrow also stars in with the portrayal of Pitt's wife. She always seems miserable and worried about her husband. The menace of the freak is over all the time. This movie fascinated me so, quite more than Fight Club (although you should aso take a look to this other one). First of all, I think the plot is perfect: a murderer obsession about bad people and punishing them by each capital sin they accomplish. I liked a lot this character, quite well performed by Kevin Spacey, because of his sordid behaviour. Besides, the two detectives will find many surprises, like for example, spectacles drawn on a portrait or the awful vision of a man trapped so long with nothing to eat, but his own tongue!. Fincher's brilliant direction gives a sorrowful view of life, because of all these terrible killings and the feeling that all the bad is always present. Despite what Freeman says at the end, when I finished watching this movie, it gave me the impression that the world is a dark and suffering place,. However, in my opinion, it's one of the best thrillers ever created, and if you like this genre, you MUST buy it. My favourite scene is the final one of the tense conversation with the freak and the painful end, it's wonderfully good! The ending credits will show first who ended up winning.
Rating:  Summary: Can't give more then 5 stars :( Review: Quite possibly the best movie I ever saw. ... just saw this movie again on bbc it's been 2 years or so since I last saw it, it hasn't lost any of it's mood (and movies usually do for me after seeing it more then once/twice) or it's suspence. I always love movies that keep both sides interesting. Movies containing murder tend to make the maniac exactly that, ow yeah they try to make him sound intelligent but they usually fail miserably and fall into the silent whisper/calm voice routine, Spacey takes this to a whole new level actually admitting his mistake and getting pissed off at some point. Appart from the exceptional acting and the interesting and usually "loaded" dialogue the plot is the real masterpiece of this movie, I am not a religious person, but I identify with the killer a lot more then I do with the detectives allthough they stay interesting. Anyway, I recommend this movie to everyone