Rating:  Summary: Mothman Prophecies Missed the Point. Review: After anxiously waiting several years, we pondered over the fact that we knew that the movie would just not live up to the book itself. (They never do right?) While the movie wasn't bad, it just missed so much as to what the original book itself had expressed and meant at least to us back then. The whole of the book was lost somewhere among their focus to introduce the mothmen to the general public. As I recall, right from the beginning the thing that was most stamped upon our minds was the episode of the humongous orange ball in the sky that explodes and from within it emerge thousands of pyrotechnic displays or just what were they?...I really can't say. Anyway, the whole point was how these sightings of mothmen, men in black, ufo's and other unknowns that take on forms of animals and other imaginationings 'inter-relate'. These other occurrences were deliberately left idle while the movie focuses on whether or not the people were going to accept what they saw and who the mothmen were. Maybe it's just my own interpretation, but I think the movie missed it's best opportunity of the decade by leaving the backbone of the book on the sidelines as usual.
Rating:  Summary: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES Review: Richard Gere plays Washington Post writer John Klein who's wife Mary Klein, played by Debra Messing, suddenly sees a strange creature and gets in a car accident. A few days later she dies of a suposed brain tumbor, which plagues John's mind still two years later. Suddenly John ends up in a small West Virginia town called "Point Pleasent", which at the moment is being plagued itself by numerous sightings of a so called "Moth Man", a creature that looks to be half man and half moth. Slowly John is drawn into the sightings, trying to figure what is going on, and in the process falls in love with a local police officer, played by Laura Linney."THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES" is based on true events that happened in Point Pleasent, West Virginia in 1966 - 1967, obviously the film is updated to these times to make a bit more modern. The tone of the film stays in the same tone throughout the film, with all the intensity and drama at an always high. All the cast give great performances, especially Debra Messing who has the smallest role in the film. The film has been dubbed a thriller but with all its creepy moments and its terrifying climax, I can assure you the film is nothing but horrifying. Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Eerie and Thought Provoking Review: Newspaper and Online movie critic reviews for this film range from suspenseful and intelligent to messy and confusing. To those who found it confusing: did you actually watch the movie? There are startling, unforgettable scenes, an interesting storyline and it was not at all confusing to me or my 15-year-old son. His interest in this legend is why we went and I'm very glad I saw it. It's not for young childen, but teens and adults should find it entertaining and thought provoking.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, foreshadowing overdone. Review: The Mothman Prophecies in general was a good movie. Richard Gere does a wonderful job in the portrail of the main character, though his emotions are somewhat odd occasionally. The thing which impressed me the most with this movie was the cinematography. The camera angles and seemingly random use of special effects adds greatly to the overall atmosphere of the film. The suspenseful moments were accentuated by the eerie camera angles, as well as some unorthodox "modern art" shots that bring out the emotion and mood of the scene. Sound design, as well was wonderfully done, in most cases doing away with the traditional "Screaming violins" in suspense situations. As for genuine fear value, the Mothman Prophecies actually had me frightned for a while, which is extremely rare in moden movies. The traditional shock scares are present, as with all horror movies, however they were rare and tastefully done. In one instance, for example, I believe that I was the only person who did not flinch or scream; You could actually feel a rush of air as every individual in the theatre gasped en mass. --POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING AHEAD-- The only negative point to this movie was the over-use of foreshadowing. Very early in the movie, I had determined the nature of the final climax due to an unfortunate shot of the structure in question. Furthermore, the precognitions having to do with the climax were too well-explained to not reveal the plot to most movie-goers. --END POSSIBLE SPOILER WANRING--. Overall, The Mothman Prophecies is a very well-done film, reccomended to anyone who does not have a heart condition and enjoys a good dose of "strange happenings".
Rating:  Summary: An Adult Thriller/Mystery Movie Review: I'm a 36 year old guy who is not much of scary-movie fan at all so, based on the previews for "The Mothman Prophecies", I figured I was going to be scared out my wits and probably grossed out at some point. Much to my surprise, this was not the case at all here. I enjoyed this flick a fair amount, including the few times I nearly jumped out of my skin during surprise scenes! This is generally tends to be a thinking person's thriller/suspense type movie. It has overtones of the 'X-Files' television series everywhere. You are kept thouroughly off kilter by events and unsure of what the threat exactly is much like in Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1987 movie "Predator". I'm generally not much of a Richard Gere fan but, he did a great job here along with all the other actors and actresses. The angles used and editing combined with superb suspense building music is masterful. There is no blood and gore, just a lot of mystery and intensity leading up to a decent, but not superb ending. Give it a try whether you are young or older, male or female, scary movie fan or not. It is not an "A" list movie to see, but certainly a better "B" list flick.
Rating:  Summary: "My Name Is Indrid Cold......" Review: The best sci-fi film I have seen in years. The Mothman Prophecies does not go for those cheap "boo scares"like so many movies today. It is one of a few movies that actually have a plot. John Klein(Richard Gere) is a successful Washington Post reporter with the perfect life and a beutiful wife. One day, while house-hunting, his wife sees something coming at the car. This is the clearest shot we get of the mothman in the entire movie. His wife swerves and her head slams against the drivers seat window. Later, she is diagnosed with a brain tumor. It's terminal. After she dies, John discovers some drawings she has sketched of a screaming angel(thats what it honostly looks like to me). 2 years later, John has buiried himself in his work and is very lonely. He heas a meeting with the governer in Charelston, Virginia. But he ends up four hundred miles from his destination, and arrives in Point Pleasant, WV. And something has been waiting for him...... I won't give any further details away, but take my advice and run, no, flock to see this movie. And listen for one of the most memeorable lines in film history that this movie will soon be famous for. "My name is Indrid Cold..."
Rating:  Summary: pretty scary ! Review: I'm anxious to see this movie: "The Mothman Prophecies" when it comes out ! looks kinda creepy if ya ask me . But I wonder if this actually is a TRUE story as they say . There are some things I believe in such as U.F.O.'s etc. but I'm not too sure if this could be a real creature . Sounds alot like Big-Foot or the Loch-ness monster . However, there have been alot of people saying that they've seen this creature(or should i say "it") called the "Mothman" . Possibly could be another never-before discovered animal maybe or somethin like that . Maybe I should just go see the movie to find out more about this story .
Rating:  Summary: Very, very creepy... Review: This was a pretty good movie, the kind that makes you think for hours afterwards about all the stuff you just sort of got a glimpse of. It's also scary and creepy, which is good. The only downfall was that it was a wee-bit long, but other than that it had solid performances from all involved.
Rating:  Summary: chilling, eerie, and wonderfully done Review: I caught this film at a sneak preview (the film won't be out until 3 days from now in my area), and I got to tell you I was very impressed. I have seen almost every horro/supernatural film, and I like to say I can predict them all very easily. The movie challenged me. I had no clue what was going to happen. Richard Gere and Laura Linney (who were so great together in "Primal Fear"), have great chemistry on screen, and it was a joy to see the two of them together again. Richard Gere plays a Washington Post journalist who, after getting in an accident with his wife, finds his life turned upside down. Winding up in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he encounters a man who claims (well, I don't want to ruin the surprise). Staying in town to research the strange claims that the locals have made, he finds an ally in local cop (Linney) who explains that for the past couple of months, "strange things have been happening", with even the most upstanding citizen claiming to have seen "something". The film puts you off kilter with its eerie shots, dark nights, and even the ringing of the telephone is enough to put your nerves on edge, because you know something strange is going on, but what is it? The climax of the film was very intense, and I found myself with my knees drawn up to my chin (thank God for stadium seating). If you want to see a different type of thriller that focuses more on story and atmosphere than blood and gore, then go see "The Mothman Prophecies"
Rating:  Summary: Tres Cool Review: You like the paranormal, ghosts or any of that stuff - you will love this!! It is hip, modern and spooky without all the violence and gore. Best part about it is that it is derived from documented events. The music is right on the edge and the sound is superb. Also it is a great break for Richard Gere, something different and cool - and he is perfect for the role. Hope it does well at the box office.