Rating:  Summary: freaked out! Review: This was about the scariest, freakiest, movie I have ever seen in my life. The whole story was so scary that every scary seen i would jump out of my seet and scream. Richard Gere was amaizing. I dont think anyone else could have done a better job. The scariest seen i have to say was when he woke up and saw his wife in his bed. I almost jumped into my friends seet. I would not recomend this movie for people under 12 because of scary seens. I hate moths now!
Rating:  Summary: Bitter Review: The producers might have got away with this picture if it had been only 90 minutes long and lacking the most disastrous direction in living memory. It had mostly terrible reviews. So why did I go and see it? Not for Gere, that's for sure. Remember when they used to make films like 'Gone With The Wind', 'The Great Escape' and 'The Big Country'? Nowadays, you get two hours of Richard Gere blinking. No wonder he missed the Mothman. At one point he starts to blink very slowly as if disbelieving the script which, although allegedly possessing a far greater intelligence than the average moth, he mysteriously signed up to. We also get to see the full range of Gere mannerisms. The puckering of the lips. The breathing in and the flicking back of the head. Then the blinks. No, Gere isn't the reason and I have no love for Moths, either. I went to the wardrobe recently and found all my jumpers full of holes. So why pay money to see more of the little bastards? Well, I'm not a bitter man. No, really, I'M-NOT-A-BITTER-MAN! The motive was not revenge as you never get to see the vindictive, cowardly runts anyway. I admit the real reason is pettiness and gross moral turpitude. I wanted to see someone else suffer the way I have suffered and get their cardigan chomped, preferably an American. They have it too good over there. Well, not so good as it turns out. So I'm sitting there in the cinema waiting for some nice jumpers to show up and sure enough Gere is soon wearing a very fetching blue one. Looks expensive, too. A twisted grin crossed my face. Go on, Mothman, sick him - SICK HIM! But sadly, no. This moth crashes cars, sends cryptic mail and makes crank phone calls but not one jumper is munched. Great, I pay good money to see two hours of Gere blinking and the world's biggest slacker moth. I'm not a bitter man. Point Pleasant is well named, though. A courting couple in a car get down to some back seat action when suddenly "something happened that we don't understand." By those flashing lights, It looks to me like you both experienced an organism. I read about them once in a medical journal. Unfortunately for him, Gere does not experience an organism. He walks around a lot, goes through doors, gets a cup of coffee. Damn fine coffee, but no organism. He also gets some peculiar phone calls from a chap called Indrig Cold that give him the heebie-jeebies and much scratching of the head. To get the message he should have read between the lines of that name. Insufferably Naff Direction Rambling Incoherent Gere Can Only Lead Down. Unless I misheard and his name was Indrid in which case, panic over. Well, not really over because Gere meets an odd man who nearly blows his head off on first acquaintance, but turns out to be really quite sweet in the end. This man is later seen sitting in his car and having similar flashes experienced by that courting couple. Is he having one of those organisms too? Or several, by the look of it? How does he manage it with both hands on the steering wheel? Dodgy suspension, perhaps? It's another deep mystery that Gere must uncover about the small town he accidently finds himself stranded in. So he consults a parapsychologist called Leek. After nearly two hours of plodding, wobbly movie I felt the need for one myself. The town cop is gorgeous, though. Do she and Gere get it together for a few more flashing organisms or will she reject him in favour of a bit of moth diving? Either way, I'm definately going to get a speeding ticket driving through Point Pleasant just to meet her and I know for a fact that I will. Just after I found my eaten jumpers, the phone went and someone asked for me by name. I was immediately suspicious as it's usually a wrong number asking for a massage parlour. It's the mothman, I tell you, and he wants me to go to Point Pleasant, although sadly without a nice warm wooly jumper. But I'm not a bitter man. I also prophesise that all you groovy moths out there will love the end title music of this film. I like it so much I'm generously giving 'The Mothman Prophecies' a star. That's just how not bitter I am with you guys. By the looks of this film you're all a hell of a lot bigger than me, for starters.
Rating:  Summary: Let's talk about some scary stuff! Review: I didnt think this movie was going to be so good. The only reason i went to see this movie is because the person I was with had seen everything else. So we get into the theater and i'm jumping and gasping, which is odd because most "scary" movies really are not scary. But this was a great movie
Rating:  Summary: The best real scary movie Review: This was an awsome movie. I recomend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good scare everyonce in a while.It is not a movie for those who scare easily. its an on the edge of your seat thriller. and if you were smart you would take along a friend.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film. Review: This is such a great film that actually is entertaining for two hours and 15 minutes. Those who would compare this movie to the actual events in Point Pleasant obviously need to realize that this is a MOVIE and not a documentary. This horror movie actually breaks out of having a score comprised of annoying rock bands and encompasses the more subtlety of the unseen on screen. I would rank this along the same lines as The Sixth Sense, The Changeling, and The Others.
Rating:  Summary: The Mothman Prophecies Review: I liked the movie and the actors played their parts well. The background music fit the film well. I was a little disappointed that it did not follow the details set out in the book. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had not read the book first.
Rating:  Summary: Definately see it once Review: This movie was all atmosphere...I don't think there was a drop of gore in it. It was a wild ride, and I reccomend you see it once...but I don't know if you'll want to watch it again. The trailers were a lot better. The movie reminded me of a long episode of The X-Files, complete with the open ending. I just wanted more out of this movie, because the buildup was so killer.Oh yeah...and YOU NEVER SEE THE MONSTER. Just be warned. And there are a lot of cool cheap scares.
Rating:  Summary: Tedious. Review: A film based on the premise that leftover primative deities interfere with the inhabitants of Small Town USA sounds creepy enough, but The Mothman Prophecies comes rather short of that potential. I can name the two people most responsible for this: Richard Gere and the film's editor, whoever that was. I will probably scandalize many a "People's Sexiest Man Alive" fans by saying that Gere was too old for the part of Washington Post reporter John Kline, which practically screamed for a younger, hipper actor. Think wide-eyed first season Fox Mulder, who Gere is obviously failing to immitate (he looks confused rather than frightened). And through a serious lack of editing even the most climactic sceenes in this film were not suspenseful, but tedious. The television comercial was scarier, the one with the creepy voice saying "Ch-ch-chapstick!!" I had to bite my coatsleeve so as not to yell at the bridge to hurry up and collapse... This movie was clearly trying to appeal to the MTV audience with its flashy opening credits and honestly hip tomandandy score, but even members of the pre-Ritalin generation will be yawning long before the credits roll.
Rating:  Summary: The Review: Remember when that altogether pre Blair Witch Project movie, "Amityvillve Horror" was released? I can recall the sheer fright I had as a little boy, just knowing that my parents were soon to announce we were up and moving to Amityvillve. I didn't fear Jason or Freddie Krugar, after all this was just fiction. But you better believe I would never get near that house. Well, in "Mothman Prophesy" you see a modern day Amitvillve Horror. The plot is jumbled at times, the true to life story certainly sensationalized, but never the less the very threat that such a story could be true gives the movie its punch. Without giving away too much, I did find the concept of paranormality and precognition to be believable, and the tension in the flick to be real. Still, I think the movie would have been best served if it did not feature Richard Gere and several other note-worthies. Overall it is worth the watch, but I would recommend renting it at home on a dark, dreary day. Perhaps when you are alone and most susceptible to believing that it very well could be your house that is haunted next. I'll rasie one glass of beer, but not two, to "The Mothman Prophesies."
Rating:  Summary: A Classic you can see NOW! Review: Intelligent movie goers who are looking for more that monsters and mayhem will understand that this motion picture rather realistically reflects what happens when someone like John Keel or myself go deep into an investigation. One emerges with no easy (Hollywood) answers, but more mysteries to explore. This Mark Pellington movie will be a much-discussed classic in years to come - which you can see on a big screen right now. Allow yourself to take the journey, before your local theater chases Mothman away, and we have to wait for the DVD/video.