Rating:  Summary: Chilling Review: When a group of teenagers ... yes, that's what I thought too, but wait - it's not a teenage slasher film. This foursome of teenagers watch a tape in a cabin in a hideaway retreat. A week later they all die in seemingly unrelated accidents. When the bereaved mother of one of the children asks her sister (the child's aunt) to investigate, the reporter makes short work of finding out about the tape and watching it. As she investigates, she quickly comes to realize that there is truly something special about this tape and that the clock is ticking. She has seven days to find some way to avert her death as well as that of her videographer ex-husband whose aid she had enlisted in determining the origin of the tape and that of their son. Their only hope is in deciphering the meaning of the tape and carrying out its cryptic message. Superb acting, fast plot advancement and great plot twists make this an enjoyable movie for a cold, dark night.
Rating:  Summary: Ring is scary, and only PG-13? Review: Ring is one of the creepiest movies. Its about a video that kills you in 7 days if you watch it. I dont wanna ruin the movie so i'll just say the end is scary!!!!!!!!! And this movie is only PG-13. Wow. You gotta see this movie, well if you havn't.
Rating:  Summary: Best Horror film of recent years Review: Don't let people tell you Scream was a good horror film. This is one of the VERY FEW good horror films of the last few years. The only other decent one was Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake) which comes out on DVD March 2004. Ringu, the original of this movie, is no where near as good as this one. Don't listen to what other people say. If you want a good horror film, get the Hollywood one (this one) and get it now because you're not gonna regret it. Save up for Texas Chainsaw as well.
Rating:  Summary: This is True Psycological Horror Review: This rendition of the Japanese movie, "Ringu", is a breath of fresh air! It is a true example of a psycological thriller edging into horror. The kind that made Hitchcock's movies so great, making the need for gore almost nonexistant. It makes for a good film, if the hell can be scared out of you, without the "teen slasher" method of film-making we have seen for the past twenty+ years. The story is a fresh concept as well, unlike the much hackneyed vampire and dead-ghoul genre. These films are hard to come by today with the violence and gore that has been the mainstay of American horror for so long. This movie isn't a Hitchcock, but savor it none the less as it is a good example of how to do this type of film right!
Rating:  Summary: Spine-Tingling Suspense Review: Gore Verbinski has created a great spine-tingling suspense film. With "The Mexican" with Brad Pitt & Julia Roberts & "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Johnny Depp, he's shown great directorial versatility. Bojan Bazelli's cinematography is also excellent, as this is a visually handsome film. Naomi Watts does a good job as Rachel Keller working her way through this mystery. Martin Henderson who is currently in theatres with "Torque" does a great job as the sensitive hunk Noah. David Dorfman who was in "Bounce" with Ben Affleck & Gweneth Paltrow turns in a spooky minimalist performance as the son Aidan. Both Watts & Dorfman should be back for "Ring 2." Brian Cox does a good job as Richard Morgan who is so distraught that he electrocutes himself. (Since he won't be back for R2; it's a good thing for him that they're doing a second "Bourne Identity"!) Amber Tamblyn from the "Joan of Arcadia" series on TV does a brief but good job at the beginning of the film as the frightened teen. Ehren Kruger, whose "Arlington Road" screenplay was very good, does a good job in building the suspense. Jane Alexander is always excellent, but I had to strain to see her with grey hair! I didn't know if the part of Samara really worked for me. Having a child be the force of evil is a bit hard to accept. The scene on the ferry with the horse was thoroughly engrossing. I didn't see the Japanese "Ringu" on which this was based or the Japanese or Korean sequels, but I did find myself having lots of goosebumps from the Ring! BOO!
Rating:  Summary: A Suspenseful Thriller with all the tricks Review: Not since "The Exorcist" has anything been able to successful gross me out and scare the pants off of me both at the same time. Ironically, however, this movie did not live up to my expectations, but I still gave it a five because of how successfully the actors are able to drive the storyline forward. I really was expecting a good scare...however, it seemed more like suspense that was the fear for it. I think the whole, "is it going to happen or not?" type of feeling is what really kept the whole fear factor into it, and that's what is really remarkable about it. Unfortuantly, for me, I watched this movie *alone* and *at night* in a *dark room*, and when it was all over, I was afraid that the little girl would be hiding somewhere in the shadows of the room and when a friend of mine suddenly walked in on me I nearly screamed right there (which is actually a really good thing, because it shows just how much the movie can really get to you. I'm not the type of person who gets scared easily so I'm assuming this is a really good thing going for the movie)! Unlike most people I know, I really enjoyed the entire "fear factor" of it all and especially the disturbing images of the little girl walking out of the well...it's enough to make you want to pee in your pants. Unfortuantly, however, unlike other cheap horror movies, there really wasn't as much of a fear-like atmosphere associated with it, more of a suspenseful type. Over all, I highly recommened this movie to mature audiances and people who can sit still long enough to let the slow beginnings take you away to the breathless ending that'll leave you shocked.
Rating:  Summary: 'The Ring' rocks! Review: Man, I thought there was never going to be a movie that scared me, but I was wrong.This movie The Ring scared my pants off! I give it 5 out of 5.It was a great movie.There's just so much scariness and you can see the actual tape! You see it by pressing 6 and then press play.I want you to do this and see scary stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Make Sure You Disconnect Your Phone While Watching This Film Review: The Ring, a roller coaster of a movie. Just when you think you know whats gonna happen your wrong. Dont under estimate the scariness, of this movie. Trust me it may not seem scary until the very end. Some of the thoughts that it drives into your head, the disturbing images it displays. It also can give people a paranoia about telephones. This movie is definately not for children, do not let any of your kids watch it if you dont think that they are ready. The age that I suggest would probably 15. I was 13 when I watched it and trust me, it scared the hell out of me. I'm fifteen now and its not as scary but still scary and still very good.The movie starts with two teen girls that are at a sleep over together and when one girl brings up a conversation about a tape that kills you the other girl says she watched it. At first it is a joke but when it comes down to it she wasn't lying and she gets killed. It turns out that Naomi Watts is her aunt and the mother of the girl asks her to find out what is going on. Naomi unwillingly accepts, she starts to investigate. It turns out that her niece's boyfriend died at the same time. So Naomi begins to ask around where the girl had been. When all of her sources lead her to a roadside cabin motel she puts her life in danger by watching the same tape. They have seven days to live. She shows one person the tape, her ex-boyfriend. They decide to find out what it is all about. They trace the tape all the way back to where was made and try to stop the tape from killing people and find out why it was made. They find out the little girl that is in the tape is the one killing every one. So they try to calm the spirit and put it to rest but this spirit can't be put to rest. And they have a few hours left...
Rating:  Summary: Does for TV¿s what Psycho did for Showers!! Horrifying film Review: Spoilers!! I definitely thought this was the most frightening movie I've ever seen. It was undoubtedly the creepiest, and I'm one that's not easily frightened. The story is based on the premise that there's an urban legend about a video tape, that after being viewed, gives the viewer only "seven days" to live. This message of impending doom is eerily spoken by a young girl's voice in a telephone call that rings immediately after the tape is watched. It turns out that a teenage girl watched this tape, and seven days later, she dies from her heart just stopping, and the most horrible look of terror is frozen on her face. The girl is a niece of a Seattle reporter that, at the bequest of the girl's mother (her sister), begins researching the cause of the girl's heart just stopping, which "no doctor can explain." She discovers the urban legend and the tape surrounding it. What follows is a masterpiece of thrills and scares that have been so artfully done by the cinematographers, director, musical composer, and all those involved in the creation of this movie, that I think it should be a classic. We eventually see just how the girl died at the end of the film, and it is so frightening a scene, it will truly explain the frozen look of horror on the girl's corpse. This scene is worth the movie alone, even if the rest of the film was more subtle and not as bone chilling, it would be worth it just for this piece of film making. The reporter, Rachel Keller, embarks on a dark journey that would chill the bones of the toughest of people. The cursed tape itself has mysterious, surreal images of people, places, and incoherent things, including a glowing ring. Based on these clues, she is led to a small island town where a child named Samara mysteriously disappeared 23 years earlier, but no one knows where she truly went, nor from where she really came. All that is known is that the girl was supposedly adopted, but we get a clue from a comment from the father and a birth certificate that this child may have been born ala "Rosemary's Baby" or in some other mysterious way. All we know is that her adoptive mother went mad and committed suicide, as well as the horses she bred as her livelihood. The town's psychiatrist, played wonderfully by a stoic Jane Alexander, infers that this child had demonic powers by stating that when Samara left, "things got better." The doctor treated Samara's mother, who claimed to have strange and horrible visions that "burned inside of her," and they only occurred when she was around Samara. Rachel is on a race to get to the bottom of this because not only she, but now her young son, has accidentally viewed the tape. Her son is a boy that Samara "talks" to and gives some visions. Samara not only "haunted" people when she was alive, but it is found out that she died an unspeakably horrible death, and I'm surmising that out of blind hatred and anger, she continues to haunt people with horrible visions and she uses modern technology to kill them as well. There has been much ado about videotapes and that the advent of that technology was not around when Samara was alive. However, I gather that she continued to "live" even after death because it is noted that she "never sleeps." This fact was noted throughout much of the later half of the movie. She never really died, except physically, and she uses the most common medium of our culture to send her deadly message. As a child, she could only send these images in drawings and in her mind, but after death, she found a more perfect and widespread way to get her message across. You will never want to be alone with a television again after watching this engrossing and bone chilling film.
Rating:  Summary: watch this movie alone, in a dark room, at night!! Review: i was very impressed with the dvd and the movie is frickin terrifying!!! it gave me nightmares for a good solid week. and the extra video created by gore verbinski is such an amazing and exciting extra to add to the dvd. i reccommend it to any fan of sick and twisted horror genres. however i did have one complaint about the dvd. after seeing the movie for the first time i tried to find out more about it online. a review which i read stated that at the beginning of the movie, a key scene which explained more about the mystery of the ring, was completely edited out before the movie was released in theaters. the scene featured chris cooper, as a serial killer of children somehow linked to the mysterious tape. on hearing this, i was sure this scene would be released on the dvd. it isn't though. disappointing mr. verbinski!! other than that, great dvd. GO BUY IT NOW!!! pass on the news..................