Summary: Before you die you see the ring...............
Review: or so the video says. Naomi Watts plays a journalist named Rachel who investigates a urban legend of a videotape that kills you after seven days. Her niece had mysteriously died one night and Rachel's sister makes her promise to find out why. Rachel goes to the retreat place that her niece and her boyfriend had gone a week before she died.
Rachel finds an unmarked videotape at the camp. She watches it, and a sequence of odd pictures, like a woman looking at herself in the mirror, grubs swarming around and dead bodies of horses and humans on the shore of a body of water, and a girl in a white gown with black hair hanging over her face. After the tape finishes, the phone in her cabin rings, and tells her she has seven days. Rachel freaks out. Her son knows about the story, and mysteriously knows exactly where all the places in the tape actually are. So Rachel and her ex-boyfriend ( a videotape expert, ironically) go on a crazy escapade tryng to find the origin of the tape. What they find leads them straight back to the place they started, at the retreat camp. The ending is so incredibly scary, especially because you think it was over.
So to step outside the teen horrors and bad film-making, see THE RING. You will be in a new mindset having to do with scary flicks.
Summary: Disappointing
Review: It was very slow in the beginning, and I was hoping it would
pick up, when it almost started at the last 1/2 hour, I had great
hope it would get better, but then it didn't. People sitting
around me stated that was an awful picture. I wouldn't go that
far, but close.
Summary: Best horror movie period.
Review: The Ring is based on the very popular Japanese film of the same name which is a brilliant piece of film making. I had high hopes for the American release of the Ring but thought it would dissapoint in the end. Well, it didn't, The Ring IS revolutionary to the genre of horror and suspense movies. The plot is brilliant, the script is very smart. This is not your typical Hollywood movie. Even with knowing what was going to happen (or so I thought) from seeing the original version, this one had me even more scared. Naomi Watts is incredible in the movie as is the rest of the cast. Samara's characters was fantastic as well. This is nothing short of a brilliant film and has easily become my favorite movie (American and Japanese version)of the past year and has beat out the Exorcist for the scariest movie.
Summary: Incredibly Creepy-Trust the Hype!!!
Review: This is the first horror film that I have seen in years that has actually lived up to all of the hype.
Basic plot line involves an urban legend of sorts and a reporter who is drawn into it tries to solve a mystery of a tape that shoud you watch it, you have 7 days to live. Although films have followed this 'reporter saves the day' formula before, this is a bit different. The reporter has a vested interest in finding out what happened because the reporter has seen it and thus has 7 days to live.
The tape itself is incredibly creepy and the more you see it, the more you are able to decipher some key clues, but not everything, not by a long shot.
What is really exceptional is the ending. Usually in horror movies things are resolved in a nice tidy package or the door is left so wide open for a sequel you could fit a mack truck though it. This is not the case here. It may take a few moments to put it all together but when you do, it's VERY SCARY!
The key questions you will be left with are, why do some people live after viewing the tape? Where does this force behind the tape come from?
This isn't gory at all but there are several scenes that will make you squirm. I saw it in a theatre which was sold-out and there were times when I felt completely alone. Another clue that a movie is real scary is, right before the moment of impending terror you can hear a pin drop, after ...lots and lots of nervous laughter.
Worth the effort!
Review: We are having a spate of thrillers in the last 3 months. The Ring is right up there with the best of them. I like the way Director Verbinsky does not use cheap, door slams and boo tactics, anyway there of very minimal use. The story weaves in and around an supposedly adopted girl, Samara, but that is not conclusive. She may have been born to the Morgan's.
There is an Urban Legend of a VHS tape going around, and if you watch it, the phone rings and a voice says 'in seven days you will die a horrible death,' and the two young girls talking about this are trying to scare each other, but, then things begin to change as it's been seven days since Katie saw the tape with her boyfriend at a Mt. cabin.... Her friend,Becca winds up in an insane asylum. And the mother of the dead girl asks a reporter friend to find out how a teen could have died of a massive heart attack, and have her face contorted as if she saw some goulish nightmare. The reporter view's the tape and sure enough the phone rings and she gets the message. Her son Aidan, (David Dorfman) is in mental touch with the now thought of dead Samara and she is directing his drawings.
Verbinsky does a great job of weaving his characters in and out of the tangle of web's and the great cinematography of Bohan Bazelli is nothing short of masterful, the sun never shines which to me is half the thriller, always raining or just about to clear and the muted and vivid colors of the sun, when they do show it is at dusk. The scene's of the horses on the beach is spooky, and the scene of the horse on the ferry going crazy after the reporter tries to pet it. is beyond scope.
Its not a tear-off-the-arm-of-your-chair kind of flick, but it will hold your interest and just as your are about to leave...there is more!!
Naomi Watts, (Rachel Keller), 'Mulholland Drive,' 'Down,' is the investigative reporter who sees the tape and tries to get at the bottom of its meaning? And the mother of young Aidan Keller.
Martin Henderson, (Noah) 'Windtalkers,' 'Kick' is shown the tape by Rachel, and now both have got 7 days to live, he does not answer the phone because he does not believe...
Young David Dorfman, (Aidan Keller) does a great job and I do not know how one so young does not get too spooked to do the job. He senses Samara and makes weird drawings.
Brian Cox, 'L.I.E.,' 'Manhunter,' is the father of Samara and the owner of the horse stables in the dark, dank, dismal countryside, near the ocean.
There have been fourmovies which stir the imagination and give that spine tingling raised hair on the neck this season . Frailty,Signs,Red Dragon. and The Ring.
ciao yaaah69
Summary: Ranks with the best & eeriest Halloween-time films ever!
Review: It's been too long a time since I've heard someone scream or gasp out loud in a movie audience, or laugh nervously, or excitedly discuss the movie as they head home at the end.
If you don't catch this humdinger of a horror film while it's in theaters now, you'll be kicking yourself when you finally get around to seeing it on DVD or VHS next year, and then there'll be a very long line to rent it at the video store.
I thought I had the plot pretty much figured out in a nutshell, just by watching the previews. It was a jolting and pleasant surprise to be so wrong. "The Ring" is its own total, bizarre, original creation (despite the fact that it's actually an American remake of a famous Japanese scare-flick). Just when you think you have a handle on where it's going, it takes you on a sickening, rollercoaster swerve in a completely new direction. I had so many questions running through my head about what was going on in the story as I watched "The Ring", I was sure there was no way SOMETHING couldn't be left dangling at the end. Once again, I was wrong. Never have so many weird details been wrapped up so perfectly, and yet with just the right amount of uneasy vagueness to make you wonder if you really have it down. Despite its originality, "The Ring" pays occasional homages to great predecessors, everything from "Rear Window" to "The Changeling" to "The Sixth Sense". And if you loved the thought provoking, punch-in-the-stomach at the end of "The Blair Witch Project", "The Ring" provides its own lingering effect.
I could quibble about a few minor things like casting choices (didn't care for the kid), acting (didn't quite buy the relationship between Rachel and Noah), and editing (too many long-shots of car rides with voice-overs), but in the long run, these shortcomings mean nothing.
Aside from the fascinating story, the whole cinematic atmosphere is so viscerally creepy, you can bet director Gore Verbinski has a long career ahead of him. Go, go, GO!
Summary: "Seven days"
Review: I gave this 4 stars, but I would like to give it 3 for story and 5 for giving me the creeps! This film has it's weak aspects with plot and character development, but it more than delivers on being chilling and creeping you out. This is an American remake of a Japanese film based on a novel by Koji Suzuki. I have never seen any other versions, but this one, directed by Gore Verbinski (The Mexican, Mouse Hunt) makes me want to seek them out. The film stars Naomi Watts, who was in David Lynch's "Mullholland Drive" last year, which by the way was also a creepy and unsettling piece of work (duh, it's David Lynch). Watts plays a reporter who is asked by her family to investigate her niece's death. The girl's death was supposedly caused by watching a video tape and...you know what? I don't want to ruin this for you so I'm going to stop right there. I thought the trailer of this film was creepy, but nothing compares to watching the entire film. If you're into unsettling, scary films(and I don't mean "I know what you did last summer") or even David Lynch stuff like "Twin Peaks" or "Mullholland Drive", then I highly recommend "The Ring". You may have some complaints at the end, but not for lack of being genuinely disturbed and intrigued throughout most of the film. The thing that bothered me the most? I watched the video too...several times! Oh no! I'm out!
Summary: SCARY!
Review: Ok,the ring is the scariest horror movie
i've ever seen.If you think that the exorcist
is the scariest movie then you will die seeing
this one.This is not a thriller this is PURE HORROR.
When i saw it everyone in the theatre even the adults
kept jumping out of they seats.This has to be rated 18+
and not PG13 and you will be suprised at the end.You're
crazy if you miss it then GO SEE IT!
Summary: A Terrifying Ghost Story of the 1st Caliber!
Review: After reading the other reviews I find that we all agree that the initial scene of the movie leads one to believe it's going to be a teen urban legend/slasher film, but then this story takes off in a totally new direction, taking the audience on a roller coaster ride as "Rachel" the protaganist of the film tries to solve the mystery of the video tape which brings death to all who view it, and in the process peels away layer after layer of a terrifying ghost story. Everytime you think you've got it figured out, the source of the haunting takes another turn, and not until the very end of the film is the mystery explained (somewhat), because even then you can't keep wondering if there will ever be salvation for any of the characters.