Rating:  Summary: HOLY CRAP!!! Review: This is by far the scariest movie I've ever seen! The weekend after I saw it, the only thing I saw was the dead girl with the freaky black hair. She was seriously lurking in the shadows of my house! If you, like me, have a crazy imagination...I warn you of this movie. The reason I give this movie five stars is because it was able to scare the living daylights out of me for almost two weeks. This movie is for sure something to remember!
Rating:  Summary: Chilling to a point Review: This American remake of a Japanese horror film doesn't lack for thrills and chills, and Naomi Watts as a journalist trying to sort out a murder mystery is remarkable. The film's only fault: it doesn't know when to end. Just like A.I. It has three separate and distinct endings, the first or second of which would have been fine. Unfortunately, the third and final ending is a disaster that weakens the entire film. When you see this film, try to ignore that last five minutes. You will be much better off.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Remake Review: More often than not. Hollywood gets hold of a really good foreign film, but trashes it in favour of some pap a focus group tells them. They did it with "The Vanishing" so I believed that things were going to go downhill with The Ring. Well, I pleased to say that Hollywood did make some effort to be true to the original Japanese horror classic.I'm not going to go into any of the details in The Ring's story, but I was impressed by the overall atomsphere of the film. Basically, this has got to be the darkest movie that has come out of Hollywood in a long time. Each scene is startling grim and claustrophobic, setting perfectly the psychological mayhem to follow, and I was pleased to see that the director didn't once try to go for a Hollywood-type ending that would have completely ruined the story. Once I thought that the movie was going to have a happy ending, the story takes a turn for the dark again, forcing the main character (Naomi Watts) to make a choice: save the life of her son by making a copy of the threatening video; or, do nothing and (maybe) end the ghost's (Samara's) deadly rampage. Her choice is clear: she helps her son make a copy of the video and leaves it for the next unwitting victim of Samara's wrath.
Rating:  Summary: A Scare Is Born Review: Four and a half stars, with an optional upgrade to five after a couple more viewings. [...] Knowing how mixed the reviews have been, I went without particular expectations. As an old Lovecraft fan, I just knew that I liked the premise - a supernatural video that destroys whoever watches it, updating for an age with different standards of literacy HPL's Necronomicon (or Robert Chambers' King In Yellow), a book that destroys whoever reads it. And after her breathtaking performance in Mullholland Drive, I'd pay to see Naomi Watts in a Burger King commercial. So I determined to shut down my reality-check circuitry and just enjoy. "The Ring" delivers the goods. The cinematography is quietly threatening and off-center. Competent acting, especially a brilliant turn in a key cameo from Brian Cox, back up a fine portrayal of intelligent desperation from Watts. I soon realized that it would be necessary to do two things we're not often asked to do at once: suspend disbelief, and keep all the mental voltage turned up high. Director Verbinski gives us plenty to notice, in clues to the mystery of the tapes' origin, in little homages to classics of suspense, in barrages of quick-cut imagery, in scenes of natural beauty deftly skewed (as if Hokusai had silk-screened panels for a gothic graphic novel.) You don't need to catch all that to be mightily creeped out. But you'll need to catch some of it to understand what you've just seen as you walk home. A good deal gets resolved in the last few minutes, but the director isn't connecting all the dots for us. That doesn't mean all the dots aren't there. Each of the people I saw it with left the theater with a batch of questions; but what was interesting was how many of them had answers another of us had noticed. Each twist in the story is carefully prepared for. There may well be "plot holes", but far fewer of them than you'd think on a first pass. And who cares, since your subconscious will be snapping many a freeze frame that will flicker through your dreams for weeks - and that's what we go to these things for. Here's a detail I found unnerving (not a spoiler, since the movie itself doesn't make a point of it.) During the fatal video, a normal-looking housefly strolls across the corner of the TV screen. Our heroine might have figured out sooner what sort of entity created the video, if she'd thought to count that fly's legs. There are supposed to be six... This one is going to enter the small pantheon of classic horror films. The only question for posterity to resolve is whether it's among the premier dozen, or only the top thirty.
Rating:  Summary: A freaky, supernatural shocker! Review: I am a huge fan of scary movies! I have seen them all but nothing compares to The Ring! This movie is like the new-age exorcist! There are moments when u will jump right out of your seat! Come and see the ring!
Rating:  Summary: ThE rInG iS tHe BeSt MoViE! Review: ok...i saw the ring with my girlfriend and i thought i was going to be really scary, and i was gonna be scared, well, i wasnt! but it was still pretty spooky. naomi watts is absolutely incredablE!! xXxºHeRBiEºxXx
Rating:  Summary: The Ring-Strange and Yet Peculiar Review: The Ring, starring Naomi Watts and based on one of the greatest Japanese box-office hits called, "Ringo". The film was marvelous and was full of surprises as well as a few disturbing and disconcerting images. The film is written by Ehren Kruger, who wrote, Reindeer Games and Arlington Road. His style and techniques of writing were appealing and perhaps sophisticated. The film is visuall artful, yet somewhat narratively messy and has an odd and bizarre and open question-like ending. Naomi Watts was excellent and superb, she did a great job and really did shimmer. Her acting was better than reasonable. Director Gore Verbinoski, (The Mexican) makes an interesting and attractive piece of work. Brian Cox also stars as well as a few others. I enjoyed this film, it was rather scary and frightening. The film featured good and intense scenes as well as memorable and stunning performances. This was a new category and type of suspense/horror, it made you think and perplex about what it exactly is that you just saw? The plot or sypnosis for this movie is, a journalist named Rachel Keller is investigating a odd incident. Her niece recently died, due to something unimaginable and quite frankly weird. There is a certain videotape, which whomever watches it dies within several days. Unfortunately, Keller watches the tape and must research the history and truth of what this cassette really is, within her last few days of survival. From her we get grotesque and gruesome images, which are rather mild. The Ring, is rated PG-13 for Thematic Elements, Language, Disturbing Images and Some Drug References. The Ring, is haunting, masterful and bone chilling. It's astonishing, dramatic and just eerie. BOO!...
Rating:  Summary: Short and Sweet! Review: Blair Witch meets Poltergeist meets Sixth Sense! Sound familiar? One star for acting....one star for film's mood....one star for one out loud scream!!![...]
Rating:  Summary: A masterpeice!! Review: This is one heck of a great movie. It is also scary. I don't know why, but it simply is one of the most frieghtening films ever. It is really good. See this now!
Rating:  Summary: HOLLY ... Review: this movie is soo weird, but scarry!! The girl in the well and how they die is soooooooooooo freaky but hey its the best horror movie besides HALLOWEEN RESSURECTION!!