Rating:  Summary: Good for a horror flick Review: Im not a big fan of Horror flicks. Blood, gore and other shock tactics just don't scare me. However i found The Ring to have some genuinely creepy qualitites about it. If you can get past the ridiculous plot, this is actually a well constructed, suspenseful movie. The movie is built around the mystery of a disturbing video tape that leads to your death in 7 days after watching it. Namoi Watts, who is a fine actress decides to uncover the mystery after her neice mysteriously dies from watching the tape. Watts's character naively tracks down the tape and watches it. The phone rings and a voice says "seven days". She becomes wary and after some hallucinations she begins to beleive in the tap. She then must save herself by trying to unsolve the mystery. As the plot unravels it gets a little silly but it's an original idea and its still creepy to an extent. The production is dark with plenty of atmosphere. The ending, although ridiculous was actually pretty scarey and would surely give children nightmares.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Glynn from Belton, TX Review: Since you took it upon yourself to bad mouth everyone who didn't like this movie, maybe you can answer a couple questions about the film, since were to stupid and dumb, to figure out the movie. Why did the horse chase after her? Why could her son communicate with the dead? i mean your just able to do this, and your mom doesn't really give it two thoughts?
Rating:  Summary: Chessy Movie Review: The only reason I am giving this movie 3 stars is because it has a plot. I ahve no clue why people say this movie is scary! There is nothing remotly scary about it
Rating:  Summary: changed my life Review: After you watch this movie you will permently be afraid of wells, black horses, oval mirrors, and girls with long black hair in their face
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant cinematography, and an intriguing story. Review: ...This isn't true of The Ring. The Ring is the story of a video tape that, when a person views it, dies in 7 days. Along comes a reporter from Seattle (who's neice dies, and friend winds up in a mental hospital) to uncover the mystery. Along the way she digs up an eery story of a little unloved girl, and finds love of her own. The backstory was very well done, being neither hamfistedly overdone, nor so strained that it was impossible to catch up on the details.The mood of this movie was appropriately dark, with a mounting tension and dread played out very well. The colors in this movie seemed to have been bled out, a feature I only noticed at first when I saw her nose bleeding. It was only then that I recognized why everything looked.. wrong. The only downfall of this movie, like the downfall of many a great potential movie, is it's finale. The Ring doesn't conclude with the same sense of Evil-by-Necessity .... However, I would recommend that you add this DVD to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: the ring is a perfect fit for a pawnshop Review: in gore verbinski's the ring, based on a hugely popular japanese film, there exists a videotape whose content causes its audience to die within a week of viewing. the premise is similar to another movie released this year, feardotcom, whose content caused many filmgoers to engage in behavior also originating in japan: seppuku. naomi watts plays a journalist whose niece dies unexpectedly in the opening sequence. the girl's mother asks her sister to investigate the death. she chats with the girl's high school friends, putting her skills as a reporter to the test ("hi, i smoked pot once" is enough to create a bond: "dude, she's cool. we should, like, tell her stuff"). the path leads her to a lodge, whose owner remarks that the group in question, like many other kids, skipped out on the bill (why isn't it his policy to require visitors to pay before they stay? why have the scriptwriters decided to needlessly tarnish our image of the recently deceased?). she borrows the videotape, the only one in the lending library without a case, and views it in the same cabin her niece stayed. her six-year-old son (david dorfman), apparently a graduate from the h. j. osment school of acting, is fiercely independent -- making his own lunches, drawing alone often -- in order to deal with his mother's chronic tardiness due to the late hours she keeps at the newspaper. in one scene her boss tells her she is fired, only to have her reply that she isn't; that settles the argument. a consequence of her not being present is that her son finds and watches the tape. she enlists her friend (the boy's father, though no one seems to have ever told little david) to help uncover the mystery behind the tape, which they copy so that they can study the images, which include horses washed up on a beach, a tree whose leaves appear sanguine in the sunlight, and a woman brushing her hair. the movie does have a few moments that are genuinely unnerving. a spooked horse smashes windshields on a ferry. a dead girl pulls herself through a television screen to incapacitate her next victim. however, rather than adequately describing the videotape and its contents, by denouement the film has merely succeeded in stacking plot twists of varying incomprehensibility on top of one another.
Rating:  Summary: If this is the scariest movie out there then shoot me now Review: Ok, I'm a girl, and going against my friend's reccomendations I watched this movie alone, in the dark at 3 am. I slept fine. This was not scary, it's all about halluciantions, and suspence, but nothing gruesome really happens. Not one drop of blood is spilled. This movie left me with more questions than answers. I'd love to do a national survey and ask people what they found scary about htis. I know this review might not explain what I feel but, this movie is full of holes and ambiguity . Rent it and satisfy your curiosity, but I doubt that anyone will need to spend money on purchasing it.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: The Ring, i have to admit was scary, only to an extent. I was scared two times out of the whole movie (really scary stuff)! but, I feel like it would have been better to see it in the movie theatres, it is not the same affect watching it on dvd than the great thrill you would have watching it @ the movies. good movie, but weird? It sort of relates to What Lies Beneath, with its psychopathic thriller part about it
Rating:  Summary: not appropriate for 13-year-olds Review: now don't get me wrong, this movie has good acting and other things are also good about it as well, but i had thoughts about it for days on end. i am not happy with this movie, it is way too gruesome for any 13 year old, this movie may be rated PG-13 but don't you dare show it to your 13-year-old kids, they will not feel safe alone (this makes me think, when they rated this movie, did they ever think of the blood and gore in this movie?) the contorted faces of the people who were killed just gives me the creeps. i shudder just to think of the things in this movie that i shouldn't have seen, i do NOT recommend this movie to anyone under 20! i'm warning you!!!
Rating:  Summary: Makes you wanna holla Review: The perfect movie for a rainy day. Turn the lights off, make yourself comfortable and do not move until the credits roll. You will jump and you will scream. There are some unanswered questions, but not the kind the discredits the movie. After viewing this movie, you will actually be counting down the days.