Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: This was easily one of the scariest movies ever made! I was so scared during this. Watch it alone in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: VASTLY OVERRATED Review: To hear some people talk, The Ring is one of the scariest movies ever. Perhaps my expectations were too high after listening to so much praise, but I was underwhelmed.You know the plot...people view a video with some very strange images, and seven days later they die. Creepy enough, I'll admit. But once the characters begin to investigate who made the video and why, things really breakdown. The explanation was just a bit too ridiculous and not the least bit confusing. I know this was based on a Japanese version, but it sounds like someone had a neat idea but just could not come up with anything that would explain it. Not that there isn't a few frights. There is, particularly one segment near the end of the movie will make people squirm. But to be honest, even my 12 year old son found it boring and not really scary so take that for what it's worth.
Rating:  Summary: The best scary movie I've ever seen period. Review: I loved this movie...and am scared of it at the same time. I want to own this movie... but am a little afraid to watch it again...but I will. I believe it is a better film than Ringu, maybe because I watched The Ring first. Ringu was great too, but I think this version just added more without ruining any of the original. Even the menu on the dvd was scary as hell. YOU WILL ALL SUFFER...if you miss this movie. Seriously, check it out!!
Rating:  Summary: What a Disturbing Film Review: I was so scared watching this film alone in my apartment. If I had a phone I would have been so frightened if it rang during the film. During the DVD when they played the actual short clip on the videotape in which you die if you watch it. Well, for a safety precaution, I shut my eyes and yelled "La dee Da" over and over for almost a third of it so I wouldn't have technically have watched it. I think the naming of the film was lackluster. Why would they name the film after the "ring" of a phone? That just doesn't make too much sense. The ringing of a phone just wasn't that important to the whole film. They're were so many other fitting titles much better than the Ring. Some possibilities should have been, "Can You See the Lighthouse?" or "The Videotape" The film was also very very long. I like to be scared but not for this long. I would have reccommended that when the caller called the person and said you have 7 days. They should have cut it down to you have three days. Some films drag on and on. Three days would have been more than enough. I was having lunch the other day with my Brother, Tommy and we were discussing, "What would have happened if someone watched the film and daylight savings time happened that week where you set the clocks back a hour. Would that person have an extra hour?" Tommy suggested the caller should say you have 168 hours (24 hours times 7 days)just to cover themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the weak of heart. Review: This is just one of the movies you HAVE to see in the theatre to get the full effect. If you see it on video or DVD make sure you turn the volume up...the lights down and get rid of any distractions. It is important to pay attention to minor details in this movie. I saw this movies when it first came out, knowing very little about it. I know people had told me they got the crap scared out of them, but that in no way prepared me for what the movie provided. I haven't been truly scared by a movie like I was by "The Ring" since I was little. And it didn't just end in the theatre. I felt quite like Simara...being unable to sleep with images from the movie reoccuring in my head. It is really a movie that get's in your head and molests your brain frankly. It's not all about the movie being scary though. The way the sometimes considered "corney" story line is carried out is very clever. The musical score is just plain creepy. The acting although not done by extremely famous actors is done superbly. This movie is all about atmosphere. The way everything is tinged bluish-green is a bit odd but adds a lot to the movie. There are plenty of shocks in this movie...Many when you least expect them, and all utilizing that "nails-on-a-chalkboard" screeching. This movie keeps you on the edge of your seat untill the end, and just when you think it's a happy ending, you find that you are sadly...sadly mistaken. The ending was a major shock, altough the cheesiest part of the movie. Some may complain about slaughtering the japanese version. Changes were obviously needed to make the movie more "American". Samara's mother jumping into a volcano wouldn't really make sense in a US adaption and it's not necisarily a remake of the movie. The movie was originaly a series of 3 novels. Some people complained that the japanese movies slaughtered the novel. It seems as though people will never be happy. I saw the japanese version after the US version and I have to say...it dissapointed me. Probably because I spent the whole time squinting at the subtitles, and the cheap mediocre special effects. I think it is impossible to judge a remake...especially a suspense movie when you have seen the original and know what happens already. How are you supposed to be in suspense? It just makes sense. In Japan there are 4 movies: Ringu, Ringu 2, Ring 0 (prequel), and Rasen, which is another sequel released the same time as Ringu that was quite bad and often left out to make a trilogy. Not to mention 3 TV specials, a radio drama, even comic books. There was also a Korean remake: Ring Virus, which in comparison to both Ringu and The Ring is worst of the 3. For those looking for more Ringu material in the US you can now buy the first of the 3 Ring Novels translatated to English, Ringu with subtitles, and a video game based loosly on Ringu. In regards to an American sequal, a few statments have been issued. A script for The Ring 2 is in development with a draft hopefully ready by the end of this year. Dreamworks are possibly looking at releasing the movie in October 2004. Naomi Watts (Rachael) and the young actor playing her son are being brought back. However Gore Verbinski (Director) may not be retuning. Many rumors have been circulating about who would take his place. It has been said the US sequel will have will not go in the same direction as it's Japanese counterpart. It may even combine a sequel and prequel into one movie. I definatley recommend this movie as a must see. In fact it is in my collection, and I have noticed many people aren't as scared by watching on DVD and it's hard to get people to pay attention when you invite friends over. In respone to those people who say this movie isn't scary, I must say that all people are scared by different things. Some people are scared by teen slasher gore flicks, some by movies about spiders or creepy crawlers like Arachnophobia, some by suspese or phsychological thrillers, some by small dark wet places, or some may even slaim to not be scared by anything. Ironically many of these people are the ones being scared by "The Ring". Either way it's definatley worth a shot.
Rating:  Summary: Ending???? Review: I thought that the rest of the movie was good, but it felt like they stopped at that last scene and decided to to make any more. I was waiting and I would have kept waiting if those credits didn't pop up. I felt like I was gypped. After all, the ending makes the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The best scary movie since feardotcom! Review: This is one of the scariest movies i have ever seen.. it just astounds you every minuet... if you haven't seen it go out and buy it today.. i love this movie... and you should too! beleive me... i know it word for word!!! but just a reminder... it is VERY! scary!GO OUT AND GET IT TODAY.... The Ring... Later...
Rating:  Summary: Do You Like Scary Movies? Review: Everybody was talking about how scary this movie is, so I just had to see it. Of course, I was unprepared for what this film offered. I have to admit it's the scariest movie I've ever seen, even though it doesn't incorporate a slasher/killer or a creature. in fact, the unlikeliest of murderers appears at the end as terrifyingly disturbed child. by now, everybody knows the story, but for those who don't: a mysterious video is circulating, and the viewers die 7 days after watching it. the movie takes place over the course of 7 days as 2 people frantically search for the answer to the mystery. then, it has a shock ending that even horror buffs who are used to that cliche can be surprised by! in a suspenseful, anxious sort of way, this movie makes you terrified of the simple, every-day occurrences, like seeing flies or hearing the phone ring. my advice: if you're going to watch this movie, disconnect your phone!
Rating:  Summary: Come on boring Review: Hey people out there this movie was a big disapointment.It had allot of gaps,it was a little creepy,and oh yeah weird really really weird.Don't get me wrong but it really was.I think either you hate it or like it but allot of people hate it.Watch a good horror movie like the sixth sense.
Rating:  Summary: Scary and intriguing Review: The movie starts out with the very familiar- a hot teenager at the beginning gets herself killed- but it gradually moves to a higher level, meaning that characters in their 20s are stalked. The Ring is sometimes over the top, as when the horse dies. At other times, it benefits from its detective feel even more so than it does from its horror side. The video the characters watch is certainly creative, odd and compelling, and the scenes without death are generally as thrilling as the violence. Suspense, not gore, makes The Ring, and this movie is not to be missed.