Rating:  Summary: directer Verbinski scores with this thriller Review: How many times have I watched this Naomi Watts thriller? Oh, about 13 times. It's a favorite late night horror flick of mine. It freaks me out every time I watch it. And how could it not? The deadly secrets of the video tape that "kills you when you watch it" is already leading you with a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. The past of this nightmere video created by a little girl, is full of the unexpected. You see it in your head, the images follow you, and after seven days you die. Watts plays a facinating heroine who goes deep into the creepy past of anna and samara morgan. Going to old houses, creepy cabins, and mental wards. Surprisnly they don't explain all of the creepy mysteries, which makes your mind play frequent "the movies over" guessing games. LIst of things to be afraid of, after the ring: TV'S. tapes, wells, phones, horses.
Rating:  Summary: "The Ring" Review: This is a very creepy movie. Its not that scary but it certanily does a good job of creeping me out! This is good Halloween flick and I cannot wait until "The Ring 2" comes out in November! Naomi Watts is a very good actress and really shines in this role.Rating 8/10
Rating:  Summary: The scariest film in the last two years. Review: I normally hate remakes. This film, however, made me question which version was better. I had the priveledge of seeing this in theaters and I was genuinely frightened. The imagery and stark photography was enough, but coupled with phenomenal acting and an ending that simply blows your mind, this is definitely one of the best psychological horror films I have ever seen. The cold atmosphere and confusing story result in a very effective and thought-provoking film. Verbinski's camera-work and directing on this film are simply unmatched by most modern filmmakers in the genre. Overall, this is an extremely terrifying and intelligent film. I would not reccomend it to anyone who does not like to think about what they are watching.
Rating:  Summary: Frightening? I think NOT Review: Whenever this movie first came out, all of my friends were telling me how it was one of the scariest movies ever. I thought I needed to see it, also. However, when I watched it, I kept on waiting for a scary part. That scary part never came. This movie sucked. The only thing remotely scary about it was the videotape that the people watched. Not only was this movie not scary, but it was a complete waste of my time. The plot was not one that held my interest at all. And the parts where the girl would call them up on the phone? Give me a break. Another thing that bothered me was how the victims died. They looked at the little girl through the T.V. and died. That's right, all they had to do was look at her, and they died. If you ask me, that's a pretty nice and peaceful way to die. I would keep the videotape untill I was old. Then I'd pop it in and seven days later, I die a good death. The movie would be a lot better if the girl would have came out of the T.V. and mutilated the people instead but no, that's too much voilence for the pussy society of today. You should skip this movie if your wanting to get scared and actually watch a real disturbing movie, like the Exorcist. Or perhaps read some Stephen King novels. Just don't expect too much from The Ring.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy, but not the scariest. Review: The Ring is a remake of a japanese film, Ringu. It is about a reporter (Naomi Watts) whos neice dies after watching a video tape that kills you 7 days after you watch it. This movie is a psychological thriller that will keep you up thinking about it. You will have to watch The Ring multiple times to catch everything this mystery has to offer. I am 13 and love scary things and i had heard that this movie was the scariest thing ever. But when i watched it i found that it was definately creepy but more of a mystery movie than a horror. I think that this movie has an amazing plot that will keep you entwined all the way. The only thing i disliked about The Ring on DVD was that it included NO special features or deleted scenes. I see why Dreamworks Entertainment did this though: they want you to be scared...you will.
Rating:  Summary: This Ring looks good, but is full of holes Review: The Ring is a good example of a movie that was okay, but could have been a lot better. The idea is original and it is a horror movie which achieves its intentions more through weird happenings and disturbing plot points than through slasher-type action and gore. However, while it is plot-heavy, the story doesn't entirely add up. Stop here if you want to avoid spoilers. Through the entire movie, one question was nagging at me and, to my great annoyment, was never answered. The question is: "Why is this all tied together through a video tape and a phone call?" There's no evidence that the supernatural killer had anything to do with phones or videotapes prior to her death. Also annoying are the plot points which are unnecessary and go nowhere. Chief among these is the revelation that Noah is Aidan's father, an element which was at once predictable and pointless. Other various plot points along the way raise questions without answering them at all. Why did the horse on the ferry go nuts and try to kill Rachel? Why is it that Aidan and Katie seemed to have images pop into their heads involving the mystery of the video tape, while Rachel and Noah only heard about these images secondhand? What does Becca know and where did she learn it, and where was she when Katie was killed? And most importantly, why the heck is Aidan so creepy and why does no one seem to notice? The movie's resolution is also lacking. Rachel and Noah seem to have solved the mystery and saved their lives, but then it's as if the movie realizes the climax was neither spooky enough nor complex enough, so it tacks on an extra ten minutes to try once again to spook us while simultaneously undoing the mystery's solution. Rachel's answer to how to survive watching the video tape is also lacking. What did she do that allowed her to survive a week after watching the movie? Theoretically, she made a copy of the tape. More likely was the fact that she killed a horse, creatures which seemed unpopular with our supernatural killer. So who knows ultimately if Aidan will live, and why does he hint that they have to show the tape to someone else? Good acting and good special effects make this movie worth watching, especially if you like horrors with plot, but don't expect The Ring to live up to the hype, especially if you like stories that make sense.
Rating:  Summary: Before you die...... you gotta see The Ring!!!! Review: This is a superb horror film that is as good or better than its Japanese original. You would think by now that Hollywood could figure out that lots of outrageous gore and naked women is not the way to make a movie that actually scares people. This movie is rated PG-13, and after seeing it I had to sleep with the lights on for a week. This move is filled with atmosphere and tension that keeps building up as the mystery of the ring is revealed. Naomi Watts is excellent as the main character, a reporter named Rachel Keller. I hope Watts continues to do more work like this, and not more garbage like Mulholland Drive. This is probably the best horror movie to have come out in literally years, with the possible exception of some of M. Night Shyamalan's. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the sequel, due out in November 04, at least comes close to living up to the original. Five stars for this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Answers Must Be on the Cutting Room Floor!!! Review: This is one of those movies that was probably too long and they studio edited it down in order to be more "timely". How else could one explain the open ended questions that go unanswered in order to lead the viewer with no closure, just the credits. If I had to quess the screen writer of this film must be furious because too many parts of this film are well crafted which lead me to believe that the choices made were those of some Hollywood know nothing. The one thing about show business is that where else can useless people make so much money for doing and knowing nothing.
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Review: This movie is defiantly one of my all-time favorites. It is my second most-watched movie to Scary Movie. The Ring is good because it scares you, while skipping all the senseless blood, violence, and gore. This movie is scary not because of it's seemingly unrealistic plot, but because it has creepy sounds, and there are these really bizarre images and characters. It is a suspensful movie, that is easy to follow. If you are one of those people who get scared easily... TOO BAD! You have to watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: all flash no real story Review: this movie has no point to it!I think people miss that when they say they loved it!the kid and father of the girl offer no answers at all.The basicjist is "make a copy of the tape and you live"but there is no hint of this plot at all! The whole find out who the little girl is does nothing,meansnothing!!Unless this was made specifically with sequel in mind its a total dud!!If there was ever proof that hollywood thinks were stupid this is it!!!typical 2000's teenage movie all flashno story.NO BEFORE YOU REBUFF THIS THINK ABOUT IT there is no story here