Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece Of America Movies Review: Simply one of the best films of all time. I DOn't strees this one Bit. The ACting, The Double Meaning, The Directing, The Sound Effects and music, The Script all deserve Acanamy Awards. If You Get this, you wont be dissapointed-Dont listne to other People. Get THis Now!!! 10/5
Rating:  Summary: As good as Sixth Sense Review: I really enjoyed this movie. Signs really plays with your emotions and gets you thinking. At times you wonder if the whole deal is just another War of the Worlds and waiting for a Orson Welles type to show up and say, "Only kidding folks."Mel Gibson is as usual excellent. It's comical, almost hysterical to see him run around the house forcing out cuss words as advised by his brother. Then you feel his fear and see the fear in his eyes when he realizes the end may be near. I felt the pain Mel Gibson portrayed on the loss of his wife in a tragic accident and his renewed belief in God and love for his son when the alien tried to kill him.Mel Gibsons acting skills are showcased here as never before. While I have always been a fan of Gibson's, he is at his best here, even better than in The Patriot.To the one star reviewers, perhaps you were looking for something like Scary Movie or Friday the 13th. This movie is excellent. Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: The money's not on the screen Review: Signs is a terrible waste of talent and money. M. Night Shaymalan was paid a rediculous amount of money, 12.5 million dollars to write and direct, and Mel Gibson, shame on him, was nothing but a good actor in a payday movie (see Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones). There is no reason that this movie should have been produced for more than five million dollars. The techniques Shaymalan uses can be summed up in two words: Film School. Showing only one alien, no spaceships, no worldwide alien water dippings, and the ultimate, casting yourself, the writer/director in the movie as one of the more significant players, are all examples of what we in film school like to call "lack of funds". It is a shame that such a hollow, insignificant and teasing movie, (crop circles have virtually nothing to do with it)can be made. Shayamalan is finished as a writer. The script is terrible and what everyone out there likes to call "B movie style" translates to "this is all I have left, I cant write any more" Perhaps next time he could take a pay cut and spend some of the money on making the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Exciting Movie I Have Seen in a Long Time... Review: M. Night Shyamalan (originally: Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan) can now be held responsible for creating one of the best movies I have ever seen. I loved every instant, of every second, of every minute of both hours of Sign's. Once I saw Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall's John handcock in the opening credits I knew it was going to be special. (They also executive produced "The Sixth Sense" for Shyamalan) Not only was Sign's backed by these Spielbergians, it was brought to us courtesy of Touchstone, Beuna Vista, and Disney - (Pretty much the Siamese Triplet's of the Production/distribution world) and the production was handled by Blinding Edge. Watching Sign's was like an imaginitive, well-crafted trip into a familiar land with a different vision. Concerning one of the major question's most people have about Sign's, I'll put it this way: Roger Ebert says it best. Before I saw the movie I felt what he said was a spoiler but now it makes perfect sense. He says, "Im not even going to tell you whether or not there are alien's in this movie...it doesn't matter." And I agree one hundred percent. It absolutely doesn't matter. How well will you like sign's? Depend's on the size of your imagination my friends. Mel Gibson, who plays Episcopalian priest Graham Hess, must learn a hard lesson of faith, that there is a purpose for everything, and that there is a God. But does he learn this lesson? Or, do we get the infamous Shyamalan twist at the end, and the last thing that we expect happens? Guess you'll have to see. Just keep your eyes open. Shyamalan's writing style has grown to it's magnitude. He got plenty of practice while writing Unbreakable, Stuart Little, The Sixth Sense, Wide Awake and Praying With Anger. One of his favorite directors is Hitchcock, who is probably doing summersaults in his grave right now. You can bet Shyamalan is the Hitchcock of our time. He has lassoed: Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, Wide Awake, and Praying With Anger. (You can see his childhood works on the dvd's. A guilty pleasure he had to do.) Like hitchcock he likes to be on screen in his movies a bit. He can be seen in Unbreakable (Stadium Drug Dealer), The Sixth Sense (Dr.Hill), Praying With Anger (Dev Raman). (He also produced Unbreakable and Praying with anger.) It is recorded that Shyamalan's biggest fear, is being average. He is far above average in my book. Sign's is set in the quiet farming community (thus the crop circles) in Buck County, Pennsylvania. It a great setting that is rural enough to feel creepy and at the same time (with the family) a home that feels safe. I was so glad to See Joaquin Pheonix (River Pheonix's brother) (can be seen in Gladiator, and 8MM...thats Eight Millimeter, for the unknowing folks. And at his best in "Quill's") in this movie. He has a heart felt, dearly loving roll as an uncle who cares for his family and is dealing with his past. An excellent choice as Mel's brother. ... There are two young stars that are for sure to have awesome futures, if they keep this trend up: Rory Culkin and Abby {Abbigail} Breslin. I only have one one word for these kids - WOW. Yes he is Macauley's Brother, and hopefully he will stick around longer. These kids are natural's. This is my favorite movie so far this year. Enjoy it! ~SAOS~
Rating:  Summary: Signs Review: Hands down - much better than "The Sixth Sense"! Kept me on the edge of my seat! A must-see in theatres to get the full effect!
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing... Review: First of all, Signs was a very good movie, and the only reason I gave it 4 stars was I didn't see most of the movie, since I was scared out of my wits.Anyway, the plot of signs is a farmer (Mel Gibson) finds a crop circle the size of a football field in his corn field. He's calls the police, thinking it's only a very elaborate prank. The policewoman tells him that the same thing had happened in several other countries, and that all the local animals have been acting strange, like there was a predator around... and almost right after she says that, they find the kids near the body of their dog, who seemed to have gone crazy and tried to kill the other dog. Instead he had jumped on the boy and had been impaled by a pitchfork or something like that. Anyway, that's just their first sign, because later that night, an alien appears outside his daughter's room... saying anymore would spoil the movie. This movie, in my opinion, is probably going to get a oscar nomination for best actor.
Rating:  Summary: 4 Words and an Incomplete Sentence Review: Scary. Tense. Emotional. Clever. The most emotionally moving film I have seen in quite some time.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great movie?! Review: It certainly isn't. I'd rate it a step below mediocre, but I have been blown away reading the glowing praise. The next Spielberg? You've got to be kidding me. The writer/director made a great first hit movie ("The Sixth Sense"), for sure. "Signs" is not only not a very good movie, but the script uses potentially interesting and inspiring themes like crop circles and ET's and totally trivializes them, and I'd say in fact uses them in a most disingenuous, uncreative way to bring in the bucks by drawing in viewers, who see an utterly banal movie that covers absolutely no new ground. I've read a number of books, seen videos, etc. on the aforementioned subjects over many years, and when I heard about "Signs," by the creator of "The Sixth Sense," I expected at least some attempt to shed some light on what is really happening. Parenthetically I find the assertions by "scientists" that all crop circles are hoaxes to be nonsense. Shyamalan could have made an interesting drama about how the crop circles are being created, and might have shown how indeed some of them could be hoaxed. He could have created some intriguing interactions between aliens and the characters played by Mel Gibson and his family, and indeed the talent was there had he so chosen. What we get is none of these, but rather a cheap rehash of the "aliens are bad" theme, and a so-called "scary" movie where the aliens are really nothing more than monsters we've already seen in countless movies. Further, neither the alien nor the crop circle themes as portrayed in "Signs" are even believable. Crop circles are always found in wheat fields, but of course for dramatic effect here they are in corn fields, allowing better "action." And does anyone question the absurdity of beings intelligent enough to create incredibly elaborate, mathematically amazing patterns which do practically no damage to the crops, turning out to be non-speaking ghouls who want to strangle humans with their bare hands?! Or how about the ridiculous scenes in this "scary" movie where the actors are reading the only book on ET's in the small town they live in, while wearing primitive aluminum triangular hats? We're also going to have to coin a new term for the kind of close-up Shyamalan gives us countless times in "Signs." I'd call it the "in your face" technique. We see almost nothing of the actor but his/her eyes, and maybe a little nose! That instead of some meaningful dialogue and dramatic tension, almost wholely missing here. The only bright light in "Signs" is the performance of the very young actress who plays Gibsons' daughter. It is a shame that so much talent is wasted in "Signs," and I'd bet that there are many unknown movie makers who could cover the topics presently so poorly here incomparably better.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding edge of your seat movie! Review: Saw this tonight with my girlfriend and we both thought it was a *very* good movie! The director mixed in a lot of subtle humor with some very scary parts. It left a lot unanswered which just makes you want to see even more! I came home and got online to see if I could find a book on this movie, but it appears there isn't one! Too bad, I really want to know what happened next! If you like scary movies and movies that actually make you think a little bit, GO SEE THIS ONE!
Rating:  Summary: Scary Stuff Review: This may be one of those movies the professional critics hate, not to mention a fair number of viewers, but I loved it. I even swallowed the spirituality aspect, something I normally detest. It was fine here, perhaps because it could be interpreted as pertaining to one isolated family and not the whole world. Signs. Coincidences. Tragedies and miracles. The miracle is that in life grace can come from terrible events as often as from wonderful things. I don't want to give away too much of the story but essentially it's about one family's fear and confusion while the rest of the world confronts something extraordinary and sinister. It's beautifully set up, leisurely paced. I didn't want it to end, and I didn't want to leave the theater. The farm and family felt like my in-laws, the house is not unlike mine. It's familiar and comforting. (Well, except that I have the same attic door, and the same coal chute and the same junk in the basement...not so comforting!) The outside world is kept at bay. The threat is not shown until the end, but that also means no glib analysis is forthcoming, no method of coping with it ready to hand. In real life we aren't privy to top secret military tactics as we usually are in movies, and especially in alien invasion movies. Here we can only wait with the people who don't know what's happening to their lives, to their world, to their reality. It's got soft humor, lots of suspense, a scene that had me sobbing and blowing my nose loudly, lapses of logic but who cares, and a scene that scared dignified ole me into a dignified shriek. It doesn't have bushels of blood and guts or megatons of explosions; if that's what you're expecting, you will be disappointed.