Rating:  Summary: Another great idea from a great film-maker Review: I felt this film was a great idea and I loved the way it was made. I'm a big fan of M. Night Shamaylan's films and style of film-making. It seems some people were disappointed in this film though. The only thing I would say to them is "What did you expect... another Independence Day?? While that film was a huge money maker and entertaining for it's special effects, I felt this film was very cleverly written, well put together, and definately more realistic. M. Night's use of camera angles and sound creates real suspense. It was filmed from the viewpoint of one family, just like we would individually see it if it was happening to ourselves. Also one cool thing I liked is that a lot of the suspense happens during the daylight... which means it's no longer safe during the day either.. :)So maybe it wasn't an entirely "new" idea, but seriously what ever is? I gave it 5 stars because I thought it was a cool new take on the overdone alien "thing"... no huge special effects, no overpowering music (a great score by the way) no overacting dramatics, just great camera shots, spooky shadows and vioces, subtle clues, some great humor mixed in, and a cool ending. Not terribly scary, but it plays enough with your mind, that when you see a cornfield you wont just think of dead baseball players coming out to play... Go check it out.
Rating:  Summary: Certain movies are there for certain reasons Review: Well some people get it and some don't. I watch alot of movies and you can not compare certain types of film with others. There is no giant spectrum it is a "film type" thing. I wouoldn't dare say "Well its not as good as requiem for a dream" about this movie. Honestly, It is a return to an old filming style and it is easily the best I have seen in quiet some time. Mel Gibson does an excelent job, the story told you WHAT YOU NEEDED TO KNOW. This isn't the story about the world it's the story about a family and how they overcome certain trials. If you were looking for Independence day, go rent it. The humerous factor just added to and I can easily say this had everything it needed to be to be a great movie....
Rating:  Summary: A Pitch Perfect Thriller!!! Review: This movie had style, suspense, and one heck of an ending. Mel Gibson's preformence was awesome and so was the kids'. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it so I won't give away the ending, but I can tell you one thing. Once you think all the scares are over, your in for one last thrill along with ten more minutes of film. You'll have to see this one for your self.
Rating:  Summary: A Sign of the Times Review: Just wanted to add my two bits by way of a review - The film is good! You cant help but be a bit disappointed when it does not have a whopper of an ending like The Sixth Sense, though ! As usual, Shyamalan uses deception well to show one thing but prove something else. Personally, i'm a believer in a higher force that controls our destinies and i think Manoj makes a point to show its existence skillfully without too much of religious overtones.
Rating:  Summary: A Hidden Message Review: This movie was an excellent movie. Everyone seems to be missing the major emphasis of it. M. Night Shyamalan is a very creative and talented writer. He uses crop circles and aliens to get the viewer interested. Let's face it who wants to watch a movie that talks about faith without some excitement. You'd get bored and fall asleep. He uses sci-fi to keep things interesting to deliver a message about hope and about faith that all things happen in their own time and for their own reasons. The message simply is, "there is purpose to every event in our lives." It really is a great movie! People just try to be too critical of some things. I loved it!
Rating:  Summary: Signs Review: I thought that the movie signs deserved 5 stars. It was an awsome movie, just the way the director put together rocked. the movie always had me gessing and making you think. It kept you on your toes and also sent chills down your spine. Signs has to be the best movie of 2002 and I look forward to watching it when it comes out on DVD. Well Done M Nigh Shyamalan
Rating:  Summary: Don't read reviews, they might ruin the movie: go SEE it Review: First, who would have thought M. Night Shyamalan had such a sense of humor? There are more laughs in "Signs" than "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable" put together (note: this just means the film and does not include the short films the writer-director made as a youngster included on the DVD editions of those films). Furthermore, the humor is used more to set up the characters and their relationships than it does the film's more than plentiful shocks. Besides, if there is one thing Shyamalan knows how to do, it is to set things up and "Signs" is set up like a giant game of "Mousetrap." "Signs" is one of those movies were I would really like to write a critique rather than a review; with the latter you write for a reader who has not seen the film, and I want to really talk about what makes this such a solid film, but that would give too much away. Everytime I think of something insightful to say about the film, I can see how it might ruin things for people. So you will have to just go and see it for yourself. Along those lines I offer the following Warning: try to avoid seeing the movie poster in the theater, because for some reason they decided to come up with a tag line that tries its best to undo the mystery around this film in terms of its trailers and commercials. Just go and enjoy this one. Final note: Also, do not get caught up in this big question as to whether or not M. Night Shyamalan is the next Steven Spielberg. Off of his first two films alone it is obvious the man is unique.
Rating:  Summary: Mel saves the day Review: Mel Gibson plays a fallen-away minister/farmer who is bitter after the death of his beloved wife. He is raising the kids with the help of his brother (played by River Phoenix). One day, crop circles appear in his cornfield, then in fields all around the world. They follow the news on the tv, but there doesn't seem to be any local law enforcement involved in the situation. Soon, Mel and family must hole up in the basement to escape aliens, but his son's medicine is up in the living room!... There is a lot of scary music and a lot of walking around in the dark...and we get to see two aliens. There is a subplot about spirituality and the death of his wife which save the day in the end. I prefer Mel Gibson as a romantic leading man, but he's ok as a father/farmer/minister too.
Rating:  Summary: Both boring and politically correct Review: This one looked pretty good in the previews. However, it started off really slow and never really got exciting. I realize the scriptwriters wanted to put in the eirie part of Mrs. Gibson's (well, whoever she was) unfortunate accident and it's relationship to the rest of the plot. That was neat, but not enough to make a good movie. The politically correct part is where Mel Gibson lives out on a farm and does not own a shotgun (or any gun for that matter). That is really unbelievable, and I assume this was the case in order for the screenwriters or director to show their political colors. Anyone who lives on a farm would have a shotgun, at the very least. It would have helped a great deal with these aliens, too, though I am not giving away anything here. Of course, by this point you should have already suspended your disbelief in a race that can build spacecraft that hover in a 1-g environment, but cannot seem to kill anyone without their bare hands. Hmmm.... see what I mean about unbelieveable? What was Mel Gibson thinking when taking this part? As the Road Warrior Mad Max, I don't think he would have put up with this much from a bunch of scrawny, flem-covered aliens. He'd have wacked them in the first 20 minutes. It's sad to see him get old this way.
Rating:  Summary: Signs- 12A Review: To start of explaining this movie is something I havent looked forward to for the films capacity. The film in its entirity is extremely engrossing and the reason it would be regarded as 'scary' is simply because imagining yourself in the same situation makes you feel insecure. The outstandingly well cast and directed Signs makes all other alien films look a tad corny although it has to be said the aliens look a little like gerkins. The films follows the unfortunate life of a former reverand whos wife has recently been the subject of a tragic accident. His brother Meryl, a former baseball player (no its not as corny as it sounds) comes to help out the poor reverand raise his two children, one of which is the fantastic McAuley Culkin's younger brother. Once there in the tiring wooden famrhouse the two start to be the subjects of some strange goings on. Firstly the crops are strangely flattened into a crop pattern and a strange figure is seen by the reverend creeping on the roof. As they rush out to scare the suspect (the brothers who had been terrorizing the reverend for quite some time) they find that the being is far more agile than they first thought, chasing it as fast as they can the figure bounds onto the roof and out of site. It is from now on, incidentally about 15 minutes into the film that the action starts. And it soon becomes evident that these crop circles have appeared over 400 major cities and the strange UFO's have taken pose over every major city. The attack maneuver is ready to go. Stricken by panic the family is left with two options, either to make leave for the water, as it seems the patterns are clear out of the way of water, or god fobid board up the house with freakin ply-wood. And guess which option they choose. Itd only be the ply-wood. Overall this movie is a cracker and to tell you any more would spoil the film but by all means this film is very scary for a 12 rating and it would be advised to wear some brown underwear for those jumpy moments. The cast and directing is phenomenal and the film strings up constant surprises whereas still keeping the story simple. HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU ACCOUNT FOR A FILM WITH A CRACKING, EASY TO UNDERSTAND STORY. not many i think youll find. This film WILL have an effect on you and it will make you listen out for those strange little clicky noises in the bushes, leave your baby monitor at home and go watch the film NOW. (the baby monitor thing will be understood if you watch the film :)