Rating:  Summary: Psycho-Terror at Hitchcock style. Review: I am agree that there are a lot of flaws in the story itself (how the hell if i were an invader for the planet earth i will send my troops to invade a planet where there is the possibility that rains acid, send them, without protection, for example (in this case the aliens were sensitive for the the common water, in a planet that there is 3/4 parts of water!!!)). But, i just love the way it was directed as the Hitchcock style (music and photo), only giving to the spectator, a few visual data of the aliens and making them jump form the seats. I just recomend it to the people who really loves psycho-terror.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE LOW RATINGS!!! Review: First of all, this movie was not made to be a new edge of your seat thriller with twists and turns. It was scripted as a classic, you know, the way they used to make movies. It's all centered around a crisis of faith in a circumstance that could make someone lose their faith. It wasn't written for someone to pick it apart and find loopholes all over the place. This was a fun exciting movie with very well used light humor, see this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Are we talking about the same film? Review: I wasn't going to write a review for this film, but I needed to say something to counteract all of the negative ones I have read. This film is fabulous! Joaquin Phoenix is sooo funny; it's really great to see him do some comedy after mean and nasty Commodus. The kids are great actors. I love how everything fits together and the storytelling of the director. I work at a movie theater and I saw this film five times without checking my watch! I enjoyed the humor in the movie and loved to wait for the parts when everyone was powerless to stop a scream from escaping. As a student of Carl Jung and an enthusiast of Joseph Campbell, I loved seeing the Night-Sea Journey in the movie. To quickly explain- look at all of the parallels between Jonah and the whale and the journey of Mel Gibson's character in the film. They have both lost their faith and stop serving God. They run away and while trying to escape the negative force around them are taken into a place that will give them a spiritual death and thus provide them with a rebirth. The celler and whale act as a type of "womb" that will give them a rebirth and new chance to fix things. Why is there a coal shaft in the celler? Coal gives off energy and power; it recharges the main character and puts him back in touch with God. Look at the scene in THE MATRIX where the main character is in that constricted tub with the embriotic-like fluid and the cords giving him new life: it's just like that. But stepping away from the psychoanalytic fun, I liked the movie because unlike the usual trite Hollywood dribble of today, it asked you to be afraid of what you didn't see, not what was presented to you and shoved in your face through explosions and gory make-up. The fun is in the build-up. You shouldn't watch this movie if you can not suspend reality. I think that the people who take things too literally are the ones who dislike the film. The aliens don't matter; in fact it could be the plague, Godzilla or bigfoot coming to get the people at the farm. Bottom line- it is worth seeing- even if you just get some jumps out of it.
Rating:  Summary: Top Movie...... Review: Signs is an incredible movie with a superstar cast in it. It not only keeps you on the edge of ur seat but also makes u laugh along the way, people always have this idea in their head that every scary movie needs to have blood and bodies being ripped apart. This movie does not have those qualites, and that is why is it such a great movie. It is suspenceful and thrilling and you are left only wanting to see more. For those folks who say this movie is terrible or bad, i say they know nothing about a good scary movie cuz the only thing they are looking for is blood, dead bodies and violence. For those folks i recommend watching aliens or terminator. Signs is a great movie, full of surprises and thrilling scenes, even the moments of silence is incredible in this movie. Im glad for a change the ending is simple and not a dumb ending like in the movie "unbreakable". This movie takes the meaning "scary movie" in a whole new dimension. It is if not the best one of the best movie of 2002.
Rating:  Summary: Truly Awsome! Review: I am very picky when it comes to movies (especially alien movies which I love). I went to the theater expecting little, but I was wrong. This movie is great! Until I saw this movie, I had never been scared in a movie before. The part with the alien in the pantry really got me. Mel Gibson gives one of his best performances yet. He is a normal father, who just wants to protect his family. What I really like about this movie is the originality. It is one of few alien movies which do not take the typical prospective of the government. Instead, it goes the family route. At times you have no idea what is going on outside of their household. This makes the movie entertaining, intriguing, and over all fun to watch. Aside from Mel Gibson, the other actors and actresses make great performances as well. I would like to point out that Macolie Calkin's brother is a jewel of the stage, and bares a striking resemblence to his brother. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys sci fi's, dramas, and alien movies.
Rating:  Summary: Silly script - cheap production Review: One of the most silly sci-fi movies I have ever seen! Do not waste your money and especially your time!
Rating:  Summary: Be Warned This DVD Is No A Real Vista Series DVD Review: Where does Walt Disney Home Video get off trying to pass this standard edition of Signs off as a Vista Series edition? Single DVD, Dolby Digital sound, 5 deleted scenes, a 6 part making of documentary and standard packaging does not make this a Vista Series DVD. This edition of Signs is almost identical to what was released for the non-Vista Series editions of The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. The Vista Series releases for The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable has two DVDs, DTS sound, three times as many extras and Special Packaging. This pseudo-Vista Series release of Signs is an insult to consumers. I hope that everybody that gets this substandard Vista Series DVD calls Walt Disney Home Video and voices there complaints loud and clear so we don't have to put up with this kind of false packaging again and If Walt Disney Home Video releases the Real Vista Series edition in six months time they should give everybody that bought this substandard edition a refund and a free copy of the new edition. This DVD is a travesty.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie EVER!!! Review: This movie is scary and funny at the same time.Shaymalan created a great movie that is hard to capture.What if this happened to you???
Rating:  Summary: Read this sign ((Viewer Beware)) Review: Oooh aaaah, the previews for the movie had so much promise- mysterious crop circles, aliens..etc. The actual movie.... I wanted to like Signs, i went into the movie theater expecting to like Signs. I couldn't make myself like it, I couldn't even figure out how Mr. M. Night Shyamalamadingdong could produce this stinker after his surprising and inspired Sixth Sense. Here's the low down. Very little alien activity. Not only is that a let down, but the human reaction in the film is also a let down. Hey, there are aliens in our yard making crop circles, aw heck, we won't leave just hang out in the old farm house and whine about God." Pretty much I had expected that the humans in the movie would react to the alien invasion much like they did in the movie Independance Day. Instead you get everyone going on with their life and suddenly, bing bang boom, the aliens just leave. Sooo anticlimatic. The aliens, when we see them at all are weak and lame. They scratch at doors, crawl around on roof tops, go bump in the night...etc. To make the plot even more ridiculous, small asthmatic children can survive for like 15 minutes without air- ridiculous plot line- come on, think M. Night, think. if this movie had been advertised as a man who is exploring his grief and loss of faith, it would have done alright. It starts out promising- spooky, suspensful and then just falls apart at the end in an incongruous lump. I can only suspect that all those who rave over this movie are either brain or are just too darn afraid to say they disliked it because they have fond memories of other M. Night movies or they just are too embarrassed having spent money at the theater.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone! Review: This movies does a spectacular job of keeping its audience in suspense. It's hitckockian in this way and I believe it rivels its precessors (the 6th Sense and Unbreakable), however the movie's script and plot can leave the diligent viewer unsatisfied. It is obvious the film-maker is hoping for complete and willing suspension of disbelief because once one begins to question the plausibility of events it is very easy to pick the story apart. For viewers interested in a thrilling movie this is for you.The actors are great especially the little girl (it's worth watching just to see her steal each scene). For viewers interested in gaining insight into what might actually happen if we were indeed attacked by Aliens you'd be better off watching something else.