Rating:  Summary: Shyamalan is one of the most talented filmmakers Review: I just saw this movie for the fourth time, and I've noticed something...every time I see this movie, I pick up yet another subtle detail I missed out on...There are so many layers to this movie that make it more than just a "scary" show...The fact of the matter is, yes, there are several jump scenes, and the suspense is extremely well done. M Night Shyamalan is one of the most talented filmmakers working today...Taking his cue from Alfred Hitchcock, the suspense is built not by gore and what we see, but rather what we DON'T see is what keeps us on the edge of our seat...(What's on the other side of that door???!! I'll use this knife to take a look...) This film has a lot of well placed humor that doesn't detract from the storyline and adds a lot to the characters (the scene with the foil hats is sure to be remembered for years to come...). And after a particular jump scene in the middle, where a lot of people tend to scream, Shyamalan spaces out the dialogue, 'cause he knows people are going to scream, and then laugh nervously at their own reaction (in other words, there's a pause in the dialogue after a jump scene, so you don't miss anything...). This movie was very well written, with lots of little things throughout the movie leading up to the climax, and adding to the theme of the movie (Is someone watching out for us?)...Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie...it's a fun movie to watch with a group of friends (preferably those who are apt to scream...). And just for added reference, this film is quite clean, with almost zero on-screen violence and no gore...there's a few scatological references and cuss words, but even those are kept to a minimum (10-12 words throughout the course of the movie)...Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: You know Mel Gibson; so you know it's a QUALITY film!! Review: "Signs" is a film with a great plot, actors, cinematography, music and direction. Mel Gibson is the best as always! In recent years Gibson has started to produce and star in films, of which has a higher standard than most top-films! Movies like "We Were Soldiers", "Braveheart" and "The Patriot" are top notch! This story is great, and what more can you say... it's "Signs" with Mr. Mel Gibson!! Go buy this DVD w/ great bonus features in Widescreen!
Rating:  Summary: Worthless Review: This is not a good movie. I'm telling you, if you buy it you won't like it. M. Night Shamalyan is not a movie director. The Sixth Sense was ok, Unbreakable was awful, and this was the worst one yet(It didn't even have Bruce Willis in it). Mel Gibson's acting is boring and predictable in this movie, and it's hard to like a character Joaquin Phoenix plays after seeing Gladiator. The children are ok in this movie and the little girl is sometimes funny, but they dont have any real talent. Let's get one thing straight, also, THIS MOVIE IS NOT SCARY!! Watching a flashlight roll around on the ground is not scary. I don't know how someone watched this movie and thought that it was a winner. Don't buy it. Please. Just Don't. Trust Me.
Rating:  Summary: Loss of primary focus leaves "Signs" sighing... Review: In short, "signs" is basically two films in one. The first is about [1] an extraterrestrial invasion, replete with flying saucers, aliens and deadly alien gas. The "news" footage of the invasion is interesting and the cinematic work is memorable in the beginning. The second is about a priest [Mel Gibson] and his loss of faith when, God, presumably, allows his wife to be killed in a freak auto accident. During the course of the film, it becomes obvious that the director couldn't decide which story he liked best. Ultimately, the extraterrestrials are relegated to a prop supporting the priests' regained faith as they are quickly dispatched with tap water and a Louisville Slugger [baseball bat]; a metaphor uttered by his wife before dying on the hood of a Suburban. Utterly ridiculous. ....
Rating:  Summary: If you scare easily then this movie might scare you Review: Very disappointing movie. Mel Gibson was miscast for this role. His portrayal of a former minister was very flat; he didn't pull out any of his character's emotions. I didn't know what he was feeling except that he didn't like God because of the death of his wife; but what did that have to do with liking or disliking aliens? There wasn't any insight into who he was or who he had become. Phoenix did a good job as did the two children. The director's short part should have been eliminated or his character should have been expanded upon; who was he, why did he cause the accident, how did he feel because of it? If you scare easily, then this movie might scare you, but if it takes a lot to scare you, then don't expect much.
Rating:  Summary: Great acting ruined by a nonsensical plot Review: It's a shame. This was a movie that falls way short of its potential. It's like the producers decided that, once Mel Gibson signed on for the project, they didn't need to bother with anything else, like a script that made any sense. And to a point they were right. Mel Gibson's acting was fantastic, as was that of the supporting cast, and for a little while at least you can enjoy the movie on that superficial level. And if the alien element were removed and the film concentrated on character development, it might have worked. The story arc about a reverend who loses and then regains his faith could have supported this film on its own, but for some reason they decided to throw a supernatural twist into the mix and introduce us to the dumbest aliens ever. Forget the fact that these aliens traveled billions of miles to randomly kill people for no reason. Forget the fact that these aliens who are smart enough to develop intergalactic travel aren't smart enough to develop a way to break a door down. Forget the fact that these aliens can navigate their way safely across the galaxy, but can't find Mexico City without ruining some poor farmer's crops. The most assinine thing is that these aliens are so stupid that, even though water is poisonous to them, they try to invade a world that is mostly made of water. Duh. If you are a Mel Gibson fan, pick this film up. He doesn't let the foolishness of the script interfere with his acting. If you are looking for a story, however, look elsewhere. You'll find more realistic aliens and more believable plotlines watching re-runs of Alf or Mork and Mindy.
Rating:  Summary: Better then what I thought it would be Review: This movie was very good. I'll admit, when I first heard of it, I wasn't very interested in it. When I saw the advertisements for it, I thought it was going to be another movie where aliens try to take over our planet, we stop them, and everything is a happy ending. I was, for the general part, right.. But, regardless, when I saw this, I thought this movie was actually very good. The scenes were well thought out. And just the anticipation and suspense of the film made me want to watch it, to see what would happen. Many parts of movie were actually creepy. One part that stood out (for me) was when the one guy threw rocks into the crop field. The wind just started blowing, and the whole feel of it was just eerie, like you knew something was there, watching. Overall, Signs is a great movie. It is definitly worth watching. You don't have to be a Sci Fi fan to enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most effective movies Review: Signs is a wonderful little story about faith and family, but like The Sixth Sense, it is also a terrifying thriller It's a much more emotional journey than what Shyamalan has given us in his past two movies I think that's one of the reasons I like M. Night Shyamalan's so much. He so perfectly crafts his film to pull you into the story, make you care about the characters and keep you at the edge of your seat. He not only builds suspense, but knows how far to push before letting off with some sort of comic relief in order to maintain a very high level of interest and suspense. A stark contrast to this is Panic Room in which David Fincher does a great job of creating suspense, but pushes so hard on the suspense that there isn't any possibility to sustain that through the film. You get so tired of being so suspended for so long that ultimately the effect wears off. Mel Gibson is at the top of that list, with an excellent performance as a man who loses faith but continues to fight to hold his family together despite his many emotional ups and downs. I don't think I've ever seen this man as moving or teary as he was in this flick
Rating:  Summary: Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind. Review: This movie was truley horrible. Alot of miscasting. Every character in the film was miscast except for the little girl who played the daughter. This movie fools you into thinking it's about aliens and outer space. It ends up being a sappy family in crisis melodrama with alot of sappy dialogue better suited for Hallmark cards... When the aliens finally come to earth, we find out they are bad. The aliens look like they are wearing cheap wet suits painted puke green, Bad special effects! Another thing I noticed is, alot of the time, the actors had this stupid dumbfounded look on their face... After seeing all of M Night's films, I'm finally at the point where I see him as totally overrated. He has some good techniques, but his films come off as borderline pretentious. Another flaw of the film is, if these aliens are intelligent enough to make intrikit crop patterns and somehow fly their way through space and find earth, how come they can't find their way out of a laundry room bolted shut by a wooden chair? And the whole scene where the son is dying from asthma used as a suspense tactic did not belong in this movie. We want to see the aliens!!! Instead of focusing on the main subject matter, this film veers off in so may subplots it becomes riduculous. I fast forwarded to some of the ending because it became too unbearable and ultimately tedious to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, Edge of your Seat Thriller. Review: Signs is the story of a former reverend and his family defending against invading aliens. Though some parts are very funny others will have you at the edge of your seat, palms sweaty dreading what will happen next. The movie dosn't show the aliens very much but instead relyes on your imagination with very excellent filming techniques. Mel Gibson did a very good job with this role, playing a very believable family man. Joaquin Phoenix also at the top of his game. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who is fan of horror or suspense movies. Rated PG-13 for some frightening moments.