Rating:  Summary: Bad, bad and more bad! Review: I'm totally amazed at the number of folks who gave this unbelievably boring, droll & overly-hyped excuse for a film! The marketing and trailers were totally misleading. It was a hodgepodge of stolen concepts from E.T., The War of the Worlds, and believe it or not The Wizard of OZ with a very weak storyline and marginal performances. It went on & on & on and kept hinting that something interesting was just a scene away. I guess that scene must have been dropped on the cutting room floor because it ain't in the flick! The ending was insulting, childish and has been used before when a certain "Wicked Witch" gets hers. I'm all for the suspension of belief in order to enjoy fiction...but give the viewer something to half-believe in! The idea that an advanced alien race has come half way across the universe to take over a world of which 75% is comprised of a fatal poison is way to far to stretch my imagination. It would be like humans venturing to a planet made up of sulfuric acid and not taking any space suits! A REALLY BAD MOVIE. THEY SHOULD REFUND THE MONEY TO THE VIEWRS FOR WAISTING OUR TIME!
Rating:  Summary: It's No Sixth Sense Review: The Signs is a very creative movie, but it you will not be as suprised as you were in Sixth Sense. The directory uses many of the same tactics - symbolism, color, etc. to clue you in on the outcome. You will feel gratified at the end if you were able to put everything together. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix do a great job in this movie. The remaining characters all seemed strange - although I guess they were supposed to be!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Entertaining Review: When I first heard of Signs being released in theatres I was completely skeptical of it's premise, the UFO thing seemed overdone. However, I was pleasantly surprised with Shyamalan's Signs. Though it was definitely no Sixth Sense in the scare factor, Signs was entertaining and well directed. I would definitely recommend it for a movie night.
Rating:  Summary: Everything But The Kitchen Sink Review: Mr. Shyamalan is obviously a strong director and a real movie buff. Who knows what compelled him to apparently draw upon "Contact", "War of the Worlds", "The Birds", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "The Wizard Of Oz", and whatever else and hand us a very pretentious movie. He even finds a part for himself in the plot - he's the person who fell asleep at the wheel and ended the life of Mrs. Hess and temporarily ended the religious career of Mr. Hess - Mel Gibson. (At least his idol Mr. Hitchcock got himself out of the proceedings after his "cameo"). Mel and Joaqhim are the two bemused male leads. Don't think "Men are back" in the movies - they are both lost figures, one abandoning his faith after a tragedy, one a shoulda-been ballplayer. Gibson's children basically run the household with help from a local Policewoman. Gibson's faith is tested a second time when crop circles, I mean really big ones hoaxters couldn't do, show up in front of his country home. His suspicions are validated when he encounters an alien on the other side of the pantry door in the home of the guy who ran down Mrs. Hess. This creature was able defy universal laws of physics by traveling galaxies to Earth and by creating the circles - It was nice of him to let Earthlings know he was coming to destroy their planet - but he can't seem to find his way out of the broom closet. After the attack has begun and Hess, his Brother, his Son and Daughter, board themselves up at home to cower and wish away the aliens. Hess' son is aesthmatic and has an attack. His inhaler is in the other room - where an alien is. Gibson's character in this scene shows no "Lethal Weapon" tendencies. He curls and with his son on the floor. Eventually, his Brother grabs his Louisville Slugger and pummels the creature (who resembles a hybrid of the Jolly Green Giant and Alien). But it's H20 which does it in. Yes, this creature who can fly through space and scan his destination for spots to make a crop circle apparently missed that this place is 75% of what destroys him. A few bottles of water tip over...and he's gone just like the Wicked Witch from you know what movie. In the end, though, they all lived happily ever after. Hess bounces out the door with renewed vigor and interest in his work. (The fact that half the Earth is wiped out doesn't seem to affect him). The DVD offers production sidelights including an interview with the Director. He seems to be saying that the message of the movie is that order comes from chaos and that we should contemplate Universal harmony even as discord prevails. It's food for thought, but I assume that many others agree with me that despite the effective suspense, and the chance to see Mel Gibson do something different, it's wrong to take the audience for granted - Science Fiction has to have grounding in *reality*. A Father would have risen to the occasion to save his son!
Rating:  Summary: This was outstanding. Review: I really liked this movie a lot. To sum it up, it is about a famliy who own a farm. All of a sudden there are crop circles in their fields. Later they hear on the news that all around the world people are reporting crop circles and pets are acting strangly. A few days latter people discover flying UFO's and the "invasion" begins. The famliy decides to stay at their farm and board up their house, knowing the alieans physical limitations. The family does survive, and you find out that a prophecy of Mel Gibson's wife has meaning and helps them survive. It also has a underlying story of a minister who looses his faith once his wife dies, and through the course of the events, he see's that nothing happens by chance and their is "someone"(god) looking out for them. This is what makes up the feeling of satisfaction in the movie, with all the other bad things happining. This movie did take up a new style of movie making, where the characters talk in short sentences. I have seen other movies do this, and while this is not that much of a big deal whereas others were very anoying, it does leave something to be desired with the lacked of Verbal character development. The music is very suspenseful, and is appropriate to the movie's atmosphere. The movie also has a little humor, which i liked and thought helped progress the movie along. I would recommend this movie to anyone above 9 years old, because, this movie might(and probably will) scare young children. ~Hope this helps
Rating:  Summary: What Sign? Review: This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. They try to have a deep physcological theme, and they poorly prove it. It is also truly boring. You can't even hear what the actors say because they mumble. The movie has cheesy effects.I would not reccomend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Not good Review: It was a big disapointment for me to watch Mel Gibson in a such a movie...
Rating:  Summary: Oh, stop your whining, IT'S A MOVIE!! Review: First of all, the DVD needs director commentary (that's why it's 4 stars rather than 5, sorry M. Night!). Night's movies are perfect for that type of extra, but we are never allowed inside the writer/director's head. The special features are pretty good, with the making of signs and (only one good) deleted scene. As far as the movie itself, I wish people would stop complaining about reality issues since this IS a movie. Sure there was some cheesy humor (out of place, I felt) and some of the story is hard to swallow (the ending for example) but it is a movie and we are asked to suspend our reality. If you can't accept M Night's version of aliens and their weaknesses, then don't bother watching any other science fiction/fantasy movies. I think that some people didn't like the positive religious aspects and that made them uncomfortable. Rather than say that, they had to nitpick about the (irrelevant) details of the movie, which was an original, suspensful, touching, film layered with subtle creepiness. If you want reality, rent a documentary.
Rating:  Summary: High Expectations Review: Maybe because of the previous projects of this director (6th Sense & Unbreakable) my expectations were too high. This is an OK movie, and Gibson carries everything pretty well. However this has nowhere near the depth of the other movies. A fine rental.
Rating:  Summary: Not just a scarey movie. Review: My grown son convinced us to rent this movie. I did not get what I was expecting. This is a heartwarming, very funny, suspense filled, alien movie. Yes, that's what I said. The suspense was worthy of Hitchcock. I am not easily frightened, beeing an optimist and an avid mystery reader, but the scene in the cellar while they are looking for the coal shoot . . . you know which one I mean . . . actually made me scream. The people are a little quirky, the family love can nearly be touched, the aliens are evil and there is a moral to the story. What more can you ask for??