Rating:  Summary: Signs, Signs, Everywhere A Sign! Review: "Signs" is an excellent sci-fi/horror movie, combining elements of "War Of The Worlds" with "Night Of The Living Dead." Mel Gibson plays Graham Hess, a minister who has lost his faith after his wife is killed. His brother Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix) moves in to his farm to help take care of Graham's two small children. One day, a series of elaborate crop circles are found in their cornfield. At first, Graham dismisses this as a hoax, but a series of strange events soon convinces him otherwise. News reports start coming in that crop circles are being found all over the world, accompanied by several UFOs being spotted near them. World-Wide fear escalates as hostile alien beings begin attacking people in an apparent attempt to invade and conquer the earth.Graham reluctantly decides to stay on the farm with his family to defend their home. The sequence with them boarding up the windows and heading down to the cellar for a final stand was very reminiscent of "Night Of The Living Dead." Especially scary was when Merrill accidentally breaks the ceiling light with an ax, plunging them into darkness. Sounds of the aliens running around and banging on the doors can be heard during this sequence. I wasn't prepared for the number of genuine scares this film provided. M. Night Shylamalan is to be congratulated for creating a very suspenseful movie, whose intensity builds and builds to the final showdown between the Hess family and the alien invaders. I won't give away the ending but, suffice to say, my faith in humanity was restored by this film.
Rating:  Summary: Thought movie would be better but still kicks .... Review: This movie is very good. Can freak you out. Great spcial affects. The downside is that it is based on something that teenagers did. It's preety sad that they couldn't come up with anything better. But allaround it's pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Suspense Thriller, Stronger than most movies of 2002 Review: M. Night Shyamalan's movie Signs is another minimalist shocker movie. Unlike the Friday the 13th, 13 Ghosts movies with dumb unoriginal plots and gross out special effects, Night returns to older style movie theatrics used by Hitchcock. The small cast is well acted by all; Mel Gibson is in a role that could have been played by Night's favorite male lead, Bruce Willis. The children, also another theme in Night's movie, are well cast including Rory Culkin yet another Culkin child actor with real chops, and Abigail Breslin in her first movie. They prove yet again that Night is an excellent director of children. Joaquin Phoenix has a very strong performance as the younger brother of Gibson, and produces a subtle and humorous performance. The movie, written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, has the same understated tone and colors of his hit "The Sixth Sense". He sufficiently delays the actual alien confrontation till the very end with minimal snippets to tease the viewer. The ending does tie things up very conveniently and is the only real problem with the movie. Many people love the microcosmic view of a macrocosmic event, but in the end the movie is a redemption picture that is too neatly tied to seem real, Definitely worth the buy. A suspense thriller, with comic moments, and minimal profanity. Strong story, script, and acting.
Rating:  Summary: MediaGab Review Review: I'll start by saying this is not Mel Gibson's best film. "Signs" is a sci fi thriller or at least it is supposed to be. The expectation of this movie going in is nothing close to what actually happens in the movie. Gibson's performance is sub par against movies like "We Were Soldiers" and "Braveheart". A family living on a farm notices crop circles in their cornfield. After thinking it is a vandal, they determine it is a sign for something else. Without giving the movie away it turns out to be a life or death situation for all mankind. The acting in this movie...wait there was none. Every actor had the same expression, none. There was not one smile or laugh in the whole movie. Everyone had a serious look and mood to them for the whole movie. Overall this movie had the feel of a low budget horror flick with a big name actor. I rate it a 2 out of 5. I only give it a two for the suspense. It does keep you in the movie engaging you to know what is going on.
Rating:  Summary: reaction Review: Most people say that this movie has to do with religion, but I think otherise. I think that this movie has to do with how everything has a reaction to something else in the big picture. If Graham's wife hadn't died, he wouldnt have been able to "see" and say to Merill, his brother, "swing away." Also, if Morgan had not had the asthma attack, he would have died, but he didnt because he couldnt breathe in the poison. this movie captured my thoughts, and truly made me think in a different way.
Rating:  Summary: Really stupid Review: Crop circles are intriguing, but using this very real fascinating phenomena to make a movie about restoration of faith is simply sad. Why should events be right to save him and not others? Why saving humans and not the aliens? His restored faith makes no sense. The movie was awkward, boring and predictable. As stupid as AI but not quite as long and tedious. I wish I could give it zero stars because it doesn't even deserve 1. I wish someone had warned me not to waste my time.
Rating:  Summary: Logical Lapses and Too Little Meat Review: The beginning of this movie might make you wonder whether this is "The River II", with Mel Gibson once again becoming a farmer. However, this time the antagonist isn't a river, but aliens. It seems as though aliens have become the easy path to creation an antagonistic foil for any modern movie where you can't come up with a better antagonist. Mel Gibson plays a former minister who lost his faith when his wife was killed by a driver who fell asleep at the wheel (played by the director of the movie). On top of this we have a son with asthma, various people with problems of their own, and aliens with apparently wimpy technology if they can travel invisibly, jump onto the roof of a house, and yet struggle with getting through a wooden door of the house. Portions of the movie are truly eerie, and for a little while you might find the movie frightening. However, by the time you reach the final credits, the director has required too many suspensions of logic and belief to make the movie truly satisfying. I would enjoy detailing some of the more significant lapses of logic, but some people have enjoyed this movie, and in the event you are one of those, I do not wish to spoil it for you. I'll just say that the director asks us to believe by the abilities and actions of these aliens that they are incredibly superior beings, yet these same aliens appear to have incredible weaknesses that might have work in the 1950s, but for the significantly more sophisticated audience of the new millennium, the solid core of technology needed to support this movie just isn't there. Another down side of the movie for me was that in addition to the logic inconsistencies, he tried to develop too many central characters without sufficient depth for us to become truly sympathetic to them. Instead we have too many details in too short a time, thrown in with aliens that perhaps we didn't need. The antagonist just as easily could have been Big Foot and the lapses in logic might have been fewer. Giving M. Night Shymalan credit for the few moments when I felt the movie was suspenseful, but taking away credit for the multiple implausibilities (it's hard to believe that aliens navigating between solar systems would require crop signs as navigation aids - give me a break; maybe they should go to Radio Shack or Sears and buy GPS systems), I can only give this movie three stars. I doubt I will watch this movie again, and I must admit it won't be in the "often watched" portion of my video collection.
Rating:  Summary: Talked alot, expected more action Review: I thought that overall, it was pretty good. But I really expected more action. And also, like someone else had said already, if aliens feared water, then they wouldn't be able to stand the dew from the grass. And when the aliens are in the house and they're in the basement and just blocking the door, I would have had lots of guns to kill those aliens instead of just standing there hoping they wouldn't come in.
Rating:  Summary: SIGNS Review: This DVD is one of the best of its kind with Mel gibson makes it all that more better. Have you ever wondered what would happen on an alien invasion? what crop circles arE? or those mysterious noises are at night? well watch this defintly not for the squimish or little children. I wont tell you much more as it will ruin it for you and then youy wont need to see it. i would have to say buy it it is well good very tense and scary. if you really want to see a scary film ... see the ring ...
Rating:  Summary: WOW!..one of the Best! movies i've ever seen! Review: I thought it would be all about crop circles, but it gets creepy and suspensful. the alien freaked me out when i first saw him. and the UFO's..wow!..what if something like that happened one day?. AAA+ Good movie. Highly Recommended. I know why some give it a 1 star bad rating, (They're Liberals) trying to uncredit Mel Gibson's Great Movie. Thanks -Edgar Atlanta, GA