Rating:  Summary: Good Horror Movie but it doesn't Surpass Expectations Review: This movie was really truly a horror movie. It was very scary and freaky, but what I felt detracted from the movie was somewhat of an unresolved ending, the ending itself, and some unanswered questions.The Ring is a remake of a Japanese Film. It is about a reporter, Rachel (Naomi Watts) whose niece died one night. Her death is under mysterious circumstances and her heart just stopped. Rachel is asked to look into it and she finds that her niece and her four friends watched this video tape all on the same night at Green Mt. Lodge or something. They all died at the same time. Rachel goes to this lodge and she watches the tape which is full of disturbing and strange images. She gets a call telling her she has seven days to live. Freaked out from the call and video she calls in her ex-boyfriend and the father of her child, Noah, to help her. He watches the tape and later so does their kid. They launch an investigation and discover a lot of information on what exactly is on the tape. What I really thought was very enjoyable about this movie is how you piece the parts of the puzzle together with Rachel. Naomi Watts really did well in her role. I can totally believe she is terrified and unsure of what to do, but I have to repeat the ending is just ugh. Had the ending been better, I would say this is one of the best horror films I've ever seen. Yet, it was very interesting and intriguing so from a scale of 1-10, it would be between 8.5 or 8.9. It was good but not great.
Rating:  Summary: Better then fear dot com Review: OK, watching this movie was not a complete waist of time. I guess it would have been better had I not watched Fear.com couple of weeks before. These two movies are identical, except of the last 15 minutes. I will break my rule and give out some of the points of the movie to explain myself. The idea behind this movie is this: a person who died a long time ago has found a way to communicate with the living through videotape (web site in case of Fear.com). After watching the tape person has 7 days (3 days in case of Fear.com - you get the point?) to solve the puzzle, or he/she dies of a most horrible death. If I was to look at this movie alone, it was not too bad. For some reason no one makes really good scary movies any more. I think they tried to get into peoples head by having an object in a shape of a ring flash every 5 min or so during the whole movie. Besides the flashy thing, visually movie was well handled. Story is pretty good and acting was not too bad. But the best part of it was the ending, pretty cool twist. I think this is a type of movie that you should watch at home, ONCE YOU HAVE RENTED THE VIDEOTAPE. I don't think I'll ever consider buying it though.
Rating:  Summary: You have seven days... Review: Whispers a girls voice just moments after you watch the film err.. tape.. Ok.. Ok.. I admit I called my friend fromt he bathroom after we watched this and freaked her out.. First let me say that I LOVE horror movies and have ever since I was 9 years old when my parents let me watch CHUD, Alien, and several other flicks.. And my favorites are those keep you on the end of your seat.. non gore, non sex.. psychological horror flicks.. And let's just say that this movie kept me glued to my seat despite a bladder yelling at me for over an hour.. You start this movie with two teenage girls who are having a sleep over and they begin to tell stories of horror.. Now about this time I turn to my friend and go "Gheesh it is another one of them teen horrors.." Ohh dear would I be proven wrong in about five minutes.. It is then that all hell breaks loose and keeps on going.. This movie will pull your emotions from curious to scared, and back again in about 5.6 seconds or less.. The characters are believable and the acting is just outstanding.. And the ending.. ahh the ending.. if you do not get it the first time then sit down and watch the whole movie agian.. it really does make since.. So enjoy.. and oohh did I mention this is my seventh day?
Rating:  Summary: Dead Ringer Review: *YAWN* I consider myself a HUGE fan of horror films, and had VERY high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, it was full of disappointments. Not ONCE did I jump, scream, or even feel vaguely creeped out. Perhaps I am simply jaded, having seen virtually EVERY horror film of the past decade or more? No, I think it had more to do with poor editing and a confusing story line. The most fun this film offered was hanging around for the second showing and having a friend ring my cell phone at just the right moment. Believe me, that was the most fright moment anyone in that audience experienced....and made sitting through part of the film for a second time bearable for me.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun But Not As Scary As I Expected Review: This movie was fun. I went and saw it last night with a friend and I won't deny the idea of watching a movie about a deadly VHS tape gave me the creeps. The tape has no name, no evidence of even being made. So why is it so darn scary? Because everyone who sees the tape dies 7 days after watching it. The tape has strange, seemingly unrelated images on it. While the tape is terribly frightening and bizarre, I was especially intrigued by the main character, Rachel's attempt to discover where the tape originated. Rachel, her boyfriend, and her son have all viewed the tape...and so the movie also has the added fright of ticking stopwatch. What I liked about this movie: 1. Naomi Watts is great. She is a fine actress and doesn't seem your typical horror flick bimbo. I look forward to seeing her in future rolls. Her presence made the film more enjoyable. 2. I love the scenes where Rachel (Watts) and her boyfriend are researching the origins of the tape. A great plot twist that added more brains to the drama. 3. I loved the infamous tape. Very Creepy. 4. The ending was actually decent. I enjoyed the unbelievable moment very much. What I did not enjoy about this movie: 1. The beginning was a bit too, how do I say..."I Know What You Did Last Summer"...cheesy? It offered some heart pounding moments, but I feared I was about to sit through another teeny-bop film. 2. Let me quote my friend: "The plot had holes big enough to drive a Mac truck through"...True. As I was becoming more and more interested in the tape's origins, the plot started to fall apart. I noticed others near us also saying out loud.."What?" some clues that "fit like puzzle pieces" in the movie, really didn't. Some things are a bit force-fed to us. 3. That darn kid of Rachel's. Her son Aidan was over-dramatic, unnecessary, and trying so hard to be the next Haley Joel Osment. ("I see dead people"). Give me a break! Does every scary movie now need a kid like this? Do I recomend you go see this movie? Yeah. Don't be looking for a blockbuster. Just sit and have fun. It's not as scary as the trailers make it seem. No one actually screamed out loud, but the film has great plot ideas. Perhaps it is weak in it's entirety, but I think the movie is still quite enjoyable. I still prefer movies more along the lines of "The Sixth Sense" or "The Blair Witch Project" (until we found out how it was made...), but It's nearing Halloween. Enjoy, but maybe you shouldn't pick up the phone when you get home.
Rating:  Summary: Really creepy movie!!!! Review: This was a really suspensful movie. This movie has little things everywhere to creep you out. For example, almost every scene opens with a door slamming or something like that to make you jump. The movie isn't too scary, until the last 5 minutes. You think everything's alright and happy, but then the most unexpecting thing happens thats guaranteed to freak you out! The acting was really good and it had great cinematography. Naomi Watts does a great job of looking scared, and Daveigh Chase (the girl who does the voice of Lilo in "Lilo and Stitch") did a very good job in freaking people out when she plays Samara, the freaky little ghost girl. So if you want to see a really suspensful thriller, and don't mind staying up all night thinking about it, then this is the movie for you. And if you do go, and you hate it, make sure you stay until the very end, to see what I think will be one of the scariest scenes in movie history.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: I LOVED The Ring. It was visually stunning. Great shots of the beautiful Seattle area. Great story and acting. You definitely have to pay attention to follow the plot. Very creepy - loved it. I will go see this again while it is still in the theatres. This is one to see on the BIG SCREEN!
Rating:  Summary: First You Should See The Ring Review: After being very let down by FearDotCom I went to see The Ring hoping it would be a lot better. And it was It did what FearDotCom could not and it is stay spooky through the hole movie without getting dumb cheesy and turn in to a waste. I knew that this was a remake of a Japanese horror movie by the same name which I have read about and hope to see someday. The Ring is like & I think better then The Sixth Sense. It has another kid in it that talks to the dead like The Sixth Sense and Stir of Echoes. Which I was not to happy to see again in a movie but it ended up being scarier then broth of them. The Ring is about a video tape that after you watch it you get a phone call telling you that you only have 7 days to live. You will find out why 7 days at the end of the movie. Even the video tape Its self is foul of very spooky and weird images. And you will see the tape a lot thoughtout the movie The Ring is also like a very dark mystery that right wen you think the mystery has been solved and the movie is over. It starts up again and there is a new mystery. I think The Ring does a very good job living up to the hype and will be one of the best horror movies of the year
Rating:  Summary: The Scariest film since..... Review: This is the scariest movie of 2002! Now new horror has finally met the standards of the olf horror movies. This doesn't rely on gore or exploitation, this relies on gut wrenching thrills, disturbing images, suggested horror, authentic scares, great acting, creepy music, great psychological elements, and some cheap thrills to top it off! The beggining makes it look like a stupid teen slasher film, but it quickly turns into an intelligent nightmare full of twists and turns. Go see this movie before everyone else spoils it for you.
Rating:  Summary: The scariest movie I've seen in a while. Review: This movie just looked visually cool. Unlike Feardotcom, which had a similar plot, this actually didn't look lame. The Ring, however, will have you clutching the arms of your chair. This movie isn't overly graphic. It's a psychological horror. This movie messes with your mind. Most of what you see on screen isn't perticularly scary. It's the tension that builds as the players try to unravel the secret of the video. It leaves you uneasy through the whole movie, and it stays with you for a quite while after. Naomi Watts stars as a reporter whose niece dies one week after viewing a disturbing video. While investigating the events of her niece's final days, she herself views the video. She has one week to find the origins of the tape, before she becomes it's next victim. The movie does raise alot of questions that are left unanswered, like questions about the person behind the video, but I won't spoil it for anyone. Anyway, it's a scary, stylish, and well-acted film. I'm sure Naomi Watts will become a big star here in the states. She holds the movie together. Definitly check this one out if you're a horror/thriller fan.