Rating:  Summary: Finally!!!!! Review: In an age where the majority of "horror" movies turn into contests to see how much blood you can cram into an hour and a half we finally a privied to a wonderful example of the true meaning of horror. This is definetly a thinking mans(womans) movie and plays to the audience that can let themselves be taken in by the whole atmosphere of the film yet still have the sense about them to read between the lines and plug the "holes in the plot". I saw this with a couple of friends whom both left the theatre dumbfounded and complaing that "they didnt explain it" to you. These people should stick to the texas chainsaw massacres and leave films like this alone. Only 4 stars simply for the ending. Not the best ending and seemed to be a little rushed, but overall a great movie!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, lousy DVD Review: I thought this was one really scary film. And that's why it's getting 2 stars -- 'cause the movie's good. The DVD is miserable. There's nothing here worth buying -- in fact, there're really no extras at all. There is some deleted footage combined with the "Ring" video, but there doesn't seem to be any point to it. And there are two trailers for other films, one of them being the original Ringu. (Are we really expected to pay for advertising now?) That's it. No commentaries, no "Making of" features, not even cast and crew filmographies. Don't buy this DVD -- rent it today, and wait for a special edition to make this worth buying. By far the most disappointing DVD release I've seen.
Rating:  Summary: Appointment with Samara Review: English-language remakes of successful foreign films are rarely a good idea, but Gore Verbinski's close do-over of the phenomenally popular and absolutely terrifying Japanese ghost story RING (1998) is a shivery surprise: a frighteningly good horror movie with enough solid scares to freeze the blood of ardent fans and newcomers alike. It begins with the mysterious death of 16-year-old Seattle high-schooler Katie (Amber Tamblyn), found in a closet with her face horribly contorted; whatever killed Katie also scared her friend Becca (Rachael Bella) so badly that she now wanders the halls of a mental institution like a zombie. When Katie's aunt, reporter Rachel (Naomi Watts), starts poking around, Katie's friends tell her about a cursed videotape that supposedly kills anyone who watches it. The phone rings the moment the tape is over, the story goes, and a voice on the other end warns that you have seven days to live; a week later, you die. Rachel brushes off the tale as an urban legend, but the deeper she digs, the more sense it makes: How else to explain the fact that everyone who watched the tape with Katie died at exactly the same time? Rachel drives up to the lodge where the ill-fated teens spent the weekend before their deaths, and finds an unmarked videocassette in the front office. She pops it into the VCR and watches as bizarre images flicker across the screen: an eclipse; a woman brushing her hair; a box of twitching, severed fingers; a spectral little girl (Daveigh Chase) whom we later learn is named Samara. The tape abruptly ends and the phone rings; "Seven days," the voice whispers, and the countdown begins. Watts does great work here - she's got that mounting panic thing down pat - and the constant Seattle rain supplies an appropriately dank and airless mood. In simplifying the story (which spawned a series of novels, a manga, three movies and a TV series in Japan) writer Ehren Kruger (SCREAM 3) has also ironed out a number of kinks in the original screenplay while adding a number of creepy embellishments. The ending, however, is something of a disappointment: By toning down a final act of desperate cruelty, Kruger and Verbinski rob the finale of that resounding ring of doom, the stroke that insured the original a permanent place under your skin.
Rating:  Summary: Surpasses the hype. Review: I've been a fan of horror movies since I can remember. As a young kid, I tried to find a movie that would truly scare me, and I never did. The first Halloween movie was the best I came across. The Exorcist did nothing for me. Then I saw the previews for this movie. I thought it looked sort of lame but also intriguing. So I went to see it with a friend. It was the best movie-going experience I've had yet, and the only time I've been genuinely terrified by a movie. I don't know what it is about this movie -- the acting, the cinematography, and the storyline are all superb, but it's impossible to put my finger on the reason it scared me so much. And that's what I love about it. There's something intangible in the film's atmosphere that gave me the chills. I unplugged my TV for two weeks after just to be safe (yes, I'm lame). Naomi Watts is one of my favorite actresses out there today -- she made a huge impression on me with her great performance in David Lynch's MULHOLLAND DRIVE, and she definitely didn't let me down here. She's perfect for the role and she pulls it off beautifully, looking more and more tense as the plot thickens. The villain of the movie, Samara, was portrayed by Daveigh Chase, and I can say with certainty that for a little girl, she sure knows how to be scary. I liked her a lot more than RINGU's villain, Sadako. Speaking of RINGU, if you're thinking of passing this one up to see the original, my advice is this: don't. Perhaps I'm one of those people who the "true horror fans" call unenlightened, but the Japanese version, in my opinion, is far inferior to this one. After seeing the American version, I read about the original and downloaded it, expecting to be floored by it and to prefer it highly over the remake. But it lacked suspense for me, and at points it became too ridiculous to give any credibility to. However, judging by the reviews on here and the ones I've read elsewhere, I'm missing something. It bothers me to know that I'm not getting the full experience, but there is something about RINGU that must have escaped me. Maybe I'll watch it again some time. Anyway, yes, there are some plot holes. To me, they're so minor that I didn't give them a second thought. But they do seem to bother some other people, so if you like having everything explained to you, you may be disappointed here. To finish this highly rambling review, I will say that if you're like me, you will be extremely pleased by and scared by this movie. Don't pass it up just because it may be less "artsy" than the original.
Rating:  Summary: Not a Scary Movie at all Review: This movie was not all what it was "cracked" up to be. It is NOT that scary. It's more CONFUSING than anything else. Beside wasn't there another movie that was released around the same time where people were coming up dead if they watched the video??? I don't remember the name of it...but it was based around the same thing. If you want a SCARY movie...rent ANY movie by Stephen King! Now his stuff is HORROR at it's best!
Rating:  Summary: ONe of the best movies i have seen Review: Worth watching and the best movie of 2002
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Makes it Right Review: The Ring is one of those highly entertaining films you don't want to get too high and mighty over to enjoy. Sure I suppose the "Original" is better (I haven't seen it but isn't that what they always say?). The storyline requires a level of suspension of logic on the order of "The Seven Faces of Dr. Lau". It girates along rather like a clothes washer with a bad foot. There are three or four major sections that hang together OK. Just jerky enough to jostle you but seamless enough to keep the spell going. What recommends this film most is that it is entertaining and engaging. It starts ouit with the usual couple of mildly bad school girls clad in uniforms. Immediatly you start to think "Oh Jeez they're still making these films!". But the photography is dark and realistic and the girls are oh so cute so... Then the hook stuff happens and you go "I didn't get that." That's where the movie gets you. The fun is trying to figure out what comes next. The "Killer Video" is disturbing in it's imagery, full-on creepy really. Like that scene in Le Chien Andalu where the eyeball gets sliced. The director shows some humor and even pays tribute to Hitch with the scene in the shower where the beautiful Naomi Watts is washing off the blood and the camera pans to the drain. OK, so it's been overdone. It's only a movie! She obviously carries the film along. With her striking yet approachably delicate beauty that isn't threatening to other women she projects a kooky, spunky lost protagonist. The supporting actors are all in good form. Where'd they get the kid? Those eyes! Anyway the creepy stuff gets you where it should, right in the entrails without resorting to overt, non-creepy bloodbaths and stock tension build ups. Enjoy! If only for the Naomi eye candy.
Rating:  Summary: I don't get it Review: So there's an evil dead girl in a well and she made a cheesy short film on a VHS tape? Hello??? Hasn't this girl heard of DVDs??? And she kills you by showing you her face? Oh please! Michael Jackson's face scares me more! This movie is not scary in the least. I kept waiting for something to make my heart skip a beat but that moment never came. And when I thought the movie was over it wasn't and when I thought there was something else coming it ended. This movie is terrible. There are way too many plot holes. And the DVD extras are a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Best viewed as a mystery, not a horror film. Review: Once I got past the idea that I was expected to be terrified in watching The Ring, I began to enjoy myself a whole lot more. I think it was a mistake to try to market this film as horror. The awareness that it takes seven days for you to die after watching the tape only means there isn't ever much physical danger -- you know the character would make it until the last day arrives. The PG-13 rating, ensuring that the mayhem and shock imagery would be somewhat tamed, didn't help. And there's the somewhat goofy premise. That such a fuss was made of a VHS tape (right down to references its timecode) is a real stretch. But once I figured out that The Ring isn't really a horror film, I was able to accept it much more on its own terms. Naomi Watts deserves all the accolades she got for holding this film together. The woman has never given a bad or even mediocre performance in her career, and her turn in The Ring reminds me of her last foray into horror -- Children of the Corn IV. Believe it or not, that was a fantastic acting turn, and Watts gives The Ring the same grace, sympathy and emotional commitment that has made her great. She has a special knack for layering every emotional moment with precisely its opposite spectrum -- moments of anger turn into sorrow; fear is tinged with joy and strength; and given the somewhat weak supporting cast, Watts is the only reason you care about any of the other characters at all. Though I nearly laughed out loud at the ludicrous first scene of the film, again, once I figured out that this isn't truly a horror film, Ehren Kruger's script began to look like a pretty good job. The lines are crisper and better thought out than in modern horror brethren like FearDotCom, and the visual and story setups and payoffs are quite satisfying. I haven't seen the Japanese original so I can't draw any comparison. However, I think The Ring is at worst a slightly spooky, beautifully shot time-passer, and at its best, it is a pretty good mythical drama which showcases a brilliant actress, who is finally getting the attention she deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Too Scary To Keep... Review: I bought this movie yesterday and today I am selling this movie on Amazon.com. Not because it's a bad movie, mind you. In fact, it's a pretty good movie. I'm selling this movie because it scared the pee out of me and I don't want it lying around my house! Call me a [softie] but oh well - it's got to go! *laugh This movie is a psychological thriller...no slasher flick here. I am a fan of horror films and although I like the occassional slasher flick, it's the films that "mess with your mind" that I truly appreciate. This movie is definitely one of them!!! My husband claimed not to be spooked but seemed a bit uneasy when I started to view the DVD extra: Don't watch this. Well, needless to say, I watched it - or rather peeked through my fingers at it...and it led me to question if such a tape did exist - how many would be able to resist the temptation of viewing it? After this movie, I definitely won't fall for the old "curiosity killed the cat". This "cat" prefers to leave well enough alone. *laugh Again, I recommend this movie to anyone who's looking for a good scare.