Rating:  Summary: I am never watcing a scary movie again.... Review: First of all, let me just say that I am not the horror movie kind of person. I just have never watched them. Well, the other night there was nothing on, so I thought- what the hell, Ill watch "The Ring". Oh myyyyy what a mistake. I'm not saying the movie was bad- it wasnt- it was enthralling. I was absolutely TERRIFIED. I am a 25 year old woman and I was too afraid to sleep after seeing it. I was huddled so close to my husband and I had the blankets wrapped around me so tight I was suffocating, but I wasnt moving and I sure as hell wasnt taking off my covers....ridiculous, I realize, but the movie was as creepy as it gets. If you like to be scared, by all means...watch "The Ring", but if not..Id pass it up. I am still in shock that it was rated only PG13...If I had watched that at 13, I would have had a stroke.
Rating:  Summary: Get Your Blankie Ready To Cover Your Eyes! SCARY STUFF!!! Review: I decided to buy this movie on the talk about it alone... I am glad that I did. I decided to watch it by myself, in the dark on a stormy night, with my bowl of popcorn, pop, pillow & blankie. I must confess that MANY, MANY times the blankie was very close to my eyes as The Ring is LOADED with HIGHLY disturbing images, jumpy parts that made me yell aloud more than once, and the ultimate dark scene with a a scary dead girl coming out of a TV! Interesting premise of viewing a video, getting a scary phone call & being dead within 7 days. I am a horror fanatic and have seen all the classic scary movies. This one frightened me & gave me nightmares! Excellent film on just the shock value alone!
Rating:  Summary: i know the anwer to the ending Review: The ending is simple it's just a continouses curse that can never stop it just goes on and on. if u don't belivie me watch the end of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: who understands the ending? Review: i thought this movie was a really good thriller, and the fact that it took time to explain how the movie was made and where it originated from was a great plot... however the one part of the movie that i don't understand is the ending..... y did a second copy of the movie have to be made to stay alive?????? please someone one tell me......
Rating:  Summary: Please stop. Review: So many people are gushing over this movie. It is average at best. Just to review, a thriller spins a tale with clues and loose ends along the way. This movie has some good points; imagery and cinematography bumped this movie up to the two stars. However the storyline is thin, and in the end there is no aha moment. Most of the loose ends are not tied up, and explanations go unmentioned. It's easy to write a thriller with no resolution.
Rating:  Summary: Scariest Movie I've EVER Seen! Review: I'm not going to write a long review explaining about the movie, I'm just going to say what I think of it so here goes. This is the scarest movie I've ever seen. I was crying and begging my mom to turn it off before it even reached the end. It's not gory or anything, but it has disturbing scenes of things that looked like came from a nightmare. Even better, they'e making a sequel that's coming out in November. Maybe if I have the guts to, I'l go see it. I doubt it though!lol... I recommend you watch this movie with the lights out and by yourself. Much fun...hehe Please note, this movie has stuff that could probably give a young child a heart attack .(...)
Rating:  Summary: Was that the phone????? Review: I can't stop watching this movie. I plan to have friends or relatives over for a first viewing and hide my cell phone nearby to ring up a disturbing end to the movie. The story is about a disturbing video tape at a woodsy resort,seems TV reception is so bad the resort bought VCRs and supply guests with tapes (some bought ,some left behind). Four teenagers rent a cabin,watch the tape,the phone rings shortly after the end of the video and tells them ,they have seven days to live.Seven days later all four die under mysterious consequences. One of the girls that died has an aunt a reporter at a newspaper (Naomi Watts) she hears about the killer video and decides to follow up on the story.She finds and views the tape and spends her time trying to solve the mystery before her time runs out. I was so impressed with the visuals and the almost constant rainfall even the bizarre music ( if that ever is available ,I'll buy that too). I've sen Ringu and it's great too but this version seeems more haunting plus Ringu doesn't have Naomi Watts.
Rating:  Summary: So creepy I couldn't sleep for a week... Review: This movie scared the crap out of me, to sum it up nicely. The director does a terrific job of setting the mood and sense of eerieness and dread throughout the entire film. That little girl is creepy creepy creepy, and there are 3 parts of the movie where it caught me by surprise. I watched the movie the first time through peered fingers, and I still couldn't sleep for a week. Compared to "Ringu", I like this version much much better because everything about it feels like a well-put-together movie. "Ringu" was the original, yes, but it just wasn't creepy like "The Ring". "Ringu" had its 1 or 2 creepy moments but that's it. Check both of them out and come to your own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: Holy Crap!!!!! Review: This movie is so scary, it brought tears to my eyes!!! The ending is the ultimate :: totally unexpected! No actors I can even name off the top of my head, but that didn't matter. If you are a fan of creepy, horror, suspense movies - The Ring is for you! You have 7 days to buy this... ; )
Rating:  Summary: ho hum thriller Review: Like so many horror films of recent vintage, "The Ring" is far more effective in its setup than it is in its execution. The film starts off with a promising premise. A group of teenagers watch a mysterious videotape that predicts that each of them will die in seven days. When the prophecy turns out to be true, Rachel, the aunt of one of the victims, decides to do some investigating of her own to uncover the facts behind this strange supernatural phenomenon. The problem is that not only has Rachel herself seen the tape (which looks for all the world like outtakes from "Un Chien Andalou"), but so also have her ex-boyfriend and little son. Her search for answers thus becomes a matter of life-and-death not merely for herself but for her loved ones as well. "The Ring" has some nice moments of suspense right up front, but the more Rachel unravels the mystery the less mysterious and terrifying the film becomes. This seems to be a common failing in many horror films and "The Ring" finds no real way to overcome it. Naomi Watts is energetic and attractive as the feisty heroine of the story, but the clues she uncovers just aren't very interesting or compelling. "The Ring" is competently made and nicely atmospheric at times, but it doesn't get under your skin the way the best horror films invariably do. Perhaps it's because the tape itself ceases to become a threat early on once the three main characters have all had a crack at watching it. All we are left to do is watch Rachel racing against the clock looking for answers, turning "The Ring" into more of a whodunit mystery than a tale of terror. This might be acceptable if the "solution" weren't a hackneyed bit of Grand Guignol idiocy that we've seen hundreds of times before. "The Ring" is a watchable little time waster but it won't keep you up at night and it won't make you think twice before popping that next videotape into your VCR.