Rating:  Summary: Still recovering from my heart attack. Review: I wish I knew what I was getting myself into as I sat down. I recall thinking if the movie would be any good. The trailers I'd seen seemed a little odd and I had no idea about the plot. The movie started and as I got comfortable, I had no glue that I going to be on a roller coster for the next hour thirty minuets. After I saw the first victim(the now infamous closet sene) I wanted to turn back, my heart raced but I held my breath and held on to my seat. The Ring was the first movie to trully scare me in along time. After execpting MTV type slasher flicks as the norm, I excepted no less from The Ring. The Rings beauty is that it takes an unorthodox psychological approch to frighting you. While slasher films use gore The Ring uses the fear of the unknown. From the moment you watch see whats on the tape, you ask yourself " what are those images" "what do they mean?" "Who or what is killing the people who watch them?". While the plot seems kind of foolish, The Ring is easily the most ground breaking horror movie I've ever seen. Not sence..perhaps..."The shining" has there been a horror movie more innovative, but without a doubt The Ring is the most beautiful horror movie. The cinematography is flawless. Everything seems dark and a sence of fear and dreed hang on everyshot. The videos'(the video they watch in the movie) grainy, out of focus shots and eerie backing music can make anyones skin crawl. What this movie. Hopfuly my words will help you know what your getting into.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: The Ring is a very creepy movie. I liked it very much and I recommend it. The ending though makes you think; WHAT? THAT IS DUMB. This wouldv'e been a great 5 star movie but the ending is gay.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie is So Well Thought Out!!!! Review: Ok, so if anyone out there didnt get the Ring when they watched it, i am here to explain it. first off the ring was the ring of light around the well, when the well closed over samara, the light was the last thing that she saw, so therfor she wants the last thing that you see to be the ring, also two things about their faces being distorted, one, do you remember when the first person who dies, the girl at the sleepover, all the people die from, water, the was samara did, because she wants you to suffer the same way she did. and two, about the distorted faces, you know how she took the pictures and her face was messed, and when noah looked at the security camara, he saw his face all distorted. before you start getting mad at Samara, its not her fault, Saten is controlling her mind, and making her do the things she does.
Rating:  Summary: Glynenergy! Review: Thanks for your incisive review of...wait a moment, did you review this film or did you review my review of this film? To quote yourself: REVIEW THE FILM PLEASE. Your history of "reviewing the reviewers" leads me to the assumption that you are the self-appointed film snob (as well as grammarian) here. Look, no one needs to be called on the carpet for their opinion--this is an open forum and I have as much right to my opinion as do you. I, however, do not feel the need to take others to task for their opinions and/or grammar usage. Keep to the task at hand--posting your opinion and perusing others--without the glad-handed remarks and criticism of others. That being said, I stand firmly by my review of this awful film. And by the way, (wink wink), the film was indeed unnecessarily obtuse, as I hope my comments here are NOT. Get it? Good, now go crawl back into your hole.
Rating:  Summary: Not Frightening! Review: One of the least-frightening "horror" films I've ever seen. Has the reviewer below even seen this? Rather than thrashing reviewers who give honest opinions and giving none of his/her own ideas regarding the merits (or lack thereof) of this movie, let's lay off the name-calling and let people have their space and their say....is free speech now politically incorrect in the UK???? Lay off, dude, if the former reviewer didn't like this movie (as I didn't either, it stinks to high heaven!) then they have the right to say so. And so do I.
Rating:  Summary: to sfimpromptu Review: Ok, its not the best horror film ever made. But it is a good effort. So I was a bit confused when I read sfimpromtu - self proclaimed horror genre genius's review.Look, if you are going to level criticisms, unfairly, against a good film, at least site some examples. Just ranting, is just ranting. 1. Whether Naomi Watts has done better or not is not the issue. Review the film please. Quoting the mess that was Mulholland Drive, the best case of an emperors clothes film ever, is not critique. 2. You say there was no Plot and Story, then say there were holes in them. So, erm, there obviously was a plot to have holes in - make your mind up. The plot whether you liked it or not, was there for anyone with half a brain to see. Video, phone, her kid saw it, she had to investigate it, it went through the stages of the investigation etc, cant go on as it gives the ending away. I suggest if you want to see the plot, you actually view the film next time. 3. Scare factor, well not the scariest Ive seen. But whether in this or the Japanese original. If you werent even mildly surprised by the kid coming out of the television, then you really do not understand horror. Though Im beginning to think, with your choice of what constitues good horror that you consider yourself a genre snob. Look people, The Ring is a good solid 4 star film. Dont be put of by a person who thinks any film post 1965 is crap, that is their problem. And of course people, we all know where someone who quotes that a horror film is "unnecessarily oblique" is coming from, dont we....wink! ;-)
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review Review: The ring is best described as a horror film. It is definitely a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. A thesis statement for this movie would be, a woman searching to find more and more clues as to how her neice died. Throughout the movie Rachel (the protagonist, played by Naomi Watts)finds more and more clues and pieces it together at the end of the movie. Rachel goes through anything and everything to piece together how her niece died. She even drives long hours and talks to people she has never met before. As well as looking on the internet for more information. I would recommend this movie to people who like horror and thrill. I thought it was an excellent movie with an excellent plot.
Rating:  Summary: scare -the -pants-off-you-movie Review: The Ring was creepy I saw it at the movies 20 times .
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: I saw this movie in theatres whenever the buzz about it was still big. Needless to say the theatre was indeed packed and we almost didn't get to see it. Am I glad we got in. The Ring was an excellent movie that taunted all sense of logic and became one of the greatest psychological thrillers I have seen. On most normal occasions when I watch a horror/suspense movie I know what to expect. Some cliche hour and a half film where if you've seen one you've seen them all. This was different. Movies don't scare me and they hardly ever make me tense up. While The Ring didn't actually scare me, it made me tense up and jump plenty and I was thinking about it all the rest of the night. The plot consist of this: you watch a haunted video tape and you die within seven days. Great idea? Not really but the movie does work quite well with it and the end result is something you won't soon forget. I can't garuntee you'll love (I've heard people say they love it and hate it) but as far as horror movies go, The Ring is most certainly a treat to break the rest of the bland, cliche 'horror' flicks.
Rating:  Summary: Ho-hum Review: "The Ring" is the latest in a string of new psychological horror movies, a trend probably started by "Scream" or "I Know What You Did Last Summer". It's a horror story wherein characters die one week after viewing a horrific video tape. An hour in, I was envying the characters. I'm a big horror fan (heck, my twenty-fifth birthday party had a "Legend of Boggy Creek" theme), but I simply could not buy into this premise - a killer video tape? I mean, give me killer dolls any day over that. What's next, murderous spatulas? Killer quiches? Honestly. Rent it for a laugh, nothing else. The only thing to fear about videos is late fees.