Rating:  Summary: Another potential 0 star movie... Review: I admit I've never been scared by traditional horror movies. The only horror film that I remember being REALLY scared by was 'The Blair Witch Project', and I do enjoy films such as the 'Scream', where there's something more than just the scares to the movie (such as humor), and tries to give its viewers room for thought about the nature of horror films.Unfortunately, 'The Ring' was just your average, run of the mill, regular, predictable scares that frankly, didn't scare me. The reason behind the run of the mill, predictable, etc. deaths (did anyone ever wonder why almost ALL horror films deal with killings?) was a complicated, supernatural and illogical, just like all other silly horror films. Even the twist at the end was pathetic... Unfortunately, the plot was as standard and boring as they make them, and the story itself was unplausible and just too much (for me, at least) to believe. Add to that the boring characters were unlikeable, hard to sympathize with, and one dimensional - and you get a cinematic exeprience which is a horror in itself. Just like all those average, run of the mill... You get my point. I guess this is why people seethem as horror...
Rating:  Summary: Good for an avg movie, Weak for a horror movie Review: My title says it all. I am a big fan of horror movies, but this one is below the standards and my expectations. It is not as bad as feardotcom but still, not as good as some monster-movies, slasher-like from this time (Jeepers Creepers, Mimic, Jason-X). May be you'll enjoy it, I didn't. Anyone I talked to who liked this film, don't like horror-movies in general. Persons like me who are big horror-fans, generally find this movie a weak and boring film. Skip this, get Jeepers Creepers instead.
Rating:  Summary: Freaky,Awesome Movie Review: The Ring was an awesome movie.I sure as heck aint seeing it again though.I almost had a heart attack in a few parts of the movie.I watched it last week and i still dont go to sleep easy at night.No offense,but i thought it was a heck of a lot scarier than the Japanese version.But then again w/o the Japanese version the American one would probly never come out,so....yeah.Great movie overall.I wanna make a tape just like the one in The Ring and put it in a video store.Too bad i wouldnt be able to add the phone effect though. :-(
Rating:  Summary: I want to see it again !!! Review: I just saw this movie last night and I already want to see it again... I plan to buy The Ring sometime soon. I am a horror movie buff and The Ring had me jumping constantly. The gore was minimal, and there wasn't all this nudity which is nice for a change. The plot was full of twists, which is appealing to me... it's not the same ol horror movie. It is definately discussion-worthy, if you are into that. I want to see it several more times, since I always pick up more from a movie the more I've seen it.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: The Ring was one of the most scariest movies I've ever seen. I had to hold on to someone most of the time. At one point all of us were screaming. I think it is very mysterious and freaky. But the thing that I didn't appreciate was that it left you hanging. We all had unanswered questions about it at the end. There were some scenes that were pretty nasty ( like blood and guts). I loved it. I hope for a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: I rarely watch horror films... Review: most of them are so corny and predictable, they are more comedy to me than frightening. One is tempted in many horror films to make one liner jokes and to belittle the movie after the viewing. There is no such temptation with this film. As always, the most frightening films are those which play upon what you imagine, especially when combined with that element of the psyche which is DISTURBED. Many of the reviewers which have low rated this film, or called it boring because "nothing happens" apparently have subsisted on hack and slash movies. This one utilizes a far deeper, more elemental fear: madness, children, rejection leading to revenge, and supernatural pre and post grave powers. The lighting, angles, relief that it's over and all is well (Oh no it isn't) techniques which areeffective in some films and laughable in others are quite spooky here. If you want to see buckets of blood, look elsewhere. If you'refrustrated because every detail is not in perfect logical order,read a textbook. If you have an imagination and want to be frightened, watch this (as I did) on a dark rainy night!
Rating:  Summary: A new horror classic has been born! Review: Every year close to the end of October the studios offer at least one film that happens to fall into the genre of movie horror. Last year "From Hell," "13 Ghosts," and "Bones" filled our trick-or-treat bags, and with Dreamworks "The Ring," this year is no exception. From the opening scene, during which my girlfriend grabbed her mouth as she gasped at the horrific image that her eyes had caught a glimpse of (and I have to admit it was a rather shocking sight), "The Ring," based on the novel by Koji Suzuki, kept me entertained as I waited for more chilling moments to arrive. They were moments that weren't overdone with special effects. They scared us because of the atmosphere in which they were presented, which included settings like old barns, run down mountain cabins, and late night living rooms. The film starred Naomi Watts as Rachel Keller, a reporter who became entangled in her own investigation of a mysterious videotape, which after watching lets you know via a phone call that you will die in seven days. The Ring's suspense was heightened after Rachel herself watched the tape out of curiosity, and soon afterward found her young son Aidan (David Dorfman) watching the tape also. Then came an eerie seven-day journey during which Rachel uncovered clue after clue with the help Aidan's father Noah (Martin Henderson) who lived separately from the two of them. Her investigation led her to a remote island horse ranch where a retired widowed horse trainer played by Brian Cox, lived alone. How this and other elements came to make up "The Ring" was as mysterious as it was at times frightening. However, the most mysterious question that the movie posed involved uncovering the tapes origin. This question of how the tape originated and where exactly did it come from was never answered completely. We knew that the retired trainer's deceased daughter was somehow the cause of its existence, but how she exactly brought it to be was never made known. This didn't bother me too much in the end as most of the other lingering questions that I had were answered, but it would have made "The Ring" fit a little tighter. "The Ring" had certain similarities to 1999's "Stir of Echoes," and even this year's less than entertaining "FearDotCom." It involved a spirit of the dead contacting the living in an attempt to make known the mystery of her death. "Stir of Echoes" worked well because the supernatural force of the deceased only brought true harm to those involved in her murder. We sympathized with her and even cared about her in the end while still being frightened throughout. In "The Ring" we sympathized less with the deceased young girl because she seemed to take no liberties in who ended up dead from the videotape through which she reached her victims. This didn't necessarily act to scare us less. It just kept us more emotionally removed from her character who was much more an element of horror than Samantha was from "Stir of Echoes." Would the spirit of the young girl in "The Ring" have worked better having possessed some good? Probably not since the film was more about Rachel trying to save her and her son's life, and beat the cycle that the tape had set in motion. As a result the movie was more frighteningly entertaining than it was emotionally moving. Naomi Watts, who in appearance looks like a cross between Laura Linney and Nicole Kidman, gave a good performance as Rachel. She gave Rachel the right mix of curiosity, strength, and fear, which worked well for the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Just see it in the dark, and alone! Review: Forget the hype and you'll be fine. Honestly people, when John Carpenter released The Thing people hated it and said that it wasn't scary, but now it is considered one of the scariest movies of all time! Same thing applies for The Ring. In a few years, it will be regarded as one of the most frieghtening films ever. It's just gonna take some time for people to relize it.
Rating:  Summary: not as good as ringo Review: I thought this film was very good. However, I think the film makers when too far into figuring out the mystery behind the tape and Samara/Sadako's appearance is supposed to be kept a mystery as we later find out more about her in the next two films. She appears in the film too often. The videotape was brilliant. Despite the fact that it was quite different to the tape in 'Ringu', I actually was scared by it. Overall I think it's an ok film but don't see it if you really enjoyed the Japanese version.
Rating:  Summary: Not for teenaged blood and guts horror fans. Review: If your idea of scary is a guy with a chainsaw jumping out from behind a door this movie is not for you. Go rent a teeny-bopper slasher film. If you are more scared by the unknown and unaswered and by nightmarish imagery this movie will haunt you. Sure, there are conventions you've seen before... that's one reason Horror Movies are a "genre". That being said the "generic"(meaning "from a genre"... not "boring") conventions are really used effectively. The plot holes are there but they are minor and don't really affect the overall mood of the movie. The feeling of dread and impending doom is palbable through the whole film and only lets up for moments at a time to let you relax a bit. Also, the imagery is disturbing to say the least(not gorey) but the thing that really freaked me out is that the threat of "the ring" was not a physical one... a knife or a sharped toothed monster. The victims were killed by dread and horror itself. Horror of what? Well, it's never stated... and that was the scariest thing of all. So all you "show me more! more! more!" types can go rent Friday the 13th Part 6 or Scream. I got over those by the time I was 18. I'll take The Ring.