Rating:  Summary: scary not scary-scary.....terrifyingly overated. Review: Well this movie does scare you but it shouldnt be classified as "scariest movie ever made" or even close to any of them. It does pose a different style with instead of the normal scarying you with the sound it scares you with the picture. Most scary movies ony scare you when you suddenly see a decapitated ladys head pop out with blood everywhere and the surround sound speakers blow the place up. I did like how there was actually a story behing the girl samara and the ending which leaves you thinking as you walk out of the cinema or turn off the DVD/VHS player. But there have been better............................
Rating:  Summary: THE SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Review: If what scares you is an axe-wielding psychopath who spends two of your hours chasing around some stupid teenage girl who perpetually runs in the wrong direction, this movie isn't for you. But if you like a good, freaky mystery...if you've got a brain and can put two and two together...if eerie people and scenery and symbols and events give you a thrill, "The Ring" is guaranteed to scare you. Alot. Of course, even if you DON'T meet those criteria, it'll still scare you anyway. Maybe more. It'll haunt you afterward. And you'll wait seven days for your TV to turn on by itself and see the horrifying images on that video...OK, well, I won't give the story away. But it is VERY SCARY. I watched this movie in the dark, and it was the creepiest thing. It is not a childrens' film, not least of all because they probably won't understand it. You have to pay close attention and maybe watch it more than once to get it all. Another point: I too was bothered by the horse scene. I'm sure that the Humane Society monitored the set and saw to it that no animal was harmed, as they do with almsot all movies, especially big ones like this; and I'm sure that camera tricks and computers were employed to help make it look as bad as it seemed. I have pretty much convinced myself that the horse in the movie was not actually hurt just to film the shot. "The Ring" is the scariest movie I've ever seen, and I've seen alot. "The Exorcist," "The Omen," "Friday the 13th," "I know what you did last summer"....they're all good, but this one is different. It's a psychological thriller and scary movie and mystery in one. There are symbols and clues and some VERY freaky moments. The scariest? I dare you not to be afraid when Samara climbs out of the well and comes through Noah's TV and gets him. Come on. It's sheer terror. This movie was very well-made and it's a great story. Right from the beginning you've got scariness. The kid, Aidan, is scary. Everything in the tape is scary. The way it ends (as though YOU'RE next because YOU watched the tape) is scary. And clever. I did enjoy "The Ring" immensely. When people told me they literally could not sleep for days after seeing it, THEY WERE NOT KIDDING. Wait'll you find out just what "the ring" is. It's a great movie. But in case I haven't stressed it enough, it's verrrry scary. I suggest you watch it with company and a pet, a pillow, a blanket...some popcorn maybe...and turn out the lights...
Rating:  Summary: 1 Star is the lowest they'll let me go! Review: The most over rated movie since Blair Witch Project. I can't say much more, it might have been scary if I was 4 or 5! If you want scary stick with the Exorcist. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting Mix Review: The Ring was an interesting mix of urban legend, psychological thriller, and rip-offs of other horror/suspense movies. Because I watch a lot of them, I had to pick up this DVD. I did not have the chance to see it in theatres, so my first viewing was just a week ago while lying in bed one evening. There are images that have still stuck with me. I loved it! Director Gore Verbinski did an excellent job with a cast that we would not usually recognize...this helps because they have not been fixed as other characters in our minds. The horror of "The Ring" is the suspense. After watching a video, people are told they have seven days to live through an anonymous phone call. When people start dying, those who have watched the video since, begin to take notice. Intrigued by solving the mystery of where the video came from, a doomed investigative reporter follows the clues to the video's source. This is where an interesting turn takes place that took me from sadness and empathy to fear as I honestly had chills. The DVD menu is themed with the video from the film. Bonus features have titles like "Look Here" and "Don't Watch This". After viewing the film, you may have a hard time deciding to view segments with such warnings, but they were well worth it. One is a trailer for the original film, "Ringu", which "The Ring" was based on. The other is a short film of what appear to be deleted scenes. Many times it is easy to see why deleted scenes were taken out in the first place (they are boring and add little to the story). On the other hand, these scenes invite the audience in on some interesting information that changes what you thought you knew about the characters...very interesting. Why 5 Stars?: For no other reason than this movie gave me chills that have stuck with me for a week would I have to give it this rating. Furthermore, young Daveigh Chase won an MTV Movie Award for being the scariest villain and you will see why. The thrill of joining the characters as they try to solve the mystery of "The Ring" should be a highlight in the DVD library of fans of ghost stories...that is, those of us who like to get a good scare every now and then.
Rating:  Summary: Entertainingly good, but horrifyingly not. Review: My friends at school were "psyched" about this movie, they wouldn't stop talking about it for days, I decided to check it out myself, so I wouldn't be left out. I rented this movie along with some others (Mothman Prophecies, What Lies Beneath) ,and I found I liked it the best. Not only is the director able to evoke an eerie atmosphere, but he manages to throw in the "random thrills" at unexpected moments, like when Rachel (Naomi Watts) is suddenly grabbed by Samara in the well. Naomi Watts performance is superb, she really makes the scenes come alive and become realistic for the viewers, enhancing the already blood curling although over the top plot. As each of the days pass by, the suspension is at an all high on the seventh day when Samara is finally given a proper burial. Don't get me wrong, I loved this movie, but it wasn't as what I expected it to be from all my friends accounts of it. First of all, the video tape was not that disturbing, except for the fingernail being torn of from the finger, and everything else was a bit pretentious. Everything on the tape comes for real, which seems scary, but isn't, for you already know what's going to happen. And the final unexpected ending (which I will not say!) wasn't at all a tribute to the whole scary driving effect, it wasn't exactly a total fiasco, but it insults your intelect. Overall I do give it a 4, but it goes up a notch more when you watch it at night. OOOOOOOOOOOHHH, scary!!!!
Rating:  Summary: No way Review: This movie was way to hyped up. It stunk. It had a who cares plot with stupic characters and one, thats right, ONE scary scene. The only scary part was when the lady opened the closet to find her daughter dead. Nothing else scared me. The video was kinda creeepy, but it didn't surpass any real horror films (like the exorcist). Its plot was so amazingly stupid. There were a-lot of jolts, but the director did not convince me that this could really happen, therefore, I was not frightened. Maybe Gore should get some tips from M. Night Shamylan, the best horror director today. The ending was the worst. It had a stupid twist, some things hadn't been explained, and the ugly girl with the greasy hair crawled out of the TV!?!?!? WHAAAATTTT!?!?! That doesn't make any sense, it was so stupid. I really hope Gore is better at directing adventure films, cuz I'm kinda looking forward to pirates. If pirates is really good you'll hear from me, and if it's really bad, you'll heat from me.
Rating:  Summary: "The Ring" doesn't make a complete CIRCLE! Review: Start with a spot of " The Sixth Sense", blend in a pinch of "Ghost Story", add a smidgen of "Scary Movie" and throw in a dash of David Cronenberg's "Videodrome" and you have the basic ingredients for "The Ring". The film is good to look at and features a few genuine "spooky" scenes, but it doesn't rise above the standard "things-that-go-bump-in-the-night" premise. Perhaps, the hype got to me and I expected too much. It was just too derivative. The one saving grace is the appearance of Jane Alexander, one of stage and screen's must underused talents, in a small but significant part. As an animal lover, I wasn't too fond of the horse on the ferry scene, either. I looked for the end credit disclaimer, the one about "no animal was harmed..." although I knew that what I had seen on screen was a camera trick. It was just a little too realistically filmed, and I needed reassurance that the animal was unharmed.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring - Surprisingly thrilling! Review: For some time now I've heard several great reports about this particular film and despite the fact that I don't often watch horror flicks, the overly positive reviews and touting up of this film overweighed my reticence. The first thing I noticed was the PG-13 rating just before the film starts which immediately tells you that this isn't going to be a blood, guts and gore fest! The second thing one will notice throughout the film is that it's not so much a horror flick as it is a pleasantly surprising, thrilling and suspenseful suspense/thriller. Of surprise as well are the relative newcomers who star in this film, Naomi Watts and Martin Henderson. Needless to say, I'm sure their stock has gone up considerably due to the success of this film. Director Gore Verbinski deserves copious accolades for bringing this great film to the silver screen and the home theater! From the camera angles to the shocking soundtrack, this film hits on all cylinders. The premise: The basic premise is pretty simple; some teenagers get away for the weekend at a remote cabin and find that the television reception is pretty poor but they do find a VHS tape in their room. They've seemingly heard of this tape before but ignore the warnings/rumors about it, those warnings being that whenever someone watches it, they receive a phone call immediately afterwards telling them they have seven days and then exactly seven days later they turn up dead by various but almost inexplicable means. One of those teenagers that ends up dead at the beginning of the movie has an aunt who also happens to be a reporter, in comes the "oh so" gorgeous Naomi Watts as Aunt Rachel. Rachel's sister entreats her into finding out what happened to her daughter and she takes on the task! Rachel soon discovers where the children were and of course, she watches the tape and receives the phone call. She now has seven days to figure out the mystery to save herself... What follows from there is as stated above, one of the best and most intriguing suspense/thrillers of 2002! I highly recommend this movie as I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised as well! {ssintrepid} Special Features: This one is kind of short on the special features but who cares, because this is all about the film. Don't Watch This - Director Gore Verbinski created this short film exclusively for the video release that reveals more secrets about "The Ring." This short film in some ways raises some additional questions about the story and in others answers some of the questions one might've already had at the end of the film. A Trailer for Ringu which is the Japanese film that inspired "The Ring."
Rating:  Summary: Wow! This was scary! Review: Alot of people have compared this to the original Ringu (yawn) and to The Exorcist (Which is the scariest movie ever) and I say quit comparing and just enjoy it. People got scared in it, but alot of people will deny that. Simply because this was the only new horror film that has come out in a long time that actually had an effect on people. Another one I think will be good is The Eye and Darkness (not darkness falls). Watch this alone with the lights out.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Scariest Flicks Ever! Review: This is one of the scariest films ever. It'll definately become a horror classic just like The Exorcist and The Omen. Watch this one alone in the dark.