Rating:  Summary: One'a the most finely-crafted flicks'a the '90s by far... Review: Aw, hell, I stuck my foot in my mouth wit' this one. My older cousin reccommended it to me, told me it would blow my mind. Since I usually go on his suggestions, I rented it from the local video store an' popped it in one night. But, for some reason that I now cannot make sense of, I'm ashamed to say, I couldn't get into it. In fact, I couldn't get past the scene where the five of 'em were bein' interrogated after the phony line-up fiasco. I turned it off, an' didn't give it another thought. Well, after comin' close to an @ss-whoopin' from my cousin, I threw down an' rented it an' watched it at his house one night over some brewskys. MA-AN! I can't figure out whas' wrong wit' me sometimes. S'like sometimes I need a lil' push from somebody to give sumpin' a chance. But anyways, this movie completely rewrote my mind on what I thought a crime thriller was. The pacin'a this flick is perfect, withdrawn when necessary an' intense when it needs 'ta be, the acting is superb on all the players parts, Kevin Spacey certainly deserves most'a the praise, but Stephen Baldwin an' Kevin Pollack an' ESPECIALLY Chazz Palminteri were I thought WAAAAY underrated in their roles. But I guess the real star'a this movie is the script, 'cause is' the most twistin' an' turnin', confusing, an' mind-bendin' stories I've ever experienced. In fact, is' damn-near convoluted until the very end, when the rug gets pulled out from under you an' e'ything you thought you knew reverses itself. I mean, fa'real, I pride myself on being able to predict the plot and ending of most movies, but dammit, they GOT me with this one, made me feel like an idiot for believin' e'ything that came before an' had me screamin' "Keyzer Soze!" in my sleep. This went all the way from a movie that I thought was dull an' couldn't get into, to one'a my favorite movies of ALL TIME in under a week. That should tell you all you need to know.
Rating:  Summary: KEISER SOEZE ! Review: GOOD,NOT GREAT though unpredictable to the very end.It has Gabriel Byrne in it and Kevin Spacey when he was not that famous yet.Plus,the musical score's brill!
Rating:  Summary: The Favorite Movie of a Very Picky Guy Review: I'm extremely picky about movies and music. I don't like much, and what I do like is movies like this one. It's nothing specific about this movie that makes it my favorite. It's the whole package. I believe this is the best combination of acting, dialogue, cinematography, and plot ever put together in a single film. Many will disagree. It's not something that I will argue about. Watch this movie. It will either be one of your favorites or you won't like it at all. I can't predict the outcome for you, but this will probably always be my pick for #1 movie of all time.
Rating:  Summary: This film is FLAWLESS Review: "The Usual Suspects" is definately one of my favorite films. Christopher McQuarrie's amazing script and Singer's trademark style of directing, really make this film a masterpiece. The film is literally perfect in every detail, and it only seems to get better after each time that I see it. The film unfolds brilliantly. It constantly switches from the interigation between Verbal Kint and David Kulan, to watching the events unfold. The whole film will keep you guessing from one minute to the next, and it culminates in of the greatest endings of all time. McQuarrie's script also adds some hillarios dialogue which makes the film entertaining and extremely funny at times as well. The line-up scene makes me laugh hysterically everytime that I see it. My favorite aspect of the film is the mystery behind Keiser Sose. The film supplies a legend that makes him seem like the Devil himself. Kevin Spacey said it best " Keaton used to say that he even though he didn't believe in God, he was afraid of him. Well I believe in God Agent Kullan, and the only thing I am afraid of is Keiser Sose." The cast was absolutely perfect. Gabriel Byrne plays Dan Keaton who is the leader of the group. He is cold, calculating, ruthless, and evil. But he also lives by a strange code of honor that makes him almost likeable. Kevin Spacey plays a crippled con artist named Verbal Kint. He gave the best performance of the film without a doubt. Spacey not only had to participate in the actual story, but also the interrigation as well. He does a great job on both ends. He is also very convincing as a cripple. Benecio Del Toro and Stephen Baldwin provide for the film's laughs with Fenster and McManus. Baldwin's portrayl of McMauns supplies a wide variety of great jokes, facial expressions, and an overall bad attitude. Benecio Del Toro's portrayal of Fenster is funny because you can barely understand what he is saying. During the line up, the interigating officers tell him to speak English. Benecio's manerisms and classic dialogue make him one of the film's best characters. Kevin Pollack is entertaining as Todd Hockney, especially when he is being questioned by the police. "We can put you in Queens on the night of the murder." "Really? I live in Queens. Do you guys have a team of monkeys working on this case?" Chaz Palmentari plays customs agent David Kullan. He was outstanding, because of his relentless nature. "I'm smarter than you, and I'm gonna find out what I need to know, whether you like it or not." This highly entertaining and suspenseful mystery, will become an instant favorite of yours. The overall story, legend of Keiser Sose, characters, and the shocking ending are all flawless. The DVD is worth the money alone just for the extras. Some of them include never before seen deleted scenes, audio commentaries by director Bryan Singer & writer Christopher McQuarrie, three featurettes, a gag reel , and much more. Final Grade : A+
Rating:  Summary: Flawless? Don't think so! Review: Is it me, or is there something wrong with this plot? Let me get this straight: the Kayser Soze character sets up the whole thing just to kill the only guy who can positively identify him. When this whole ordeal is over, he promptly makes up a bogus story (a story exposed as a lie about three minutes after he leaves the police station) so that now, EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE. They have his mugshot,they have his prints on file, and he is probably captured by forty or fifty police cameras! Is there a hole in the plot, or is this Kayser Soze guy just the biggest screw-up in movie history?
Rating:  Summary: Simple yet brilliant Review: The plot is not very original, and the technical quality of the is not that impressive. But the way the movie is made is absolutely incredible and so very unpredictible, and doesn't give away much of the details of the actions of who (in the end) seems to be the "bad guy". I have seen it about a dozen times, and I keep seeing passages i haven't seen before, therefor I simply have to rate this as the ultimate masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Braveheart? Say Hello to the Best Movie of 1995! Review: Is there any way to describe "The Usual Suspects" except wow? The ending alone might be the greatest in movie history. I would like for someone to prove me wrong by finding one that was better. Kevin Spacey turns in a career-making performance as the often likable Verbal Gent. He convincingly takes the viewer along a rollercoaster ride of lies and deceit. The cast is amazing including: Gabriel Byrne, Benicio del Toro, Kevin Pollak, Stephen Baldwin, and Chazz Palminteri. A must own for every DVD collection. Don't miss out on this cinematic masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: NOW THERE IS A MOVIE WORTH WATCHING! Review: This movie without a doubt is one of the best (after-Hitchcock) movies ever made. It's about crime and punishment and the underestimation of facts and faces. Pure suspence, tention and mystery to the end. It's better not to reveal to much and for those who haven't seen it yet... What are you waiting for!!!
Rating:  Summary: An Amazing Film Review: One of my favorite films of all times, The Usual Suspects is an exeptionally strong ensemble cast work. In particular Gabriel Byrne's cynical and beaten down reformed criminal gone bad role is played so ernestly that you forget you are watching a film. Kevin Spacey's Verbal Gint character is terrific to watch as well. Benicio del Toro steals scenes with his bizzare choice of character in an otherwise nothing role. Even Steven Baldwin turns in a good performance as does Kevin Pollack in a somewhat different role than he usually plays. All the acting is terrific and more importantly, the script is nearly flawless as is the direction. The plot moves along in it's multi-threaded fashion while keeping viewers entertained and involved enough to pay attention. The ending will either annoy or delight you depending on how you view films. I loved it and on second viewing the forshadowing of events are right in front of you like a good murder mystery although The Usual Suspects is much more than a mystery film or buddy flick or crime caper film while being a little bit of each. It's great to see a film that isn't high budget and relies on acting and a good script to move the film along. Although embraced by hollywood this is as independent as you will find in it's easy tone and believable characters. There is simply nothing worth complaining about. Get this DVD, it's additonal content is a lot of fun to watch and helps understanding The Usuual Suspects as more than a film but a project and labor of love that works on all fronts.
Rating:  Summary: Kaiser Soze!!!! Review: This movie was made in 35 days and wow what an awesome movie......this is an awesome performance by kevin spacey, who gives his best performance to date....over powers his performance in American Beauty.....The dialogue is nicely put and everything comes together nicely....This movie will keep you wondering utill the end....and i can garantee you will watch it more than once if you do see it the first time..... this is one of the best movies ever made.....this movie should be in your DVD collection.....just great....very suspenseful