Rating:  Summary: A slightly surreal tension-filled suspense flick Review: Not a bad move, not a great movie -- somewhere in the middle, perhaps a bit above the middle. It stretches one's credulity to believe that the anonymous caller would go to such lengths to trap and humiliate a schlub like Stu. Sure, he's sleazy, but no more so than 50,000 other people in Manhattan. Worth watching once, but no more than once.
Rating:  Summary: A quasi-thriller strictly for the gullible Review: Good grief! In order to sit on the edge of your seat during this mind-bogglingly stupid film, you have to believe that the New York Police Department is a retarded bunch of amateurs. They AREN'T. As a fan of suspense films, I'm used to being disappointed. Most of them rely on plot devices and treat the audience as if we were all complacent morons. This idiotic piece of garbage goes even further - it comes up with a good idea, full of potential, and then squanders it. Furthermore, a good to excellent cast is wasted on it. Plus, it capitalizes on arch-conservative ideals done better (but not much) in such grotesquely over-rated movies like Fatal Attraction and Fargo. Early on in the movie, a trio of whores provides excellent characterizations. The actresses are wonderful. What a watchable and thought-provoking film might have been made of their lives! But that would have required some objective and vigorous thinking, with an eye towards attracting a discriminating audience rather than one that clearly needs the services of a shepherd rather than a filmmaker. Yes, Colin Farrell is comely and talented. I hope he makes a billion bucks. As for taste, he has a lot to learn from Julia Roberts, who is even more comely and rather more talented. Plus, she has taste and class - two very rare commodities (Cate Blanchett has them too). Sit back and enjoy this movie, or lean closer and despise it.
Rating:  Summary: A suspenseful story about a guy in a phone booth. Review: I gotta say that I didn't have high expectations of this movie before I watched it, but it kept my attention throughout. Another great performance by Forest Whitaker. Kiefer Sutherland's part is mostly audio but he maintains great imagery. This is actually the first movie I have seen with Colin Ferrell and he did quite well. At first you think this guy is just some greasy "wanna get laid" stud out there, playing the field but when put into a situation where he is faced with death (his own and others around him) he goes through a life changing transformation. Although the scene is a little on the unrealistic side, as a viewer you have to wonder what you would do if you were in his shoes. The cinematography was excellent and (this is weird but...) I liked the way the movie started out explaining trivia info about public phones and then shot into the beginning of a not so ordinary day in the life of the main character. The ending was not your typical ending to a white-knuckle thriller which is probably why I enjoyed it.
Rating:  Summary: I am confused Review: The story starts quite well, draws the viewers' attention but the ending was terrible. I am still trying to figure out why Sutherland has to do this to Farrell, how can he find out so much information about him? Why and how the pizza man was killed? One of the worst ending I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: unique concept, perfectly brought to life....almost. Review: Who would have thought anyone could make an entertaining and interesting movie about watching someone stand inside a phone booth for two hours? I have to say, i originally thought the concept of a film centering on a man inside a phone booth, and the chaos that goes on around him, sounded intriguing...but it was hard not to think it would end up being dull. But "Phone Booth", with a few exceptions, keeps both the tension, and interest in these characters, high throughout the film. I think the main reason this film ends up working, is due to the two main stars; Colin Ferral, and the incredibly effecting voice of Keifer Sutherland. While it can be said, this film tried a bit too hard at times, and also seemed to throw everything in but the kitchen sink to build the tension, it succeeds in keeping the viewer more then interested in seeing how the story would end. My one major complaint, IS with the actual ending. It does nothing but frustrate the viewer. And this film needed an end to the story...not to leave you hanging, wondering if some kind of sequel was in the future. That was the easy way out, and was a bit disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: STAY AWAY 4RM THIS MOVIE Review: This whole movie was so stupid. The whole time through the movie he was standing in the PHONE BOOTH. That was so stupid. When I went to go get the movie I thought the movie was gonna be good, and went and watched it was very disappointed with the movie. I would never and I mean never watch this movie again. I don't get the whole point of this movie expect that he stays in the PHONE BOOTH through the whole thing. IF I WAS U. STAY AWAY AND DON'T GO AND SEE IT BECAUSE ITS REALLY STUPID.
Rating:  Summary: Not horrible, not great Review: Considering that 99 percent of this movie takes place in a phone booth, it's not bad. But, considering that I had to sit there for two hours and watch Colin Farrel standing in a phone booth, it's not great either. Colin Farrel plays a womanizing PR exec who cheats on his wife and treats people like dirt 'cause he thinks he's better than everyone - and, on the unluckiest day of his life, he stops at a phone booth marked by a sniper with a chip on his shoulder. Now he must do everything the sniper tells him to do, including tell his wife that he was ready to sleep with another woman (Katie Holmes) - or else he will be shot dead. If you're looking for an amazing film, this isn't what you're looking for. It wasn't a waste of time, but I've seen a lot better. Not a dvd I plan on owning.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but not that interesting Review: When the movie came out, I did not get the chance to see it. But being a thriller-type movie fanatic, I did not give much thought of not buying the DVD.I did not read any of the reviews or comments on this movie before watching it. In fact, I didn't even visit Amazon.com to read any comments on it because I decided to see it without having to read somebody else's comments on it. So how was it? The storyline is original but the way they made into a movie is dissapointing. Through out the movie, I was expecting to get to know the 'sharp-shooter' even more but I didn't. I was expecting a lot more 'twist' but I didn't get what I want. Original but dissapointing. Interesting but not that mysterious. Mind boogling but just wasn't for me. Buy it if you want something different. But if you want to buy it so that you can watch it over and over again, think twice.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable but still interesting Review: The one and only thing that hurt this film from getting 5 stars was the fact that it predictable. You could easily tell that the pizza guy that Colin Farrell was rude to at the phone booth was behind the phone calls. The movie kinda reminded me of One Hour Photo. What I mean by that is Robin William's Sy made the guy who was married to his favorite customer show that he was having an affair on his wife. THis movie did the same with the caller. The guy made Colin Farrell's characters reveal all his dirty secrets before the world and showed him to be more considerate of others and not take life for granted. The movie had both a guilty pleasure and shows people need to be careful with what they do in life because it may come back to haunt you, literally. Anyway, the movie is worth a rental at least.
Rating:  Summary: Could It Be? A Joel Schumacher Movie I Liked? Review: No one wanted to hate "Phone Booth" more than me, since I absolutely despise Joel Schumacher and almost every movie he's ever made. I've actually taken the trouble to think about who my least favorite director of all time is, and Schumacher won the booby prize. So blame it on my incredibly low expectations, but I really liked this movie. I agree with the other people here that the script is weak. No effort is made to develop characters--it seems as if the screenwriter began to add dimension to Forest Whitaker's cop and then thought better of it. But do you really want a lot of script in a movie like this? The film makers were wise to keep the running time to a swift 80 minutes, and while I didn't think they were especially clever in the set up or execution, it was competent enough to hold my interest. I was pleasantly surprised by Colin Farrell's performance. He's great, and does much more with what he's given than the material probably warrants. I watched this by myself, but was still slightly embarrassed to find myself moved by his speech in which he confesses all of his sins to the assembled crowd. Even as I'm writing this review, I can't believe I didn't find this display hokier, but I guess I was in the right mood at the time. This movie reminded me of the kind of "B" thriller they might have made in the 40's--slick, quick and not especially intended to impress. Frequently, because those films aimed low, they scored high, as does "Phone Booth" for me. Grade: B+