Rating:  Summary: Poor Taste Review: Hi there
I hired the film 'My Little Eye', by Marc Evans, recently, as I enjoy watching horror films, rented cheaply from the local video store.
I read a little of the internet reviews of it after watching the film, and agreed with a lot of them.
I found the film deeply disturbing. The film is quite offensive in its content - less in what actually happens, as in how it is portrayed - it is, perhaps, all the more so with the advent of reality TV.
I wonder if you could please provide any feedback as to whether other people have found it offensive.
This is a strong criticism, I'm sure it provided entertainment to some people also - but my assessment of it was pretty sickening.
I'll keep looking online for any further information I can get on it, it was unacceptable bad taste. It's censorship material, in my view.
I only hope that the director and producer can sleep at night, because to imagine such things is one thing, but to make a movie of them is something different altogether. I hope they live in safe neighbourhoods - seriously, not in a vindictive sense.
Thank you for the opportunity to share - I'll keep looking for the official film site - or is that the point, after the snuff movie was so hard to find for the house-mates?
Michael Selwyn
Rating:  Summary: A horror film that's actually....horrifying! Review: Although this little straight to video ditty doesn't look like much based upon its plot and cover design (which is actually a little silly), its quite a bit better than you'd expect... The plot (5 young people living in a house for an online "Big Brother" type reality show) seems all too familiar, and almost like a rip-off of films like "The Blair Witch Project," but it's actually very enjoyable when it gets going. So, these 5 kids are house bound in this ultra-creepy house in the middle of nowhere and are promised large sums of money if they can live in the house for a set amount of time (5 months maybe?) and no one leaves. The film begins during their last week in the house when things start to go "bump" in the night and get a little creepy. Are the creators trying to scare them out of the house so they can keep their money? Or is something truly sinister going on? The film's first 2/3s are genuinely chilling...but a little slow pased. If you are expecting a quick moving slasher pick, then this is not the film for you. Patient viewers will be rewarded in full in the films last 1/3. The mysteries that arise throughout the film are revealed and the payoff is quite grand and scary. It's "Blair Witch" with better video quality and a much more literal (and on-screen) climax. My main complaint with the film is its big "twist" ending. Its a little far-fetched and unrealistic. It COULD happen, but its kind of unlikely. Still, a true (and patient) horror fan will surely appreciate this sly little film. In the end, it delivers...and it'll knock your socks off.
Rating:  Summary: Little to eye. Review: Decent atmosphere can't mask the improbabilities of MY LITTLE EYE. This flick starts out decent enough, with some decently creepy visual flair and a commited young cast, but methodically transcends into the usual schlock that produces neither scares nor deep thought. Some good ideas are put to bad use due to the filmmakers decision to try and twist the plot a few times near the ending which just makes the viewer wonder, "okay, what's the point?" One of said twists really stretches the boundaries of the parameters of the plot itself, making the film kind of implode on itself in the end. There is some talent at work here, for MY LITTLE EYE is not a bad horror movie, nor is it really that good, but with some tweaking of the key elements it could've been a great little independent film.
Rating:  Summary: Horrifying Review: Hi. My name is "Batboy189" or what ever. (...)I dig horror movies. Now if anyone has seen this movie, and knows I am ten years old they would probably think I have horrible parents. Well I don't. They didn't have any idea of what it's about, and they weren't even at home when I watched it. Anyway, like I said, I am a big horror buff. I love movies like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (my favorite horror movie actually) "Final Destination" and others. They never actually scared me. Never. I could scare the figured it would be the same thing. I was wrong. Now let me start my review by saying this movie is not recommend to the faint of heart, or someone whhell out of my friends with these, but they would never scare me. Because I could tell they weren't real. So when I, my brother, and my friend sat down at 8:00pm to watch this I o really hates profanity, don't watch this movie. If you have seen the movie "Phone Booth" you would know what to much swearing is. Okay here we go... Five (I think) people sign up for an internet reality show. The catch of the show is that these five people must live in a house that is rigged with web cams and is in the middle of nowhere for 6 months. If they stay in the house, they each win a million dollars. But if one leaves, no one gets any money. Sounds easy enough right? Toward the end of the sixth months in the house strange things start happening. One of the girls tells the rest of the people that when she was a kid, there was some boy in her neighbor hood who had killed his parents with a hammer. Beaten them to death (Sick little bastard). Anyway they next day she wakes up with a bloody hammer next to her...creepy...The rest of the people in the house try and convince her that it is only the producers at the show trying to spice things up. Or trying to get them out of the house so no one can get the million dollars. Later that day the girl with the hammer in her bed, walks into the bathroom. Written in the fog of the window is the words "sick bitch." She tells her friend that her and a boy in her neighborhood named John Riley. The two children used to try and scare one another. The boy she played with had this cat that he took to school in his backpack. Well one day the girl took the cat out of John's bag and replaced it with a brick. She then took the bag and threw it into the pond. The boy got so mad at the girl, because he didn't know that she swapped the cat in his bag for a brick. When she showed John that it was only a brick, and that she was just playing the game where they scared each other, he would not stop screaming "sick bitch." The boy John Riley was the boy who killed his parents with a hammer... You see the entire movie as the people on the internet see it, which makes it completely realistic. Because there is no music building up to a jump scene, because in real life there is no music building up to a jump scene. I have to admit, this is the one movie that scared me. I was actually covering my eyes in some bits. I never cover my eyes in horror movies. So I am being honest when I claim this movie as the scariest movie I have ever scene. (PS: The main scene I covered my eyes on was a really pornographic sex scene)
Rating:  Summary: Grim and highly effective horror Review: I began groaning within minutes of starting director Marc Evans's low budget horror film "My Little Eye." Why, you ask? Well, it looked, sounded, and generally felt like one of those shot on video disasters routinely released by companies like Sub Rosa. If you have spent even a small amount of time plumbing the depths of zero budget horror films, you know what I am talking about. Sub Rosa distributes the absolute worst movies imaginable, films so terribly awful that any sane viewer of such dreck immediately feels like lobbying Washington for some sort of legalized ban on this sort of stuff. The only saving grace in this situation, and I mean the only one, is occasionally stumbling over something of quality. Such a diamond in the rough might still need some polishing, might not shine as brightly as the viewer would hope, but said diamond is still worth watching. "My Little Eye" constitutes such a bright spot. It is hopelessly low budget, painfully so, but all the elements come together in the end to deliver a truly frightening experience that studio films operating with better actors, bigger budgets, and better special effects cannot seem to muster. This one is a winner.
"My Little Eye" is a story about a group of young adults who sign up to take part in an Internet reality type show requiring them to live in a remote cabin for several months. If even one of them leaves before the year is up, no one wins the one million dollar prize. Lots of web cams adorn the walls and ceilings of the house so people can watch the contestants every move. The cameras can even capture images in the dark, which will come in handy when the scares start to flow. See why I started groaning? The idea of a horror movie based on the Internet evokes memories of "Feardotcom" and other bad films. It gets worse, at least initially. All of the characters are cliches: the promiscuous Charlie (Jennifer Sky), the overbearing jerk Rex (Kris Lemche), the sensitive girl Emma (Laura Regan), a guy named Danny (Stephen O'Reilly) whose crush on Emma knows no bounds, and the enigmatic Matt (Sean CW Johnson). If you aren't groaning just reading this, you haven't watched enough horror movies. But something wonderful is about to happen; it just takes awhile to get there. You have to wait patiently through all of the little quarrels, all of the little political games that go on between the various characters, before the horrors begin to emerge with frightening regularity. For example, how interesting is it to watch Rex hoarding cigarettes and other supplies underneath the floorboards in his room? Not very.
Don't worry, though, as things heat up in a hurry. Odd noises in the house start scaring the contestants, and objects left in beds and other places soon turn these individuals against one another. Most frightening of all, the person scaring everyone seems to know exactly how best to deliver the frights; he or she knows dark secrets about the contestants' pasts. By the time a clueless hiker named Travis (Bradley Cooper) shows up at the house, events take on a decidedly sinister tone. Travis claims to know all about computers yet has never heard anything about this particular reality show, a revelation that comes as a huge surprise to our contestants because they learned upon signing on that the game would receive a lot of publicity. Hmmm. One of the contestants soon figures out how to rig up a link to the Internet, and the news isn't good. Extensive searches reveal nothing about their particular game, except for one restricted site that gives a few ominous clues as to what is really going on. No spoilers here, but from this point forward "My Little Eye" turns into a bloodbath steeped in nihilism. Nothing is as it seems and no hope for salvation exists.
I can't remember the last time I saw a film this bleak, this utterly downbeat. Most horror films will always give the audience an "out" at some point, usually manifesting itself in some good triumphing over a horrible evil that lets us all go home happy campers. Don't expect to feel good when "My Little Eye" wraps up--unless you hate the film. I don't think most horror fans will dislike this one, though. It's downright creepy, due in large part to the numerous web cam shots spliced into the film. The nighttime views are especially eerie, with people's eyes looking like silver coins in the unnatural green lighting. As for the actors, they do a good job considering all of them are unrecognizable names. Most of the movie focuses on these people and how they interact with one another, so we come to know them and their quirks quite well--always a good thing in a horror movie. If you can't care about the characters, the viewer is unlikely to feel much of anything when they inevitably perish in horrible ways. There is certainly a time and a place for mindless slaughter in a gorefest, but it's nice to watch a horror movie from time to time that tries to elevate the characters above mere cannon fodder. "My Little Eye" accomplishes that.
Extras on the disc include a commentary with director Marc Evans, a commentary track that allows us to "eavesdrop" on the people running the game (called "The Company"), a making of featurette, lengthy (and wisely) deleted scenes, and cast auditions. It's low budget obviousness aside, "My Little Eye" is a scary film that hits all the right notes on the way to its horrible denouement. Even better, its effectiveness elevates it far above anything you are likely to see from the likes of Sub Rosa or the other schlock horror outlets. Give this one a shot.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific, Horrifyingly good! Review: I found by chance this movie at a video rental store and found out that for me its one of the best made horror movies ever, the story is a bizarre version of a big brother or survivor, where 5 ppl enter on a house in the middle of nowhere being object of an internet live feed 24/7, but theyd never expect the real purposes of the ppl behind the contest, the performances are quite good, the only "known" actor is Sean CW Johnson, from Power Rangers series, the rest of the cast does a good work as well, plz do not miss this excelent flick.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy Thriller That Has Spunk... But Not All The Extras. Review: I recently purchased this movie for clearance at a rental store, never saw it so I decided to make like ABBA and take a chance. I'd read about it a while back in Fangoria (a.k.a. my bible). I wasn't dissapointed at all with the movie. I did, however, feel a little gipped by the special features, not even something as simple as a trailer. Granted it does have a few supplements- cast auditions, deleted scenes; I want the full movie experience cause I'm anal like that. Also, I am an Amazon Eurotrash slut- I look in every countries' version of it, so I know this movie had a theatrical release in the U.K. as well as a 2 disc DVD in the same country. So, why should we be screwed out of the same treatment? Did the company that released it have no faith in its performance? Did they feel film-tards like myself would not want to get a full feel of what this movie had to offer? FYI- I like my dvds to include every little freaking thing ever associated with that movie...*cough "Friday the 13th", so there!
Unfortunately, I don't have a dvd player that will play region 2 dvds. Since I am headed for England in the near future, I will pick one up so I can stop being ripped off by crappy American releases. I had the same problem with "Cherry Falls" and "28 Days Later". With that said, the acting in "My Little Eye" was great. The story will veer in several directions that will through you for a loop until the very end. It's a nice thriller, but I do disagree with the box that touts a review comparing the level of scares to "The Exorcist". I wouldn't go that far, but it is a good movie...dvd inadequicies aside.
Rating:  Summary: blank[s] , errrrr ...... Review: I think I means 'blink'- this one soitenli did not make it into Big Theatre Time .... kind of a mismash of 'The Haunting' whithout the 'u know whats' and 'man's favourite sport' was it/ [That hunting flick...premise is as dead as yesterdays roadkill] The performers and performances, one beat behind INPROV ONE ... the house is somewhat 'Blair Witch' but very pre that little spurt of joy. One can hardly wait for the unattractive group of B players [make that just 'out-of-teen' - at least sum of them] to get snuffed [err knocked off] ~ and even the knockoffs are sans fun...not even the slightest taste of kink. Shave on Canal Plus and soon to be NBC-UNIVERSAL for this drivel. Just WHERE is Pasolini when we really need his touch???
Rating:  Summary: a so so film, passable for rental only. Review: I'am watching the VF dvd.
Tt is really a super film of stress. Scenario genial, images and seedling camera very artistic !
The actors are very good talent.
It is straightforwardly a film of anguish and not a film of horror one regrete just which the cut scenes were not built-in in a long version. I does not understand that almost nobody speaks about this chef d'Oeuvre. Sorry for my bad english.
Rating:  Summary: My little interest Review: It's hard to be 'scared' by a film where you actually want the characters to die in the most barbaric, tortuous way. They are seriously the most stereotypical and stupidest characters ever to be seen in a 'horror' film. I think you can achieve many limitless effects and fear tactics from a voyeur/pseudo-reality related scenario. However, the director's desperate attempt to evoke the overwhelming sense claustrophia/paranoia fails due a weak, longwinded plot and unintelligent characters. It film is too formulated and dull. The ending is rushed compared to the slow pace of the rest of the film. It is also unbelievable and predictable. I guess they assumed that if you chuck some boring hollywood teens in it and make them run around clueless and panicky it becomes a big seller. It'd be scary if you were a 16 year old Big Brother fan. See 'The Blair Witch Project' or 'Series 7' instead if you're in this whole 'reality/horror' rubbish.