Rating:  Summary: "THE TEXAS GATOR MASSACRE" Review: now this is the real "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE PART 2" i mean this flick is just flat out great!!!!! i love it!! weather people want to admit it or not this flick has alot of the same quality atmosphere that (T.C.M.)has. the psycho in this flick is a psycho!!! he reminds u of all three sick-os in (T.C.M.)"leatherface" "weasley little brother" & "the cook" all rolled up in one nuttt cake of a dude!!& in my opinion thats where 75% of the creeeepy sick-o atmosphere comes from.the other 25% is split between the gator & the isolated setting.this is TOBE HOOPER'S ultimate underrated movie!!!& i truley believe that this movie would have been recieved much better by the public & critics if it wasn't for the massive sucsess of "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" & also if it wasn't released so soon after (T.C.M.) there might have been some breathing room for it to blossom on its own.anyway i think this belongs in every true fanz horror collection with out a dought!! so get it! later on fellow horror fanz!!! E!!!N!!!J!!!O!!!Y!!!
Rating:  Summary: What Was Tobe Hooper Thinking! Review: Ok. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was great. "The Funhouse" was just okay. But to say "Eaten Alive" is even worth 90 minutes of your time is stretching it. The story is...well let's just say there is no story. And the killer, well, wouldn't even frighten a five year old. The sets look fake, the costumes are cheesy, and the music stinks. Needless to say, "Eaten Alive" is probably one of the worst films I have ever seen. The only reason I gave it two stars is because there are a few pretty decent chase scenes that can keep your attention for a while and get your mind off how horrible the film really is.
Rating:  Summary: It should have remained "lost"! Review: The "lost Tobe Hooper film"? Whoever rediscovered this should be flogged! It's not even classy trash like Hooper's own "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." I can forgive a lot in a low-budget "B" flick, but this pointless film doesn't even register on the watchability scale. The trailer for the film tries to cash in on the success of "Jaws" by comparing this slop to it! This is how I would write the script for the trailer of "Eaten Alive": "ENDURE an agonizingly slow 89 minutes of Judd mumbling incoherent and mostly unintelligible ramblings. WATCH in ambivalent indifference scene after scene that has neither a foundation, nor leads anywhere. EXPERIENCE the monotony of 32 scenes of a little girl crawling in circles over and over underneath a porch." This DVD should be on a clearance table, and even then it wouldn't be considered a bargain unless you had a 75% off coupon. Even if you like cheesy-but-classy "B" flicks, like "Shock Waves", stay away from this completely inane film that will make you want to reach for the EJECT button long before the halfway point.
Rating:  Summary: WEEEEIRD Review: This has never been one of my favorite horror flicks, but it does have a very weird feel to it and is definitely worth a second look. Ya, the set looks fake, the characters are one-dimensional, the gator is made out of rubber, etc....but how can you hate a movie with such histrionics! Neville Brand looks like he's on speed and really chews up his role to the max and Marilyn Burns (Sally in "Texas Chainsaw") once again proves how great an actress she was (or at least knows how to scream and look terrified!). Robert Englund plays a womanizing gigolo, Carolyn Jones (Morticia! ) plays a disfigured Madam, and Mel Ferrer is in it too, but my favorite character is that obnoxious little girl who keeps SCREEEEEEAAMING throughout the whole movie as the gator chases her under the house. EAT HER ALREADY! It's absolutely hysterical! This is truly one bizarre puppy --- nowhere near as intense as TCM, but it still has a lot going for it. The DVD from ELITE is kind of a basic package - the print used surprisingly has some scratches and other blemishes/wear (mostly around reel changes), but overall it looks VERY NICE and is nothing to complain about. The only extra is the trailer. Also, no paper insert in the DVD case. All in all, a worthy addition to a horror DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: The Southern Scyth/Croc Massacre Review: This is considered to be director Tobe Hooper's "Lost" film. This could be because "Eaten Alive" was released under so many alternate titles...or it could be as simple as this film just isn't that great. Tobe Hooper seems to be with this film trying to create the same tension he did with his stunning Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but fails. Eaten Alive is actually very similar to TCM in many ways. Stray vistors vistit a remote hotel (not a farm house)only to be slayed by a psycho (not Leatherface) with a scyth (not a chainsaw) and then fed to his pet croc (not served up for supper). Neville Brand does a good job portraying the psychotic hotel owner, but his character does not seem to come off near as scary or relentless as the legendary Leatherface. I can see way Tobe Hooper decided to make this film. TCM was such a hit that he probably felt it to be safer to try to copy his success rather than try something different. Sadly this film disappeared from the box office never to be heard from again until the Elite DVD release. The DVD presention is very good, considering how rare this film is. It does have some scratches and color disortions, but its acceptable since the original negative probably hasn't been stored in the best of conditions over the years (it was probably stored in Tobe's basment until one day he decided to blow the dust off of it). This film is still a good buy for the curious horror fans out there. On the up side about the film, I like how Tobe Hooper tried to "liven" up the film by using some unique lighting effects. These lighting effects are very similar to Dario Argento's Suspiria with the bright red and blues. Many consider Dario Argento to have started that whole "unique" lighting effect stuff, but Tobe Hooper actually beat him to the punch by two years! Maybe Eaten Alive was released before "artsy" horror films became popular.
Rating:  Summary: The Southern Scyth/Croc Massacre Review: This is considered to be director Tobe Hooper's "Lost" film. This could be because "Eaten Alive" was released under so many alternate titles...or it could be as simple as this film just isn't that great. Tobe Hooper seems to be with this film trying to create the same tension he did with his stunning Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but fails. Eaten Alive is actually very similar to TCM in many ways. Stray vistors vistit a remote hotel (not a farm house)only to be slayed by a psycho (not Leatherface) with a scyth (not a chainsaw) and then fed to his pet croc (not served up for supper). Neville Brand does a good job portraying the psychotic hotel owner, but his character does not seem to come off near as scary or relentless as the legendary Leatherface. I can see way Tobe Hooper decided to make this film. TCM was such a hit that he probably felt it to be safer to try to copy his success rather than try something different. Sadly this film disappeared from the box office never to be heard from again until the Elite DVD release. The DVD presention is very good, considering how rare this film is. It does have some scratches and color disortions, but its acceptable since the original negative probably hasn't been stored in the best of conditions over the years (it was probably stored in Tobe's basment until one day he decided to blow the dust off of it). This film is still a good buy for the curious horror fans out there. On the up side about the film, I like how Tobe Hooper tried to "liven" up the film by using some unique lighting effects. These lighting effects are very similar to Dario Argento's Suspiria with the bright red and blues. Many consider Dario Argento to have started that whole "unique" lighting effect stuff, but Tobe Hooper actually beat him to the punch by two years! Maybe Eaten Alive was released before "artsy" horror films became popular.
Rating:  Summary: Wacky Horror!! Review: This is some crazy [stuff]!! Bad plot,bad movie...Its ok,i give it 3 stars.Freddy is in it,pretty kewl..Tobe Hooper directed it,the guy that did TTCM..The dvd [has] bad sound and picture..The lead character is a WHACKO!! One of the craziest ever on film!!Watch it and see...
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Average Horror Review: This movie has not aged particularly well. It has all the dark brooding atmosphere of that old video tape of a dated 70's horror movie you find hidden on the bottom shelf of a video rental store that is about to go bust. With few moments to save it, this is a case of going through the motions and any serious comparison between this movie and Hooper's much more accomplished Texas Chainsaw Massacre is laughable. The plot revolves around a hotel owner and his pet crocodile. Predictably hotel guests have their stay shortened by the croc and of course the owner with his scythe. There are bits and pieces that are worth watching such as the scythe through the neck scene. The strong point of the movie is that it keeps delivering trashy action from start to finish. Sit back and watch it over a few beers if you are in the mood, but just don't expect too much.
Rating:  Summary: C'mon, give it a chance! Review: This movie rocks! OK, maybe it's not the best written, best-set movie in the world, but if you approach this movie without those expectations, it's actually pretty good. What do I mean, exactly? First of all, the chick who played Morticia in "The Addams Family" series AND Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger to the ignorant) both find themselves in it. Isn't it kinda true that you see the REAL actor when you catch them in a movie they'd never have you see? Plus, people are too quick to bash the writing. I'll say this, you can tell that Tobe Hooper had his hand in this because it defintely has its disturbing parts. As you might expect, they don't involve the rubber alligator; the creepiest scene in my opinion is the initial dialogue between the family staying in the Starlight Hotel. What a sick, all-too-plausible character the husband is! The wife asks him, "Do you just want to feed us to the alligator? (in a lower voice) Is that what you want?" The husband replies by making a "chomping" motion with his hands over and over, and all you want is for the alligator to eventually get him. And the hotel owner is a wonderfully awful Southern parallel to some of TCM's peripheral characters. There's good stuff in here! This movie is definitely worth seeing once. I've stated my case.
Rating:  Summary: Based on a true story Review: this movie was not that bad. It was also based on a true story