Rating:  Summary: a bad movie Review: It was one of the most unscarey movies I seen in a long time. The acting was poor as well as the lame plot. I was robbed an hour and a half of my life as well as $3.00 for this movie if you can even call it that.
Rating:  Summary: AWSOME FLICK Review: This (in my opinion) is one of the best scary movies that I've seen. Peter o'toole didn't do that well, but everyone else did. This is also very original
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST MOVIE I EVER SAW Review: This movie is a waste of space. A very poor and unscarey plot.The acting is laughable.Every single actor in this movie is a sell-out for doing this junk. At the 45min mark I stopped seeing it.Only see this movie if you have a choice between an Ed Wood movie or this. I could be more harsh on this movie if I wanted to but it is not even worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: so creepy that i almost turned it off Review: it was a scary movie especially the first 20 mins or so. i was wondering if id make it through the movie w/o a heart condition. but then the movie turns less creepy once u find out what these people are up against. its one of the best movies ive seen in a while. i enjoyed it just as much as i enjoyed alien resurecction
Rating:  Summary: Familiar but Well Made Sci-Fi/Horror Thriller. Review: Two Sisters (Joanna Going & Rose McGowan) arrived in a small town in the state of Colorado. The Town appears empty and they find a couple of dead bodies in this seemingly peaceful town. The Sisters find themselves protected from by a Sheriff (Oscar-Winner:Ben Affleck) and His two deputies (Liev Schreiber & Nicky Katt). Together, They find themselves fighting a Ferocious Force of Evil lying below the Earth for Centuries. Now they have surfaced with the Power to Destory every Human on the Planet. But to Save Themselves, They need the Help of a Noted Tabloid Journalist (Peter O'Toole), Who understand the Curse of Evil.Directed by Joe Chappelle (Halloween:The Curse of Micheal Myers) made a Entertaining, Sometimes Scary Sci-Fi Thriller. Good Performances does help alot from the Cast, especially the Amusing Perverted Role of Schreiber is Funny. This was a Box Office Disapointment in the Winter of 1998, the film is Quickly Forgetten now. But the film is better than expected with echoes from The Body Snatchers, Event Horizon and John Carpenter's The Thing and the film is fairly suspenseful. DVD has an sharp non-anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an terrific-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD Offers No Extras, which is too bad but the film speaks for itself. Based on a Novel by Dean Koontz (The Funhouse, Odd Thomas, Watchers). Koontz did wrote the Adapation from His Novel and He's one of the Executive Producers of the Film. Grade:A-.
Rating:  Summary: awful...how could Dean Koontz let this happen to his book? Review: When I rented this movie, I thought "Cool, I get to see the book in a movie!" However, this is a movie loosely based on the book. In fact, most of the characters from the book aren't even in here, and the ones that are generally die only minutes after coming on the scene. Aside from being NOTHING like the book, this movie is very stupid. The "monster" is dumb looking (when it actually shows it), a number of the characters act flat and emotionless, and some parts of the movie are just plain idiotic. For example, when Timothy Flyte tries to sell out the good guys to the monster so it will let him live. Stupid. When the monster turns into a kid and tries to trick Ben Affleck. Stupid, although we do see some genius from Affleck's character here. Perhaps 1 star is too harsh, but this movie has angered me in all its crappiness, and I personally don't feel it deserves any higher than that. I would normally tell you to rent it for yourself and get your own opinion, but no, not this time. This movie is not the worth the 5 bucks you'd be surrendering to blockbuster to watch it. Leave this one alone, Koontz fans.
Rating:  Summary: Good Adaptation Review: I think this is a good adaptation of Dean Koontz's book. As for scary, anyone that thinks "The Village", "Final Destination", "I Saw What You Did Last Summer", or "Blair Witch Project" are scary but think that "Phantoms" is bad, you just don't have a clue. The suspense slowly builds with no clear goal of how to destroy the creature. Excellent music helps build the suspense. If anything is lacking in the movie, it is the creature.
The creature is not quite as good as it could have been with a larger budget. My guess is they didn't want to spend alot of money on CGI. It is still well done and the acting is definitely good. The directing, camera work, and sets are good too. The camera work reminded me of some of Hitchcock's work. All-in-all certainly worth more than the five dollars and ninety-nine cents I paid for the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Avoid at all cost!!! Review: "Phantoms" is easily one of the worse movies I have ever seen. Dean Koontz didn't do himself any credit by writing the lackluster script (based on his less-than-steller novel). The movie is about a menevolent force that has taken over a small northern California town. It stars Ben Affleck, Peter O'Toole, and Rose McGowen, and this is a low point in all of their careers. The script is bad, the characters are worse than one dimensional; they are just there. The pace is almost non-existant. The only good thing in this movie is Liev Scriber's bad guy, but even that isn't very good. When I saw this movie in the theater I remember the best part of the movie was the couple about three isles down from me making out. At least they were enjoyint the film.
Rating:  Summary: And I thought Stephen King movies sucked! Review: How such a truly great and creepy horror novel got turned into this p.o.s. movie I'll never know. The first 10 minutes of the movie is very close to the book, but after that takes a huge dump. There is so much story and charcter development left out the movie that I don't know how anyone could really understand or follow it. The "monster" was timid at best compared to the book. Ben Affeck? Who the hell cast him? I love Deans book, but even he probably had a stroke after viewing this turkey. 2 stars for at least being mildly entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: so very bad Review: The only scary thing about this movie is Ben Affleck's pompadour. It grows ever bigger as the movie progresses! Basically, two sisters arrive in a small Colorado town to find everyone except the three sheriffs dead. That alone should tell you not to trust the sheriffs. They obviously 1) killed everyone themselves or 2) do their job so poorly that no one in the town remains alive. It just gets worse and worse from there. This movie hinges mainly on its special effects of gross bodies and killings, but this was during the wave of slasher flicks like the Scream franchise so it can be excused for that. After all, that stuff made a lot of bank in the 1990s. But that is still not an excuse for not really trying.