Rating:  Summary: Forget about the other reviews...this film is great!! Review: I read the book "Red Dragon" some years ago now and then promptly watched "Manhunter" on DVD which I thought was a very average film - and it really didn't do any of the characters justice. I saw "Red Dragon" on holiday last year and I wasn't really expecting much. Sequels & prequels never really turn out to be as good or as inspired as the original do they? Well this one does!! Edward Norton gives an outstanding performance as does Anthony Hopkins in this superbly crafted thriller which finally does justice to Thomas Harris's book. If you were disappointed with the film "Hannibal" then beleive me...this film is much better, and slots in nicely as the prequel to "Silence Of The Lambs". Do yourself a favour, rent or buy this film now!
Rating:  Summary: RED DRAGON- A CLASSIC Review: well this DVD has excellent sound systems and provided if played with the right DVD system this can be quite a treat. I believe this DVD is the best of all the hannible series and is a movie that really makes you think
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This is wonderfully done and a lot of fun to see how Hannibal was in the beginning. But to understand it, you actually must see the first two before this one. The only thing I hated was at the end, Hannibal is told that he has someone wanting to talk with him from the FBI and he asks what is her name. That really bothered me because at the beginning of Silence of the lambs, we are told that she was not the first agent to talk to him about the crimes. That is my only complaint. Other than that, it is a great movie and Hannibal is at the top of his form.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad film at all Review: A lot of people are comparing this film to 'Manhunter' and the rest of the triology. I haven't seen any of these films, so maybe my view is less biased. I think this is a solid production, but I agree with those that found it somewhat hallow. Ratner laments in the commentary that he wanted the actors sticking to their lines, and that 'nintey-seven percent, maybe more than that' of the film holds true to the script. This might explain why Keitel's character comes across somewhat one dimensional. He didn't have much room to work. The best scene in the whole movie, to me, is Phillip Seymour Hoffman when he's sitting down waiting to talk to Will Graham -- he's slumped over in his chair, completely bored. It's only a split second, but it's one of the rare parts of the film that evokes much personality. I also enjoyed the twist ending. Poseurs might complain about this, but this is stuff audiences enjoy. There are some more quibbles (how Emily Watson's character responds to Finnes seems contrived. Few women wouldn't find him creepy. Also, more scenes should have been shown of his co-workers reactions toward him). But overall this is a solid production. Maybe fans feel a need to be picky, but this is just entertainment. This isn't Fellini (despite the producer's relations to him). Some of the critics here seem to be criticizing for the sake of it, but what's new?
Rating:  Summary: Don't Do It!! Review: Red Dragon is a terrible, formulaic flick with good actors but nauseating writing. Not only are almost all events and details plot devices (oh, how I dream of a day of character development without excessive leveraging for plot line) but they aren't really interesting. Imagery is not great (I had AT LEAST expected good imagery) and I was not put on the edge of my feet. The clincher at the end was not fun, exciting, or creative. Only watch this movie if you have to watch your favorite actors in action (and don't expect all that much action). -K
Rating:  Summary: More like _Dead Cow_ Review: Awful tripe. Uttererly banal. So I do not at all find it surprising that the majority of the other reviewers on this page like this film, and far more than Hannibal: the latter is more european and thoughtful, the former is pure, empty hollywood. What better contrast between the two than the respective Lecter characters: in Hannibal, a film centered on Lecter, the character is complex, fascinating, and wholly interwoven into the ideation of the film; in Red Dragon, the character is little more than ridiculous, speaking only rip-off lines from Lambs, aping 8-year-old scary-face frights, and looking ludicrous in a horrendous attempt to play someone many, many years younger. This film is perfectly described as a cover of a top 40 hit where the band covers the song note for note, resulting in an empty copy utterly devoid of creative energies. Most everything happens solely because "that's how it happened in the original." And when they do try to break from the original, it's ill-conceived and ill-executed. E.g., the depth of character William Petersen creates in Manhunter is utterly absent: but what can Edward Norton do when the film is so cardboard and the script so unmotivated the only non-cliche means he has at his disposal is bad-junior-league-acting in the manner of the exaggerated grasping of the forehead with accompanying gasps of exasperation and moans of inner torment. All the performances were no better than caricatures caught in another a lifeless script. My recommendation: watch Hannibal again and again until you start to understand the difference, and why Lecter would not be caught dead consuming fast-food garbage like Red Dragon.
Rating:  Summary: Forget this movie Review: Red Dragon is a huge [failure]. The acting is so bad that you seem to watch a comedy. The killer is ridiculous compared to the one in Michael Mann's Manhunter(judge for yourself). This is really not a good movie and don't think to be scared because nothing is spooky (except for a flashback of a doll's eyes).But the worse is that the director is very pretentious (you see that in the extras).Buy Manhunter and forget Red Dragon.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This movie has to be by far the best in the Lecter series. Edward Norton does a great job as Will Graham, and Hopkins of course is unforgettable as Lecter himself. This movie gives insight as to the background of Hannibal before he winds up in prison before he meets Starling. Ralph Finnes is okay as the "tooth fairy." If you're looking for gore though, try another movie.
Rating:  Summary: Pale imitation of the real thing Review: Why replace a good film (Manhunter) with a cookie cutter - fax quality copy like this. Answer: $$$. Maybe Brett Ratner can butcher Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, or 2001 next. If you like one dimensional characters, formulaic pacing, wasted talent, and derivative style, THIS IS THE MOVIE FOR YOU! Red Dragon can take it's place with other 'lowest common denominator' hollywood blockbusters such as Independence day, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, et al. All of the actors in this film have given brilliant performances in their careers, a testament to Mr. Ratner's utter misuse and abuse of their talents. Manhunter v Dragon: Ed Norton's Will Graham - Squeaky, whiny, wooden and way too young. No depth, life experiences or smarts. William Petersen's Will Graham - Brooding, damaged, and lonely. A man who love/hates his career choices. Brian Cox's Hannibal - Quiet, smart, understated and narcissistic. A true sociopath. Sir Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal - Cartoonish, over the top and WAY too smart for Norton. Tom Noonan's tooth fairy - Physically powerful, strange looking, halting, awkward and shy. A social misfit/outcast. Ralph Finnes tooth fairy - The boy next door (with a scar). More of a Bob than a Francis. Some noteworthy scenes that deserve comparison: 1. Will Graham's first encounter with Lector in his cell. Manhunter - Brilliantly understated performance by Brian Cox in a cold clinical hospital/prison environment. Red Dragon - Retread of the over the top Hannibal in "Silence" with a dungeons and dragons setting. 2. Reba McClane with tiger. Manhunter - Haunting, slow and sensual with the voyeuristic outsider Dollarhyde looking on and getting off. Red Dragon - Stiff and un-moving. Why are they there? Oh yea, it's in the book. 3. Jealousy scene with Dollarhyde watching Reba McClane. Manhunter - True insight into the delusional misinterpretations of an inocent act by an obsessed and emotionally stunted loner. Red Dragon - Reba rebuffs suitor, Dollarhyde shoots suitor, blah blah blah. 4. Will Graham solves the case while watching the victim's home movies. Manhunter - The tension builds to a climax with the help of a great score and Graham's linear thought process. Red Dragon - No build up, Norton's Graham has his 'epiphany' out of thin air. 5. Dollarhyde in bed with Reba the morning after. Manhunter - Dollarhyde starts to cry when he realizes that someone might have loved him and he could have been a normal person but it's way too late for that. Red Dragon - Dollarhyde wakes up alone and finds Reba walking in the garden. B.F.D. If you think Will Smith is a great actor, you will love Red dragon. If you think Michael Bay is a great director, you will love Red dragon. If you think Zoolander is a great movie, you will love Red dragon. If you have never seen Manhunter, you might think that Red Dragon is a passable movie. If you have seen Manhunter and preferred Red Dragon...
Rating:  Summary: Yes it's better than Hannibal....but that wasn't too hard Review: Anticipation for Red Dragon was huge following the success of Silence Of The Lambs, although anticipation to slate it was also there with the mis-step that was Hannibal. However, by assembling the kind of impressive cast that would seem to be more at home in a Tarantino or PT Anderson picture, people were prepared to give it a chance. Based on Thomas Harris' book of the same name that wipes over previous adaptation Manhunter with a much more glossy reinterpretation of Lecter's capture and the man behind it, Will Graham. That's it for story really, with the old 'cop coming out of retirement for one last job' trick being pulled again. Edward Norton, actor of a generation to anyone who's seen his performances in American History X, Fight Club or Primal Fear, is handed a dull part in Will Graham. Whereas the novel and first adaptation Manhunter focused much more on this character, describing how the job was slowly destroying him, Red Dragon's script barely allows for such character development. Norton does the best with the slight material handed to him, as does Harvey Keitel, but unfortunately (and for the first time ever) both fail to make much of an impression. Anthony Hopkins has appropriately toned down his over-the-top performance from Hannibal here, and thankfully directot Brett Ratner chooses not to overuse the character as was the case in the latter. Still, though his performance is good, you can't help but look at his scenes with Norton alongside those he shared with Foster and the chemistry just isn't there. Despite these set of almost disappointing appearances though Ralph Fiennes and Emily Watson are wonderful. Perhaps surprisingly given how well he's fared in epics such as The English Patient and Sunshine, in a supporting role Fiennes makes one of his most indelible impressions as The Tooth Fairy, the mass-murderer who uses Hannibal Lecter as his template. Emily Watson also proves that she is amazingly versatile as the blind woman who Fiennes' character pursues in what turns out to be the best plotline the story has to offer. Their nervous partnership is genuinely interesting and much better than the, albeit limited, blood and gore scenes. The main problem that most critics seem to have had with Red Dragon is that it doesn't live up to Manhunter. Whilst it's true that Manhunter is definitely the more intelligent effort, with Red Dragon reeking of a cash-in. In addition, the almost grainy camera work is fooling no-one that this is a serious crime picture - it isn't. Even so, it's all perfectly enjoyable whilst it's on screen, and whilst it might not be clever, insightful or as long-lasting as Silence Of The Lambs, it was definitely one of the more enjoyable blockbusters of last year and is by no means a shame to the Hannibal canon.