Rating:  Summary: 1st movie, not nr. 1 Review: I had been looking forward to watch this movie. I must say it turned out to be a bit dissapointing. The movie jumps from one scene to another, without any logic explanation. This is especially the case with Francis Dolarhyde, it is not till the end of the movie that you slightly understand his change because of Reba. In the book it is made more clear what causes the change in Dolarhyde, in the movie it's too jumpy, they assume you know it, but how can you know without having read the book?Then the thing with Lecter. For me it is clear that this movie is made only because of the succes of the earlier two. You can see that at the start, the producers again assume that you know who Lecter is and what he has done. I can very well understand that, but it's not correct, if you consider that's it's the first book in the trilogy. Okay, that's a lot of criticism. I must say I did like watching it, but it just neither had the suspense of Silence of the Lambs, nor the class of Hannibal. And I think Hopkins wasn't at his best in this movie. So if you want to see it, go ahead, but it's not really a thing for the theater, more for a video-evening, when you've decided to get a break...
Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as "Silence" and one of 2002's best films Review: I greatly admire this film for several reasons. One reason is that it stuck so well to the book and even adds scenes that were missing that should have been in the book. Also, the entire cast and crew are fantastic and have done a brilliant job in reimagining the story. I loved "Manhunter" and still think it is great, but this version, I feel, sticks more to the atmosphere and original story that was intended by Thomas Harris. I have read the book "Red Dragon" and deeply enjoyed it and I liked that more scenes were added with Lecter in this version of the movie. I love the character of Hannibal Lecter. He is one of the most creepy and interesting villains in film history. Everyone in the cast is extraordinary and special credit needs to go to writer Ted Tally and director Brett Ratner. I never would have thought that Brett Ratner had it in him to make such a great psychological thriller that actually lives up to that title. On the rank of the Hannibal Lecter films this is second best. It is almost as good as "Silence" and is in front of "Manhunter" and "Hannibal". This is definitely one of the best films of the year and it should not be missed.
Rating:  Summary: When Good Actors Do Bad Things Review: Wow-what a horrible movie. This is really sad to me. I love Silence of the Lambs, didn't see Hannibal, and really expected great things from this film. Everyone is really great in it, which is why I can't figure out exactly why this movie is so bad. The genius detective thing is really embarrassing to watch. Everything is predictable and silly and trite. This might be one of the worst written screenplays I've seen in a while. This really breaks my heart, I'm sorry Sir Anthony, I'm sorry Edward Norton, I'm sorry Ralph and Emily, and I'm really really sorry Phillip Seymour Hoffman - You're one of my top three favorite actors, why, why, why???
Rating:  Summary: In my opinion Review: Graham's character is portrayed much better in Manhunter. In Red Dragon, his empathy appears to be a psychic ability because they never really define his struggle. The psychological result of thinking like a serial killer is the focus of Manhunter, and they pull it off nicely. That being said, Dolarhyde's character is done much better in Red Dragon. He gets a lot more screentime than in Manhunter, and we really get to see the 'non-beast' side of him. In my opinion, this characterization is what truly made the movie. Hannibal Lechter just felt like dead weight in Red Dragon; he never really helped the investigation. In Manhunter, his inclusion merely served to awaken those old serial killer thoughts in Graham. In Red Dragon they try to make him more than that, and it comes off very flat.
Rating:  Summary: Much better than I thought it would be Review: I was impressed by this movie. The story is predictable, but the production itself was well done. Anthony Hopkins did his usual good job, but I particularly liked the performances of Edward Norton and Ralph Fiennes in this one. While not Oscar material, "Red Dragon" provided solid entertainment for this viewer.
Rating:  Summary: better than Manhunter Review: It was a badly needed update, but I just hate knowing the end. That feeling resonated throughout the whole thing. Other people seem to really like it, so maybe it's just me. I thought it was a little dull. Your going to see it anyway, so just lower those expects and it'll be groovy.
Rating:  Summary: IN COMPARISON TO HANNIBAL... Review: Hannibal was a terrible movie so I went in expecting something similar to that. If I would've went in thinking I wouldve got another Silence of the Lambs then I may have been disappointed. Well I didn't read the book or saw Manhunter so maybe that is why I liked. The screen play was great to me and I thought it was well casted. Edward Norton did a great job in his regular role that he always plays. Hopkins was the same - but it was a little unbelievable to imagine this movie is placed 10 yrs before Silence of the Lambs when he looked ten years older... lol. The best perfomance was by the blind girl (forgot her name). The movie was extremely gruesome and had me thinking about the "tooth fairy" later on the night. Not too predictable either just a good movie. Don't expect any Oscar nominations though!
Rating:  Summary: A great movie, but... Review: I just saw Red Dragon last night, and I liked it a lot. Hopkins was great as usual, they did a great job making him look younger. Ed Norton was a good choice, he's a great actor, his best still is probably American History X and Rounders, but nevertheless he was good. Ralph Fiennes was amazingly scary and convincing as the Tooth Fairy... made me lock my car door when I left the theater. But... I thought they started off with the Tooth Fairy very well, from the crime scenes he seemed very very scary, but after the two families were killed, he seemed to calm down a bit, killing a few people with only a gunshot or a hit to the head and not the methodical torture they portrayed him as doing to the families... I dont know, just seemed to make his character less scary as the movie went on, maybe it's just cuz we saw his softer side and his reasons for being the way he was. And I loved how they showed Lecter's reasons for killing the flute player, as mentioned in the film Hannibal by Starling. But... I still think it would be cool to see Lecter long before he was caught... not just behind bars the whole movie. I think they should have played it out a bit more before capturing Lecter. I would've liked to have seen Norton figuring a little more out than just the book in Lecter's study, obviously he'd seen something before that to suspect Lecter maybe, but what?? But it was good anyway. But I highly recommend Red Dragon for all Lecter fans, it's well worth the price. It has the same gritty feel as Silence did, mostly because they're not chasing Lecter but rather a different killer... whereas in Hannibal the feel was more from Lecter's point of view, the fancy dinners, the Operas, living in Florence, Lecter's life. I enjoyed Hannibal the most I think, I know most don't agree, but maybe it's cuz Lecter is the smarter and more intriguing villian than these wannabe's Buffalo Bill and the Tooth Fairy... and I enjoed seeing Lecter and Starling back together to sort of finish where they left off, even though it wasn't Jodie Foster... I thought Julianne Moore did an amazing job, Foster would have been great, but Moore was great too I think. So if I had to pick out some bad points those would be it, but it's a great movie overall, and a must see!
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the Video Review: As usual the previews make it look much more exciting than it is. If this would have been released first, it might have been more thrilling, but we've already seen Silence, and you can't top that. This movie was not suspenseful or scary. It was like watching Law and Order or one of those other crime investigation shows, except on the big screen with a little more drama. People were laughing at Hannibal, I think he just looked too old. My husband kept nodding off, I had to poke him in the ribs to keep him from snoring. All in all, it's not a horrible film. I found it entertaining and I love the cast, but I would recommend waiting for video.
Rating:  Summary: Great prequal Review: When making a third movie of a trilogy, especially when it is the first chapter of the story, filmmakers must pull all stops. And I must admit they did. Even though the shocking suspense of "Silence of the lambs" does not exist, since we all know what to expect at his point, this one kept me on the edge of my sit from the start. Awesome movie. Now, I don't like telling much of the story and what happens in the movie, because what would be the point of watching it if I tell you everything? And I do think that anyone who liked first two movies even remotely should watch it. Writing and directing are great. Cast was incredible. I must say Edward Norton was a great pick for the role. He did an excellent job portraying the character. And need I waist anyone's time describing how wonderful it was to watch Sir Anthony Hopkins as one of his most memorable characters. Chemistry between the two is just as good as one between Sir Anthony and Foster. And as hard as it may be for me to make the following statement, since I have a tremendous respect for Sir Anthony's talent, which seems to have no boundaries, Ralph Fiennes stole the show. His portrayal of a killer ruled by suffering and conflict was so moving and convincing that I actually felt sorry for him. If anyone, he deserves an Oscar for that performance. For anyone who though Hannibal was disappointing (and I go agree to a point), this is the one you must see. And what a perfect ending. Of course I will not tell anything about it, Sorry. I can not wait for this trilogy to come out on DVD.