Rating:  Summary: Its a good movie........but Review: I must say yes it was a good movie but it is no Return Of The Living Dead Part 1. That movie I dont think will ever be beat. Although Resident Evil came close. I cant wait to see George A. Romero's new zombie movie "Dead Reckoning"
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to what people say about this movie. It's Great Review: Romeo & Juliet set in the 90's, throw in a number of Zombies and you get Brian Yuzna's "Return Of The Living Dead 3". The good acting & special effects make this a great Chiller! The colors are superb, the DVD does justice to the movie (Good Transfer). The 'fake' blood & Mindy Clark's red lips are standouts. If you can handle gore, this is the film for you.
Rating:  Summary: Wanted to like it, and at times do, but it drags Review: The concept to this thrid installment to the Return of the Living Dead Trilogy has a good concept- son of a military man (the military man working at a lab resurrecting the dead from the last two movies in tests) is in love with a wild type of girl, and when she dies in a bad bike accident, he decides to ressurect her back to life in the lab. Like I said, a smart set up to what could've been a smart zombie movie, but the main problem is in how the girl, who turns into a hungry and ultra piercing freak, and her wusy boyfriend, make what should be a tragic and interesting tale into a lagging semi-comedy with minority characters with details as thin as Jack Skellington and homeless people sprinkled in just to buy time. Stuff to look for, in particular a good beginning and (very) ending, but not worth to watch all the way through unlike part 1.
Rating:  Summary: OK Entry in the Return of the Living Dead Series... Review: When I first saw the original Return of the Living Dead, I loved it (and still do), and think it one of the best horror films ever made. Then, I rented Return of the Living Dead Part 2, and thought it was a sequel that was just as good as the original (which is a rare thing in the horror genre). So, as you must already know, I had really high hopes for Part 3. This was a pretty good entry in a great series, but for some reason, doesn't quite fit the mold. I mean, the acting is great (especially Mindy Clark as the female lead), and there is TONS of gore to satisfy gore fans, but it seems that Part 3 would have been better off by itself. The storyline is somewhat different than the previous two- and is sometimes too far-fetched and ridiculous. Sure, there is humor in it, just like the first two, but it just doesn't seem to fall in line with Part 1 and 2. Brian Yuzna, who helped with the making of RE-ANIMATOR and directed the awful BRIDE OF RE-ANIMATOR, directed this horror film that is both stylish in direction and completely tasteless. But those are the good qualities of the last entry of a series which can only go so far...
Rating:  Summary: This was supose to be a return of the living dead film?? Review: Ok first off they should have only made return of the living dead 1 and ended it there it was by far the best out of the three. Ok part three wasnt as bad as part 2 there were a few good moments. I rember seening this when it came out in 1993 poping it in the vcr seening the military scene thinking this is going to be good and then it fell flat. With only a few more good moments in it keep the testing scene and ending dump the rest the part were the store owner turns is ok but they do not show her feasting on him. And him attacking the cops was ok but besides that it was flat and boring they could have done so much more with this. The story for the orginal was they eat brains to stop there pain but in the ending he gets bit on the arm shows his father the bite and kills himself because he will turn can you say rip off!! I cant belive they would even try and add Romero's mind into this . And the directors twist that she inflects pain on her self so she wont kill is just down right stuiped . It was explaned in the first instaulment that rigamortis was the cause of there pain and hunger to get electrons from the brain and if this one would of fallowed the greeatness of the first she would have killed him in the begining of the film but the director had to be orginal and mess it up. I highly doubt there will ever be a forth film i hope there isnt unless they act like 2 and 3 were never made and stick to the orignal story. Well when they release return of the living dead 3 uncut on dvd it might be intresting to see what gory stuff they cut out but dont waste your money and buy it rent it
Rating:  Summary: Dead guys and Mindy Clark! Review: If you're into the living dead, body piercing, or Mindy Clark this one's for you! A horror classic!
Rating:  Summary: It's NOT the zombies that need brains... Review: Never too keen on zombie movies, but I checked out the video cover and it looked pretty good in a tongue-in-ghoulish-cheek way, but what we get is a sort of 'Romeo and Juliet' scenario, in an abysmal zombie flick. The F/X are not too brilliant and the characters can be somewhat empty and un-interesting. However Mindy 'The Killer Tongue' Clarke is very, very sexy (for a zombie!) and it had a nice touch with acclaimed horror director Anthony Hickox (Warlock: the armageddon, Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth) making a cameo as a doctor who becomes a zombie ("..Dr. Hickox has been killed!!"). As zombie films go, it's not too bad, it also seems very 80's for a film made in the 90's and to be honest it's nothing new.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Zombie Movies Ever! Review: This movie is one of the best zombie movies ever made because of the great plot, the cool special effects, and how it ties in with the resently released Children Of The living Dead. (...)The last thing I would like to say about this movie is in the end when the zobies get released is if you look at a few shots you can see a zombie that looks exectly like butterball from the hellraiser series right down to the clothes. I highly recomend this movie if your a big fan of the livivg dead series.
Rating:  Summary: A vast improvement over Part 2 . . . Review: Director Brian Yuzna has done some great horror movies over the years, what with producing RE-ANIMATOR, directing it's 1990 sequel and hopefully delivering with it's upcoming third chapter, I was intrigued about his take on this particular zombie horror/parody series. What he created was a huge success, and almost delivered the best zombie movie of the 90s (that crown has to go to Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD. Oops, sorry US - DEAD/ALIVE). His sequel is funny, scary and poignant and leaps well ahead the truly abysmal first sequel that Ken Wiederhorn made in the late 80s. I did kinda miss the James Karen and Thom Matthews characters from the first two movies, and felt they would have given this entry a little more general humour - and, possibly linked this one tighter to the first two. However, that is a minor quibble as all-in-all this flick delivers on all accounts. Lead actress Melinda Clarke is great, and it was good to see director Anthony Hickox in a minor zombie role. The disc is good, with yet again (as with FAUST) two commentary tracks about the production, trailers and a sharp transfer of the movie. A nice addition to the zombie sub-genre, not as good as the first RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD movie, but a vast improvement over the second. Yuzna has delivered another quality low budget horror movie with hardcore gore and an engaging script. Its a pity that there aren't many more horror directors like him working today, perhaps the genre wouldn't be so frowned upon if they did . . .
Rating:  Summary: R.O.L.D.3 Review: What can I say except that this movie moved so far to the left of the first two that it should have been named something else. While the first two movies kept you laughing and STILL managed to make your skin crawl, this one was totally lacking in any humor at all. It was a good zombie flick, but it was nothing like the first two. If the writers are going to make a series of movies, they should stick to the script themselves. I give this movie a "B" as far as zombie flicks go but an "F" for carrying on the ROLD series.