Rating:  Summary: Must be seen at least twice Review: "The Sixth Sense," written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is one of those films that has enjoyed both great critical acclaim and tremendous popular success. And it deserves them both: this is, simply, a great film. Shyamalan tells the story of Cole Sear (played by Haley Joel Osment), a little boy with a terrifying supernatural ability. He lives with his mother, a single parent (Toni Colette). Child psychiatrist Malcom Crowe (Bruce Willis) attempts to help the boy deal with the disturbing ramifications of his "gift.""The Sixth Sense" is a horror film that doesn't rely on monsters and gore: the horror here is largely psychological in nature. But the film ultimately transcends the horror genre; it is also a serious family drama that is told with intelligence and compassion. It is as much about love and communication as it is about fear. All the performances in the film are first rate. If you only know Bruce Willis as the star of hyperactive action flicks, be prepared for a revelation. He delivers a performance that is restrained, yet rich with emotional texture. Toni Colette is heartbreaking as the struggling mother. And then there's Haley Joel Osment. He is absolutely extraordinary in a performance that ultimately holds the whole film together. Although he was nominated for a supporting Oscar, I consider this a lead role in terms of screen time and centrality to the film. His chemistry with both Colette and Willis is absolutely electrifying; this kid is one of the best actors of any age group. Osment will frighten you, break your heart, and uplift your spirit in this role; his performance alone makes this film worth watching. The ingenious script has its own inner logic; Shyamalan creates an intimate mythos which is consistent and compelling. He uses a brilliant combination of low-tech effects and production details to enhance his story. And James Newton Howard's excellent score complements the film as a whole. "The Sixth Sense" is one of those great films that rewards repeated viewings. Actually, I believe that a second viewing is absolutely essential. All in all, a deeply moving piece of cinematic art.
Rating:  Summary: haley joel osmant Review: i liked this movie so much even though i only saw half of it. i liked it because haley joel osmant is the hottest guy in the world.
Rating:  Summary: "I See A Classic!...." Review: M. Night Shyamalan accomplished something really great with this frightening chiller. He created a scary horror film that was just that. Scary. No over the top effects, no gratuitous gore with no reason for being there, and so on. It's an old fashioned ghost story meant to give you the chills. Probably a few willies here and there too. Bruce Willis stars as child Psychologist Malcolm Crowe. He's helping a 9 year old boy named Cole Sear(brilliantly played by Haley Joel Osment)who seems to have the gift of seeing ghostly visions. Of actually seeing and hearing spirits. The case is especially significant to Dr. Crowe. A patient of his had broken into the doctor's house a few months earlier and shot him. The guy then turned the gun on himself and pulled the trigger. He definitley doesn't want another patient to turn out like that. His marriage to his wife(played by Olivia Williams), hasn't been the same since. Shyamalan knows how to set the mood. There are dark colors, ghostly effects, and just some moody looking shots. Very eerie. Shyamaln has crafted the film together so brilliantly. It's clever and imaginative. I guarantee that you will be watching the film a few more times afterwards to piece everything all together. Bruce Willis is really good. He's not just the "Die Hard" guy. He's a real actor, and a good one at that too. Then there's young Osment. He delivers a shockingly magnificent portrayal as Cole. Never have I seen such a mesmerizing performance from a young actor in all my life. He was nominated for the Oscar and he deserved it. He really could have won. Toni Collette, as his mother, was fabulous as well. Shyamalan is a creative and imaginative director/writer. He really is a talent to watch. He followed this up with the darker "Unbreakable". It wasn't as good, but very interesting nonetheless. The Sixth Sense is a classic film that will live on for ages.
Rating:  Summary: A Comment on The Sixth Sense Review: When I saw the vieo, I was very suprised that, though it seemed to have few expressions by SFX or computer graphics, it gave me a deep fright. Acting of the protagonist boy was very impressive, too. I think the story effectivery represent loneliness of people who cannnot get themselves understood by others.
Rating:  Summary: Good acting Review: I love the little boy Haley Joel Osment in this movie and Bruce Willis did a spectacular job. This was a good movie. Not scary in any way. Unique. . . but I expected more from it. I give it four stars and leave it up to you whether to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Oh please, oh please Review: Yeah, it does seem an exercise in futility to write the 949th review, but at least I'll be at the top of the list for awhile. First, I'll say that I saw this movie only because I was in the theatre after seeing something else, and when my first film got out, it was pouring rain, so my husband and I sneaked into Sixth Sense, even though we had promised one another not to see it when we saw the trailer. By the way, since then, whenever we see a trailer of a film that looks just gawd-awful, one of us will lean over and whisper "I see dead people." Yeah, this film was gawd-awful; the reason I gave it two stars instead of one is that Haley Joel Osmant is one of the few watchable child actors working right now. Frankly, I knew Bruce Willis was dead from watching the trailer; I went into the film knowing that from the beginning, and assuming that everyone knew that. It was about twenty-five minutes into that film before I realized that Dr. Mal didn't know he was dead. About fifteen more after that, until it dawned on me that that might be the point of the movie, and then I understood why the film didn't seem to have a plot. I whispered to my husband "Do you think the director thinks we don't know that Bruce Willis is dead?" He just shrugged. At least we got plenty of use out of our refillable popcorn tub and drink cups. I know this film has been getting rave reviews, and I also know that people have dwelt long and eloquently on the film's lack of gore and perceived style. I wonder if audiences are so starved for suspense films (or any films) without dissected teenagers or car-crashing, armor-piercing bullet fests, that anything with a hint of elegance is caught up like pennies tossed to urchins. We've seen people naked, filthy, bloody, mauled by dinosaurs, eaten by each other. Ho-hum. Style, finery, manners, with or without substance is the new hook. It's not that we've suddenly become sqeamish; I leaned forward with everyone to see what was in that rag of Josh's shirt in Blair Witch Project. We're just getting tired of special effects and make-up techs playing "who's got the sausage?" This would also explain The English Patient. ("I see dead people.")
Rating:  Summary: Transcendent Horror Review: No teenagers. No 'dream sequences'. No slashers. No sophomoric comedy relief. No CGI overkill. No NOTHIN' to insult the viewer's intelligence or embarrass the cast and crew. Pure and simple: the best horror film of the 90s, and the most moving and transcendent horror film in many, many years. Hell, maybe ever. Somewhere, Val Lewton, Montague James and Ambrose Bierce are looking down, beaming with pride. If you're not choking back an honestly-earned sob by the film's end, please resign from the human race. And this from someone who, having read 'An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge' as a child, saw the snap ending coming very early on. Doesn't matter: masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Be ready to be amazed! Review: This movie was unpredictable. Every time I saw one of the ghosts I was ready to jump out of my seat. The directing was good and the script was really well thought-out. The ending had a cool twist. It made me watch the whole movie again to see why I didn't see it before. Haley Joel Osment is excellent and makes the movie worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: An intelligent horror movie Review: Goodbye gory horror movies...goodbye slasher films... Contrary to what one reviewer mentioned earlier, I highly regard this film as an intelligent one. It gives a new meaning & light to horror films. Great twist at the end. It comes really as an unexpected & explains all the "why's" & "huh's" you may have felt while watching it. However, with this special twist at the end, you cannot really appreciate its surprise when you watch it the next time around.
Rating:  Summary: This Is Only My Opinion. Review: Imagine, just for a moment, that you are a child psychologist, and you have just been assigned to a new patient. Now picture yourself in the living room of this child's home, sitting directly across the room from his mother. Would you, ...oh, I don't know, maybe, ASK THE MOTHER SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT HER CHILD! Apparently, in the universe that Mr. M. Night Shyamalayan (what a spooky name, huh?) comes from, this concept is far too bizarre to comprehend. Here on the planet Earth, we human beings tend to communicate with people we are in close contact with. I guess an entire movie of ridiculous plot holes is necessary to fool rational people with a big ending. I've only seen one movie in my entire life that is more insulting to my intelligence than this piece of garbage, and that is "The Game". If you liked the way that the ridiculous plot holes in this movie tricked you, then you'll love "The Game" too. The worst thing about movies like this is that any great acting or superb visuals are ruined for me. "The Sixth Sense" definitely has both of these qualities, but in my opinion they are completely ruined by the impossible plot. It's a shame that you don't know how truly BAD this movie is, until it is over. I know that doesn't seem possible, but that's how this movie works. I'll never figure some things out. Do yourself a favor, and don't try to figure this movie out either. Just stare like a good little zombie at your TV, and be amazed by the ending. For Heaven's sake, don't think back to anything that has transpired earlier. That's what this "genius" director wants us all to do. Sorry, I'm not that stupid.