Rating:  Summary: HOME ALONE MEETS DEAD SOULS IN ROSWELL? Review: THE 6TH SENSE = a deeply weak movie, so glitzy & faux that it actually damages eager-to-be-insulted audience directly. Which is unusual? Kitsch normally just diverts money away from honest effort, is the layer of commercial scum obscuring the nice roots of anything: Hank Williams Jr. instead of his more sincerely pitiful whining father. Or whatever will happen when marketably witless ghostly sentimentality prevails?M. Night can't script. No real story/plot/characterization, just cinema atmosphere, a nice vogue look, lovely disconnected bits? A pre-robotic Haley Joel Osment is cute, professional, denatured/stiff, a pint-sized sensitive New Age adult. He's TOO good? His performance is exquisite, rings precocious/false, Culkinized, the polar opposite of Mary Badham's Scout Finch (TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD). Could have been an audition for AI? Bruce Willis is miscast, tones himself down nicely to no purpose: the whole project strains credulity past exaggerated action/adventure. The kid's mother is NOT a bit part but is never honestly built? What little IS suggested fully excuses her son's father for leaving or, if necessary, dying? None of the other players has much to do. Nothing connects in a sensible (or parasensible?) way, but everything that can be done is done FOR or well done or perhaps overcooked. Idiot-proofing? Works like Windows when Windows works? M. Night Shyamalan is Spielberg minus Steven's occasional bursts of humor &/or interest in substantial subject matter. His belief that he can/should write seems likely to lead to a string of very empty very popular movies. In order to earn directly damaging, a lowest-common-denominator flick has to be soma-like. No heart, red or black or gold, no fable. Dumb & dumber stuff. Enquiring minds? The indirect damage is typical & simple. Dollars churning around in the M. Night movie economy are unavailable for making/buying more interesting/curious art of any sort. The distinction is, in cartoon terms, the difference between Rocky/Bullwinkle (with Sherman/Peabody) & Mickey Mouse/Fantasia? Irritating to we who can't buy Disney, plain or kaleidescopic, who prefer our fairy tales fractured/funny, prefer our lemonade with sugar, or at least corn syrup, not saccharin? Even if this kind of preference rots our teeth?
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, Chilling, A must see! Review: The Sixth Sense is a somewhat slow moving, but perpetually intriguing suspense film in the style of Alfred Hitchcock. The plot was without flaw, the cinematography excellent, and the acting (especially by Haley Joel Osment) was outstanding. This film is a must see, twice! The first time to have the plot revealed to you in your utter ignorance. The second time to reassure yourself that the plot truly is flawless. I look forward to more great work from Director/Writer Shyamalan.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best movies I've seen Review: Best movie ever. It was not only scary but the ending was incredible. It completely blew me away. If you liked "The Others" or Night's newer movie "Signs" see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie... Review: You know, it never ceases to amaze me how films like "the Sixth Sense" can obtain a bad rap. When it was released, people loved it. Everyone flocked to the theaters to see it. Yet over time, as it became more and more popular, the negative criticisms from moviegoers started to erupt. You may or may not have seen "Memento," a movie that started out small and got great response. It's getting more attention from people now, and it's already recieving nonsensical diatribes from people who live under the notion that if a movie is popular, it MUST be bad. All you arthouse people can have your "In the Bedrooms" and "Mulholland Drives." All you MTV junkies can keep your "Fast and the Furiouses" and "Blue Crushes." Let us sensible folks have our good movies. Thanks. 0 of 47 people found this review helpful. Cool.
Rating:  Summary: SHOCKING! Review: It was a pretty long time ago, but this is still the movie that keeps me up at night, right after the movie ended and I'd walked out of the theater, I'd decided I was a true fan of M. Night Shyamalan. Bruce Willis stars as a child psychiatrist who perplexed by his recent patiets odd habits and claim of seeing the dead, while at the same time he's fighting his own problems at home. Though the followup("UNBREAKABLE") wasn't all that great, "SIGNS" came roaring back with yet another, A list thriller.
Rating:  Summary: This is a totally great movie! Review: The Sixth Sense is a great movie! This is definately a movie that after you see it once, you'll want to see it again. The Sixth Sense is about a kid that can see dead people and the psycologist that tries to help him. This movie is very interesting, wether you are seeing it for the first, second, third, fourth....etc. time. This movie is great. I highly reccomend it!
Rating:  Summary: Defect of the Jade. Review: Not too many to say, it is generally a great DVD that I'd been wanted for a long time, everthing is just great about this movie, the only defect is that there is a break in the movie, when it runs up to 57'27'' and 59'28'' you could apparently heard the break of the sound between scenes, I thought that was the only defect about this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Just Darn Excellent. Review: There's a zillion reviews of this film, & every opinion has been expressed (except MINE !) So, here goes. I felt this was one of the better movies I've seen in a long, long time. It is rare to find a "scary" movie that actually does just that. That's because it takes psychological manipulation of an audience, not just screeching jumping creatures or oodles of blood. This is a unique story, uniquely told. Many films promise a "twist", that'll "knock you off your feet"...etc, and you usually end up saying "THAT"S the big surprise ??" (Like you didn't know immediatley that the character in "The Crying Game" was really a man... HELLO ???) But, I must say, this film really delivers. I am, admittedly, usually prejudiced (sometimes unfairly so) against newer flicks as, they are more often than not, dissapointments. This film took me totally by surprise. Not only is the acting great, but the subtle unfolding of the story has just the right pacing and rhythym to make the hairs stand up on your neck. Haley Joel Osmet is a wonder as "Cole", the little boy being tortured by his secret. His performance is the main reason this film is so credible. And, though I always felt that Bruce Willis had a quality that made him stand out above most of his contemporaries, his performance in this film, as the psychologist who seems to need to help himself through helping this troubled little boy, is filled with depth, he is simply terrific. And I found the actress who played "Coles" mom, to be very effective at portraying the stressed out single mom, who needs two jobs to support her son, doesn't know how to help her little boy, (and, has bad taste in clothes.) While I did figure out the "twist" of the film about half way through, it wasn't because I'm so brilliant. It was because of something that the little boy said, that I was really just half listening to, but it struck me a moment later, when I said out loud in the theater "I know what the secret is !!", whereupon my companion told me to shut the hell up. I've just watched this film again, and it is just as powerful, moving, and chilling as on the first viewing. The fact that you know the plot twist from the initial viewing in no way takes away from the feeling of having had the rug pulled out from under you. People get different reactions from the same film, that's what makes an "opinion" an opinion. But I'm not one of those who says things like "that film you just saw was in actuality NOT about Becky Sues & Billy Bobs tumultuous love life, in reality, that was a metaphor for the Arab-Israeli conflict..." Call me shallow, but I like to be swept up in the experience of what I'm actually seeing. This film totally succeeds, not only in entertaining you, but in making you think, scaring the heck out of you, and moving you emotionally. Several films tried to incorporate the special plot twist that this film originated, but, for me, they fell flat. (See: (or don't) "The Others".) I feel this film, with its deft direction, and fine cast, will stand the test of time, and become a classic. As stated...Just darn excellent !
Rating:  Summary: WOW! What a movie!!!! Review: The Sixth Sense is an excellent thriller, that provides you a much deeper topic than just scaring the pants off you! If you want a real thriller, that will stimulate your mind, as well as provide a chilling emotion... this is it! How would you respond if you could see people that recently died walking around in your living room or bedroom, or even next to you while you walk or ride down the street? This kid is amazing, and the shocking end surprised me... even telling you there is a shocking end, won't give anything away... you'll never be able to guess what it is!!! Haley Joel Osment is an excellent actor, and you can't help feel his pain, fear, and anxiety in this film. Bruce Willis is a crowd-pleaser... never fails to please an audience. He'll always be one of my favorite actors, who tends to pick the best screenplays to work with. But I don't even see how he can top this one!
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Film! Review: Recently, all the horror movies that have been coming out are filled with gore instead of horror. The thing I like about this film, is that it focuses more on the horror, and delivers some great performances. It is about a child psychologist(Bruce Willis) who's family has been pretty awkard ever since he had a patient come to his house and shoot himself. When he meets a new child, Cole, he feels a special connection with him because he reminds him a lot of the patient that killed himself. Later, Malcom (Willis) discovers that Cole has a dark secret that has been haunting him. This movie was very entertaining and chilling. Any horror fan should go out and rent this today!