Rating:  Summary: Fence-sitters delight Review: For once, I knew almost nothing about Identity before watching it, other than a slightly garbled impression gleaned from a mostly subliminal take on the TV trailer for the movie. After viewing it I have some fairly contradictory impressions of the film which makes it quite difficult to either recommend or slate it outright. Casting for the movie was pretty good, with the improving John Cusack and Ray Liotta offering his usual attributes; so the acting was reasonable and the dialogue seemed mostly smooth. Story-wise it was a strange mix of cliche and clever-clever - oops, a bit too clever - psychosis fuelled nonsense and anyone who has studied any amount of psychology will realise that it operates under a pretty lax interpretive licence, which even so, makes the top down view different if nothing else. Filming was very good, and the story had its tense moments with the occasional schlock-shock, which some people love. On balance, I think that at worst this movie was utter nonsense, at best it was reasonably watchable, having, as it did, several well crafted moments, intermingled with periods of "I really can guess what's going to happen next." Certainly one to pass the time if you're not planning to do anything for a couple of hours.
Rating:  Summary: just a correction Review: he did not have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is NOT split personality.
Rating:  Summary: A thriller that re-defines suspense! Review: I had high hopes for this movie. After all, headlining it were John Cusack, Ray Liotta, and Amanda Peet, three actors that I've come to respect and admire.I had high hopes. And I wasn't disappointed! (It didn't hurt anything that Jake Busey had a role, either...) IDENTITY is a movie unto itself. It's not the greatest phsycological suspense movie ever made (Hitchock probably had a hand in that movie) but it's pretty damn good. Okay, here's the plot: ten strangers wind up, by chance (or so it seems) at a motel in the middle of nowhere, on a night filled with rain, thunder, lightning, and all the rest of that suspensful stuff. Among them are: a limo-driver (Cusack) and his employer; a prostitute (Peet) heading home for Florida; a man, his stepchild, and his wife (who's involved in an accident before she reaches the hotel); a young newlywed couple; and a cop (Liotta) escorting an inmate (Busey). Also thrown into the mix is the manager of the hotel who, while no Bates, possesses an air of innocent mystery. Everything, while not alright, is certainly not dangerous...until the convict escapes, and the killings begin. But there is a question that plagues the occupants of the hotel: is the convict really the killer? And if not him...then who? Trust me, ladies and gents--despite what you think, you'll not be able to predict the ending of this awesome, creepy, thought-provking, and downright enjoyable movie. The ending is, indeed, what I would consider to be a classic--I just wish I could tell you more, but I can't. In this movie, no one--and I mean no one, ladies and gents--is who they seem to be. And that's what makes this movie--much more than a glorified "who-dunit", in case that's what you were thinking--so suspensful and exciting. IDENTITY is a rarity: a movie for adults (don't go into this expecting a simple, Barney-esque plot) that gives its viewers a childish glee. A must-see! I mean it.
Rating:  Summary: An Alright Movie With an Good End Review: I was not impressed with this movie until the very end. The end saved this otherwise, boring, so it is up to you. Do you want to watch an alright movie, just to get to the good ending?
Rating:  Summary: I LIKED THIS MOVIE,GREAT THRILLER!! Review: I watched this movie one night really liked it,is like the old kind of movies back in late 70s and 80s..Really nice scrip and acting. Really enjoy it,and glad I bought the DVD..Don't miss it is a good thriller ride ,and great ending.!
Rating:  Summary: When I walked up the stairs, I saw a man ... Review: IDENTITY didn't make great waves at the Australian box office, and I am surprised by that. I finally saw it on DVD recently and was very impressed by it, and consider it one of the best films of 2003. 10 characters end up at a Bates-like Motel, with seemingly nothing in common. When people start dying, it becomes a case of who-dunnit. To tell anymore would give it away, but let me say it is one of the most original twist endings I have seen in a long time. John Cusack is excellent, as is Ray Liota. Rebecca Mornay makes a comeback in this film, if only for 10 minutes. You will not recognise her at first with her brunette hair. Ignore the negative reviews, Identity is a clever and imaginative film which blew me away! I had the DVD in my possession for awhile choosing not to watch it because of its poor performance at the box office. Howeverm, that was my loss, because the film was excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Single Occupancy Review: Identity is a good solid thriller, with a fine ensemble cast, that has enough of a mystery to sustain itself for 90 minutes. A series of random events brings 10 strangers to a desert motel during an intense storm. The group soon discovers that there is a killer among them. Ed (John Cusack), a former LA cop-turned limo driver, takes charge after the first killing. But even as he clashes with corrections officer Rhodes (Ray Liotta), the investigation soon reveals the surprise connection, that all of the stranded travelers have with each other. Directed by James Mangold, the film starts off with a really strong first act, and its brisk pace only intensifies the urgency of the story, and enhances the peformances. Rebecca De Mornay is great as a stuck up, whiney actress, John C. McGineley, from tv's Scrubs, Amanda Peet, Jake Busey, and Taylor Pruett Vince make for fine supporting players. If I had to find fault, it would have to be the final "twist" This shocker seemed tacked on and kind of obvious to me. The DVD extras offer a mixed bag of really informative stuff and the usaul ho hum fluff. The highly touted exclusive branched version of film with alternative ending and additional scene (widescreen version only) doesn't really amount to much as far as the story goes. The alternate version adds 90 seconds or so, over the theatrical cut There's also a good commentary by director James Mangold, as well as four wisely deleted scenes with optional director's commentary, storyboard to screen comparisons, cast and crew notes, the theatrical trailer, and a fluffy 14 minute "STARZ special: On the Set of Identity " featurette. The disc allows you to choose between either the full-screen or widescreen viewing formats. Identity will have you, until almost the very end, before it goes astray. Still, it's a trip worth taking, especially "on a dark and stormy night"
Rating:  Summary: intelligent slasher flick Review: Identity is a rare type of horror movie. All of the characters relatively avoid stupid actions that would otherwise have them killed off. Also, the film manages to pull off a feeling of suspense fairly well. Our story begins with 10 strangers being holed up in a ratty motel together during a harsh thunderstorm. Among the people there, a limo driver, a washed up actress, a cop escorting a convict convicted of murder, a prostitute, two newlyweds, and a troubled family. The motel is run by a suspicious guy named Larry who is getting a little too involved in everyones businness. All are guests are doing well, save the wife of a troubled stepfather who was hit by a car during the storm. Every ones enjoying their stay, until the movie star shows up in a dryer decapitated. After that incident, some of the guests begin freaking out, particularly the newlyweds who get into a savage fight. Also, the convict has broken loose from his shackles and is wondering around the motel, his location unknown. Now the fun begins, the husband to Ginny is found stabbed, the convict has had a baseball bat shoved down his throat, and all the while noone knows who is going to die next. That's part of the fun though, trying to unravel the mystery, and discover the killer. However, my major gripe with this movie is that the character of Ginny is extremely annoying, and to tell you the truth, I couldn't be happier when I witnessed her death. The ending was actually pretty good. When you first find out the twist, you'll probably think it's pretty weak, but believe me, it gets way better.
Rated R: strong violence, gore, language
Body Count: 11
Best Death: Baseball bat shoved down throat, or decapitation
Rating:  Summary: If You're Thinking of Buying This Movie....Do It Review: Identity is a wonderful movie, a dark melodrama with more twists and turns than a corkscrew. If anyone you know tries to tell you the secret of what's REALLY happening in this film, or how it ends, before you see the movie....kill them. Because they're robbing you of one of the most genuinely enjoyable viewing experiences, and truly shocking shock endings, you'll ever see.
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie, definately exciting Review: Identity is one of my favorite movies of recent time. I remember it fondly when I went to see in the theaters and left there absolutely shocked, but in a good way I was so surprised at what I had just seen. Now this movie is not for everyone, if your idea of thrills come from say Friday the 13th where it's just slash and kill slash and kill then Identity is probably not for you (not that there is anything wrong with slasher flicks of course) Identity is a psychological thrillers where you have to pay attention for almost the entire movie or you are going to be clueless as to what is going on, I think a comparison can be drawn to the movie Se7en, you have to pay attention. The movie drew me in right from the start and never let go. Story: A group of different people wind up at a run down motel in rainstorm and eventually people start dying. There doesn't appear to be any link to the strangers until they find out that they all have a common link John Cusak is really good in his role and I found a new bit of respect for Amanda Peet, she was also rather entertaining to watch. The director (James Mangol) makes sure that you never really get a chance to relax, he makes sure something is happening the entire movie, that is in my opinion what truly keeps your entertained. The ending is definitely a weird one but if you keep on paying attention then it will make sense if you truly think about it. A lot of people were complaining about the ending but I liked it, something new and refreshing. I can truly recommend this movie and suggest that you pick it up if you get a chance.