Rating:  Summary: Oh yes, they Float, Georgie, they Float Review: This movie rules! I'm a huge fan of the book, and I can say that the movie really does it justice. The whole story involves a group of kids, all "losers", drawn together by a supernatural force to confront an ancient evil that takes the form of a malignant clown.Tim Curry was, I think, born to play Pennywise the Clown. Sadistic, waddling freak with his doughy, grinning white face, red wet lips stetched as wide as his ears. In his clown form, he is able to charm the younger kinds, but he becomes the fears of the older ones, taking them down into his sewer dungeon to feed on them. The kids that finally beat the monster, Big Bill and Haystack and Bev and the rest of the Loser's Club, manage to force It back into It's lair, not dead, but nearly mortally wounded.... Driven by a feeding cycle, It rises again decades later, and the Loser's Club, now forgotten in adulthood, is drawn back together to face the monster one final time. This was originally made-for-television, so the movie is only capable of so much, but I think that fact alone gives the movie special merit. The casting was pretty much dead-on (especially in the case of Pennywise) and the special effects were surprisingly good. Probably the fact that the film makers were incapable of going the hack-and-slash rated-R route helped to improve the suspense and the atmosphere. The book was great, and the movie was great. I would recommend them both. I think that the humble perfection of a classic good versus evil story can sometimes be overlooked. The purity of a tale in which you can easily lose yourself. And that's just what It is. Two big thumbs up from me.
Rating:  Summary: Scary but doesn't give you nightmares Review: This movie is about 7 best friends,aka the "Losers Club" and a killing 200 year old clown named Pennywise. Every 30 years the clown kills children, and all 7 children have had encounters with the clown, and one had his younger brother killed by it. They attempt to kill it by using an asthsma inhaler and throwing pebbles at it. They aren't sure if they killed it, so they all make a pact that if it is not dead, they will all come back and kill it. 30 years later the killings start up again, and they all come back to the town. But upon their return, people wind up dead and strange things happen, such as their fortune cookes with strange things in them, such as eyeballs, blood and crabs. Also at the Kersh house and the blood in Bev's tea cup. Strangly only the 7 can see these things. The first tape is mostly flashbacks when the 7 kids, now adults, get the call about the killings. The second one has the events when the 7 are back and attempt to kill it one last time. I give it 5 stars because it was really, really good.
Rating:  Summary: WOWWWW Review: I read the book first and I had a lot of problems getting to sleep at night because of the clown (and I was about 22 years old). I frightened me out!!! I enjoy the film as much as the book, I think it was pretty done. A film is never as good as the book anyway. But don't like clowns anymore. Though 10 years later, I read it again and IT still scares me a lot. I keep the book and I am sure that one day, I will read it again. SLEEP THIGHT .... CAROLINE
Rating:  Summary: This Movie scared me...literally Review: I will be the first to admit that "accidents" do happen. The first time I saw this movie I was about 11 years old. My 6 year old sister and I got it on tape as a Halloween gift from my "loving" older brothers. Imagine my surprise when this horrible clown sucked poor Georgie into the gutter. "Don'cha' want a balloon, Georgie?"..."We AAAALLLL float down here." AAAAHHHHHH!!!! What was he thinking? Who in their right mind, talks to clowns in the sewer? After that scene it was all down hill from there. My sister left the room repeatedly during the movie but I was mesmerized. I love to be scared. The first tape caused me to lose all control of my bodily functions. I did not eat or talk, I did not move, I did not go to the bathroom for the first 2 hours of the movie. Once I had gotten through that, I figured I had conquered the world. I never hid my eyes or flinched or jumped. I was powerful at that moment. Scared to death, but powerful still the same. I grabbed a sandwich, stretched a bit and popped in the second half. The second tape wasn't as bad, or so I thought...that is until the little old lady, Mrs. Kersh decided to give Beverly a tea cup full of blood... Her teeth turned brown and her voice changed...."Get Out"...WHEW. Needless to say, I regained my ability to move again...my bowels. I've been afraid of clowns ever since. I'm 19 years old. I've always been a Stephen King Fan. The first novel I read was Salem's Lot at 8 years old and I love how he always pops up in all of his movies but for this one, I really,really hate him.
Rating:  Summary: It's great!!! Review: Ok, so its not as good as the book, but then Stephen King never intended it to be on the screen. I've read the book and seen the film, so here is my tip for complete enjoyment. Read the book first, then watch the film, there is some good acting here, and instead of criticising everything note how the clown is actually a very real, very scary foe, and also how lovely Jonathan Brandis (Bill Denbrough, age 12) is, that will take your mind off the poor adaptation! I think my fave bit of the movie, is when they come out of the sewers age 12, and they have the "swear to me, that if it isnt dead, you'll all come back" moment. The acting is great here, and you can totally feel the childhood ties, it's really sweet!! If you're supposed to read the book for school, then dont think you can wangle out of it by watching the film, its totally not the same at all, but i think the film adds a few nice touches that the book couldnt convey, but make sure that you read the book first, cos the film is good, and it might put you off reading it, cos it's a hell of a lot easier to sit for two hours than it is to plough your way through the heft of the novel, but believe me, its worth it, read the novel, it may take you a while, and your hands may shake as you turn the pages (i hid mine on several occasions cos it is a bit of a frightener) but at the end, i promise you will feel warm and fuzzy! magnificent book that a good film tried to be like, it's like britney spears trying to upstage madonna, we all know its not going to happen, but we enjoy ourselves watching her try! Sx.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent horror film Review: This is a really great horror film. This isn't exactly a gory type but a scarry type of horror film. It is really excellent. It isn't really the same as Stephen King's novel, but is very exciting.
Rating:  Summary: READ THE BOOK FIRST!! Review: This is the worst Stephen King film ever made. It's like a corny version of Predator meets the Muppets. The characters are lame, the dialogue is lousy, and the clown thing is a joke. Gamera movies have better special affects than It. Now the book, on the other hand, is weird and scary, and one of King's better works.
Rating:  Summary: The only thing scary here, is that you wanna see this movie Review: It is an evil clown. (Well not really, but thats a secret) It kills children. It is a pretty decent book. It is an underbudgeted, made for tv, dumb as all hell movie. All the scary parts of the book have been dumbed down to enable a 1990's tv audience to watch this dreck. The special effects are terrible and cheesy. like sumthing from 1942. The first half of this movie is ok but many things the kids do makes no sense, because the explanation of their actions was left out of the movie. The second half when they are adults drags on, and is plagued by badly puppeteered spiders. HOWEVER, Tim Curry is great as Pennywise the clown, or it. He fits the part perfectly and its almost worht watching this thing just to see him. However overall this movie suffers from what all of sevne kings tv movies are plagued with, bad book to screen scripts and mediocre cinematography. Read the book instead
Rating:  Summary: This was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing Review: have you read the book because if you havnt good because if you see the film first you will see it as it is and that is a fantastic film but when you read the book it is even more brilliant. The film is excellent but if you have read the book first then you will be dissapointed at its mundane approach towards the exciting and intriging book. Never the less watch this film and while you watch it take in every little detail because even if you blink you will miss a part of one of the best films EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING Review: counted one of the BEST movies i have seen in my life ! it's amazing. The story, the directing, it gets to you so bad ! it Resembels somehow our childhood fears. 'IT' Exists in our fears everywhere it feeds on our fears , frusration & hate within them . it only burns when we are fearless , strong & full of faith. NOW these several school friends are trapped by destiny, they thought they faught IT; they thought they killed IT BUT - after they're grownups 'IT' returns & AGAIN another Battle Begins.