Rating:  Summary: And there you have it. Review: "It"! A killer clown that goes around biting the arms off small children. Sounds weird? Sure. However, years later after a group of children win the first battle, the clown played by Tim Curry (who is even more scary in Home Alone 2, whenever he smiles) goes on another rampage and battles the kids, now grown-ups As they're called back to stop the menace, It. The mêlée is on, with a flying clown, blood filled balloons, disembodied talking heads, and the usual fun of Stephen King's psychoses all around.It's a pretty good movie. However, I think the ending was disappointing. It seemed to have been written at the last minute. In other words, patched together with lint, hair, and some chewing gum (the book was better). The Master of Horror Unleashes everything you were afraid of. And it's true, only Mr. King could write something like this. In the way of that his books are so well written, they are in a way written as if you were thinking the words yourself. Does that make any sense?
Rating:  Summary: ...iT BiTeS...! Review: i WaS eXTReMeLY DiSaPPoiNTeD iN THe MoVie aDaPTaTioN oF a FaNTaSTiCLy FRiGHTeNiNG BooK! iT WaS aS iF THe SCRiPT WaS WRiTTeN FRoM aN ouT-LiNe SoMeoNe JoTTeD DoWN oN THe BaCK oF a MaTCH-BooK CoVeR aFTeR oVeR-HeaRiNG SoMeoNe aT a NeaRBy TaBLe in a CRoWDeD CLuB TaLK aBouT WHaT THeY iMaGiNe THe BooK WouLD Be LiKe aFTeR ReaDiNG THe BaCK oF THe BooK. (THe BaCK CoVeR oF THe CoPy i ReaD oNLy HaD a PiC oF MR. KiNG, HiMSeLF)...Do Ya GeT WHaT i'M SaYiNG? iN SHoRT...iT WaS THe CLiFF NoTeS oF THe CLiFF NoTeS VeRSioN. DoN'T BoTHeR WiTH THe FLiCK ReaD THe BooK iNSTeaD.
Rating:  Summary: IT was super IT's a must see Review: It is the best movie in the world that I have ever seen!! You can't miss IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Scared me as a kid, not nearly as effective these days. Review: I remember seeing Stephen King's It when I was a child. It scared me so much, I was convinced clowns were the source of all evil. It's been 12 years since I first saw it, and watching it again I must say I'm not very impressed. I still do very much appreciate the emphasis on character development, but for over 3 hours, the movie has only two good scares, not nearly enough to buoy it from mediocrity. Why didn't I find it frightening? Probably because during the childhood scenes, it was obvious none of them were really going to get killed (due mainly to the fact that it is flashback). Plus, the child actors aren't exactly the best. As adults, the actors fare better, in some cases. John Ritter, Tim Reid, and Annette O'Toole are all good, though the others don't really make much of an impression, particularly the guy who plays Eddie Kaspbrak. Tim Curry tries his best to be a real menace as Pennywise, the villain of the film. No, he's not scary, just silly. Good efforts by all, but this movie still fails overall.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the book but still classic Stephen King Review: This movie is one of the best horror flicks I have ever seen. I read the book first and found it to be suspensful, but extremely long(1093 pages in Signet Classic). The only disappointing part about the movie was that it left out The Ritual of Chud, which was the biggest part in the book. The acting was fairly good. Tim Reid is probably the only person who could portray Mike Hanlon better than any other actor. Tim Curry does an excellent job as Pennywise the Dancing Clown otherwise known as "It". The best Stephen King movie and book of all time.
Rating:  Summary: An 11 year old who saw it Review: This movie is far the best but it was still very scary it was all good except for the part that he`s an alien spider thingy it would be better if it was just a physco clown
Rating:  Summary: On going spider situation Review: Ah, the old giant spider down the sewer disguised as clown ploy. Nobody creeps up behind me with the old giant spider down the sewer disguised as clown ploy. I'm a Stephen King survivor. It's a support group, you know. A group of kids are not fooled by the giant spider down the sewer disguised as clown ploy and decide that this flagrant violation of local bye-laws shall not go unpunished. Naughty spider, stop what you are doing - that sort of thing. Call it a manifesto, if you like. Not to be out done, the spider retaliates with a manifesto of his own. "I am the eater of worlds and of children" he tells them. I do wish he'd get on with it then. I'm sorry, but popping up every few years and dancing in the streets dressed as a clown is not exactly cutting it in the world domination stakes. If he got on with the eating of worlds bit then the eating of children bit would sort of take care of itself, wouldn't it? But then spiders are not very bright. You yell at them to get the hell out of the bath from your vantage point standing on the sink but do they listen? No! Anyway, this spider gets his manifesto the wrong way round and has to resort to the old werewolf down the boiler room with attitude problem and no shoes ploy. The kids are not impressed by the old werewolf down the boiler room with attitude problem and no shoes ploy so they buy a sling shot for a couple of dollars and let rip. Years later they get together as adults and decide local bye-laws are still not being closely adhered to. Unfortunately, Richie has grown up to be a loud mouth who keeps insisting everyone leave town. Go already. So annoying is he that it's a wonder 'The Losers Club' as they are so monickered, don't borrow a gun off the clown and shoot him. Trouble is, a red flag saying 'BANG' would probably come out the end. The team decide they must go down the sewer and arrest the spider for over acting in a built up area. Just before they do, Richie tells them he's leaving for the airport. Go already. His mouth is so big you could fly a plane into it and still have room for a golf course. In the sewer they find a very small door. Now how does a spider go about carpentry? Did it kidnap Santa's elves? (It's a very small door and a few kids in the town won't be needing their presents anyway, heh-heh). It is at this dramatic point in the story that one of the team decides that this is just the moment to have a nervous breakdown over the fact that he's never had sex. Stop whining, it's never done me any harm. They find the door is easy to open. Great, he's the eater of worlds and he can't even afford a decent home security system. Now, in 'Annie Hall', Woody Allen sorted out a spider in Annie's bath the size of a Buick with a tennis racquet. I mean, Woody had the tennis racquet, not the spider. Unfortunately, The losers Club are faced with a spider the size of Wisconsin. There is no choice but to get stuck in and give the spider a quite comprehensive duffing up. That'll teach it to sell balloons without a license. It goes quiet and they walk away. Now, this is a mistake. Spiders curl into a ball and play dead and then they suddenly attack you when you're sitting on the floor with the headphones on. Spiders are not so dumb. Which contradicts what I said earlier. So sue me, already. How long is this film? Felt like years. What really scares me is the thought that Stephen King may drop his shopping list and a producer will grab it and turn it into a series. After this debacle, I wouldn't want to be the production company that handles his potatoes.
Rating:  Summary: My FAVORITE Movie! Review: This movie was so good! The acting excellent, and nobody else but Tim Curry could play Pennywise. And I have to say, ever since I saw the movie, I've been afraid of clowns. Seriously! I was also glad because one of my favorite actors, John Ritter of Three's Company was in it. I just LOVED this movie! I mean, it has this quality to it, when you're watching it. When you're watching it, you think "Oh, come on, this isn't scary!" But then after you're done, you start to think, and you get scared! Or at least that's what happened to me. And now, I tell all my friends about it, and they REALLY want to see it! See this movie! I was almost afraid to, because of Stephen King's the Shining. I saw The Shining when I was seven, and I was never really the same again. But It is so much better, and so un-realistic that it is actually freaky!
Rating:  Summary: psychologically scary in every way Review: Although the book is scarier, this film delivers!!, all the right elements from the book are here, It begins in 1990 in a small town in Maine(a place you would not want to live) Pennywise the Clown makes his return & kills a young girl, soon the town is shaken & one man(Tim Reid) is sure of his return while everyone else turns their head in the sand, we learn that Reid & six others had a confrontation with Pennywise 30 years earlier when they were children, he then contacts each one to tell them of his return, what makes this film scary is the look on each one's face when they get the call,we learn that each are now very successful adults who have for the most part put this nightmare behind them, when they learn of his return their worst nightmare memories of him begin to re-surface, & their lives are disruppted as they go back in the hopes of killing him this time, Tim Curry is perfect as Pennywise & very convincing as the murderous clown, upon their return he begins to taunt them with images of horror, but the best part is watching the story unfold when they are children & how he scares them to death with his evil laugh, it is told in flashbacks as each remember their encounter & is truly a scary film & one King's better adaptions.
Rating:  Summary: Ehhhhh...I could have lived with out seeing this Review: Well, I woudn't say this movie as a whole (...), but the dialogue is pretty weak, a lot of it doesn't make any sense and the acting is hoooooorrrriiibbbbllllle. I mean it basically ruins the whole thing. The charahcters are just plain not believable. The best thig that can be said about it is that the pennywise segments are very scarry. But thats about it.