Rating:  Summary: Well-made old-fashioned "horror" Review: Finally, a "horror" movie with properly done effects and scenes, and with a quite good story which, unlike most movies in the genre, is not just an excuse for making a movie.I put "horror" between inverted commas because it is not really that chilly. And it takes on some of the clichés of the genre as well. But the effects are perfect and nearly credible, the acting is brilliant, and the story is OK. So, compared to the standards of this kind of movie, »Sleepy Hollow« is the best one in several years!
Rating:  Summary: absolutely beautiful... Review: Last summer, me and my friends went to the theater to see the second Austin Powers movie. as we walked toward the counter to purchase our tickets, i saw a cardboard cutout of Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci with the words "Sleepy Hollow, coming soon" beneath it. About 6 years ago, when i was in 5th grade, my class did a production of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow. i was cast as Katrina Van Tassel. I fell in love with the story, and always wondered if they were going to make a movie about it. well, when i found out that they did, i was on the internet 24/7 trying to find out more about it. Finally... on friday, november 21st, sleepy hollow opened in my town of pikeville, and i grabbed a couple of friends and literally dragged them to the theater. as soon as the movie opened, i was in heaven. the cinematography was absolutely gorgeous, and the art direction was superb. johnny depp mastered an accent perfectly, and was hilarious. I loved the scenes, suspense, and practically everything about the movie. Burton did a wonderful job reviving the story, and i'm happy that he didn't stick to the original story, and created a whole new ending. I am sooo going to get this movie on DVD. one of the BEST movies i saw last year, to me, it stands up there with the other movies of this past year that i've enjoyed (american pie, american beauty, the sixth sense, notting hill...) i still don't exactly understand why it was rated R, even due to the excessive amount of decapitations. the most it should have been was pg-13. the first two beheadings are kinda sick, but really, you grow immune to it afterwards. there wasn't much kissing, xept in the beginning, but you don't really see it, u just hear it, and the only sex scene in the movie is brief, and doesn't show anything at all. i've seen PG movies worse than that! well, anyway.. to get back on track. i loved the movie, it was great, it was beautiful, the music was haunting, the editing was great, sets were great, acting was good, script was good, art direction was spectacular, and direction as a whole was great. very well taken movie. i strongly recommend everyone to see it
Rating:  Summary: No, I do not often sit on strange men's beds.... Review: I went to see this film with hardly any information (only that Johnny Depp is in it) and a lot of mis-expectations, besides the fact that I didn't really think it would be very good. Well, it surprised me. It WAS good. Depp gives us a very human hero, full of his ideas and certanties at first, then slowly beginning to doubt what he himself sees....He cannot grasp that the Horseman is not tangible, simply dead, and this throws off all the scientific approaches that he has. burton imbues this film with a very dry wit, making it hilarious in parts, and the humor coupled with the nervousness it gives you makes for quite a laugh. One of the funniest bits is when the severed head of a man comes rolloing along the ground only to end up secured rather firmly inbetween Ichabod's legs, only to be stabbed and removed by the Horseman. This may disgust some, may shock others, but the possible symbolisim of it is thousandfold. The whole film was pretty good--the only real letdowns for me were both that Ricci was horribly wooden, and the cheap--looking F/X of the witch. That could've been done much, much better. Anyhow--good job, all round.
Rating:  Summary: Sleepy Hollow gives pokemon a poke in the eye! Review: You may not take my opinion very well because I'm onlly eleven but, I think this was a great film! You see, One rainy afternoon I had to go see Pokemon with my little sister, for my reward of sitting through that mess of a movie I was allowed to see any movie of my choice . i chose sleepy hollow , At first I didn't the the story would be visually gorgeous at all but to my suprise it was. It did have a lot of gore in it as well which drove all the men in my family to go and see it too.The soundtrack by danny elfman is haunting and I myself plan on purchasing the dvd and the cd.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: Breathtaking cinematography provides just the right atmosphere for a halloween-party viewable,quasi-horror flick. A liberal sprinkling of accomplished actors lends this film a quality which truely makes it stand out. The plot deviates from the Washington masterpiece a bit, while the characters diverge some way from their eighteenth-century prototypes. Nonetheless, this has all the ingredients that made the original great - an upstate New York backdrop which gives one the creeps even before the 'action starts', a heavy dose of references to the occult and characters that ooze personality (and fallibility). All this combines to make it more faithful to the original than a first glance would imply and at the same time a masterpiece in its own right. I was held rapt by this movie, and I will break the door down to get the video when it is released. A must see!
Rating:  Summary: Dark and delightful Review: This movie has some great images and it takes the scary children's story to the ultimate level of horror. Is there anyone more perfect that Christopher Walken for the horseman? He is the theatrical embodiment of evil.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like it... really! Review: I was really, really looking foward to seeing this movie in the theaters last year. It opened the same week at The World is Not Enough, and I made plans with a friend to see both in the same night. Let me tell you, it was a disappointing evening! First, my friend bailed (family problems). Oh well, I thought, I have time to kill, I'll go anyway. The first film I saw was TWINE, which was a letdown to say the least. That got me even more excited for Sleepy Hollow- I KNEW it would be good. Well, I don't know if it was good or not, but I didn't enjoy it. The good: The film is beautiful. It and American Beauty were the two best-looking films of 1999. Everything from the colors to the framing was spot-on- this film is going to look great on DVD. The acting was great, and the action scenes were cool. I loved the headless horseman! The bad: WHERE WAS THE SCRIPT? The plot of this film made no sense to me at all the first time I saw it. It was all about some secret that these old guys were trying to KEEP secret. The tough part was, we were supposed to figure out who they were and the connections between them by listening to Depp talk, but when all he is doing is saying the names of these guys (names we have heard once or twice, tops) it all gets a bit confusing. Add to that the fact that all the guys look the same and it becomes easy to get mixed up. And the plot itself (once I mapped it out) was convoluted and hokey anyway. Overall, I thought the movie was ok. I liked everything but the script/story, and what is a movie without at least a passable script? Now, I now I am going to get a lot of "unhelpful" reviews because it seems every negative review, no matter how well-written ends up with 200 "unhelpful" votes, I want you to know that I actually raised my rating of the film from 2 to 3 stars as I wrote, although 2 1/2 is more accurate. Not a bad film (and the best for Burton, visuals-wise), but really lacking in the script department. Nevertheless, lots of genre fans seem to love it, so byall means, try it at least once! I ended up seeing it again at a discount theater, and I liked it a bit more there, but not enough to pre-order it, even with the director's commentary. I got Pee-Wee's Big Adventure instead. Now THERE is a Burton film that delivers on all counts!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I haven't seen it on DVD yet but i saw it 31 times in the theatre. It is a really great movie. I thought that it was just one of the best movies ever. The story line was really really great. It was just amazing and really great. I think everyone should experience this great movie
Rating:  Summary: Shoots itself in the foot with a bazooka of silliness Review: First of all Sleepy Hollow is a visual masterpiece. It should have won the oscar for cinematogrophy, because there are times when you want to touch the screen to see if the paint has dried. As the film started , it looked like Burton was going to pull off his ultimate macabre opus, notice as the credits roll with Depp heading to Sleepy Hollow, and his name comes on the screen, there is a scene by the river that is so beautiful it belongs in an art gallery. The film sustains this menace for about half its length, drenched in mystery, voilence and a wonderful human centre in Johnny Depp as Icabod Crane. He is a man with many theories and little experience, he has big mouth but very little to back it up. Yet he is funny and likable, and provides a good counterpoint to the gory goings on. At this point the film has a tone somewhere in between parody and full blown horror, and although I would prefered it if Burton would have gone for a full on horror film, that is not his style. He always operates on some level of parody, with tongue in cheek. Which is fine up untill about the last third of the film, where he abandons all the mysticism and turns into a silly action/whodoneit film. Where all characters are suspect and will surely be knocked off till we're left with the big baddie. Surely a film with such terrefic visuals and performances deserves a better script than this. I would have liked to see what a director like David Fincher would have done with this (He worked with the writer of this film on the great SE7EN). He probably would have gone for a no-holds barred macabre film, with non of jokery or the comedy and perhaps full-filled the promise of those gorgous looking sets. As it is I would reccomend this film as a rental, not ownership. The best Tim Burton film is still easily ED WOOD, where the material is more suitable to his ironic tone.
Rating:  Summary: Headless Horror Review: This movie is a wonderful throwback to the days of the great Hammer films. When the blood flows, it runs like a river. Tim Burton has out done himself with this film. The cast is, quite litteraly, to die for. I cannot imagine a creepier cast for a creepier movie.