Rating:  Summary: Did you every get that feeling???? Review: In this movie you get to figer out how is the killer. (Ewan MaGregor) is Martin. In the moive he is the new watchmen. He stayes in a big building by himself with dead people. Well, I won't do the job if they pay me a 1 millon. Staying in a building all night by yourself No way not me would you??In the moive a new face comes long he his (Nick Nolte) the Inspector Cray. He Inspect's the killing's of woman that been going on a long time. And the Inspector have's a Deputy Inspector Bill he also help's out to catch the killer. In the movie some parts are funny and some are bloody and so on. I think you'll enjoy this movie it's full of something hey you watch and fine out for yourself. I enjoy you will too! In the movie one of Martin's friend's play's a little joke on him at work. Martin is a his desk and the red light go's off and he called's somebody to see what he can do and she said, just go down there and check it out so he did. Ok he go's down there and he fine's the door open and the light turn on so he go in and fine's nothing but, he go's to check out one thing in and fine he friend under the white sheet and he jump's and get's he good ... Well, let's jump to the end of the movie. Martin fine's out who's been killing these woman. In the movie he's talking to the killer on the other line and the killer walk's up behide martin and martin's girlfriend comes into the building. Sometime in the moive Martin and this girlfriend are tide up and inspector bill and Martin's friend enter the building and the killer walk up to them and inspector bill said, have you seen martin anywhere? And the killer said no,,, no I have't. Then the fire alarm go's off they run into the office to see where it's comeing from and the killer hit's martin's friend in the back and hit's inspector bill in the face with a bastball bat. In one part in the movie martin's friend cut part of his hand off just to save his friend life. How far will you go to save your friend's life??? Ok the good comes to the end. martin's friend get a gun from inspector bill. He comes in the room and kill's the killer trying to kill martin and he's girlfriend and well, the end. How well, you know take a good look at them form time to time.
Rating:  Summary: I know, I know... Review: It is definitely NOT perfect. Whatever. It's cool and I love it.
Rating:  Summary: ignore this, see the original instead Review: My theory is that Ole Bornedal, whose 1994 Danish-language original "Nattevagten" was an instant classic of the serial-killer/suspense genre, was shown a large sum of $$$ to force out this turgid, soulless remake. It's almost a shot-by-shot, line-by-line retelling of the familiar 'whodunit' with a law student (the uncomfortable Ewan McGregor) being menaced by a serial killer during his nightwatch at a medical building. The character shading, smooth flow of events, and atmospheric chills have been replaced at the expense of visual finesse and inexplicable character motivation. Style over substance, much in the vein of those melarkey "Scream" films, and more than likely to snare in the kiddies. My two-star rating is based solely on the stylish re-creations of a few scenes, plus admirable performances from Nick Nolte and Josh Brolin, who give the dense material their all. But my advice is to avoid this version altogether and stick with the real deal.
Rating:  Summary: NightWatch-Mark Phillip Stassen Review: Nightwatch (1998) 100 minutes. A washed out college student takes on a part time job as nightwatchman in a cold and silent morgue whilst a sadistic serial killer is out to frame innocent (Mcgregor) The plot thickens as (Mcgegor) begins to suspect his devoted friend (Brolin) Action packed mayhem ,very interesting cinematography,spine chilling performances by Policeman (Nolte) Remember be on the lookout ! Mark Phillip Stassen.
Rating:  Summary: Very nice Review: Nightwatch is not your classic "horror flick". When I think of horror movies, I think of 50 people being murdered and giant bugs taking over cities. Nightwatch, if anything, is more of a mystery/suspense. It plays with your paranoias and worst fears, as well as intrests the mind with the who-dun-it. Ewan McGregor is spectacular, he truly is a fantastic actor!
Rating:  Summary: Best thriller movie I've ever seen!!!! Review: NIGHTWATCH-2 thumbs up! The greatest suspense movie I've ever seen!! Wow it was incredible! Nightwatch opens with a young law student named Martin (Ewan) who seems to have a pretty good life going for him. He has a girlfriend, and a bizzaro friend who I thought should prolly see a therapist. Anyhoo, Martin takes a job at a mourge to earn some extra cash. It's the typical spooky place, lights flickering, cement floors, dead bodies (totally freaky). Yet, there has been a serial killer murdering prositutes, and one of them ends up in the morgue. Then, each piece slowly falls, and Martin becomes the final piece of the killer's puzzle. This is the kind of movie that had me sitting up screaming "Look out behind you!!!" or "Hurry!!!" at the screen. It kept me on the edge of my seat. If you're looking for a nice, relaxing movie, I wouldn't suggest this. The only complaint I have were some elements in the end of the movie, which didn't seem to fit with real life. But again, I stress that it's a MOVIE. Also, this movie seems to be able to fit in humor at the same time, which is always good
Rating:  Summary: Not to be Watched Alone in the Dark!!!! Review: Not as gorey as I thought it would be, but the suspense was killing me!!!! Very well done, beautifully filmed, stellar preformances by Ewan McGregor and Nick Nolte. Scary, funny, and poignant...a must for every video collection!!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't 'buy a radio', buy 'Nightwatch' (and watch it alone!) Review: Okay, my hands are up right from the get go; maybe I'm biased about this film, but when I heard my two favourite actors; the always cooler-than-cool Ewan McGregor and the impossibly cute Patricia Arquette had starred in a film together, well I just had to see it, and boy am I glad I did.
'Nightwatch' tells a twisted, claustrophobic tale about a young and very wet-behind-the-ears nightwatchman Martin Bells (Ewan McGregor) taking over sentry duties at the local morgue where, as things first appear, his first enemy to confront and overcome is his overactive imagination. Stunning direction details this in one of the most tense and suspenseful sequences of sustained fear put to celluloid. It perfectly mirrors both Martin's unease and the audience's; he knows he shouldn't be scared, everyone in the building is dead - and WE know we shouldn't be scared, it's a film - but somehow, for both parties, the fear at the time seems VERY real, and sets the tone beautifully. A poignant moment highlighted in sound that was emphasised earlier in dialogue by the former watchman that introduces Martin to Security procedure 'Buy a radio, you'll be glad of it. Gonna be studying eh? BUY A RADIO! Trust me!'
Soon enough, 'Nightwatch' slams it's bloody cards on the table as all of a sudden, due to the very public news that a serial killer is most definitely on the loose with the morgue apprently the killer's latest 'favoured' hang out (co-incidence that it's around the time of Martin's employment?) naked mutilated corpses are on full view, blood is lining the medically drab green corridors and.....well they'll be NO spoilers in THIS review but needless to say, the film allows you no respite; not in the conventional sense that it hits you with a violent (though the violence when it does happen MAY be too much for some to stomach) dramatic sledgehammer every ten minutes, but that it's oppressive atmosphere, singlehandedly generated by performance and sound alone, are so strong that once it has you in it's slimy grasp, it's very hard to shake yourself of an overriding paranoia that resonates even after the credits roll - and quite simply, high praise indeed must be bestowed to both.
Ewan McGregor is predictably superb as our hero (though why some directors won't let him act in his natural tongue is beyond me, there ARE scottish people in America you know!), confused, out of his depth, terrified (Martin, not Ewan, lol!) and all of it comes across to the audience wonderfully. Instantly we have a character that we care about. The perfect 'other-half' in a female form is the sublimely 'real' Patrica Arquette (Katherine, Martin's understanding, un-obtrusive girlfriend) who has, in the same beat, innocence, fragility and strength all in her admirable arsenal, traits that simply shine, albeit a tad under-used, a common gripe of 'Nightwatch' I understand but also accept as the true strength and backbone of the film lies solely on Martin's wanderings in the dead hour morgue. Supporting roles go to Josh Brolin as the 'freaky-are-you-really-my-friend? James (who maybe went a little 'too far over the top' in a few scenes) and Nick Nolte proving, if he even had to, that he can command attention in a 'close up' far superior perhaps to any other character actor of his generation.
The sound in 'Nightwatch', both musically and atmospherically, is perhaps - in skill terms - on par with David Cronenberg's 'Scanners' (You know - remember having to turn the volume UP on late night screenings to catch the dialogue - only to have to scramble for the remote when the visceral 'loud as' scenes erupted?!!). It's a tried and tested technique Bornedal exploits that is un-nervingly effective and is a masterclass for those looking to tread a path in movie sound editing.
But let's not forget that at it's heart, 'Nightwatch' is a classic (albeit modernised) 'who-dun-it?' thriller and therefore one clear question remains : is the 'reveal' of the killer obvious or even worth the wait? Surprisingly (and I really can't sugarcoat this) no - not really - but pleasantly 'surprising' (and rather cleverly) is that this very 'flaw' leads succintly to yet again one of 'Nightwatch's hidden strengths; by knowing who the killer is 'early on', it serves as a perfect strategic cat-and-mouse scenario, a kind of 'will he/she get away with it?' and 'how will they get out of this one?' If that sounded intriguing then trust me, the cinematic reality of it is really FAR more gripping, putting our hero into......ah, I won't give it away.
In closing, 'Nightwatch' is not for everyone, it requires a fairly stern stomach and an even sterner moralistic base to truly appreciate it's value, but for those who DO choose to accompany Martin on his nightly rounds, there are some seriously fun times to be had. Keep guessing, keep shining a flashlight round those corners and keep thanking heaven (or should that be hell?) that someone out there is still attempting to make intelligent horrors/thrillers.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy Serial Killer Mystery! Review: One of the strong elements in the movie is the story itself. The idea of a college student taking a job as a night watchman for a morgue is very SCARY! Now add to this the suspense of murders and rapes taking place in the morgue. It all will end up putting you on edge, and you'll fail to guess who's behind such crimes. This type of movies used to be very popular back in the 80s more than the 90s. And you might think that such story might not do good in the 90s... but hey, you'll be the judge of that after you watch the movie. I recommend you rent it, not buy it... unless you collect such movies in your library.
Rating:  Summary: not for everyone Review: Right from the start I will say Nightwatch is not for everyone. Written by Ole Bornedal and Steven Soderbergh of Sex Lies and Videotape this is a dark movie. However if you like dark movies about serial killers then you may just want to rent this one. Martin Bells, Ewan McGregor, takes a job as a Night Watchman at a morgue. He figures he needs to have time to study for his final semester in law school and what better place could he be and still make money? Unfortunately someone is out there killing prostitutes in a most gruesome manner and Inspector Thomas Cray, Nick Nolte, is starting to suspect Martin. Especially when strange things begin to happen at the morgue. The movie is definitely a tense thriller. Some of the scenes in it are a bit obvious but others had me guessing. McGegor, soon to be seen as the young Ben Kenobi, does a good job of trying to figure out who is setting him up and Nolte gives his usual fine performance. The supporting cast of Josh Brolin, Brad Dourif (the voice of Chucky) and Patricia Arquette all do a good job moving the film along. This movie is tense at times, dark, and bloody. If the previous three things don't bother you in a movie then I strongly suggest checking out Nightwatch.