Rating:  Summary: Superb Film About Nature Of Humankind! Review: This is an intriguing film, not so much because of its improbable story line, but because of its intelligent and provocative interest in ideas that are hardly mainstream. Those of us involved with the environmental movement are often exasperated by the unknowing and unfeeling arrogant presumption of natural superiority many human leaders seem to have regarding use and disposition of the world's resources, both natural and otherwise. In this thoughtful film Sir Anthony Hopkins brings his prestige to bear on such heady issues, and forwards an undeniable argument regarding those presumptions. The format of the movie is such that it is necessary to piece together this message, and this is the service that Cuba Gooding provides here as the bearer of logic and modern thought, presuming to examine Hopkins character for mental defect due to the extreme nature of Hopkins outside the mental hospital he is now ensconced in. Yet the evolving dialogue and plot as it slowly builds is really the uncovering of the ways in which such arrogance and presumptive claims for natural stewardship over the natural order are laid bare for what they are, groundless and silly. Of course, the fact that such ideas are expressed in a movie made for popular consumption is rare enough, but to do so with a message that is clearly enunciated and not overlaid with the weight of its own dramatic detritus is very powerful indeed. The director is clearly warning us that our misuse and rape of the environment has terrible consequences, but unfortunately not just for us or for humankind, but rather for the whole ecological superstructure on which life on this planet depends. The idea that we are false "Gods' and false prophets is made chillingly clear by some of Hopkins monologues. The plot is unusual but not all that plausible; it is unlikely anyone who found his way back to nature would return under any circumstances. Indeed, one of the more profound undercurrents of the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs series of Tarzan novels was the way in which he (Burroughs) constantly counter-posed the rather Victorian idea of the superiority and infallibility of Human progress and civilization on the one hand with the predictably calamitous results of that civilization on the other. Hopkins does much the same thing here, but with much more articulate and even profound use of language and story. This is a very interesting and worthwhile movie, and one I highly recommend. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: "WHAT HAVE I TAKEN FROM YOU?" Review: INSTINCT has all the components that a great movie should have in my opinion: an early hook, top knotch camera work/direction, a stellar cast, well developed characters and a nicely paced, interesting plot along with plenty of passion and emotion portrayed. INSTINCT gives the viewer bite-sized, puzzle pieces which can be interpreted different ways. The viewer can think and also absorb the information given but can't predict the outcome. INSTINCT ties the story together beautifully with many twists and turns and an interesting, unexpected ending. I personally enjoy a movie which doesn't end sappy but instead, ends with Hope. Kudos to who casted this movie! Dr. Theo Caulder's Desire and Drive so amply played by Cuba Gooding, Jr. is skillfully contrasted with Dr. Ethan Powell's (Hopkins) deep, dark secrets. What a duo they make--they have Chemistry--the magic so rarely seen on the screen. I was thinking near the beginning of the movie that there was no way that Hopkins could top his performance in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS but he did. He's one of my favorite actors of all time. He makes his characters real and him playing Dr. Ethan Powell is no exception. I've never seen a movie with him in it that I didn't like. And what can I say? Cuba Gooding, Jr. nailed his part. I can't think of anyone who was more suitable to play Theo. Casting is so important! Donald Sutherland plays the mentor/boss of Theo (Gooding, Jr.); I'm so impressed with every word he spoke and how he said it--he's a seasoned, polished actor. Maura Tierney, who plays the daughter of Dr. Ethan Powell (Hopkins) portrayed both longing and love as well as strength, patience and acceptance. BOTTOM LINE: INSTINCT is a tantalizing, thought-provoking film with much to offer the viewer. If you are a fan of Hopkins, Gooding or Sutherland and/or like psychological thrillers with powerful, emotional intensity and a lesson to learn, buy this. I rate this a 9/10. Watch the movie to get the compelling answer to the question in the title and take many ideas with you to ponder.
Rating:  Summary: Are you a 'Taker'? Review: This movie is excellent. A man finally realizes that we are the ones that are wrong and savage, not the animals. Yet society is so blind they lock him up thinking he is the crazy one.
Rating:  Summary: Another Stunning Hopkins Performance Review: In this movie Anthony Hopkins plays a man who lives with Gorillas for 2 years. He became one with them, almost one himself. This movie explores human brutality and cruelty, and human's love for ones family. Hopkins becomes violent and aggressive, Cuba Gooding Jr. plays the psychologist who studies him and finds out why he committed the crimes he did. It is a very good movie although could have been built upon more. It starts in a prizon and remains within for most of the movie. Anthony Hopkins plays yet another role about an intelect turned psychopathic/sociopathic killer. You should watch.
Rating:  Summary: Lacks Its Own Identity -nice premise poorly executed Review: Screenwriters took one part generic thirller, part 'Gorillas in the Mist', part 'Shawshank Redemption', part 'Good Will Hunting' and part 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest' and threw them into a blender without really bothering to connect the dots. They have an interesting premise but it falls through the many holes in the plot before it ever really develops into a cohesive script. Cuba Gooding Jr. plays one of the 2 lead roles. But his character is completely schizophrenic from scene to scene, beginning as a warm, compassionate young psychiatrist prodigy and going through various incarnations - clueless straightman, determined student, humanitarian liberator and finally, enlightened freeman who stands in the rain in a suit...and likes it!! The writers also neglect to include a single piece of backround on his character. We don't know if he's married when Anthony Hopkin's daughter hits on him. we don't know if he himself is neglecting his own family for his 'casue' when he's reprimanding Hopkins for doing so. We do learn what's inside his briefcase, the car he drives and that he tries to please everyone in his life: hardly revelations. Anthony Hopkins plays the other lead who isn't a bad guy, just suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and over-attachment to silver-backed gorillas. Its particularly offensive how they use him to spout off the "moral" of the story repeatedly. They would have done better having him speak directly into the camera instead of putting up the pretense of speaking to Gooding, Jr's character. Both of these actors are best remembered for roles in other films (Gooding, Jr. in 'Jerry Maguire' and Hopkins in 'Silence...'). I'm sure they're both trying to forget this one. The DVD is sparse with a generic menu, the trailer and a few covers of other DVDs it lists as "recommendations".
Rating:  Summary: Primitivism hits the big screen Review: I have only recently seen the film "Instinct," after having had the book "Ishmael" on my to-read list for quite a while. It is my suspicion that many of the criticisms of this film are from nit-picky bourgeois intellectuals who can't quite accept one of the more important points that this film has to make, because it poses a direct threat to their philosophy and way of living. (...)Hopkins character offers some insight and gives some mainstream exposure to the eco-anarchist theory of primitivism, one that I think we should all seriously be considering. If Hopkins dialogues interested anyone, I strongly recommend that they read some essays or books by John Zerzan, such as "Future Primitive." (...)Hopkins acting was excellent, as was Gooding's, and I would strongly recommend the film to anyone. I thought the only real flaw was that the film had potential to be a lot more, had it not been for the time constraints of commercial film making. I would have been very interested to see how it would have turned out if it had been made as an indy.
Rating:  Summary: Great film, possibly misunderstood Review: I thought this was a truely great film that was possibly mis-interpreted, judging by the condemnation it has received in some of these reviews. I would agree that if this film were solely about the 'takers/leavers' theme, it would be a little shallow, but there were a lot more deep and relevant themes that were touched upon in this film. In particular, the fact that AH's character was accepted not as one of the gorillas but as a human. I thought this was a great way of showing contempt for the way that human society tries to manipulate everyone into having particular beliefs and ideals rather than accepting different cultures. This film presents nature untouched by humans and thus indiscriminate.
Rating:  Summary: Teacher Seeks Pupil Review: Many people discount this movie, simply because they don't fully understand it. The theory behind the "Takers" and "Leavers" is never fully defined, so it's a small percent who were truly able to grasp the power of this film. The movie was inspired by Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael," which is a wonderfully enlightening, mind-altering novel. If Instinct accomplished nothing else, it showed Ishmael in its opening credits, thereby making it known to more readers. Viewers are better able to appreciate the movie if they have read Quinn's work. While making the movie, I think the producers assumed that viewers would have some idea of Quinn, but this is not the case. I reccomend Quinn's books to anyone, regardless of what they thought of this movie. Quinn aside, this is still an excellent movie. The combination of Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding, Jr is fantastic; Hopkins is arguably the best actor of our time and Gooding seems destined for greatness. Some have said that this is one of Hopkins' worst performances, but this isn't so. A major misconception is that the focus of this movie is on Hopkins' Ethan Powell. The story is really that of Gooding's Theo Caulder. Like in Ishmael, there is a teacher and a pupil. Hopkins takes the role of the teacher, and Gooding is in the role of pupil. Both actors perform quite well in these roles. What I wonder is if either actor has read Ishmael. I would hope so, but I also hope that everyone else in the world would too. Ok, this is just my stupid 17 y.o. rant, I know it's too long, and I'll stop now. :)
Rating:  Summary: 1 star because I couldn't rate it lower... Review: OK, for those of you who liked "Instinct", how about this scenario: There's this kid living an a country with what he sees as an oppressive government. He lives day in and day out with this oppressive government placing its boot on the back of his neck. He knows there's a better way to live, and he's willing to do anything to achieve his dream. After years of oppression he forms a plan. He joins the government's army and serves long enough to acquire the skills allowing him to manufacture and use very destructive weapons. Then one day he blows up a government building, killing 168 people. He's caught, of course, and lacking the help of Cuba Gooding Jr., is put to death. A story about a man who kills people in support of his "better" way of living. When will Hollywood make *this* movie? And no, I'm not a McVeigh fan, I'm just pointing out how much evil "Instinct" hides under its environmentalist political correctness.
Rating:  Summary: This one is great Review: For those who see movies only for action, this is not the movie for you. Although this movie is at times very exciting, it is much more deep and involved than that. Through the plot and characters, the movie expresses thoughts about human culture and the fact that our destruction of the planet is wrong and will eventually catch up to us. Another topic is the human need for control and Anthony Hopkins teaches his therapist why control is only an illusion. Besides being a deep, thoughtful movie, it is also extremely emotional. This is especially apparent when the killings of the gorillas are shown. This movie is on my top 5 movies of all time. If you like animals or enjoy emotional, deep movies, watch this. However, if you think humans are the kings of the planet, this movie will probably just tick you off. I know that all the people who gave this movie a bad review are just upset about the cause that the movie is expressing. They think that the destruction of animals and environment is justified for human civilization. Well, this movie shows that it is not justified. We are all connected to one another and besides being smarter, humans are not superior to animals. Eventually, we will pay for our destruction and pollution.