Rating:  Summary: you WILL cry! Review: Three friends visit Malaysia, then part ways, but one ends up in jail, waiting to be hung for the posession of drugs if the others don't return to do their time and spare his life. From this movie, I am convinced Joaquin Pheonix is the best actor out there. His character is the one whose to be hung and every time you look at his face, you want to cry. It's so real. New surprises keep coming up so it's hard to tell the plot without giving away the movie. A love story emerges in the course of the plot which saves this movie from drowning you in total despair and misery. This movie really puts the fear of death in you.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific acting Review: This film has been available for some time, so won't waste anyones time recapping it. I got the DVD here only a few weeks ago and have already watched it about 6 times. Why I like it1) Anne Heche 2) Anne Heche 3) Anne Heche ok you're right I'm an Anne Heche fan I also very much liked Vince Vaughan,s performance. I thought the scenes they were in together were really good because of the interesting interactions between them, and also it was impossible to predict the next scene (except of course very close to the end). Re the romantic element, while as a generalization its occurence seems implausibe, that doesn't mean because it doesn't fit a generalization it's not possible. In fact i think a case for it can easily be made. Also without this element, what would another final scene be? The only reason I did not give this film 5 stars is I am totally unable to figure out what purpose is served by the ending of the film other than to ambush us. If any one has some ideas, please respond, I really would like to see a thoughtful response to this quandry.
Rating:  Summary: Faced With a Life Altering Decision Review: "Return To Paradise" begins a little slow, but gains momentum as the film progresses. The main character (Vince Vaughn) is faced with a life altering decision: whether or not to give up a part of his life to save the life of a friend. We're treated to a wide array of conflicts including honesty versus deceit, caring versus apathy, love versus self-gratification, and guilt versus innocence. These emotional conflicts provide the twists and turns and thought provoking impact of "Return To Paradise," and fragment the viewer's concentration (not unlike that of the characters) on the key question: will Vince Vaughn do one honorable thing in his life which is not in his own self-interest? Despite the fact that the film doesn't travel from beginning to end in a direct line, we know the answer to the question "Does the Bad Guy become the Good Guy"? Acting is first-rate, and often makes one forget flaws in the story line. The slow unveiling of Vaughn's identity is excellent. I would have preferred that the film had left out the relationship between Vaughn and Heche. I found their romance unrealistic, and an unnecessary and distracting subplot. Still, "Return To Paradise" is an intriguing portrayal of people acting on emotion rather than rationale.
Rating:  Summary: You never know..... Review: You never know what's in a movie. Not being a fan of Ann Heche, I avoided this one(like others). After seeing Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator and being floored by the classic manner in which he portrayed his character, I ventured out to see all of his works. I then discovered a delicious combination of actors - Vince Vaughn and Joaquin Pheonix,leading me to this disturbing commentary made on the value of human life. In my "ethnocentric" viewpoint, I admit, I was horrified at the outcome of the verdict. The only unbelievable scene was the way events happened in delivering the verdict. This movie is worth viewing. Get your tissues ready.
Rating:  Summary: Hauntingly Good....Where was Oscar? Review: How such a quality film could pass unnoticed by critics and audiences is beyond my comprehension. Before seeing this film by chance one night on a movie channel, I had only a vague and nebulous recollection of this film, something along the lines of, "I remember Anne Heche in the trailer...some dramatic music going on, I think, and set in Malaysia or Thailand." Admittedly, I did not expect to be affected by the film; rather, I expected an average drama that I would forget about even before I went to bed. However, this film has made me think twice about discounting films so quickly. I will not summarise the film, as many reviewers here have already done so, but I will add my two cents to recommend such an extraordinary piece of work that illustrates Hollywood's ability to still churn out quality films (albeit without the pomp and circumstance of a typical $100 million budget studio film). The first thing I noticed was the performance given by Anne Heche (Beth), Vince Vaughn (Sheriff), and Joaquin Phoenix (Lewis). Deep emotion was infused in the most simple lines exchanged between two characters, be it at a construction site or a dingy New York apartment. The film goes straight to the point. We are given but some short glimpses of a vivacious and happy Lewis before we are thrown into the moral dilemma - will Sheriff go back to save his friend's life? It seems unlikely that audiences would sympathise with Lewis, as we, the audience, and Sheriff barely know Lewis. The fact that we do sympathise deeply with Lewis clearly demonstrates Phoenix's exceptional acting skills. Also, Heche and Vaughn, although ultimately involved in a relationship (which I deemed to be necessary), make every scene and word believable. As the movie begins we all wonder why Beth, the desperate lawyer, is so dedicated to Lewis. I did not expect my wonder to be appeased, but it was. I won't spoil the surprise. Quite telling that I haven't forgotten about this film since I first saw it, as I have watched many films without being at all impressed or touched. There are several touching scenes throughout the film, but I will point out the most astounding: * Lewis's taped outpouring while in the Malaysian prison. Whilst begging Sheriff to return to Malaysia, Lewis is also stating his own guilt for asking, incredibly trying to be humble about asking for his life. * Lewis' digression in the prison, his stream of consciousness speech that is perhaps my most favourite scene in the entire movie. Joaquin Phoenix, although his own worst critic who always sees flaws in his performances, cannot possibly not see the beauty in his acting, especially in this scene. Give Joaquin his Oscar statuette now! * Spoiler, so I won't go into detail. But it's the ending. Enough said. If you want big explosives, vapid lines like "it's time to meet your doom," or big sequences of impressive special effects, you will not get them here; for, this is a film that thrives purely from the strength of the actors, the quality of the script, and the remarkable scenes. This is not to say this is a film for the few people who dig boring dramas, and this is by no means an art house film. It is to say, however, that this is a film filled with touches of humour, intense drama, romance, and moral crossroads. If I had to sum this film up in one word, it would be "haunting."
Rating:  Summary: Makes you cry Review: This movie still haunts me a month later, or rather, Joaquin Phoenix's performance does, especially Lewis's eerie monologue towards the end of the show. I thought he was a good actor before "Return...", but after watching i can safely say his acting is amazingly brilliant. The movie is deep, it makes you re-think your whole take on morality. I think it deserved more recognition it'd received (if any at all), and Joaquin should have gotten at least an oscar nomination for best supporting actor. The movie would be perfect, but the ridiculous love interest between Vince Vaughn's character (who was also totally believable) and Anne Heche's character soured the plot. even my mom agreed it was unbelievable. I almost cried towards the end but didn't, because i didn't want my mom to see me crying, but anyway, i won't watch this again because i feel so sorry for Lewis. Anyhow, this movie is definitely worth a watch.
Rating:  Summary: "Just because you do the right thing... Review: "Just because you do the right thing, doesn't mean there's going to be a happy ending"~Sheriff That was so true, after all he did the right thing, and that wasn't a happy ending, well okay it was a nice ending. But anyway go rent this movie because Anne Heche, Vince Vaughn, and especially Joaquin Phoenix are magical. It starts out with 3 friends, Sheriff, Tony, and Lewis, and it ends in a stunning climax. It's more than a story about a guy who got caught for marijuana, and had to have his friends come back to malaysia to dig him out, it's a story about morals, and I'm sure a bunch of people like that. I can honestly say that this is Vince's best role, and one of Joaquins must have flicks!
Rating:  Summary: A five-star study in human motivation Review: Well, you can throw your psychology books away now if you're interested in why people end up doing the right thing and you saw this movie. What a stunner! And a masterpiece of direction as well, leading to a hair raising, consciousness raising climax. Please check out this film if you want a refresher course on how to say millions of redundant-ad-nauseum words in about an hour-and-a-half worth of silver-screened humanity. Thank you Joseph Ruben.
Rating:  Summary: A thought provoking movie.. Review: Although this movie wasn't a box office hit (hey, maybe that just means it's probably good), it is truly a film worth watching. I already knew the ending before I actually watched "Return to Paradise", so I was robbed of the suspense that makes the movie even better. The acting was great. Joaquin Phoenix is frighteningly good in his role. There really aren't any words to describe what he does on screen in this movie. Vince Vaughn gives a wonderfully well acted and thoughtful performance. They are my favorite actors for a reason. It is obvious from this movie that they are talented and underappreciated. I only had one complaint as I was watching-- the love story really diluted the message of this movie and seemed tacked on and out of place. I would have thought this movie was perfection without it. "Return to Paradise" is really a movie worth watching, if only for the question it asks. Would you do the right thing, even if it had the potential to ruin your life?
Rating:  Summary: Can't stop thinking about this movie! Review: I just rented this film a few weeks ago and can't get it out of my mind. I thought it was fantastic and from the opening credits till the closing credits I was completely absorbed. The acting was top notch and I can't believe I didn't hear more about this film when it was released. Joaquin Phoenix has definitely come out from his brother River's brilliant shadow and shows us all how talented he is in his own right. His scenes were brutal to watch, but I believed him 100 percent! Everyone's acting was equally great including the Malaysian Judge and Jada Pinkett's reporter, and though I despised her character and actions, she was compelling. Anne Heche and all the cast members were robbed of the praise and accolades that should have come pouring in for this film! The Director, writers and crew also deserve kudos for making such a thought provoking film. This movie reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption experience. It's like the little movie that could! Ignored by the media and studio marketing yet when discovered by the public on video/dvd it becomes a favorite and is definitely in my top ten. I highly recommend this movie and loved the thought provoking issues brought up. It was entertainment but at the same time I feel like I've learned something about myself in the process.