Rating:  Summary: travoltas image is awesome Review: travolta is astounding in this movie as the father of a boy who witnesses his step dad played evily by vince vaughn. the end is a little off but the rest is great and who better to be murdered then steve buscemi huh. well anyway its a nice film and the suspense is great
Rating:  Summary: Very Familiar thriller i have seen before Review: Domestic Disturbance is about as much fun as taking a dip in a pool full of acid. Predictable storyline one dimensional style characters nothing too refreshing to see. Travolta stars as a divorced father who works as a boatbuilder gets suspisous of his ex's soon to be husband when his son tells him how abusive he is. Of course the woman in these type of films are generaly so stupid she can't see the new man in her life is a psychopath. Travolta's kid witnessess his stepfather killing an old cellmate from his shady past in his jeep and then burns his body in a i ron scrap yard. So by the end of the film the father/hero gets the inevitable showdown with stepfather/psycho in one of the most silliest, cliched fight scenes i have seen in a long time. John Travolta is capabale of so much better than what this lame script offers him.
Rating:  Summary: A thriller that pushes too many of the wrong buttons for me Review: "Domestic Disturbance" is one of those films that belongs to a growing genre of recent Amercian movies in which the main character has to take the law into their own hands because the system cannot or will not provide protection. Young Danny Morrison (Matthew O'Leary) is not happy when his mother (Teri Polo) gets remarried to Rick Barnes (Vince Vaughn). He is even less happy when he sees Rick commit a murder. Danny tells his father, Frank (John Travolta), and they tell the police. With all of the details provided by Danny and all the advantages of 20th century forensics, the police come up with no evidence whatsoever. But Danny has never lied to his father and Frank keeps coming back to that one fact and refuses to let things drop. "Domestic Disturbance" overloads our repulsion at this situation by having Rick repeatedly threaten Danny, so not only do we have to do with the injustice of the cops being incompetent and/or apathetic, but we have a child in danger as well. At least his mother turns out not to be a total idiot, which is a good thing, but then it provides additional irritation during the climatic fight scene (this is not a spoiler: if Frank is going to have to take matters into his own hands this is going to involve physical violence). My problem is that people in movies do not know how to fight. Everybody has something that they want a nickle for every time they seen it in a movie: I want mine for situations in which a person in peril takes a whack at the bad guy and then drops the implement (skillet, bat, artificial leg, etc.) and runs away giving the villain a chance to recover. This is why I literally stood up and applauded while watching "24" this season when Jack made his daughter shoot the guy trying to kill her not once but twice. Get the job done. Ultimately my complaints are more about the plot than the actors, since Travolta and Vaughn are fine as the heroes and villains. "Domestic Disturbance" is a formula film put together with bits and pieces of things we have seen before and seen done better. The result is not "great" (five stars) or "good" (four stars), but "okay" (three stars). Oh, and if ever happen to be fighting for your life and you are on top of the person trying to kill you, instead of hitting them in the face with your fist (which is going to hurt you) grab their head by the hair and bang it on concrete. Do not do this once, but keep apply the treatment as necessary, and never, ever, whatever you do, take lessons on how to fight from actors in movies like this one.
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic Movie Review: I purchased the DVD before even seeing the movie only because I am a huge John Travolta Fan and own almost all of his movies. Even if John Travolta wasn't in this movie it is very well written. I would encourage anyone who loves a good suspense movie to purchase this DVD. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Rating:  Summary: Suspense Thriller with a speedy conclusion... Review: Travolta does a great job in this flick, and I found it pretty entertaining. However, I must agree that it could have been so much better. The storyline was great, and although I found it suspenseful, the storyline could have provided a much more helpless and painful emotion from Travolta's character - providing more of a rollercoaster of emotions for us viewers. Instead, when the story started to wrap up, I felt it did so too quickly, and long before the end was approaching. All in all, it's a very enjoyable film, a suspense thriller that with an excellent storyline although a little weak. If you watch this and want more suspense, I'd recommend Ransom with Mel Gibson.
Rating:  Summary: Less than mediocre story... Review: Frank (John Travolta) is concerned about his son Danny who is often getting into trouble. It seems like it stems from his ex-wife remarrying with Rick Barnes (Vince Vaughn). Frank's ex-wife also wants him to try to help Danny become more accepting of Rick. Frank finds it hard, but understands the dilemma and does what he thinks is best for Danny. Frank even attends his ex-wife's wedding in order to make Danny feel more comfortable with the situation. At the wedding, Frank meets Ray Coleman (Steve Buscemi) whom shows up unexpectedly and it seems to make Rick feel surprised and uncomfortable. It seems like Rick has a dark past together with Ray and it is about to cross Danny's future. Domestic Disturbance is a thriller that has a terrific cast, but they do not save the less than mediocre story.
Rating:  Summary: A disappointing B-movie with no individuality Review: Domestic Disturbance is the kind of film that begins to engage you as you watch, then quickly unravels into slop. Just when you begin to think it may be decent, you realize it is far from. This B-movie is the story of a divorced father (John Travolta) who's ex-wife is about to remarry. His son is a troubled youth, good at heart but having difficulty dealing with all the changes divorce brings. Then the step father (Vince Vaughn), who appears to be a wonderful guy on the outside, reveals himself to the son his evil, criminal ways and Travolta must step in to save his kid. Sound familiar? It should, it's been done way too many times before. Now, this would be alright if Domestic Disturbance offered something new to the story. Maybe some realistic characters with depth, or maybe some real unique twists. But it doesn't even come close. To begin, all the characters are as flat as can be. No motivation is explained, you're just expected to accept that the step-father is crooked just because he is, and that the ex-husband can't be believed just because he is the ex. Plus the plot holes are horrendous. *Minor spoiler warning* For two years, in this small town, no one realizes that the popular step father is a criminal, yet late in the film Travolta does a 30 second search on the internet and boom! there's an article that explains everything. Then there's the scene where the step father commits a murder in his SUV early in the film. After he quickly wipes up the blood with an old rag, police run tests on the seat and find no signs of blood! Even had he scrubbed it with chemicals, there would still be a trace so soon after. The ending was also a disappointment. The film at least built up some decent suspense, but the climax didn't follow through in the least. And it was the least realistic part of the film. Still, this film is somewhat enjoyable on a guilty pleasure level, hence the three stars. Mostly because it did hold some suspense for most of its running time, and the young actor playing the son was excellent. Better then Travolta and Vaughn combined. Now if the youngster could only land himself into a decent film, that would be something.
Rating:  Summary: I was as numbed by the acting as they appear onscreen Review: The day after I saw this movie I had to find out who directed it; turns out it was Harold Becker who's actually done a few good films. This, however, was miserable. The actors' performances were so wooden and walked-through I had trouble believing it was a major theatrical release. Travolta was just okay, and from Vince Vaughan to the major police character, the content and delivery of the dialogue was awful. Not to mention the implausibility of the plot. This entire small town--as well as a seemingly intelligent woman--has completely missed the makeup and background of this stranger who wanders in and immediately becomes its most famous, richest citizen. It pained me to see Steve Buscemi wasted on this movie; and I think you could see in his performance that he was just going through the motions (which is still better than anything else here), maybe wondering what he was doing there. And by the way, what was with the dubbing over of some of the profanity with less harsh words, on the VHS?
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling Review: In Domestic Disturbance, John Travolta stars as Frank Morrison, a man who's ex-wife is getting married. Frank's son, Danny, has a turbulent relationship with his stepfather, Rick, but things get worse when Danny witnesses Rick commit murder. Since Danny has a history of lying and there's no evidence, nobody believes him, except for his father. Frank goes on a relentless pursuit to prove that his son's allegations are true. John Travolta and Vince Vaughn (Rick) both deliver fantastic performances. Overall, this was a great, suspenseful movie that I recommend checking out.