Rating:  Summary: Hungary, Martonvásár, Váci Mihály street.24 Review: My name is Bilik András. I live in Hungary,in Martonvásár. My adress is: Váci Mihály street.24,in Martonvásár
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good Review: I wouldn't have watched this movie at all if David Duchovny hadn't been in it, but unlike a lot of his pre- (and post-, for that matter) "X-Files" fare, it is actually not bad. It doesn't say anything earthshattering about serial killers, nor is it particularly disturbing despite its efforts to be so, but Duchovny, as is his rare gift, manages to utter the more hackneyed dialogue with disarming sincerity. He is, to paraphrase a reviewer, strong in the thankless part of Brian (Brad Pitt turned down the part of Brian and chose to play Early instead, and frankly I don't blame him), but it is Juliette Lewis as Adele who gives the most outstanding performance. Her gift is her guilelessness, and even if you are repulsed by Adele's passivity and stupidity (although somehow I could believe that she would be capable of outwitting Early and standing up to him), in the end she makes you feel sorry for her and be horrified by Early's treatment of her. Michelle Forbes is also terrific, and she and Duchovny have splendid chemistry. My favorite scene with her comes when Early has taken her to the Dreamland facility and is smirkily feeling her up; the utter loathing on her face is palpable. I also like the scene with her and Brian after he has come to her rescue; both Forbes and Duchovny manage to convey a whole spectrum of emotions despite not uttering a single word. Brad Pitt gives a good, if show-offy, performance as Early, and unlike many people, I could believe him as a crude, repellent sociopath, regardless of how good-looking he is even beneath a unkempt beard and greasy hair. I would point out here that many serial killers are in fact good-looking, which they exploit in their search of prey.
Rating:  Summary: Wild Redneck Pitt meets Laid-back Yuppie Duchovney Review: Pay attention to this one, it's got a lot to say. It's film noir and social criticism mixed in one. In fact, this film was probably the (unacknowledged) inspiration for the entire "X-Files" TV series (which I hate), and there are a hell of a lot of similarities between them. The spooky, dark atmosphere of dread is very much the same, though much more effective here. Two yuppies (David Duchovney and Michelle Forbes) and two 'trailer trash' (Brad Pitt and Julliet Lewis) take a 'ride-share' trip to California. Duchovney's character is a laid-back liberal writer who's doing research for a book he wants to write on serial killers. What he doesn't know is that he's travelling with one. Duchovney does everything he can to accomodate and relate to the Pitt character (a redneck killer named Early) and still ends up in deep trouble. Michelle Forbes, who's suspicious of Pitt from the start, tries to warn Duchovney, but he's too much into his whole liberal vibe of 'people aren't really evil, it's the way society treats them that makes them evil,' and too occupied with proving himself 'able to hang with' and relate to people beneath him, to pay any attention until it's too late. The characters are all realistic and almost everything that happens is believable (as opposed to "Blood Simple," for example, which I like, but where to achieve a few sick laughs you're asked to suspend major disbelief). Duchovney and Forbes are top notch and Juliet Lewis plays the damaged 'backwoods' ingenue to perfection. Pitt's performance is scary and effective on its face as well as hilariously camp (his tongue-in-the-nudie-picture scene in the unrated version is one of the funniest moments in the history of film). But all that's okay, for the film as a whole works, surprisingly, on quite a few levels and can withstand more than a few unintentional laughs to go with the intentional ones. The most touching scene is the final one, when the tape recording of Adele (Lewis) confessing her loneliness and deep need to be accepted humanizes her tragically and emphasizes the contrast between her (who never really had a chance) and these two yuppies (Duchovney and Forbes) who shared a portion of her tragic journey. What we're left with in that final scene is the feeling that even after a first hand experience of true evil has tempered Duchovney's liberalism and made him kill to save his life, he will nontheless have to hold on to a large portion of his original theory simply because of the overwhelming pathos generated by Adele's tape message. It's a brilliant ending to a very good film.
Rating:  Summary: Before he was Fox... Review: Kalifornia, overshadowed by True Romance back in 1993, can now be considered something of a cult film, if only for the presence of one Mr. David Duchovny. The film has plenty of other merits, including an amazing turn by Juliette Lewis and a tight, tense pace that actually makes the viewer uncomfortable (in a good way). And Brad Pitt is so convincing as Early you can almost smell him through your television set(in a bad way). A worthy purchase. And cheap, too.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad thriller; Michelle Forbes is terrific Review: So-so thriller starring Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis, who join David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes on a road trip out west. The latter couple are researching notorious murder sites for an upcoming book; Pitt's a serial killer on the lam (unbeknownst to Dave) and Juliette is his poor, not-all-there companion. This is a good cast and the story moves along, but Pitt isn't belivably scary as a serial killer, although it is one of his better earlier roles. The best thing is here is Michelle Forbes, who always manages to shine, whether in her roles on `Homicide: Life on the Street' or in the brief series `Wonderland.'
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining and enjoyable road thriller Review: A writter and photographer writting a book on serial killers go on a trip to california with a psychotic Brad Pitt and a metally challanged Juliette Lewis which turns into a complete nightmare. Well acted by Pitt, Lewis, Duchovny and Forbes, clever scripting by Tim Metcalfe and good directing by Dominic Sena makes this a very original and watchable thriller. Its one of the best Road movies I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: CHECK OUT KALIFORNIA KAPTIONS! Review: Not only is this a completely entertaining flick, but I just discovered a cool tidbit. Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes stop at several points on their crosscountry tour, and the movie provides little "captions" ala "X-Files" from time to time. Six minutes in, they arrive at BRADbury Textile Warehouse in PITTsburgh, Pennsylvania. Twenty-seven minutes in, they're at Novak Farm in FORBES, Tennessee. Then at one hour and six minutes they get to LEWISton Abattoir in Mt. JULIET, Texas. And my favorite, one hour 22 minutes in, they finally arrive at DAVIDson Mine in DEW COVE, NEvada. I know this isn't really a review, but it is so damn cool that I just had to share. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: makes you think Review: Disturbing and sad. At the very end when the photographs are spread out on the table and what Adele is saying on the tape recorder--i watched that scene over and over again. btw, does anyone know the name of that song that was playing when all of them are riding in the car under some bridge and Carrie is taking pictures out the car window.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible, Intriguing and Involving Review: Brad Pitt in the part of the bad guy for the first time - excellent. Juliette Lewis in her continuous confirm as a great actress. David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes are fabulous playing the part of the heroes! Brian is a writer still looking for recognition and Carrie is a photographer in search of success. They have an idea for a book, so they leave for a state-to-state journey visiting famous murder sites. The journey is expensive so Brian wants to share the trip. And guess who's on? Someone who knows the subject more that Brian does - Early Grace, a serial killer together with his naive girlfriend Adele. The trip is exciting, thrilling, intense, fascinating... just like the movie. Watch out for a particularly shocking murder scene at the gas station - amazing! The greatest part of it is when Brian makes his revelations - pure fantastic literature !
Rating:  Summary: Great Cast! Superb Quality on DVD! Great Movie! Review: You can't go wrong with this movie on DVD! It's loaded with extras, and the sound & picture quality are superb! Not only that...but JULIETTE LEWIS is DEFINATELY the BEST actress of my generation. She always shines! Hopefully this movie will be re-released soon for those who don't already own it.