Rating:  Summary: low down, nasty and very tasty Review: this is a helluva fun movie. yes, masden and connelly are great to look at and the camera gives us plenty of opportunities to do that, but this movie is about the way that our gut nature, our character, our instincts, whatever you want to call it, completely overwhelms our attempts to plan, connive, scheme, lie, thieve, blackmail and murder our way to a better life. as human nature is the protagonist, all the characters are more vivid than life and every role is played to the hilt: the cunning con man is just unbelievably cunning, the chaste young girl is just unbelievably chaste, the smarmy redneck is just unbelievably smarmy, the sexy rich wife is just unbelievably sexy, and the sex between her and the rambling car salesman/conman is just too unbelievably hot and irresistible not to be fate in disguise. as heraclitus said, "character is destiny." it all churns along like a perfectly timed v8 engine -- every plot twist is weirder than the last, and unfolds with the drama of a slow motion car wreck or a hot asphalt car race. this is a "b" movie and proud of it, and that makes it a gem.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: This is an interesting, if not sleazy portrait of Don Johnson as a small time hustler and literal "used car" salesman out for the BBD(Bigger,Better,Deal)Simultaneously waltzing the town pump,town bank,town virgin, and town porn king, Don goes from one bad thing to another. I have to say that Jennifer Connnelly-although in a limited role, is breathtaking as the town ingenue. There is just the right touch of confusion and mytery here to make this an enjoyable and provocotive movie.
Rating:  Summary: Awfull! But? Review: This pretty awfull, mean spirited movie is a must see for several reasons the primary being Virginia Madsen's portrayal of the quintessential bad girl. Her relentless pursuit of her desires make for some rewarding film voyerism. The scene in which Don brings her husband's hat to her and ends with Virginia standing on the stairway balcony telling a bewildered Don that he is a "Bad, Bad Boy" is a gem. This movie reminds me of "Gotham" in which Tommy Lee Jones substitutes for Don as Virginias prey and has a scene in which Tommy is informed that she is a woman with very expensive tastes and that she "can handle a thief and a liar and most any type of criminal but will not tolerate a man wearing a hundred dollar suit" leaving tommy to examine his off the rack threads. Jennifer Connelly's wholesome beauty provides great contrast to Virginia's bad girl in Hot Spot and the movie has perhaps the best closing line of all time; "Well I finally found my level, and I'am living it".
Rating:  Summary: My favourite film..! Review: Well, my first review and my favourite film to boot. Having read the book by Charles Williams- a gift from a friend who is big into literature and the classics, therefore I felt it might be good - I thoroughly enjoyed conjouring up the images of dusty hot Texas whilst trying to keep cool with the steamy sultry shenanigans between the two diverse female leads and Harry Madox, the main character. Watching the movie for the first time a year or so later, it struck me how rarely when one reads a book does the film match up to the imagined filmscape. In this instance it exceeded my expectations like no other film had done or has done since. With the wonderful music, evoking the atmoshpere in spades and the masterful performance by Don Johnson - hitherto remebered by most for his role in Miami vice and its lack of real depth - the movie comes alive to me as a romantic representation of what I imagine a small Texan town and its bizarre characters may be like. Jennifer Connely is indeed one of the most beatiful women on screen, a shame that many seem to have just focused on her nudity as a reason to watch (or fast forward) the movie, I guess it must tell you a thing or two about them..You will either love or hate this movie for many reasons. I make no apologies for liking this and if you want a slick, stylish movie with great music, a hot steamy atmosphere and the opportunity to watch Don Johnson perform in the movie of his career (if only for posterity) then you will do worse than spend a couple of hours watching this.
Rating:  Summary: 'Hot' Indeed Review: Wow. I don't know what to say. This movie divides audiences into two groups one being those who believe it to be the finest in American Cinema and those who just want everyone in it to take a bath. This is a sweaty movie, lustful as well. It is very noir-ish. 'Ish' because it has a style of noir without the mood of noir. Hopper is great photographer he and his DP really had chemistry but sometimes the story is so convulted and the actors so sweaty much is missed. Jennifer Connelly is beautiful and really good in this one, but that goes for every movie she is in. Don Johnson seems to think his eyes are the only things he needs to pull of a scene and Virginia Madsen is woefully underused. Much has been written about the nude scene and frankly I thought it was a little out of place. The music is so great though. Try it once and then see how you take to it, but don't recommend it to too many people they may not take you seriously afterwards.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever! Review: Yezzz! This movie is brilliant and so lovely! I also love the atmophsere in this cute little town in texas! My favorite movie ever! regards Thomas Schrodi from the land of the Arnolds!