Rating:  Summary: Strangely beautiful Review: A friend of mine was telling me that he saw a movie I had to see. He knows I'm a Silent Hill fanatic and told me that this movie was the inspiration for the game. Intrigued I naturally went on a mad hunt for this very hard to find DVD. Eventually I found a copy and bought it without thinking twice. I was very eager to see this movie, and as it started up I sat at the edge of my seat waiting for signs of the inspiration that would later end up in Silent Hill. I saw some minor things at first, but soon found myself interested in this movie for another reason, to be honest the only reason you need to watch this movie, its plot. Everything in this movie makes sense from an artistic standpoint, everything in this film means something, everything has a rhym and reason, which these days is rare, especially for this kind of movie. Twist ending aside I firmly believe that this is the movie the Cell should have been. Granted this movie is the exploration of (spoiler alert) the mind of a man who is dying, where as the Cell is the exploration of the mind of a cerel killer, but this movie had meaning, where as the cell was a jumbled mess of expensive imagry. It's rare to find a psychological thriller this deep, and this powerful. While the film isn't scary some scenes stay with you whith you for a while. The thoughts expressed about the difference between demons and angels, and what they represent are simple, yet brilliant. As the film progresses the visuals do become more and more like Silent Hill (particularly the 3rd installment's creature feature Viatel whose head moves in very much the same way that the demons do in this film.) There were moments that were scary, but overall this film is less about scares, and more about the state of the human mind during death, and coping with dying. In that regard this movie handles the subject of dying better than the vast majority of psychological thrillers. Its beautifully written, and masterfully executed, and yes, for Silent Hill fans there are monsters and scense in here that seem to have had a direct influence over the game series, (although Silent Hill is tremendously more greusome) particularly the scene in the assylum. Although the video transfer is relatively poor (watching on a widescreen HDTV), and the sound is not as good as other, higher end DVDs this film is a must have for horror, suspense, or even drama fans. This film is so well done it can easily fit into any of the aforementioned categories. While not for everyone (the film is a deep thinker) I'm honestly suprised that this movie isn't considered a classic, or the masterpiece it aught to be considered.
Rating:  Summary: The seed for Silent Hill Franchise Review: I am not gonna waste your time talking about how brilliant Jacob's Ladder is as a movie cause most reviews here said what's on my mind and I agree with them, it really is awesome. Instead I just want to mention that this movie was the main inspiration of the terrifiying Silent Hill franchise; not story-wise but disturbing images wise, Jacob's Ladder way to view a dark disgusting bloody frantic nightmare is so orginal, no body as far as i know had such images before Jacob's Ladder and followed by Silent Hill creators that adopted the idea of what new horror means and prefected it in the 3 games out so far. big thanks to Adrian Lyne for the new vision. do-not-hesitate-about-getting-this-dvd
Rating:  Summary: fanboys need not read Review: Boy, sometimes it baffles me when i read the reviews of such obvious fanboys. Even when a turd of a film like this is smeared over there googly-eyed, smiling faces, they still cannot smell the stink. These fanboys will bend over backwards to dress up this offering like a prom queen but the rest of ours will not be fooled. Ignore those 5 star fanboy reviews. This movie is a dog. A pretentious, im smarter than you dog. Its story is one of those convulted, make no sense kinds. The ones where a fanboy will sneer at you for saying "this sucks". Well, you just don't get it, they'll say and walk off in a huff. Your dam right I don't get it YO! And i don't want to get it. I don't mind a little twist and mystery to my films but there has got to be a payoff. Jacobs ladder is the God Emperor of Dune of movies. A whole lot of babble that really doesnt mean much. Robbins sees some fellas that have got twitching problems. He bobbled back and forth between lives trying to figure what is real and what isnt. His girlfriend gets 'impaled' so to speak by something in a bar. He sees lights. Hes on a bed. Hes climbing stairs, blah blah blah...what the hell is going on here! Lets start putting the pieces together here. Unlike one reviewer, i dont feel like trying to figure it all out everytime i watch this dog. I have other, more worthy films to waste time on. This is one of those films that tries to fool you into thinking it is a cerebral thing but really, its nothing more than fodder for convention types to debate over. This dog gets 1 star for some sprinklings of gratuitous gore.
Rating:  Summary: Jacob's Ladder (no spoilers) Review: The reason I have decided to right a review for this film is because I have been constantly thinking about it lately, despite the fact that I rented it over 4 weeks ago. This is truly an odd and perplexing film but genius and entertaining none the least. I may be 13, but I am an avid movie-watcher and know how to evaluate them also. (I keep a movie journal of every film I view with my personal rating.) I would rate this particular movie a 9.0/10. It shines with true originality, but is certainly not for everyone because it's too smart for the masses. It IS very confusing at times, but that adds to the appeal in my opinion. It is also particularly difficult to classify in genre.(a subject I have noticed in other reviews) I put down the genre(s) for each movie in my movie journal and I called this... Suspense/Drama/Thriller. It has some particular horrific images, yes, but does not maintain the atmosphere for a "horror" movie, nor does it consistently frighten or leave the viewer in a state of perpetual fright. I must admit that I was on edge though throughout the film due to some pretty scary parts...(particularly the alley-way scene!) I believe the main reason I keep thinking about this movie is because of the reason Jacob's having these hallucinations and the note about it being real at the end of the film. I am not going to go into further discussion of this though for it might spoil the fun for some, but if you have seen this, you know what I'm talking about. In conclusion, I think you should see this true gem of a movie because I guarentee it will be on your mind for a long time.I have never seen a film quite like this and am thinking about purchasing it. Thanks.-Riley E.
Rating:  Summary: Spoiler-free explanation of why I love it Review: First of all, I don't mean to sound holier-than-thou, but a GREAT many reviews of this film give away the entire ending to the film, even if they liked it! I'm not one of that camp, and greatly respect the others here who didn't overindulge their need for analysis in such a revealing way. Ok now with that out of the way, I'll say that Jacob's Ladder is, primarily, a drama, the story of Jacob, a Vietnam vet who is beginning to have troubling nightmares and hallucenations in which his real world is abruptly visited by what appear to be demons. This is where the scares are genuinely startling, enough to classify this film generically as a horror flick even though it isn't at all. You see, the demons Jacob sees appear utterly at random, at any time of day or night, in places safe and otherwise. And he doesn't see them with such regularity that they become boring to the viewer. Rather, they look like humans one second and then suddenly in the next frame they have abruptly become human only in appearance but with frightening features such as grotesque twitching movements and uninvited facial distortions. Describing it can't give it justice, you have to see them and the great editing techniques in which they are shown to see why they're truly so startling. The creatures are seen so suddenly without any tense musical buildup or cue, and usually also after enough normal time has passed, so when they do appear it's such a jarring shock that our reactions of fright aptly mirror those of Jacob himself. Well, once he sees these demons, Jacob tries to figure out what's wrong with him, since he has also been slipping into dreamlike episodes in which he can't tell (nor can we) if he is living or dead, asleep or awake, and which time frame is the real one. It is a confusing film in the storytelling structure, because it cuts back and forth between several apparently different times of Jake's life in which he has, alternately, 2 different wives and a son who is alive at one time and dead at another. The viewer doesn't know initially why Jacob is seeing things, when he's dreaming or not, and which of the lives he's experiencing is the real one. This is a storytelling choice, and it works. Don't worry, you won't be alone because all throughout the film Jake is asking himself why he's seeing things, why he keeps remembering earlier times with his 1st wife (or dreaming of a different life with a second wife), and what is real. Rest assured that by the end of the film you ARE given an ultimate answer that does make sense, but it's been argued that it's the weakest, "letdown" aspect of the movie. I heartily disagree because the ending is one of the several possible outcomes that are hinted at during the film, and I can assume that it was considered a letdown by some because they were hoping for something more profound, or possibly less profound depending on their tastes. But don't worry, I'm not trying to confuse you. As a whole, the movie is a quiet drama in which we follow along with Jacob, trying to figure out why he's seeing what he's seeing, and by the end we do get an absolute answer. It's worth viewing as a horror film as well (though I've pointed out I don't think of it as one) because the moments of shock and horror, and more than anything, just general creepiness, will linger with you for a while. Moments in a subway, a hospital, and (to me) the most disturbing scene in an alleyway will stick with you, and are echoed in films like Session 9 and the Silent Hill video game series (though in Session 9 the threats are far more unseen). If you've had enough patience to read to the end of this, I do urge you to watch this movie objectively, not worrying what the ending will be but instead putting yourself alongside Jacob and trying to digest the info you're being given. Hopefully by the end you'll feel that the last link was completed, and at the very least, you should have had a good chill or 2 down your spine. PS, IMPORTANT: Please note that while the Jacob's Ladder special edition dvd DOES contain the features listed in the Amazon description, those features ARE NOT listed on the dvd packaging. Don't worry, if you get that creepy dvd with an appropriately blurry Tim Robbins on the cover and the words "Special edition", you got the right disc. Good luck, and I sincerely hope you enjoy (and get freaked out by) Jacob's Ladder.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: The first 3/4 of Jacob's Ladder is a wonderfully fractured mess of flashbacks, dreams, and halucinations that is as enigmatic as it is interesting. Sadly, and not so sadly, the denoument is a let down from the fantasy of the first portion of the movie, ultimately answering our questions in a very concrete and plain fashion and discarding what makes the first part of the movie so interesting. But, even with the botched ending, it's still entertaining, the music is effective, and some of the visuals are briliantly concieved (although most of the movie is average-ish looking). Jacob's Ladder is definately worth a viewing, especially if you're a fan of the whole modern day sci-fi/thriller subgenre (It's sort of a more conventional version of pi, without the migrane-inducing migranes).
Rating:  Summary: You will think about this movie for days ... Review: All of the prior reviews and synopsis are true. But the bottom line is: If you believe in a higher power you will understand the ending of this movie immediately. It's brilliant, horrorifying, sexy, spiritual & emotional. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this one. Review: Wait for them to include the extra scenes back into the movie. I saw it with those in it and that made the film a whole lot scarier. It also helped film, because in parts, it does drag a bit. This is a terrifying yet funny horror movie. This movie left me reeling with turmoil and confusion, with feelings of sadness and despair. Those are the notes it strives for. "Jacob's Ladder" enters into the hallucinations of a desperate mind, and lives there. It evokes a paranoid-schizophrenic state as effectively as any film I have ever seen. Despite an ending that is intended as victorious, the movie is a thoroughly painful and depressing experience - but, it must be said, one that has been powerfully written, directed and acted. The story stars Tim Robbins, previously the pleasant young hero of such films as "Bull Durham," as an American soldier in Vietnam who undergoes a shocking battle experience. The actual nature of the experience is withheld until the end of the film - and even then, we cannot be completely sure we know the truth - but it appears to send him back into civilian life as a psychological time bomb. Years pass. He gains a doctoral degree, but does not use it. Instead, after a first marriage fails and a young son is killed in an accident, he goes to work for the U.S. Postal Service, and starts to live with a woman he meets there. Then terrible things begin to happen to him. He is nearly run down by a subway train. Almost run over in the streets. Faceless demons pursue him. His doctor is killed in an automobile explosion. This movie left me reeling with turmoil and confusion, with feelings of sadness and despair. Those are the notes it strives for. "Jacob's Ladder" enters into the hallucinations of a desperate mind, and lives there. It evokes a paranoid-schizophrenic state as effectively as any film I have ever seen. Despite an ending that is intended as victorious, the movie is a thoroughly painful and depressing experience - but, it must be said, one that has been powerfully written, directed and acted. The story stars Tim Robbins, previously the pleasant young hero of such films as "Bull Durham," as an American soldier in Vietnam who undergoes a shocking battle experience. The actual nature of the experience is withheld until the end of the film - and even then, we cannot be completely sure we know the truth - but it appears to send him back into civilian life as a psychological time bomb. Years pass. He gains a doctoral degree, but does not use it. Instead, after a first marriage fails and a young son is killed in an accident, he goes to work for the U.S. Postal Service, and starts to live with a woman he meets there. Then terrible things begin to happen to him. He is nearly run down by a subway train. Almost run over in the streets. Faceless demons pursue him. His doctor is killed in an automobile explosion. So is a friend. He begins to suspect that he and his Vietnam friends were victims of some kind of misbegotten Army experiment. That day of their bloody battlefield experience, they all grew dizzy and their heads began to spin, and then he cannot remember what happened next. He was wounded, yes, and airlifted to a hospital - and what then? Flashbacks throughout the film follow his emergency treatment. But what is the secret of what happened? He gathers a group of fellow veterans, and they talk to a lawyer about representing them, but then the veterans and the lawyer back out. You will leave scared, disturbed, and a very unpleasant feeling with you. Stupid movie goers shouldn't see this. That's right this movie requires the audiences participation, and that takes to much effort for you MTV kids out there who think everything that makes a good movie is CGI, potty humor, and sex.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! But why did they leave out those scenes? Review: Great psychological thriller as you will see based on all the other exceptional reviews; but the one thing i didn't get is why they left out some of the scene's that they did. On this DVD various deleted scene's are included which are almost as enjoyable as the rest of the movie put together (esp. the Train Satation sequence). If you're a fan of psychological thrillers/horrors (i.e. Angel Heart, Session 9) than this is a must. Highly reccomended by yet another fan.
Rating:  Summary: Intense! Review: Let me say first off that the actress in the film that plays Tim Robbins'love interest is YUMMY! Now that I got that out of the way let's talk Jacob's Ladder. A film about a man who has these totally warped hallucinations that freak him out and embarass him in public. He doesn't believe he's crazy though and he re traces his past to find out that the truth of the madness is more stranger than the fictitious hallucinations he has been having and that there is an explanation for it. Good Flick!