Rating:  Summary: Derivative Delight Review: This movie is derivative. As are most classic films noirs for that matter. But this is one of the great movies of all time. It will be playing on late night video for centuries. Along with Casablanca, Double Indemnity, Body Heat. If this film were only rated for the music soundtrack - derived from multiple classics (old and new) but innovatively orchestrated, scored and tracked - it would merit 5 stars. If it were judged only on Rebecca's tour-de-force performance covering perhaps 6 distinct characters, accent and all, it would earn a max rating. She captures the best of the best of the classic film noir actresses right up through the 80's. You want Ingrid? Bette? Kathleen? She's got em in her pocket. With a ton of steamy heat. In France no less. Antonio hangs in with the best of the male leads of the last century. The supporting cast is top drawer. Even the extras hold up under close scrutiny. If your thing is editing; or cinematography; or set design; or costume; or sound; or writing; or direction - again you are treated to a masterpiece. You want to talk about plot? Talk about 5 plots then. Talk about twists as clever as 'the snake and the cat'. The first time you see this movie, you have seen maybe half of it. To really get it, take another look. If for no other reason than to figure out why so much didn't make sense - and of course to wallow in the pure pleasure of this sparkling cinematic jewel.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Seeing if you Like Films w/Predatory Females Review: Briefly, if you liked Red Rock West, you should enjoy this film also. This film is interesting not just for the storyline and shapely females, but for how little it relies on dialogue. Much of the movie is simply told through the images with music (a little too Bolero-ish) playing in the background. I can see why de Palma is compared to Hitchcock, but at the end of the film I realized that the dream sequence was how Hitchcock would have ended the film and that de Palma (to my mind) chooses his ending to say "get real", in real life the criminals get away with loot all the time. The girl-on-girl scene and the absence of dialogue and the subtitles put off many of the reviewers, but if you like predatory women in noir-type films and can read subtitles and follow the images at the same time, then you'll find something to enjoy in this film. For my part, I'm adding the DVD to my wish list. As an aside, Mr. Hare should see the movie again as he simply misstates or misunderstood the plot of the movie. As a further aside, the sex and violence scene in the basement was tittilating, but entirely unnecessary to advancing the storyline from what I could tell.
Rating:  Summary: What is the french word for (...)? Review: Im glad of one thing after seeing this movie. Im glad the manager of the theater was nice enough to give my $8.00 back when i walked out. I must say i enjoyed the first 10 minutes of the movie. A few people got shot, there was an excellent lesbian make-out scene and a lot of nice (...) shots... in the first 10 minutes. After that it was filled with all the charm of a second rate French Film, brought down even more with a "Pretending to be Gay" performance from Antonio Banderas. This movie is (...), in french subtitles. If you ever rent this movie, watch the first 10 minutes, and be kind enough to rewind it so the next person doesnt miss the only good part.
Rating:  Summary: PURE PORN Review: This movie was pure trash. 1-star is as low as I could go - it didn't deserve that. It began with a very lengthy lesbian scene, at which point one guy walked out. It continued with multiple nude and strip scenes, when others walked out. It was very boring, much of it not even in English (subtitles). I finally fell asleep. When I woke up, it was right in the middle of another strip scene!! At that point, I left, too. I can't see how this got only an R rating. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: okay Review: The visual sense is probably the best part of the film. It has some really silly Hardy Boys type plot twists. After the biggest twist of the film was revealed, a guy near me got up angrily and walked out. I did feel a bit cheated at that point myself, but it wasn't enough to sink the film for me. I didn't look at my watch once, and so that says a lot. With all its flaws, it really kept my attention.
Rating:  Summary: It's deja vu all over again Review: Let me say first that, even if her performance is campy, Rebecca Romijm-Stamos can act. Many DePalma films are campy. Given something more, ummm..., real, I believe she could be a fine actress. And she's actually pretty good here. She does exactly what she is supposed to for this role, shows deceit, anger, coquetry. The story revolves around a jewel thief (RRS) who is involved in a heist that goes awry. She ends up cheating her accomplices out of the booty (no pun intended) and goes on the run. This is where the twists begin. DePalma certainly paid attention to the details in this one. It is a very complex story. Suffice to say that all is not as it seems to our protagonist. Antonio Banderas plays the paparazzo who stumbles into her deceptions. The camera work is excellent and involves many quick cuts, differing angles and split screens. The score is designed to keep pace with the film's quickness and make your heart race. It works pretty well. Another aspect of DePalma films is that one has to expect at least a scene or two with lingering shots of the female form. This time there's two exhibitions, one with a model strutting about wearing little more than a "dress" of a bejeweled gold snake and the other is of RRS herself, in a sleazy lap/(pool) table dance. Both scenes seemed to go on and on... not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Finer forms would be hard to find. ... Other than the story twist as described above, I liked the film. Is it great? No. Is it his best? No. A little too long. But it was entertaining. If for no other reason, having a scantily-clad "super model" on the big screen makes for two hours of riveting cinema for the guys.
Rating:  Summary: A Hot and Stylish Erotic Thriller Review: Brian DePalma is back in top form with this exceptional thriller that toys and plays with the viewer's head. I have to say that these mind puzzle movies like "Memento" and "Mullholland Dr." are more fun and original than anything else and "Femme Fatale" can be added to that list. Rebecca Romign-Stamos gives a surprisingly good performance as a woman who during an elaborate (and very erotic) diamond heist on the French Riveara, turns on her team and keeps the diamonds for herself. In all this chaos, she is mistakenly identified as a widow and retreats to the US. Seven years later she returns to France only to be photographed by a paparazzi photographer (Antonio Banderass). Her past also catches up with her as her former partners are out of jail and looking for her. The way the film plays out is extroidanary but the true fun of the film are the small details. Definately a film Hitchcock would be proud of.
Rating:  Summary: stunning, clever thriller Review: I have read mixed reviews of this thriller by one of the best directors of our time, Brian De Palma. If you are a fan of his work then I can't see where you could go wrong here. This film has all the elements that make a spellbinding story: interesting lead characters, horrifying villians, and enough material to keep you guessing until the very end. I left the theater thinking about this movie, never misunderstanding the plot, but pondering over the details the director/writer carefully infused into the narrative. The music is beautiful, as well as the locales, then again how can you go wrong with Paris? The movie opens at a quick pace at the Cannes film festival and doesn't let up until the conclusion. Several scenes are slightly drawn out, but this builds character relationships and the story never drags. This is the directors's best in years!
Rating:  Summary: Waste Your Money Elsewhere Review: I cannot begin to tell how incredibly disapponting this movie was. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time, but after sitting through this, I felt [gullable]. I can agree the De Palme is an incredible director, and has many hits under his belt. This movie, however, will not be one of them. Rebecca Stamos acting and line delivery is terrible. Antonio Banderas wasn't given the chance to show his talent except for a small part in the hotel room, and no, I don't mean the sex scene. The movie dragged on and on and was not the least bit suspenseful. This was high school acting at best. And just to let you know, 3 couples walked out of the movie, and everybody sighed when they thought the film was over, but it wasn't. Not recommened AT ALL.
Rating:  Summary: FEMME FATALE's fatal flaws Review: First of all I should say that I was quite eager for De Palma to return to his old form and quite willing to accept anything he threw my way. But this time even I, being a fan, had problems with the content of the film and it had nothing to do with any of the violence or sex (in fact I feel he restrained himself just a bit this time around when it came to that) but with the far fetchedness of the script. Just when the movie was ending and I thought there was no way it could get any more far fetched than it was I was proven quite wrong. I should start off by saying that the movie did have some moments which were very intriguing, hypnotic, and quite sexy which De Palma directs with the same skill for visual storytelling that he has become so recognized for. And of course the movie has the familiar touch of having a very Hitchcockian plot (with a dash of Lynch and Lang thrown in). The most famous of these moments is the opening sequence of the film which involves a heist and the seduction of a model who is wearing 10 million dollars worth of diamonds on her at the Cannes Film Festival in the Ladies'restroom. The seduction is of course typical of De Palma who has never shied away from dealing frankly with and displaying sexuality. Other noteworthy moments are the slow motion chase(s), the bathtub scenario(s), the striptease and the "drowning". But when the film lacks inspired moments like the ones just mentioned it's flaw can't help but be evident. The big flaw is it's drastically far fetched plot which I previously mentioned. It's something which if you can't look past, like myself, you will have trouble swallowing this film. It's just one contrived plot development after another and after a while it makes you lose some interest in the development of the film. Also Antonio Banderas gives a wooden performance which is a problem since for a good time you are stuck to his character. But the movie manages to retain it's intrigue when we are with Rebecca Romijn-Stamos' character(s) for she is definatly into every sinful action her character commits and she has prescence, even though Meryl Streep she ain't. You wait with anticipation for her to come back when her prescene is missed on the screen and she is one of the reasons FEMME FATALE is able to work. At least De Palma managed to go back somewhat to his former glory if only in brief moments. But this movie has reassured me that he still has some of that old spark in him. I wait for the day when he comes back full throtle. All I can say about that day is that movie goers beware. I'm confident we will be astounded.