Rating:  Summary: MOVING Review: This movie made my mom cry, and that's resonably rare. This movie captures the inner beaty, which is kida sad and corny. You'll defenetly like this movie for it has romance, comedy, drama and some mooshy gooshy stuff. There's average swears but one eff word. This is a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Another Penn tour de force Review: As a mentally challenged man with the intellectual capability of a 7-year-old, Sean Penn - quite possibly the best working actor today - earned his third Oscar nomination in this sentimental but powerful film. Sam works as a table clearer at a Starbucks' coffee shop and is also father to a 7-year-old girl he had with a homeless woman. The two apparently get along fine until a series of haphazard dynamics collide to find Sam's daughter as a ward of the state. In his bid to reclaim his child, Sam turns to attorney Michelle Pfeiffer, a fast-moving lady who's compromised her sense of humanity in favor of professional fulfillment. Her belief that she needs only her profession for self-fulfillment is dangerously imperiled by Sam's humanity, innocent as it is from the perspective of a 7-year-old. Of course, there are the court scenes in which Sam is made to look as a well-intentioned but incapable provider to his child, until the sentimental but still moving finale in which Sam takes on the judicial system himself. Just as he was so absorbed in his role as a "Dead Man Walking," Penn is so completely into the character of Sam that his raw talent is incredible. Sure, maybe the film is a two-hanky one and the its goal is to move its audience by parading the unjust dilemmas of an underdog, "I Am Sam" is nonetheless a wonderfully moving film with a feel-good finale. And who can pass up a film that achieves that emotion on such a raw level?
Rating:  Summary: Emotionally moving but misguided Review: In what real world situation does anyone really think a man functioning on the level of a 7 year old, should raise a child? I would never leave one of my children in the full time care of a 7 year old for even an hour.This is a wonderful movie. The acting is superb and it pulls your heartstrings deeply. It really does cause you to lose grip with reality and side with the mentally challenged, Sam. But in the end, nobody should be fooled into believing this nicey nice, pc bull. in the real world a child should never be raised by a person this impaired and Sam who claims to love the child, should have taken the offer at permanent foster family with visitation rights.
Rating:  Summary: A must see! Review: I have never cried at a movie. Not because I am cold hearted or don't ever cry (trust me, I do!!!), but just because no movies ever really touched me like this did. I watched this while staying in Chicago, I cried so hard I was actually sobbing for 45 minutes and I used a half a box of Kleenexes!!! It touches one of the most precious things in life, a relationship between a daughter and a father. Throught the movie you think about how much you value your family, and how you hope that they would fight as hard as they could to keep you, because you know you would do the same. Also the sweet friends of Sam just made me cry because they were all so kind-hearted and funny! If you like movies that really capture you in a giant blamket of warmth and emotion, this is great for you...I just heart it!!!
Rating:  Summary: I cried through the whole movie! Review: I was so touched by this film. I found that I was able to identify with all the characters: the perfect lawyer, the [mentally challanged] father, and the loving child. It mad me happy and sad at the same time! A great movie to see if you're not in touch with your emotions. It will make you appreciate your life and learn how to feel again. This was the best!
Rating:  Summary: A skillfully crafted, five hanky weeper Review: An impressive modern melodrama about a mentally disabled man who is relatively high-functioning, but when his young daughter falls under the scrutiny of the social services system, he is barely able to muster himself to appear "normal" enough to retain custody. I went into this film thinking, "oh great, more vanity project Oscar-bait!" and wound up getting all teary within minutes. Sean Penn is great in the role, simply great. I've never been that into him before seeing this film, but I gotta say that this was one of the best performances I've ever seen any actor give, in any medium. This film itself is a shamelessly manipulative tear-jerker, in the grand Hollywood tradition, but more effective than most because the story is so terrifyingly plausible and agonizing to watch. It's especially hard to watch Sam make mistakes that, on the outside, seem painfully obvious, but within the logic of his world are all but inevitable. Granted, some of the plot points are a bit hackneyed, but, hey, this is a Hollywood film. What do you expect? I for one was happy to see such a strong, sympathetic, and relatively uncondescending presentation of issues which are normally hidden from the mainstream. Definitely recommended.
Rating:  Summary: all it should be. Review: yes, i too agree sean penn did well in this movie and dakota amazed me even more with each time i watched it. i've read several reviews though and most talk of sam and his disability and how the movie was about people trying to figure out if this man full of love could take care of his child and win the court case. especially if "all you need is love". but what people don't write about is how i am sam shows us how society treats those with disabilities. it shows the pressure lucy feels from her friends and others around her because her father is "different" because he has a disability. and it shows us that disability or not we are all the same. we are all capable to love if you allow it. "consistancy, patience, listening, and love". we are all human. it's an important lesson that many people don't learn until they're put in a similar position. and for that, i am sam is a wonderful movie.
Rating:  Summary: I Am Sam is a winner! Review: I was hesitant about watching "I Am Sam" and avoided it for many, many weeks. Although I watched it under some duress, I am glad I did. The film is a winner and the fact that it is cloyingly sentimental and is, at times, too pat should not deter anyone with a heart from spending time with its memorable characters. Sean Penn's performance, in particular, is spellbinding. One does not need to be a fan of Mr. Penn to recognize the depth of his skills and talents. I cannot envision any other actor doing justice to this part. The ensemble cast is excellent. Michelle Pfeiffer's portrayal of a driven yet emotionally fragile attorney was likewise compelling, although it did remind me in ways of Holly Hunter's memorable performance as "Jane Craig" in "Broadcast News." The only cast member who was somewhat disappointing to me was Richard Schiff. Schiff is a very talented and skilled actor. Yet, in this movie, he does not show the range he is capable of and I felt like I was watching "Toby Ziegler," the character he portrays with such applomb on "The West Wing." The ending of the movie was a bit too convenient and quickly resolved for my taste. A bit unrealistic, but I felt the same way about another great movie, "Philadelphia." Still, this is a tug-at-your-heart-make-you-feel-and-think movie. And if this were made a genre, then "I Am Sam" would be at the head of the list. It's not a perfect film, but it is a great one at doing what it has set out to do. Sean Penn's performance alone is sufficient to recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Sean Penn ist good but annoying Review: There`s one big mistake in this picture: The character Sam Dawson (Sean Penn) is just too stupid. Nobody would give this guy a child.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful and moving Review: Sean Penn gives an astounding performance as Sam Dawson, a mentally disabled man with an IQ of a 7-year-old. Sam works at Starbucks and is the father of 7-year-old Lucy [Dakota Fanning], who lives with him. When the state believes that Lucy should be put in foster care because he isn't intelligent enough to raise her, Sam fights relentlessly to get his daughter back and he gets Rita Harrison [Michelle Pfeiffer] to be his lawyer. Rita is a top-notch attorney, who is distant from her family life, greedy and somewhat self-absorbed. Despite that, she comes off as a likeable character. I'm not a law expert, so I wouldn't know if a mentally challenged man like Sam Dawson would legally be able to take custody of his child, but the law is not the issue. The issue is, does Sam deserve to take custody of Lucy? As I watched those touching scenes between Sam and Lucy, I couldn't help but feel, "Yes! He should be able to keep her." Dakota Fanning was fantastic in her role. She's a great actress, for being so young. Sean Penn was incredible. He was nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of Sam, but lost to Denzel Washington. I believe Sean gave a much more worthwhile and emotional performance and should have won. Michelle Pfeiffer's acting was great, too. Overall, this movie was excellent. Everything about it was wonderful; the acting, writing, directing and the cast of supporting stars [Laura Dern is one of them]. The DVD is really nice, too. The documentary's really interesting. Highly recommended.