Rating:  Summary: The Best Coming Of Age Film Ever! Review: Such a movie like Stand By Me only comes once in a lifetime. Luckily, it is captured by Rob Reiner's excellent direction and the four boys' incredible acting. The story, based on a Stephen King short story, revolves around Gordie(Wil Wheaton), Chris(River Phoenix), Teddy(Corey Feldman), and Vern(Jerry O'Connell). Having heard about the disappearance of Ray Brauer, they discover from Vern that his brother ran across the body, but could not tell the police because he was in a stolen car. Eager to claim fame, the boys set off on a long trek to find the body and become famous. Throughout this trip, they learn more about themselves and each other than they could ever imagine. Vern's brother tells the leader of his gang Ace the whereabouts of the body, so they too set off for the body. This comedy/drama is simply incredible. I grew up watching this movie. Wil Wheaton is brilliant as Gordie, the would-be writer. The late River Phoenix gives an unforgettable performance as Chris. Corey Feldman plays the wild and crazy Teddy with great effect, and Jerry O'Connell is hysterical as Vern. Kiefer Sutherland is also excellent as Ace, while John Cusack makes a good cameo performance as Gordie's deceased brother Denny. Rob Reiner directs with a keen and knowing eye, giving the blend of humor and drama just the right touch. Fantastic Movie!
Rating:  Summary: A great movie, overlooked one too many times. Review: This film boasts a great cast, a great director, and a great coming-of-age story. Based on a novella by Stephen King, this tale of four boys' journey to find a dead body, also tells about their journey to self-discovery. Each boy has his own problems to deal with, and by the end, he will try to have dealt with them. The best performance by far is a very young River Phoenix as Chris Chambers, the character that the rest of the world thinks is no good. His inner spirit and vulnerability provides a strong center for the group, including Gordie (Wil Wheaton), a would-be writer who is dealing with the death of his brother and the neglect of his family. There are a lot of strong words and situations in this film, so it may not be good for very young viewers, but if you are willing to look past that, you will see a great story about the importance of friendship, and the passing of youth. Definitely worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: "Leeches!" Review: 4.5 stars. This is easily one of my favorite films from my teenage years. For many reasons, this film resonates with emotional nostalgia for any man who remembers their early pre-teen years, before the magic of youth began to fade with experience. That's what this film captures: the magic of being a young boy. It really doesn't matter that it's set in a different era, the nature of boys will always remain the same. One of those universal traits came under critical fire when this movie was first released. It had to do with the amount of profanity that all the main characters use. I staunchly defended the dialogue, to this day for that matter, knowing full well that when boys are alone together they are more likely to rebel against talking conventionally. Be it cursing or whatever, there is a sense of unbridled freedom when no authority figures are present to reprimand your behavior. The four lead child actors here are all excellent. Director Rob Reiner is, at least in this film, a genuine miracle worker. It is a rare film that has this many child actors with this much talent and intelligence conveying what it's like to be a kid at heart. At no time did I think they were acting beyond their years, like so many other child actors fall victim to doing. There is plenty of wit and good old-fashioned toilet humor, which is the flavor of the day with young boys; but there are also some authentic, emotional moments in the story, as well. This is a fine film that shines with great performances, charming direction from Rob Reiner, and a thoughtful story from the novella "The Body" by Stephen King. One last note concerning this DVD: there is an especially poignant featurette on the making of this movie with a final ode to the late River Phoenix. He was the James Dean of my generation, and he is greatly missed. This film is just a small part of his short legacy, and provides ample proof that he would have been one of the greatest actors ever. R.I.P.
Rating:  Summary: I never had any friends like the ones I had when I was 12. Review: For the folks unfamiliar with the work of Stephen King, rest assured that the horrormeister and book-to-movie monarch is also a gifted writer of non-horror, and specifically of short stories. This film is of a "novella" King wrote (drawing, as usual, from his own boyhood) about a foursome of pre-teen boys whose comraderie and determination takes them through a magic quest -- into the dark forest -- for the corpse of an agemate they didn't personally know. It's one of four stories found in "Different Seasons", and the first of three from that book to make it to the big screen. Its mythic resonance is striking, with the youths planning their journey in what became a discovery of their own maturity, beyond their years. Unknown actors Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix are extraordinary, and each deserved an Oscar nomination for their roles. The first time drama for director Rob Reiner so impressed critics and fans that much was expected of him after this. An insecure, yet creative boy and his son-of-an-alcoholic best friend lead their "gang" on an overnight adventure, pitted against the small town's older "dimestore hoods" (Keifer Sutherland in an early role). Along the way they face their own fears and sadness, fool round, and share "bonding moments". Reiner directs with a boy's-eye-view, to the delight of all. Only caveat: [bad] language. Only disappointment: Reiner deviates from the book during the leeches scene. In the book, the boys were skinny-dipping. Sadly, only a European film can get away with that. River Phoenix went on to cutting edge roles, a cutting edge life, and a drug-related death. Wil Wheaton went on to Star Trek: The Next Generation and the underrated film "The Last Prostitute". Corey Feldman continued as a late-80s teen flick regular, and Jerry O'Connell did that Superman T.V. show. As for bit players John Cusack and Richard Dreyfuss, their work continues to grow and evolve. Beware of versions which are edited for T.V. If pondering whether it's appropriate for the 7-13 age group, watch with them due to the coarse language. This film's message and presentation obscure even this.
Rating:  Summary: great movie for all ages!! Review: This movie is great. (...), well if you read the novella it was actually in, you'll find out that the movie follows the story very well, even the words they speak. In the story it has even more bad language, so stop argueing about the damn language. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Great coming of age story from Stephen King and Rob Reiner Review: "Stand by Me" is a coming-of-age story about four boys on the verge of adolescence and junior high school, who go on a journey to see a dead body. The movie was based on the Stephen King novella "The Body" and directed by Rob Reiner, who also did King's "Misery" for the screen. This is a very faithful adaptation of a King story, and much of the dialogue came straight from the book.What makes this film really great is the interaction, chemistry and performances of the four young actors. Gordy LaChance is the college-bound writer/dreamer, played by Wil Wheaton (who went on to become Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: TNG) with some great facial expressions and moments of vulnerable emotion and inner strength. Chris Chambers is the rebellious bad boy, but smart and athletic, played by a very young River Phoenix (whose promising career was tragically cut short) with strength and wisdom beyond his years. Gordy and Chris are the characters who grow the most during the adventure. Gordy's older brother Dennis (played in cameo scenes by John Cusack) died earlier in the year, so he in going to view the body, he is unknowingly looking for some closure to that event. Chris is at a crossroads where he can either "take shop and make birdhouses with the other retards" or take the harder classes with Gordy. Teddy DuChamp is the psycho and dramatic kid, played by Corey Feldman, who had a productive child actor career. Teddy's relationship with the father who burned his ear on a hot stove is the key to his experience during a confrontation at the junkyard. Rounding out the group is Vern, the dim fat kid played by Jerry O'Connell, who of the four has changed considerably as an adult and continues to build a decent acting career. The film is very nostalgic, with its portrayal of small town life in the 1950s, treehouses, corner drug stores, and woods for exploring. Along the journey, there are a number of adventures, such as train dodges, a run-in with mean old Milo Pressman and his dog Chopper at the junkyard, a swamp full of leeches, and a night spent in the woods with howling coyotes. Interspersed with these sequences are moments of reflection and kids being kids, with weighty topics discussed like "superman vs. mighty mouse" and the importance of cherry flavored pez. The main outer conflict is with a group of high school age boys, led by a villain named Ace and played menacingly by Kiefer Sutherland. There are two key sequences involving Gordy and Chris and Ace, and to a lesser extent, Chris' older brother "Eyeball" Chambers. Funny and poignant, this is a great film about the brotherhood of boys, and was even referenced by Michael Gurian in his book "The Wonder of Boys" as a recommended film to watch with your young son to view positive examples of young male relationships. My caveat to parents would be that there is a lot of profanity and vulgar boy talk.
Rating:  Summary: You can't go wrong with this one! Review: Well, what can I say that could possibly do this movie justice? First of all, I bought this movie out of blind faith, off the internet. I had heard great things about it, and as it turns out, they were all true, and Stand By Me has become my favourite film of all time. First, the story. Four boys from a small, enclosed town in Oregon go on a trip to find the body of a kid their age. This trip proves a catalyst for some strong feeling to emerge, about growing up, growing apart,their families, life in their town and their own mortality. I can understand if from this you think that the film is awfully heavyweight and morbid, but nothing could be further from the truth. The themes are dealt with in a natural, realistic and never overly sentimental way. The friendship the four boys share, particularly Gordie and Chris is so touching, but again realisticly portrayed. The acting is phenomenal, no other word for it. The performances Reiner has captured from his cast are fantastic, and he has really captured the atmospherere of Steven Kings' wonderful novella. This is a rare film in that it is realistic, bittersweet, hilarious in parts, but also heartbreaking. This is a film that has a permanent positive effect on your life, as it makes you reconsider what you hold as valuable. If you do not see this film you have missed out on something more remarkable than you can know. Just listen to all these people who have been so touched and moved by it. A little warning though, if you want to prepare yourself for the events at the end, take note of the newspaper article at the beginning. This is a film that I cannot reccomend strongly enough. If I ever have children, as soon as they are old enough, I am going to show them this film to teach them about the important things in life. If you have children older than 10 or so, don't be put off by the rating, all it is is a bit of swearing, this is a film whose message deserves to be put across.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Accurate Portrayal Of Life. Review: When I first heard about this movie,I just knew from the start that it was going to be good,but I never thought it was going to be such a masterpiece from beginning to end.This is undoubtedly one of the greatest coming-of-age stories of all time,which really was meant to be a horror movie based on Stephen King's book "The Body".Here's a breakdown of the movie: 1.Acting(5/5):The acting by these 4 kids is astonishing,and definitely the best part of the movie.River Phoenix,who died tragically a few years after making this movie,is the absolute best out of the 4,playing a troubled kid with a bad family and a bastard for a brother.Wil Wheaton is also one to mention,playing his dramatic scenes as if he was a veteran already!And Corey Feldman is in his only good role as pretty much a crazy kid with,as one guardkeeper said,"a loony for a ather."And,last but not least,Jerry O'Connell is completely hilarious as the fat kid(Verno). Story(5/5):The story isn't really challenging or confusing,but that's the beauty of it.It's just 4 kids looking for a dead kid and disovering themselves along the way.Sure,it sounds stupid on paper,but you come to love it once you see the movie.And all the characters' background information is simply so realisitic and such an accurate portrayal of life,from a kid coming from a horrible family and being known as a criminal even when he is not one(Chris Chambers played by River Phoenix),to a kid who is completely ignored by his family because of his football star brother who dies(Gordo played by Wil Wheaton),even to a crazy kid with a psychopathic and abusive father(Teddy DuChamp played by Corey Feldman). Production(4/5):The production doesn't really stand out or anything,but the producers did a very good job making the movie look like it was set in a small town. Screenplay(5.5/5):Who can forget such unforgettable quotes such as:"TRAIN!","LEECHES!",and "So I'll see you sometime(Gordy)";"Not If I See You First(River Phoenix)"?And the one to point out is the story about Lardass(created by Gordy),also Verno is one to point,delivering each line hilariously,especially his trademark "Sincerely!" The Verdict:This is truly a worthy coming-Of-Age classic and deserves to be part of any video or DVD collection(in this case,it's DVD!) Recommended:Yes!
Rating:  Summary: the best movie of all times! Review: this movie is so great, and i would totally recomend it to anyone. its funny, and it has a great cast (wil wheaton, river phoenix, corey feldman, jerry o'conell, kiefer sutherland) these actors are so talented and so convincing. they give a fabulous performance. you must see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: An ABSOLTE MASTERPIECE!!! Review: stand by me is 1 of the best movies of all time. i fell in love with it the 1st time i saw it. the 4 characters chris(river phoenix) gordie(will wheaton) vern(jerry o'connelle) and teddy(corey feldman) really showed how strong a friendship can really be. the comedy in the movie is so good, and i think everyone can relate to chris, gordie, vern, or teddy.i'm 1 of those people who have a few favorite movies and watch them nonstop. for me stand by me is one of those movies. not only do you laugh, but you even cry too. river phoenix did an amazing job, and will be missed.i recomend this movie to anyone who loves a good old classic. they just dont make them like this anymore.