Rating:  Summary: Good, but the book is a lot better. Review: I feel lucky to have been able to obtain a copy this film before its official release. This like the first film is loosely based on the best-selling book series. But this movie is much more loosely based on the book. Too much in my opinion. I am not certain why there are so many differences between the book and the movie. Obviously the would have to be much longer to include all of the scenes. But some of the differences between the book and the movie are too egregious and present a real dificulty for some people. The differences I had the most trouble with are with the Wailing Wall scenes. In the book, there are many people there. In the movie the UN made it off-limits and would shoot anybody who approached. The other is about Ben-Judah. I feel if I went into details on this one it may constitute a spoiler. I had some mixed feelings over the fact that the DVD includes a blooper reel. This movie is supposed to be a serious subject matter and the idea of adding humor. The acting is pretty good and includes Kirk Cameron, of the TV series "Growing Pains" Clarence Gilyard Jr. of "Walker, Texas Ranger" Godron Currie of "Alive" and many others. I hope that when the next film is made that they will make it more like the books. I think that some fans of the book series may be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Tribulation Force Review: I received the DVD version of Tribulation Force and found it to be by far better than the first video, Left Behind. The characters play their parts with realism. This video is a must. It declares the plan of salvation far better than any christian movie I have ever seen. The DVD has outtakes and bloopers as well as many other enjoyable clips to watch. Watching the movie once just isn't enough. This movie is good to show the family and friends. You want be disappointed.The video also gives visuals to those who have been reading the books making the books more enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: A slight improvement Review: ...This movie's beginning and ending seemed like a beginning and an ending. Unlike the first film in this series, the "flow" of events seemed smooth--or at least not as rushed. The acting is pretty good. The overall plot seems to stay "true" ...to biblical concepts....Despite having an overall level of good acting, there were some lines and moments in this movie where I laughed out loud. Some of the special effects--like the scene involving the two witnesses--were, at best, odd. Kirk Cameron doesn't come across as convincing as a news anchor for the largest global news organization in the world. He still looks like he did in the 80s. Separate scenes in which Buck and Rayford each essentially meet with, and successfully deceive, the AntiChrist seemed a bit bizarre. THE UGLY: "The romance" between Buck and Chloe came across as underwhelming and contrived. Buck and Rayford's "argument" with a suicidal nonbeliever came across as as telegraphed as possible... Nicolae seems--especially toward the latter stages of the movie--to be more whiny than scary.... Above all, watching this movie I couldn't help but thinking how lost I would be if I was non-Christian and unfamiliar with the biblical texts. If the goal of this movie is entertainment (for Christians), it's an improvement over LEFT BEHIND I. If the goal is evangelism, I seriously doubt it will make much progress.
Rating:  Summary: someone help us! Review: How could they be realeasing yet another horrible left behind movie??? The first movie was the worst movie i've ever seen and if you compare to any other movie out there today it would'nt live up. How can this one be any better? I also have seen the trailer and also many scenes from the movie on the JVIM tv show and from what i saw personally think it would be worse. Even if it turns out to be great, w/ great acting and effects the story will be very boring because the book "Tribulation Force" is a very slow moving book. It mostly focuses on relationships and character building. the only action packed scenes will be when the phrophets breathe fire on the terriosts and WWIII but if they're splitting up the movie that'll be in the second half. Any other action scene in this movie will be made up and added in by the movie people. I saw on the JVIM show a scene where Rayford is held at gunpoint! Where is that in the book? I've read the book many times and never remeber reading that. Most of the people who have up till now given this movie good reviews can all be found on the tribulation force movie messageboard and I guarentie you'll never ever hear them speak one bad word about any Cloud Ten movie. If they were truly honest and compared it to other movies nowadays it just really wouldn't live up, but no one will admit to that. Many say that Left Behind was a smashing hit because when it was released on video it was number one for video sales, but of course it was. The books are bestsellers and since it was never in the thearters, America ran to the stores to buy it. I had many expectations for that movie and all of them were broken. Tim Layhay, one of the authors of the LEft Behind books is sueing Cloud Ten over the whole entire movie issue. What does that tell you? You'll never find anyone give the truth as to why, which makes me wonder what it's really about. Unless it would really hurt movie sales or something there is no reason as not to at least say something about it but no one will. Ever since the first movie came to thearters in my city everyone has been very reluctant to show another christian movie here. Joanh is out in theartres recently and is getting rave reviews and packed movie houses. movies.com has given it only one bad review and all the others are saying it's great and some are saying even athiests would enjoy and smile at it. Many have said that it's actually a christian movie that doesn't rub the salvation message in peoples faces. That's what were trying to do when we make a christian movie right? We're not trying to save christians but the lost. Most any christian would tell everyone to go see the Left Behind movies even if they don't personally like them, just because they think they might hopefully get saved. I tried that w/ these movies and it didn't work. If you want to know if you're gonna really reach the lost with a christian movie invite some regular Joes off the street to read the script or watch the pre-view or something. If they like it then most anyone would. When a christian has to give a bad review on a christian movie that's really sad. At least since Jonah has come out it has broken the sterotype that all christian movies are bad. Who'd ever thought a kiddie movie would do that? If you wanna see a good funny christian movie that doesn't rub the salvation message in your face go see Jonah and not waste your money on Left Behind 1 or 2. At least rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: An EXCELLENT Movie! Review: "Left Behind II: Tribulation Force" (LB II: TF) is the latest movie from the independent Christian Film Studio, Cloud Ten Pictures (CTP). I was recently provided an advance screener copy of the film and, in one word, I would describe it as "excellent." LB II: TF takes place one week after the events of the first film in the series, "Left Behind: The Movie" (LB: TM) While that film focused on the events of "The Rapture" (the disappearance of all true believers from the Earth), this movie continues the story of those who were "left behind." One of the things that is immediately apparent is the return of the entire cast from the first film: Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Clarence Gilyard, Chelsea Noble, Janaya Stephens, and Gordon Currie. After compelling performances in LB: TM, their characters are incredibly solidified in LB II: TF. It would be difficult to see anyone else in those roles again. The acting is truly top-notch and the cast is to be lauded for their heart-felt and very real performances. These are not actors playing characters, these ARE the characters. The pacing of this film is much different than its predecessor. This is not action-fare, it is great story-telling. Any of the qualms some may have had concerning the plot of LB: TM will be quite pleased with the tightness of the script. Much of this is the result of the decision made by CTP to divide the story of the novel, Tribulation Force, into two movies. This allows better concentration on the story, which is the mission of the Tribulation Force to spread God's truth to as many who will hear it. This involves a daring mission to Israel and the announcement by revered scholar, Rabbi Tsion Ben-Judah concerning the Messiah. Everyone has their part to play as the world enters the Tribulation Period. This story is played out beautifully on-screen. And what about the story? How good is the adaptation from book to movie? Again, in a word, "excellent." As in all adaptations, there is some liberty taken, but we see many of our favorite scenes from the book brought to life. The powerful sermon of Pastor Barnes at New Hope Village Church, the early courtship and struggles of Buck & Chloe, the first meeting with the Two Witnesses (and the fiery aftermath!), the speech by Dr. Ben-Judah - all are presented in high quality. The strongest point of LB II: TF is the unashamed presentation of the Gospel message. Again, anyone who may have been concerned with the lack of a stronger message in LB: TM will have no problems here. There are clear, reproducible conversions which are both powerful and personal. I was greatly moved by these scenes (even to tears). Simply put, "Left Behind II: Tribulation Force" is by far the best Christian film I have ever seen. As entertainment, it's moving. As filmmaking, it's dynamic. As an evangelistic tool, it's potential is absolutely limitless. Cloud Ten Pictures has raised the bar yet again, and they are to be commended and applauded for this excellent film.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Information¿ Review: Ted Baehr, of Movie Guide, is the most authoritative voice on Christian filmmaking and Christian values within Hollywood films. He was provided a rough cut of the movie (no music, no sound effects, etc.). Here is what he said: "In my opinion this film (Left Behind II: Tribulation Force) is better than the first one... The evangelistic power of this film is awesome! Characters repeatedly come to Christ in powerfully acted and compelling scenes... Fans of the book Tribulation Force will be especially pleased with the film's faithfulness to their favorite scenes... I love it when dedicated teams of Christians make quality Christian films like Left Behind II: Tribulation Force." ...
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait Review: This is one of the best series ever written and I can't believe some of the negative feedback that's being posted. People talking about how they thought this movie should be as big as Spiderman's or Star Wars special effects. Come on, get real...How many independant movie companies out there can you think of that can afford over 100 million dollars? None that I can think of. I think what they did in special effects at the budget they had was an outstanding job. Also the characters I felt were some of the best. There are some great actors in there, just to mention a few (Clarence Gilyard Jr., Brad Johnson, and Gordan Currie who was perfect for the part of Carpathia). I hope to see the entire series come out and I will be one of the first people to see each and every one. We need more movies like this. I highly encourage everybody to go and see it and to pay no attention to the negative reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Going to be Great! Review: I am really confused here as I read these reviews, as along with Pastor Greg, I also know that this movie is not released yet! It is not even in the hands of the official reviewers yet! How these people can say it is horrible is beyond me. Further, folks, please be careful believing what you read. You can learn more about this film and find out that it is going to have a limited theatrical release also. Make sure the reviewer knows what they are talking about! Check out the offical web site. Having been on site of the movie, yes, this movie is going to be beyond anything that Cloud Ten has done yet! I see a great movie on the scene.
Rating:  Summary: never should have been made Review: basically, these left behind movies are (poor). as a film series, they earn no respect. the dialogue is emotionless, static even. jokes and puns at totally inappropriate times, during struggle, etc. horrendous acting. and instead of trying to accept and work with their small budget, they try to fight it, and the below mediocre tension is very noticeable. no one is believable, or identifiable. and there is too much of an underlying agenda, (while agendas are not bad, they ruin a film/become inaffective when so strongly thrown across) instead of trying to focus at all on the characters/relationships. a waste of film, time and money.
Rating:  Summary: doomed Review: I don't see how this movie could be all that good! Left Behind was a horrible movie in many ways. All the reviews for it are bad. I was hoping it would be a movie as big as Spiderman, Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings, but it was one of the worst. This movie isn't even going to theatres and if it's any better than the first one this movie probably won't be that good. Tho I could be wrong. It's doomed to follow in the steps of its predecesor. And i saw the trailer and laughed my head off. If you have to see this movie, rent it. Read the books tho, they're totally awesome!!