Rating:  Summary: Ouch!! This movie was a really no-no... Review: Death-row is the worst thing of America, and it still exist. This movie was in the beginning very boring, and i'm very sorry I watched the movie, because it's so racial and useless.The age has to be between >30 and <50 to watch and understand that this movie isn't that good.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic film Review: I am not an avid movie watcher, but I happened to see this movie at the cinema, and I have never, I mean never, been so completely glued to my seat as I was during this film. From the very first scene to the last, I was transfixed. It made me laugh, made me cry, and touched my soul. Since then, we bought the video and it has been watched so many times it will probably wear out before long. We have lent it to numerous people and everyone of them rates it a 10 out of 10. Those people who give it a low rating are people who cannot see a movie for what it is, but have to pick it apart and bring in "politically correct" nonsense, instead of just enjoying it for what it is. A very, very good piece of story telling, full of human emotions; joy, sadness, fear, humour, darkness, love and hate, good and evil...in the typical Stephen King way. If you haven't yet seen this movie, please do...you will love it.
Rating:  Summary: Spineless moving making at its best Review: This movie was one of THE WORST movies I have seen in quite a long time! The positive quality of the movie was the acting however they weren't given much to work with. The characters were spineless, the storyline was absurd and the movie left me angry and disappointed. I was even disappointed in the mouse! I thought the thing would have a little more character and consciousness than the prison guards who knew the truth but chose to fry John Coffey anyway. It was a horrible storyline filled with quality actors who portrayed apathy at its best.
Rating:  Summary: Reduced Me To Tears Review: Tom Hanks and Michael Duncan are fantastic. Green Mile is the best film that i have seen this year. After missing it at the pictures, i decided to buy it purely on the reputation of the film, and im glad that i bought it. Green Mile is about a prison, with Tom Hanks being in control of death row. John Coffey (Mr Duncan) is a new prisoner brought in for the murder of two girls. John appears to be an 8ft beast but turns out to be a gentle giant with special powers. Without saying too much to spoil the film i will just say watch it and you wont be disapointed
Rating:  Summary: The Green Mile Review: Maybe one of the finest movies I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: It is NOT what I expected it to be--it was a LOT MORE. Review: Since I was aware that this movie was from a serial novel written by horror-master Stephen King, I expected it to be a bit more on the scary side than it actually ended up being...however I was NOT disappointed at ALL with the end result. In fact I found it to be easily one of the best movies I saw in 1999. The movie starts off today with a gentleman in a retirement home reluctantly reminiscing about events that happened in the 30's at a Prison in the South. Is this a horror movie? NO WAY. In fact it was anything BUT. Tom Hanks is superb (but then again when ISN'T he?) in the job of being in charge of 'The Green Mile' which represents the floor color that leads to the electric chair from the prison cells. It's not a mile, in fact it's only about 50-60 feet total...but having to walk that distance to one's ultimate demise would have to be considered a long walk indeed--one that would finish all-too-soon for some characters. Everything from a little mouse--which amazingly has a rather large roll in the movie--but don't worry, it isn't silly at all-- to easily the biggest man I have EVER seen all works together to make 'The Green Mile' an incredible journey which on more than one occasion had me thinking long and hard at the death penalty. My ONLY criticism of the movie was how the supernatural portion was handled...well actually our very large character, John Coffey is accused of killing two young girls (don't worry, he's innocent--but is it enough to win him a stay of execution?) when in reality he was actually trying to HEAL them...you see John has an interesting ability to cure people of their ills. How? Well we never really find out, but the ONLY problem I have at ALL with this movie is, well, how he manages to expel the illness once he has removed it from the one who is sick. Other than that, this film is one that has stayed with me long after I left the theater. I also was shocked to find out that it was 3-hours long. As I left the theater I glanced at my watch and could hardly believe that I had been sitting there that long. It seemed more like the usual hour-and-a-half. Time just stood still as I watched this fantastic movie. I enjoyed this movie so much I actually went out and bought the book (which actually IS better, but what book isn't?) and I also found a whole new view of Stephen King. Do NOT let this movie being written by him keep you from a true masterpiece. Simply put great filmmaking with each character pulling in a great performance. Oh, and even though the book was better, I think they did an incredible job of turning it into a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: Everyone says that the worst thing about "The Green Mile" is that it's too long. I, however, don't think it's to long at all. Sure, it may be three hours long, but I hardly noticed. It has an excellent script, a strong performance by Tom Hanks, and an amazing one by Michal Clarke Duncan. It is not as good as Frank Darabont's "Shawshank Redemption", but very good nevertheless.
Rating:  Summary: Aaaah! - Hallelujah! Review: THE GREEN MILE This isn't your usual Hollywood production. You know, where the good guys always win in the end and affirm that the USA is the greatest nation on Earth and can do no wrong. In fact the issue of the USA's place on the planet is if anything, a very minor side issue. The central figure of the film is a huge black American by the name of John Coffee, (pronounced like the drink, but not spelt that way - they never said how), convicted of a heinious crime, invested with Divine powers who just happens to be an Angel...! It's also a very long film, over 3 hours, which probably wreaked havoc for cinema operators used to their usual diet, hehe. But it was not long enough. Having just started to explore the possibilities that He had been declaring His Presence manifestly to the guards (including Tom Hanks, who shows promise of becoming a greater actor - you should try sticking your tongue out more), of a facility for prisoners convicted of the death penalty, His messenger is electrocuted apparently according to His wishes. Either God's messengers have a Death Wish (there is a precedent, read the New Testament) or else they don't make a VHS tape longer than 4 hours. The only unbelieveable part of the film was that John the big, black child molester actually survived his capture to face trial - this was the early '30s after all, although the late '90s may be worse in some respects. You actually see a pet mouse being squashed under the heel of a bad prison guard which is why in the UK, the video has an 18 certificate. This film left me beleiving that while some death row convicts may be innocent, they go willingly to the death chamber...!
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King wrote this? Review: That is the question a lot of my friends, family, and co-workers asked me after having seen this movie and not realising who had written it. Being a Stephen King fan and loving the book, I had to see this movie. And it was worth it. It is better than Shawshank Redemption (My dads words as Shawshank was his favorite movie until The Green Mile). Tom Hanks is remarkable as always, but the real pleasure of this movie was no doubt Michael Clarke Duncan who was incredible. He showed he can cover a wide range of emotions and played the role as perfect as King had written it. There are some gruesome, funny, and lighthearted scenes throughout that make this movie one of the best I have ever seen. This movie is a keeper and I definitely recommend this for all (as long as your of age). There was only one bad thing about this movie (though I didn't let it hurt my rating) and that was the Widescreen version. It takes up 25-35% of the sreeen with black on the top and the bottom of the screen. As I am finding out, most DVD's seem to come this way. Why is that? But this movie now. You won't be disappointed.