Rating:  Summary: Tourist Trap, definitive edition Review: "Tourist Trap" is given a gorgeous print and a fine soundtrack. It's definitely worth a look if you've never seen it, or if you saw it once on some television Saturday afternoon horror matinee or late night cable. It's not as brilliant in my view as its many cultists allege, but it is a landmark of the glorious late '70's-early '80's horror genre, it is Stephen King's favorite horror film (which shows he has some degree of discerning taste in scary movies), and might be a good way to introduce the younger generation, reared on Scream and I Know What You Did, to what horror movies really can be. Jocelyn Jones makes one of her rare screen appearances as the survivor of the night of horror. It's not in the same awesome circle of classics as Black Christmas, Don't Look Now, Suspiria, and The Wicker Man...but it's in the top 10-15 easily.
Rating:  Summary: crazy and funny Review: this movie is pretty good. i bought it on dvd and i'm happy with it. of course it's a b movie but i like a lot of b movies i like this one but than again i like toe jam.
Rating:  Summary: NOW YOU'RE ONE OF US!!! Review: I first saw Tourist Trap back when it was first released in 1978 at a drive-in theater in Chico, California. It was on a double bill with the first Phantasm. WOW ... needless to say, it changed my life! It's my all-time favorite horror film.Chuck Connors has never been better, Tanya Roberts has never looked better and you just have to love a movie who's villian is a telekenetic, schizophrenic necrophile. :) This movie has it all .... horror, tension and great laughs. When I was in college a few years after, I used the "Plasterman" monolouge for an acting class (got an A, by the way), and to this day the last scene of the film never ceases to give me goosebumps. All in all, it's a great film to watch with your friends.
Rating:  Summary: A Misplace Gem Review: Without going into any plot details, if you are looking for a film from one of the golden eras of horror (late 70's/early 80's)you probably won't be disappointed. I was pleasantly surprised to discover it. Flavours of Texas Chainsaw and Friday the 13th are sprinkled throughout, along with the slighted faded colours and cliched characters indicative of the time. Great atmosphere and straight forward story. Combine with alcohol, smoke and a Friday night and you will be entertained. Spooky!
Rating:  Summary: IT'S NOT LETTERBOXED Review: I've never felt so ripped-off in my life. OK, I admit, it's a pretty cheap DVD to buy, but still... it says right there on the box "WIDESCREEN", and it's anything but. In fact, it would appear that the screen-image is ZOOMED-IN on the extreme left-hand side of the proper image. It makes viewing this film a chore. It's a great movie, and the transfer seems to be excellent. Shame about the aspect-ratio. PROCEED WITH CAUTION!
Rating:  Summary: Don't be a Dummy! watch this movie Review: I really didn't know what to expect from Tourist Trap, I'm not really a fan of Chuck Connors but Kudos to him for his schizo performance in this eerie thriller. The opening sequence is great,unexpected and chilling I won't detail it but dummies..er manniguins pop out of nowhere and terrorize/attack this guy. Are they alive? looks like it His friends are looking for him and they end up on this lonely road with a sign advertising a museum.Well what transpires next is quite spooky, the villian is obvious but the acting is competent, lighting, sets even the special effects are good at the time of this films release. Check it out I recommend it
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Slausen!!!!!!! Review: While I agree this movie is an unrecognized classic, I can't say I found it that entertaining. There were a lot of parts I thought were well done, and I found the mannequins creepy. Other parts though just kept dragging and dragging making me wish they would get to the point. For under $10 though, it's still a decent buy seeing as how you're not likely to find this at your local rental store. As for the DVD, the picture is pretty nice, but I have a big problem with the sound. The volume starts out normal, but when a scary scene comes on, the volume gets so incredibly loud that I had to turn my receiver down to almost minimum. Why was the disc mastered this way? Some people I loaned this disc to said they had to adjust the volume throughout the whole movie as well. Weird.
Rating:  Summary: freaked me out when i was a kid!!! Review: First of all, IT IS WIDESCREEN!, contrary to popular belief. There is no option for it in the menu, however. You must choose the tv aspect thru the setup options in your dvd player. It took me awhile to figure that out!! Ok...on with the review. Definitely my favorite 70s-80s horror movie. The kill scene at the beginning (one of the best ever) freaked me out when I was about 10 years old. The kill scene towards the end made MY heart stop! If you've seen it, you know what I mean. Tanya Roberts (HOTTIE) first movie, I believe. A must for any fan of 'b-movies.' Watch it , then watch it again with the running commentary---you'll learn a few things! Don't want to spoil it for you with play by plays of the whole movie
Rating:  Summary: Classic Horror Exploitation . . . I LOVE IT Review: If you haven't yet had the pleasure, please, see this film ... Much the same as the superb PHANTASM ( released the year before ), TOURIST TRAP leaves logic behind in favor of creativity and vision, and the results are classic ... Director David Schmoller creates a claustrophobic story based on isolation and psychological terror, and in fact, THAT is what makes this film succeed: the gore is minimal ... TOURIST TRAP was released with a PG rating, but don't let that discourage you into thinking the film isn't effective or frightening ... Whenever I read reviews, I prefer not to read TOO much as to spoil the film's impact ... But briefly, as not to give anything away, TOURIST TRAP features Chuck Connors as the lonely proprietor of a forgotten wax museum ... A group of young people stumble upon the isolated oasis, and what follows is like no other horror film ever ... The feel is completely macabre, and there are disturbing hints of infantilism, bondage, telekenisis, necrophillia and transvestitism, all of which add to the disturbing and surreal feel ... One of the most frightening twists in horror is the transformation of the innocent character; when a friend is pitted against friend, or when a once happy character is transformed into something unrecognizable ... Very scary stuff ... Yes, there are situational similarities to TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and PSYCHO, but Schmoller pulls it off with such insane gusto, it works on all levels ... And I can't fail to mention the super sexy teenage Tanya Roberts, who is so hot she momentarily distracts from all the onscreen insanity :) The transfer on the DVD is very good, and the David Schmoller commentary is interestng, if a little blasie ... The only beef I have is the "40 Full Moon trailers" claim: there are only a couple trailers ( NOT nearly 40 ) for other films, all very forgettable ... In my opinion, TOURIST TRAP is a Top 5 Horror Film, and at this bargin price, you can't go wrong ...
Rating:  Summary: Small following, not a great movie. Review: Stephen King wrote in his non-fiction book Danse Macabre that he found Tourist Trap to be a sort of diamond in the rough that was seventies horror. I'm paraphrasing of course, but this one has quite a little following. The story starts out typically enough. A group of teenagers on vacation stop near a beautiful lake to go skinny dipping. One wanders off and stumbles across a small abandoned store. Some unseen force attacks him with several objects. This scene is pretty eerie. The others are confronted by Chuck Conners who owns an attraction featuring weird-looking mannequins. The movie gets most of its steam from the fact that these mannequins are really spooky. You can guess what happens to the kids one-by-one and probably what the secret is with the mannequins long before the second act even starts. I can see how this movie got its following, but really it's not much better than the twenty-or-so other slashers that came out at the same time. The DVD contains a bunch of old trailers for bad movies and might be worth it to collectors alone. The movie is mildly recommended if you've never seen it before, but if you can catch it on cable, you'd be better off.