Rating:  Summary: Katie Holmes is TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I loved this movie! Adults don't understand the teen thing. That's why it got trashed by a lot of critics that I had respect for, but not anymore after they reviewed it! A GREAT PLOT, GREAT CAST, and GREAT EVERYTHING!
Rating:  Summary: Teaching Mrs.Tingle!-The Best! Review: I saw teaching Mrs.Tingle with my friend and I expected it to be kinda scary but when I saw it, it was SOOOO FUNNY! It was one of the best movies I have ever seen! Sure, unexpected things happen during the movie, but nothing to scary. Trust me it's a comedy! Go and see it!
Rating:  Summary: How Could You Not Love It ? Review: Teaching Mrs. Tingle is my #1 fave! It has an AWESOME soundtrack and the BEST cast!Katie Holmes is DA BOMB!This movie awesome!Every single minute of it was good!It's funny, surprising, and really interesting and happy!!!A must see for those who are perfectionists, dreamers, or have ever had a teacher from hell!
Rating:  Summary: terrific Review: Katie Holmes was terrific no better movie no better actress then katie holmes, i loved it SPECTACTULAR PERFORMANCE!!!bravo
Rating:  Summary: passable Review: The basic plot for "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" follows several high school students; very intelligent Leigh Ann Watson(Katie holmes) is caught with the answer's to the finals, given to her by Luke Churner(Barry Watson)and Jo lynn(Marisa Coughlin ). With a prize schoolar ship at risk, Katie attempts to prove that she is innocent of the crime. Mrs. Tingle will have none of this, as it is blatantly obvious that she is, above all, pure evil. One event leads to another, and our precious students tie Tingle to her bed and slowly force her to listen to them, while Tingle is slowly pyschologicly tearing the group apart, planning her freedom..............Simply by a glance at the cover of the film and it becomes apparent that "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" is targeted toward teens. Add the fact that it is directed by (ugh) Kevin willimason and features such popular teen stars; adults might dislike this film. The various reasons why this movie was passible are; 1) Was it entirely nessessary to shoot Tingle with a cross-bow? Would it not be smarter to reason with the principal or someone else that has communicated with Mrs. Tingle, as everyone who knows her hates her? 2) Helen Mirren gives off a fantastic preformance as the evil teacher, but her physical strengh is unbeleviable. She punches, crushes, and strangles all the students who get in her way. 3) Helen Mirren stays tied to the bed post for the entire movie. 4) The students are so dim that they acually confide their personal secrets to Tingle, and she uses the information to manipulate them. 5) The use of the word "Ironic". 6) The plot is somewhat weak, mostly involving the students madely scrambling to keep the kidnapping secret; just add a little weak humor, sex, and violence. 7) At one point Tingle is smashing a certain student around, spaltering them is blood. Tingle acually gets pushed down the stairs and all of the blood dissapears. I doubt that one is healed from falling down stairs... 8) The ending. Holmes sleeps with Watson, who is Coughlin's crush. This breaks the bond of friendship between Holmes and Coughlin, yet the group are seen walking together during ther ending, in a cheery sort of mood. WhAt? 9) Bad lines. "Why are you doing this to us?" "I want you to learn!" "No, you want me to fail". Bravo. There are positive points however; Marisa Coughlin depiction of the excorist must be seen to believe, Coughlin herself gives of a charming preformance, and the entire film manages is not to boring. If you're looking for a teen movie with several dusterbingly funny moments, then go for it, but otherwise this is a bad apple.
Rating:  Summary: A Most Wonderful & "Ironic" Surprise With Loads Of Cameos! Review: I admit that I purchased this movie for the plain and simple fact that Dame Helen Mirren appears in it. I can also say with all honesty that I have never watched a single episode of Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven. I am a huge fan of Mirren's versatile acting abilities. She is amazing in this film, but I won't gush on about her... However, I was pleasantly pleased and surprised with this film and all of it's actors. It is a well written script by Scream's Kevin Williamson who also shows his ability to direct in his debut. I also enjoyed several cameo appearances by faces that I haven't seen in a while. The principal is played by Michael McKean. You knew him as Lenny Koznowski, the nasal, nerdish pal of Andrew "Squiggy" Squigman on the hit TV series Laverne and Shirley. Molly Ringwald is Miss Banks, the administrative assistant in the school's office, Vivica A. Fox plays guidance counsellor, Miss Gold and Jeffrey Tambor as Coach "Spanky" Wenchell. The movie moves at a quick pace and has many twists, turns and thrills! Highly recommended for a family fun movie night! Happy Watching!
Rating:  Summary: "Boring Mr Tobin" is a more Realistic Title. Review: "Teaching Mrs Tingle" seems to be So Scared of Offending someone that it dares not show a Hint of Violence or Gore. It also looks like it's been Edited to it's Bare Bones so we only get the Basic kidnap story, a few jokes, a love triangle, a Wussy ending, and.. Hey Presto, a Box Office Flop. Shame on all involved, (except Helen Mirren) Especially Mr Williamson.. You turned down writing "Scream 3" for This.. Deary Me. Katie Holmes looks embarrassed in the lead role, Barry Watson looks out of his depth and Marisa Coughlan try's her best and pulls off the Best performance of the three. She is still no match for Helen Mirren who has a downright silly role, very much beneath an Actress of her Stature, but her Professionalism takes over and she gives it her all, making the film always Bearable. Every piece of Teeth-Grindingly Bad Dialogue she has to sprout, she does so with an Evil Grin and a Wicked Stare. All the Films Enjoyment comes from her. The Supporting cast is Quite an Oddity. Molly Ringwald, Michael McKean and Vivica A Fox all have tiny little roles that hardly have any screen time, or any point. That's what leads me to believe the film has been largly edited. Quite a shame as those three performances were far more interesting than the three on the Poster.
Rating:  Summary: A Most Wonderful & "Ironic" Surprise With Loads Of Cameos! Review: I admit that I purchased this movie for the plain and simple fact that Dame Helen Mirren appears in it. I can also say with all honesty that I have never watched a single episode of Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven. I am a huge fan of Mirren's versatile acting abilities. She is amazing in this film, but I won't gush on about her... However, I was pleasantly pleased and surprised with this film and all of it's actors. It is a well written script by Scream's Kevin Williamson who also shows his ability to direct in his debut. I also enjoyed several cameo appearances by faces that I haven't seen in a while. The principal is played by Michael McKean. You knew him as Lenny Koznowski, the nasal, nerdish pal of Andrew "Squiggy" Squigman on the hit TV series Laverne and Shirley. Molly Ringwald is Miss Banks, the administrative assistant in the school's office, Vivica A. Fox plays guidance counsellor, Miss Gold and Jeffrey Tambor as Coach "Spanky" Wenchell. The movie moves at a quick pace and has many twists, turns and thrills! Highly recommended for a family fun movie night! Happy Watching!
Rating:  Summary: This is not a hilarious comedy Review: Leigh Ann Watson needs an "A" in history to get a scholarship. The teacher falsely accuses her of cheating and is confronted by her friends. Will Mrs. Tingle see the light or need some help. I really like the original title "Killing Mrs. Tingle" that would have put a little more pathos in the movie. It is quite an IRONY. This movie looks like a training ground for "9 to 5" (1980) ASIN: 6300247236. Helen Mirren is the perfect Mrs. Tingle; she has that look that can see through your sole and divulge your deepest fears. That same year she played Ayn Rand in Passion of Ayn Rand, The (1999). However most people remember her as Supt. Jane Tennison in Prime Suspect - Boxed Set ASIN: 6304490577. Michael McKean made a perfect principal and you can tell he was sweating on his early encounter with Mrs. Tingle. Remember him in "Laverne & Shirley" (1976) TV Series as Lenny Kosnowski (1976-1982)? Then there is the quick appearance of Molly Ringwald as Miss Banks. She brings back memories of Sixteen Candles (1984) ASIN: 6305078068, when she was the teenager. If this movie looks predictable or the people's thoughts are transparent, that is the design. Now the viewer can say don't do that or oh no will they really do that? And you can see eyes narrow as the mind is plotting! The only real disappointment was the rather arrownious solution. I may work if this was a plot for a TV series.
Rating:  Summary: Oh this is a great funny movie! Katie was fabulous! Review: Oh my goodness! I didn't expect this to be as good as it was. Mrs. Tingle was fabulous, cruel, scared the hell out of me. Katie was incredible as always, making you believe she was the character and she made you feel for her. Her best friend was HILARIOUS, gotta love her, she made me laugh so hard and the guy was GORGEOUS and he and Katie performed one of the sexiest love scenes I may have ever seen. I loved this. Made me laugh like crazy. Everyone in it was fabulous. So many famous actors, I couldn't believe how many people I recognized. See it!