Rating:  Summary: Comedy and horror wrapped up into one! One-of-a-kind! Review: I never really watched Dawson's Creek regularly, but after seeing this movie she is already one of my favorite actressess! I enjoyed this movie because it had everything... a bit of comedy, romance, suspense, horror... all the qualities you need in a 5-star film, in my opinion. Don't be too skeptical when you see the cover or read the reviews for this movie, it surprised me a lot!Thanx!
Rating:  Summary: Dumb. Boring. Waste of your 90 minutes Review: I rented this film thinking it would be a slick action/suspense. However, the only suspense was guessing how much was left. Having only about 2 "action" scenes, 'Teaching Mrs. Tingle' is a dumb, OK-the-first-time-around movie that leaves the viewer priasing the LORD for the end. The first "action" scene runs only about 2 minutes. The second, about 4 minutes. A lot of cheesy scenes and corny lines make 'T.M.T.' a boring and nonentertaining film. I recommend it 2 no one.
Rating:  Summary: Not as strict as Tingle, but i still gave this movie a B- Review: Oh lordy, the diolouge in this movie! "Time for Tingle to learn a lesson?" I've seen better words come out of Barry Watson, even in the CHEESEIST Seventh Heaven episodes. This movie had some very unbelievable things in it, and the acting, except for Tingle herself, was all done kinda sorta really bad. I have great respect for Kevin Willamson, (Dawson's anyone?) but this directing and script! I would have thought it came from a 12 year old had i not seen the credits! There were some very good parts in it, and i disagree with alot of these reviewers, saying that the ending was not bad (Predicable? Yes. Boring? Yes. Dumb? Yes. But BAD? Not really) The phycological twists in it were great, and the overall charecter of Mrs. Tingle, a munipulative, phycotic, teacher from hell is a refreshing change from a killer weilding a weapon. Change the diolauge a little, get some better actors for some of the parts, and you got yourself an A+ movie!
Rating:  Summary: Capital Entertainment, Suspense of the Best Kind Review: Helen Mirren definitely steals the show in this film, but her performance is a gem properly set by her supporting cast. Mrs. Tingle is the teacher (the fortunate among us only had one) we all hated in high school--a bitter, arrogant, pedantic horror who hated the students entrusted to her care. She delights not in teaching but in assuring the students that they are hopelessly ignorant and far, far beneath her. She is equally hateful to adults who don't immediately fall in sync with her plans, as when she blackmails the principal of the school by reminding him that she knows he is a four-year veteran of Alcoholics Anonymous. Mirren makes you hate her character most sincerely in her very first scenes in the movie and gives you more and more reasons to do so as the film progresses. She is the most deliciously evil villian to appear on film in years. The young actors in the film rise to the occasion admirably, as well. At times Coughlin's performance comes dangerously close to being too campy, but overall it is completely consistent with another character you probably knew in high school--the member of the dramatics club who knew she was destined to be a big star before she ever auditioned for a professional director. It is she who encourages the trio of students to persist with the drama of keeping Ms. Tingle hostage while attempting to persuade her to "listen to reason". The main characters might have become broad-stroke caricatures without the deft writing and direction that gives them a truly human side. Mirren is wicked, but you have to admire her intelligence and craftiness. Holmes is wholesome and innocent as charged, but not so innocent that she can't participate in a hostage-taking plot to achieve her goals nor too wholesome to continue refusing Watson's romantic advances. Coughlin shows the cunning and instinctive intelligence that can often be hidden by the facade of an "airhead blonde". Watson shows that the high school rebel, with or without a cause, can do great, if illegal, things once given a sense of direction--making you think that pointing such youth in the right direction might not be a waste of time, after all. The real fun of this movie is the building suspense as Tingle and her students play a war of wits and nerve. Mirren is truly amazing as she controls minds and action while helplessly (?) tied to her bedposts throughout most of the film. Further, you can enjoy the suspense, which becomes quite nerve-racking at times, because there is no real gore and violence to spoil the fun--some hand-to-hand combat, yes, with normal resulting wounds, but nothing that exposes internal organs or even results in blood splatter. And in the finest tradition of good suspense films, just when your nerves can't take any more of the sinister stuff, there are moments of comic relief that are just as tasty. Kevin Williamson is to be highly commended for his skillful direction of this treat. This film has some capital performances, the sort that take you back to the good old days when successful suspense films relied on the talent of actors and a good director rather than exclusively on gore, crash scenes and special effects. Nice to know it can still be done. We have missed it.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVED it! Katie Holmes at her best- as usual! Review: This movie was really cool! I'm a fan of Katie Holmes ( I love her acting skills) and she was great in Teaching Mrs. Tingle. If you like funny/kinda scary movies, watch it soon! I hope you like it!
Rating:  Summary: Tingle gets a C. Review: A reviewer took the libery of electing Kevin Williamson a "master filmaker". I would like to know who nominated them "the thought police" of what a master filmaker is. Director Guru he isn't. Kevin Williamson shant be mentioned in the same paragraph with greats like Spike Lee, David Lynch and Ridley Scott. Let's worry less about Katie's hair and make-up and focus more on technique and storyline. In summary, Kevin Williamson is the Abercrombie and Fitch of directors. Kevin Williamson even dares to make a mockery of the film "The Exorcist". In one scene, Katie's friend does her best Linda Blair, completely missing the mark. Embarrassingly overdone, she screams and wails for what seemed like 5 minutes, and gives "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" it's only Oscar worthy moment. (Yeah right!). Hollywood's Finest.................Go figure. The only redeption I found in this film was the scene between Katie and Mrs.Tingle confronting their truths. Without batting an eye, Mrs. Tingle tells Katie of her total disdain with today's youth. How spoiled and angry they are, yadda yadda yadda. Katie looks on dumbfoundedly, oblivious to her dismay. But a remarkable budding of the heads between the two. In summary, Tingle was fair, it could have used more gusto, more pizzazz, and less Abercrombie and Fitch.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie! Review: Teaching Mrs. Tingle has to be one of my favorite movies of all times. I've watched it over 15 times. Katie Holmes happens to do an awesome job and Barry Watson also. I watch both Dawsons Creek and 7th Heaven on the WB. The movie was funny. I loved it !
Rating:  Summary: What? Review: What were they thinking for the end of this movie, One of my best friends said the movie was supposed to be even blacker comedy, but those stupid kids in colorado went and killed a bunch of people and then got the Cinema blamed so they changed it a bit and to me makes no sense at the end.
Rating:  Summary: Helen Mirren will want to forget this role! Review: Being a Helen Mirren fan from Prime Suspect, etc. etc. I cannot beleive she actually read the script before accepting the lead? The plot was so ridiculous and riddled with bugs (she's held captive for days in her house tied to her bed ... how does she go to the bathroom? ) I actually thought that maybe a twist was that one of the students might have been her daughter / son but even that plausible diversion was not to be. The ending was absolutely incredibly bad. Compare this graduation ending to the last scene in "She's All That" that left one with a wonderful taste of completion and you realize that you have a worthless 90 minutes to get through.
Rating:  Summary: Teaching Mr. Williamson a few things Review: Well, it seems the all mighty Kevin has stumbled. I loved the Scream films, and The Faculty, but this time something's gone wrong. It's not Helen Mirren's fault, because she holds this film up on her own - it's just that what should be a dark and twisted story about pupils' hate for their teachers is in fact a rather dull farce. The characters are unbelievably one dimensional, especially for such a gifted writer as Williamson. The kids are holding their techer hostage, yet minutes later they're having sex in her house - forgetting that they're most likely going to go to jail. I really wanted to like this film, but having got used to the best from Kevin, this just won't do. There's only a trailer on the disc, probably because the people involved were a little embarassed at being in it and so don't want to be reminded of that fact, but the sound is good - at times it seems like it really is raining outside your own house during a pivotal scene between Mirren and Holmes. It's not an awful film by a long shot, but it could have been so much better.